order reactive extension events - udp

I am receiving messages on UDP in multiple threads. After each reception I raise MessageReceived.OnNext(message).
Because I am using multiple threads the messages raised unordered which is a problem.
How can I order the raise of the messages by the message counter?
(lets say there is a message.counter property)
Must take in mind a message can get lost in the communication (lets say if we have a counter hole after X messages that the hole is not filled I raise the next message)
Messages must be raised ASAP (if the next counter received)

In stating the requirement for detecting lost messages, you haven't considered the possibility of the last message not arriving; I've added a timeoutDuration which flushes the buffered messages if nothing arrives in the given time - you may want to consider this an error instead, see the comments for how to do this.
I will solve this by defining an extension method with the following signature:
public static IObservable<TSource> Sort<TSource>(
this IObservable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, int> keySelector,
TimeSpan timeoutDuration = new TimeSpan(),
int gapTolerance = 0)
source is the stream of unsorted messages
keySelector is a function that extracts an int key from a message. I assume the first key sought is 0; amend if necessary.
timeoutDuration is discussed above, if omitted, there is no timeout
tolerance is the maximum number of messages held back while waiting for an out of order message. Pass 0 to hold any number of messages
scheduler is the scheduler to use for the timeout and is supplied for test purposes, a default is used if not given.
I'll present a line-by-line walkthrough here. The full implementation is repeated below.
Assign Default Scheduler
First of all we must assign a default scheduler if none was supplied:
scheduler = scheduler ?? Scheduler.Default;
Arrange Timeout
Now if a time out was requested, we will replace the source with a copy that will simply terminate and send OnCompleted if a message doesn't arrive in timeoutDuration.
if(timeoutDuration != TimeSpan.Zero)
source = source.Timeout(
If you wish to send a TimeoutException instead, just delete the second parameter to Timeout - the empty stream, to select an overload that does this. Note we can safely share this with all subscribers, so it is positioned outside the call to Observable.Create.
Create Subscribe handler
We use Observable.Create to build our stream. The lambda function that is the argument to Create is invoked whenever a subscription occurs and we are passed the calling observer (o). Create returns our IObservable<T> so we return it here.
return Observable.Create<TSource>(o => { ...
Initialize some variables
We will track the next expected key value in nextKey, and create a SortedDictionary to hold the out of order messages until they can be sent.
int nextKey = 0;
var buffer = new SortedDictionary<int, TSource>();
Subscribe to the source, and handle messages
Now we can subscribe to the message stream (possibly with the timeout applied). First we introduce the OnNext handler. The next message is assigned to x:
return source.Subscribe(x => { ...
We invoke the keySelector function to extract the key from the message:
var key = keySelector(x);
If the message has an old key (because it exceeded our tolerance for out of order messages) we are just going to drop it and be done with this message (you may want to act differently):
// drop stale keys
if(key < nextKey) return;
Otherwise, we might have the expected key, in which case we can increment nextKey send the message:
if(key == nextKey)
Or, we might have an out of order future message, in which case we must add it to our buffer. If we do this, we must also ensure our buffer hasn't exceeded our tolerance for storing out of order messages - in this case, we will also bump nextKey to the first key in the buffer which because it is a SortedDictionary is conveniently the next lowest key:
else if(key > nextKey)
buffer.Add(key, x);
if(gapTolerance != 0 && buffer.Count > gapTolerance)
nextKey = buffer.First().Key;
Now regardless of the outcome above, we need to empty the buffer of any keys that are now ready to go. We use a helper method for this. Note that it adjusts nextKey so we must be careful to pass it by reference. We simply loop over the buffer reading, removing and sending messages as long as the keys follow on from each other, incrementing nextKey each time:
private static void SendNextConsecutiveKeys<TSource>(
ref int nextKey,
IObserver<TSource> observer,
SortedDictionary<int, TSource> buffer)
TSource x;
while(buffer.TryGetValue(nextKey, out x))
Dealing with errors
Next we supply an OnError handler - this will just pass through any error, including the Timeout exception if you chose to go that way.
