SQL Query: Search with list of tuples - sql

I have a following table (simplified version) in SQLServer.
Table Events
| Room | User | Entered | Exited |
| A | Jim | 2014-10-10T09:00:00 | 2014-10-10T09:10:00 |
| B | Jim | 2014-10-10T09:11:00 | 2014-10-10T09:22:30 |
| A | Jill | 2014-10-10T09:00:00 | NULL |
| C | Jack | 2014-10-10T09:45:00 | 2014-10-10T10:00:00 |
| A | Jack | 2014-10-10T10