Flushing the buffer
Finally, we must handle OnCompleted. Here I have opted to empty the buffer - this would be necessary if an out of order message held up messages and never arrived. This is why we need a timeout:
() => {
// empty buffer on completion
foreach(var item in buffer)
Full Implementation
Here is the full implementation.
public static IObservable<TSource> Sort<TSource>(
this IObservable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, int> keySelector,
int gapTolerance = 0,
TimeSpan timeoutDuration = new TimeSpan(),
IScheduler scheduler = null)
scheduler = scheduler ?? Scheduler.Default;
if(timeoutDuration != TimeSpan.Zero)
source = source.Timeout(
return Observable.Create<TSource>(o => {
int nextKey = 0;
var buffer = new SortedDictionary<int, TSource>();
return source.Subscribe(x => {
var key = keySelector(x);
// drop stale keys
if(key < nextKey) return;
if(key == nextKey)
else if(key > nextKey)
buffer.Add(key, x);
if(gapTolerance != 0 && buffer.Count > gapTolerance)
nextKey = buffer.First().Key;
SendNextConsecutiveKeys(ref nextKey, o, buffer);
() => {
// empty buffer on completion
foreach(var item in buffer)
private static void SendNextConsecutiveKeys<TSource>(
ref int nextKey,
IObserver<TSource> observer,
SortedDictionary<int, TSource> buffer)
TSource x;
while(buffer.TryGetValue(nextKey, out x))
Test Harness
If you include nuget rx-testing in a console app, the following will run given you a test harness to play with:
public static void Main()
var tests = new Tests();
public class Tests : ReactiveTest
public void Test()
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var xs = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
OnNext(100, 0),
OnNext(200, 2),
OnNext(300, 1),
OnNext(400, 4),
OnNext(500, 5),
OnNext(600, 3),
OnNext(700, 7),
OnNext(800, 8),
OnNext(900, 9),
OnNext(1000, 6),
OnNext(1100, 12),
OnCompleted(1200, 0));
//var results = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();
keySelector: x => x,
gapTolerance: 2,
timeoutDuration: TimeSpan.FromTicks(200),
scheduler: scheduler).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
Closing comments
There's all sorts of interesting alternative approaches here. I went for this largely imperative approach because I think it's easiest to follow - but there's probably some fancy grouping shenanigans you can employ to do this to. One thing I know to be consistently true about Rx - there's always many ways to skin a cat!
I'm also not entirely comfortable with the timeout idea here - in a production system, I would want to implement some means of checking connectivity, such as a heartbeat or similar. I didn't get into this because obviously it will be application specific. Also, heartbeats have been discussed on these boards and elsewhere before (such as on my blog for example).

Strongly consider using TCP instead if you want reliable ordering - that's what it's for; otherwise, you'll be forced to play a guessing game with UDP and sometimes you'll be wrong.
For example, imagine that you receive the following datagrams in this order: [A, B, D]
When you receive D, how long should you wait for C to arrive before pushing D?
Whatever duration you choose you may be wrong:
What if C was lost during transmission and so it will never arrive?
What if the duration you chose is too short and you end up pushing D but then receive C?
Perhaps you could choose a duration that heuristically works best, but why not just use TCP instead?
Side Note:
MessageReceived.OnNext implies that you're using a Subject<T>, which is probably unnecessary. Consider converting the async UdpClient methods into observables directly instead, or convert them by writing an async iterator via Observable.Create<T>(async (observer, cancel) => { ... }).


Handling bad messages using Kafka's Streams API

I have a basic stream processing flow which looks like
master topic -> my processing in a mapper/filter -> output topics
and I am wondering about the best way to handle "bad messages". This could potentially be things like messages that I can't deserialize properly, or perhaps the processing/filtering logic fails in some unexpected way (I have no external dependencies so there should be no transient errors of that sort).
I was considering wrapping all my processing/filtering code in a try catch and if an exception was raised then routing to an "error topic". Then I can study the message and modify it or fix my code as appropriate and then replay it on to master. If I let any exceptions propagate, the stream seems to get jammed and no more messages are picked up.
Is this approach considered best practice?
Is there a convenient Kafka streams way to handle this? I don't think there is a concept of a DLQ...
What are the alternative ways to stop Kafka jamming on a "bad message"?
What alternative error handling approaches are there?
For completeness here is my code (pseudo-ish):
class Document {
// Fields
class AnalysedDocument {
Document document;
String rawValue;
Exception exception;
Analysis analysis;
// All being well
AnalysedDocument(Document document, Analysis analysis) {...}
// Analysis failed
AnalysedDocument(Document document, Exception exception) {...}
// Deserialisation failed
AnalysedDocument(String rawValue, Exception exception) {...}
KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
KStream<String, AnalysedPolecatDocument> analysedDocumentStream = builder
.stream(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String(), "master")
.mapValues(new ValueMapper<String, AnalysedDocument>() {
public AnalysedDocument apply(String rawValue) {
Document document;
try {
// Deserialise
document = ...
} catch (Exception e) {
return new AnalysedDocument(rawValue, exception);
try {
// Perform analysis
Analysis analysis = ...
return new AnalysedDocument(document, analysis);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new AnalysedDocument(document, exception);
// Branch based on whether analysis mapping failed to produce errorStream and successStream
errorStream.to(Serdes.String(), customPojoSerde(), "error");
successStream.to(Serdes.String(), customPojoSerde(), "analysed");
KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, config);
Any help greatly appreciated.
Right now, Kafka Streams offers only limited error handling capabilities. There is work in progress to simplify this. For now, your overall approach seems to be a good way to go.
One comment about handling de/serialization errors: handling those error manually, requires you to do de/serialization "manually". This means, you need to configure ByteArraySerdes for key and value for you input/output topic of your Streams app and add a map() that does the de/serialization (ie, KStream<byte[],byte[]> -> map() -> KStream<keyType,valueType> -- or the other way round if you also want to catch serialization exceptions). Otherwise, you cannot try-catch deserialization exceptions.
With your current approach, you "only" validate that the given string represents a valid document -- but it could be the case, that the message itself is corrupted and cannot be converted into a String in the source operator in the first place. Thus, you don't actually cover deserialization exception with you code. However, if you are sure a deserialization exception can never happen, you approach would be sufficient, too.
This issues is tackled via KIP-161 and will be included in the next release 1.0.0. It allows you to register an callback via parameter default.deserialization.exception.handler. The handler will be invoked every time a exception occurs during deserialization and allows you to return an DeserializationResponse (CONTINUE -> drop the record an move on, or FAIL that is the default).
Update 2
With KIP-210 (will be part of in Kafka 1.1) it's also possible to handle errors on the producer side, similar to the consumer part, by registering a ProductionExceptionHandler via config default.production.exception.handler that can return CONTINUE.
Update Mar 23, 2018: Kafka 1.0 provides much better and easier handling for bad error messages ("poison pills") via KIP-161 than what I described below. See default.deserialization.exception.handler in the Kafka 1.0 docs.
This could potentially be things like messages that I can't deserialize properly [...]
Ok, my answer here focuses on the (de)serialization issues as this might be the most tricky scenario to handle for most users.
[...] or perhaps the processing/filtering logic fails in some unexpected way (I have no external dependencies so there should be no transient errors of that sort).
The same thinking (for deserialization) can also be applied to failures in the processing logic. Here, most people tend to gravitate towards option 2 below (minus the deserialization part), but YMMV.
I was considering wrapping all my processing/filtering code in a try catch and if an exception was raised then routing to an "error topic". Then I can study the message and modify it or fix my code as appropriate and then replay it on to master. If I let any exceptions propagate, the stream seems to get jammed and no more messages are picked up.
Is this approach considered best practice?
Yes, at the moment this is the way to go. Essentially, the two most common patterns are (1) skipping corrupted messages or (2) sending corrupted records to a quarantine topic aka a dead letter queue.
Is there a convenient Kafka streams way to handle this? I don't think there is a concept of a DLQ...
Yes, there is a way to handle this, including the use of a dead letter queue. However, it's (at least IMHO) not that convenient yet. If you have any feedback on how the API should allow you to handle this -- e.g. via a new or updated method, a configuration setting ("if serialization/deserialization fails send the problematic record to THIS quarantine topic") -- please let us know. :-)
What are the alternative ways to stop Kafka jamming on a "bad message"?
What alternative error handling approaches are there?
See my examples below.
FWIW, the Kafka community is also discussing the addition of a new CLI tool that allows you to skip over corrupted messages. However, as a user of the Kafka Streams API, I think ideally you want to handle such scenarios directly in your code, and fallback to CLI utilities only as a last resort.
Here are some patterns for the Kafka Streams DSL to handle corrupted records/messages aka "poison pills". This is taken from http://docs.confluent.io/current/streams/faq.html#handling-corrupted-records-and-deserialization-errors-poison-pill-messages
Option 1: Skip corrupted records with flatMap
This is arguably what most users would like to do.
We use flatMap because it allows you to output zero, one, or more output records per input record. In the case of a corrupted record we output nothing (zero records), thereby ignoring/skipping the corrupted record.
Benefit of this approach compared to the others ones listed here: We need to manually deserialize a record only once!
Drawback of this approach: flatMap "marks" the input stream for potential data re-partitioning, i.e. if you perform a key-based operation such as groupings (groupBy/groupByKey) or joins afterwards, your data will be re-partitioned behind the scenes. Since this might be a costly step we don't want that to happen unnecessarily. If you KNOW that the record keys are always valid OR that you don't need to operate on the keys (thus keeping them as "raw" keys in byte[] format), you can change from flatMap to flatMapValues, which will not result in data re-partitioning even if you join/group/aggregate the stream later.
Code example:
Serde<byte[]> bytesSerde = Serdes.ByteArray();
Serde<String> stringSerde = Serdes.String();
Serde<Long> longSerde = Serdes.Long();
// Input topic, which might contain corrupted messages
KStream<byte[], byte[]> input = builder.stream(bytesSerde, bytesSerde, inputTopic);
// Note how the returned stream is of type KStream<String, Long>,
// rather than KStream<byte[], byte[]>.
KStream<String, Long> doubled = input.flatMap(
(k, v) -> {
try {
// Attempt deserialization
String key = stringSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, k);
long value = longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, v);
// Ok, the record is valid (not corrupted). Let's take the
// opportunity to also process the record in some way so that
// we haven't paid the deserialization cost just for "poison pill"
// checking.
return Collections.singletonList(KeyValue.pair(key, 2 * value));
catch (SerializationException e) {
// log + ignore/skip the corrupted message
System.err.println("Could not deserialize record: " + e.getMessage());
return Collections.emptyList();
Option 2: dead letter queue with branch
Compared to option 1 (which ignores corrupted records) option 2 retains corrupted messages by filtering them out of the "main" input stream and writing them to a quarantine topic (think: dead letter queue). The drawback is that, for valid records, we must pay the manual deserialization cost twice.
KStream<byte[], byte[]> input = ...;
KStream<byte[], byte[]>[] partitioned = input.branch(
(k, v) -> {
boolean isValidRecord = false;
try {
stringSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, k);
longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, v);
isValidRecord = true;
catch (SerializationException ignored) {}
return isValidRecord;
(k, v) -> true
// partitioned[0] is the KStream<byte[], byte[]> that contains
// only valid records. partitioned[1] contains only corrupted
// records and thus acts as a "dead letter queue".
KStream<String, Long> doubled = partitioned[0].map(
(key, value) -> KeyValue.pair(
// Must deserialize a second time unfortunately.
stringSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, key),
2 * longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, value)));
// Don't forget to actually write the dead letter queue back to Kafka!
partitioned[1].to(Serdes.ByteArray(), Serdes.ByteArray(), "quarantine-topic");
Option 3: Skip corrupted records with filter
I only mention this for completeness. This option looks like a mix of options 1 and 2, but is worse than either of them. Compared to option 1, you must pay the manual deserialization cost for valid records twice (bad!). Compared to option 2, you lose the ability to retain corrupted records in a dead letter queue.
KStream<byte[], byte[]> validRecordsOnly = input.filter(
(k, v) -> {
boolean isValidRecord = false;
try {
bytesSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, k);
longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, v);
isValidRecord = true;
catch (SerializationException e) {
// log + ignore/skip the corrupted message
System.err.println("Could not deserialize record: " + e.getMessage());
return isValidRecord;
KStream<String, Long> doubled = validRecordsOnly.map(
(key, value) -> KeyValue.pair(
// Must deserialize a second time unfortunately.
stringSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, key),
2 * longSerde.deserializer().deserialize(inputTopic, value)));
Any help greatly appreciated.
I hope I could help. If yes, I'd appreciate your feedback on how we could improve the Kafka Streams API to handle failures/exceptions in a better/more convenient way than today. :-)
For the processing logic you could take this approach:
.mapValues(inputValue -> {
// for each execution the below "return" could provide a different class than the previous run!
// e.g. "return isFailedProcessing ? failValue : successValue;"
// where failValue and successValue have no related classes
return someObject; // someObject class vary at runtime depending on your business
}) // here you'll have KStream<whateverKeyClass, Object> -> yes, Object for the value!
// you could have a different logic for choosing
// the target topic, below is just an example
.to((k, v, recordContext) -> v instanceof failValueClass ?
"dead-letter-topic" : "success-topic",
// you could completelly ignore the "Produced" part
// and rely on spring-boot properties only, e.g.
// spring.kafka.streams.properties.default.key.serde=yourKeySerde
// spring.kafka.streams.properties.default.value.serde=org.springframework.kafka.support.serializer.JsonSerde
// JsonSerde could be an instance configured as you need
// (with type mappings or headers setting disabled, etc)
new JsonSerde<>()));
Your classes, though different and landing into different topics, will serialize as expected.
When not using to(), but instead one wants to continue with other processing, he could use branch() with splitting the logic based on the kafka-value class; the trick for branch() is to return KStream<keyClass, ?>[] in order to further allow one to cast to the appropriate class the individual array items.
If you want to send an exception (custom exception) to another topic (ERROR_TOPIC_NAME):
public KStream<String, ?> kafkaStreamInput(StreamsBuilder kStreamBuilder) {
KStream<String, InputModel> input = kStreamBuilder.stream(INPUT_TOPIC_NAME);
return service.messageHandler(input);
public KStream<String, ?> messageHandler(KStream<String, InputModel> inputTopic) {
KStream<String, Object> output;
output = inputTopic.mapValues(v -> {
try {
//return InputModel
return normalMethod(v);
} catch (Exception e) {
//return ErrorModel
return errorHandler(e);
output.filter((k, v) -> (v instanceof ErrorModel)).to(KafkaStreamsConfig.ERROR_TOPIC_NAME);
output.filter((k, v) -> (v instanceof InputModel)).to(KafkaStreamsConfig.OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME);
return output;
If you want to handle Kafka exceptions and skip it:
public ConsumerErrorHandler(
KafkaProducer<String, ErrorModel> dlqProducer) {
this.dlqProducer = dlqProducer;
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<?, ?> kafkaListenerContainerFactory(
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer,
ObjectProvider<ConsumerFactory<Object, Object>> kafkaConsumerFactory) {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<Object, Object> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
configurer.configure(factory, kafkaConsumerFactory.getIfAvailable());
factory.setErrorHandler(((exception, data) -> {
ErrorModel errorModel = ErrorModel.builder().message()
assert data != null;
dlqProducer.send(new ProducerRecord<>(DLQ_TOPIC, data.key().toString(), errorModel));
return factory;
All above answers although valid and useful, they are assuming that your streams topology is stateless. For example going back to the original example,
master topic -> my processing in a mapper/filter -> output topics
"my processing in a mapper/filter" should be stateless. I.e. Not re-partitioning (aka writing to a persistent re-partition topic) or doing a toTable() (aka writing to a changelog topic). If the processing fails further down the topology and you commit the transaction (by following any of the 3 option mention above - flatmap, branch or filter - then you have to cater for manually or programmatically eventually deleting that inconsistent state. That would mean writing extra custom code for automatic this.
I would personally expect Streams to also give you a LogAndSkip option for any unhandled runtime exception, not only for deserialization and production ones.
Has anyone any ideas on this?
I don't believe these examples work at all when working with Avro.
When the schema can't be resolved (i.e there is bad/non-avro message corrupting the topic, for example) there is no key or value to deserialize in the first place because by the time the DSL .branch() code is called, the exception has already been thrown (or handled).
Can anyone confirm if this i indeed the case? The very fluent approach you refer to here isn't possible when working with Avro?
KIP-161 does explain how to use a handler, however, it's much more fluent to see it as part of the topology.

Rabbitmq retrieve multiple messages using single synchronous call

Is there a way to receive multiple message using a single synchronous call ?
When I know that there are N messages( N could be a small value less than 10) in the queue, then I should be able to do something like channel.basic_get(String queue, boolean autoAck , int numberofMsg ). I don't want to make multiple requests to the server .
RabbitMQ's basic.get doesn't support multiple messages unfortunately as seen in the docs. The preferred method to retrieve multiple messages is to use basic.consume which will push the messages to the client avoiding multiple round trips. acks are asynchronous so your client won't be waiting for the server to respond. basic.consume also has the benefit of allowing RabbitMQ to redeliver the message if the client disconnects, something that basic.get cannot do. This can be turned off as well setting no-ack to true.
Setting basic.qos prefetch-count will set the number of messages to push to the client at any time. If there isn't a message waiting on the client side (which would return immediately) client libraries tend to block with an optional timeout.
You can use a QueueingConsumer implementation of Consumer interface which allows you to retrieve several messages in a single request.
QueueingConsumer queueingConsumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel);
channel.basicConsume(plugin.getQueueName(), false, queueingConsumer);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = queueingConsumer.nextDelivery(100);//read timeout in ms
if(delivery == null){
Not an elegant solution and does not solve making multiple calls but you can use the MessageCount method. For example:
bool noAck = false;
var messageCount = channel.MessageCount("hello");
BasicGetResult result = null;
if (messageCount == 0)
// No messages available
while (messageCount > 0)
result = channel.BasicGet("hello", noAck);
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result.Body);
//process message .....
messageCount = channel.MessageCount("hello");
First declare instance of QueueingBasicConsumer() wich wraps the model.
From the model execute model.BasicConsume(QueueName, false, consumer)
Then implement a loop that will loop around messages from the queue which will then processing
Next line - consumer.Queue.Dequeue() method - waiting for the message to be received from the queue.
Then convert byte array to a string and display it.
Model.BasicAck() - release message from the queue to receive next message
And then on the server side can start waiting for the next message to come through:
public string GetMessagesByQueue(string QueueName)
var consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(_model);
_model.BasicConsume(QueueName, false, consumer);
string message = string.Empty;
while (Enabled)
//Get next message
var deliveryArgs = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)consumer.Queue.Dequeue();
//Serialize message
message = Encoding.Default.GetString(deliveryArgs.Body);
_model.BasicAck(deliveryArgs.DeliveryTag, false);
return message;

How can a RabbitMQ Client tell when it loses connection to the server?

If I'm connected to RabbitMQ and listening for events using an EventingBasicConsumer, how can I tell if I've been disconnected from the server?
I know there is a Shutdown event, but it doesn't fire if I unplug my network cable to simulate a failure.
I've also tried the ModelShutdown event, and CallbackException on the model but none seem to work.
The one I marked as the answer is correct, but it was only part of the solution for me. There is also HeartBeat functionality built into RabbitMQ. The server specifies it in the configuration file. It defaults to 10 minutes but of course you can change that.
The client can also request a different interval for the heartbeat by setting the RequestedHeartbeat value on the ConnectionFactory instance.
I'm guessing that you're using the C# library? (but even so I think the others have a similar event).
You can do the following:
public class MyRabbitConsumer
private IConnection connection;
public void Connect()
connection = CreateAndOpenConnection();
connection.ConnectionShutdown += connection_ConnectionShutdown;
public IConnection CreateAndOpenConnection() { ... }
private void connection_ConnectionShutdown(IConnection connection, ShutdownEventArgs reason)
This is an example of it, but the marked answer is what lead me to this.
var factory = new ConnectionFactory
HostName = "MY_HOST_NAME",
UserName = "USERNAME",
Password = "PASSWORD",
RequestedHeartbeat = 30
using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
connection.ConnectionShutdown += (o, e) =>
//handle disconnect
using (var model = connection.CreateModel())
model.ExchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE_NAME, "topic");
var queueName = model.QueueDeclare();
model.QueueBind(queueName, EXCHANGE_NAME, "#");
var consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(model);
model.BasicConsume(queueName, true, consumer);
while (!stop)
BasicDeliverEventArgs args;
consumer.Queue.Dequeue(5000, out args);
if (stop) return;
if (args == null) continue;
if (args.Body.Length == 0) continue;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
//Do work here on different thread then this one
}, TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness);
A few things to note about this.
I'm using # for the topic. This grabs everything. Usually you want to limit by a topic.
I'm setting a variable called "stop" to determine when the process should end. You'll notice the loop runs forever until that variable is true.
The Dequeue waits 5 seconds then leaves without getting data if there is no new message. This is to ensure we listen for that stop variable and actually quit at some point. Change the value to your liking.
When a message comes in I spawn the handling code on a new thread. The current thread is being reserved for just listening to the rabbitmq messages and if a handler takes too long to process I don't want it slowing down the other messages. You may or may not need this depending on your implementation. Be careful however writing the code to handle the messages. If it takes a minute to run and your getting messages at sub-second times you will run out of memory or at least into severe performance issues.

Is there an easy way to subscribe to the default error queue in EasyNetQ?

In my test application I can see messages that were processed with an exception being automatically inserted into the default EasyNetQ_Default_Error_Queue, which is great. I can then successfully dump or requeue these messages using the Hosepipe, which also works fine, but requires dropping down to the command line and calling against both Hosepipe and the RabbitMQ API to purge the queue of retried messages.
So I'm thinking the easiest approach for my application is to simply subscribe to the error queue, so I can re-process them using the same infrastructure. But in EastNetQ, the error queue seems to be special. We need to subscribe using a proper type and routing ID, so I'm not sure what these values should be for the error queue:
bus.Subscribe<WhatShouldThisBe>("and-this", ReprocessErrorMessage);
Can I use the simple API to subscribe to the error queue, or do I need to dig into the advanced API?
If the type of my original message was TestMessage, then I'd like to be able to do something like this:
bus.Subscribe<ErrorMessage<TestMessage>>("???", ReprocessErrorMessage);
where ErrorMessage is a class provided by EasyNetQ to wrap all errors. Is this possible?
You can't use the simple API to subscribe to the error queue because it doesn't follow EasyNetQ queue type naming conventions - maybe that's something that should be fixed ;)
But the Advanced API works fine. You won't get the original message back, but it's easy to get the JSON representation which you could de-serialize yourself quite easily (using Newtonsoft.JSON). Here's an example of what your subscription code should look like:
[Explicit("Requires a RabbitMQ server on localhost")]
public void Should_be_able_to_subscribe_to_error_messages()
var errorQueueName = new Conventions().ErrorQueueNamingConvention();
var queue = Queue.DeclareDurable(errorQueueName);
var autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
bus.Advanced.Subscribe<SystemMessages.Error>(queue, (message, info) =>
var error = message.Body;
Console.Out.WriteLine("error.DateTime = {0}", error.DateTime);
Console.Out.WriteLine("error.Exception = {0}", error.Exception);
Console.Out.WriteLine("error.Message = {0}", error.Message);
Console.Out.WriteLine("error.RoutingKey = {0}", error.RoutingKey);
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { });
I had to fix a small bug in the error message writing code in EasyNetQ before this worked, so please get a version >= before trying it out. You can see the code example here
Code that works:
(I took a guess)
The screwyness with the 'foo' is because if I just pass that function HandleErrorMessage2 into the Consume call, it can't figure out that it returns a void and not a Task, so can't figure out which overload to use. (VS 2012)
Assigning to a var makes it happy.
You will want to catch the return value of the call to be able to unsubscribe by disposing the object.
Also note that Someone used a System Object name (Queue) instead of making it a EasyNetQueue or something, so you have to add the using clarification for the compiler, or fully specify it.
using Queue = EasyNetQ.Topology.Queue;
private const string QueueName = "EasyNetQ_Default_Error_Queue";
public static void Should_be_able_to_subscribe_to_error_messages(IBus bus)
Action <IMessage<Error>, MessageReceivedInfo> foo = HandleErrorMessage2;
IQueue queue = new Queue(QueueName,false);
bus.Advanced.Consume<Error>(queue, foo);
private static void HandleErrorMessage2(IMessage<Error> msg, MessageReceivedInfo info)

Recursive Bus.Send() with-in a Handler (Transactions, Threading, Tasks)

I have a handler similar to the following, which essentially responds to a command and sends a whole bunch of commands to a different queue.
public void Handle(ISomeCommand message)
int i=0;
while (i < 10000)
var command = Bus.CreateInstance<IAnotherCommand>();
command.Id = i;
Bus.Send("target.queue#d1555", command);
The issue with this block is, until the loop is fully completed none of the messages appear in the target queue or in the outgoing queue. Can someone help me understand this behavior?
Also if I use Tasks to send messages within the Handler as below, messages appear immediately. So two questions on this,
What's the explanation on Task based Sends to go through immediately?
Are there are any ramifications on using Tasks with in message handlers?
public void Handle(ISomeCommand message)
int i=0;
while (i < 10000)
System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((args) =>
var command = Bus.CreateInstance<IAnotherCommand>();
command.Id = i;
Bus.Send("target.queue#d1555", command);
Your time is much appreciated!
First question: Picking a message from a queue, running all the registered message handlers for it AND any other transactional action(like writing new messages or writes against a database) is performed in ONE transaction. Either it all completes or none of it. So what you are seeing is the expected behaviour: picking a message from the queue, handling ISomeCommand and writing 10000 new IAnotherCommand is either done completely or none of it. To avoid this behaviour you can do one of the following:
Configure your NServiceBus endpoint to not be transactional
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Publisher,IWantCustomInitialization
public void Init()
Wrap the sending of IAnotherCommand in a transaction scope that suppresses the ambient transaction.
public void Handle(ISomeCommand message)
using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))
int i=0;
while (i < 10000)
var command = Bus.CreateInstance();
command.Id = i;
Bus.Send("target.queue#d1555", command);
Issue the Bus.Send on another thread, by either starting a new thread yourself, using System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem or the Task classes. This works because an ambient transaction is not automatically carried over to a new thread.
Second question: The ramifications of using Tasks, or any of the other methods I mentioned, is that you have no transactional quarantee for the whole thing.
How do you handle the case where you have generated 5000 IAnotherMessage and the power suddenly goes out?
If you use 2) or 3) the original ISomeMessage will not complete and will be retried automatically by NServiceBus when you start up the endpoint again. End result: 5000 + 10000 IAnotherCommands.
If you use 1) you will lose IAnotherMessage completely and end up with only 5000 IAnotherCommands.
Using the recommended transactional way, the initial 5000 IAnotherCommands would be discarded, the original ISomeMessage comes back on the queue and is retried when the endpoint starts up again. Net result: 10000 IAnotherCommands.
If memory serves NServiceBus wraps the calls to the message handlers in a TransactionScope if the transaction option is used and TransactionScope needs some help to be cross-thread friendly:
TransactionScope and multi-threading
If you are trying to reduce overhead you can also bundle your messages. The signature for the send is Bus.Send(IMessage[]messages). If you can guarantee that you don't blow up the size limit for MSMQ, then you could Send() all the messages at once. If the size limit is an issue, then you can chunk them up or use the Databus.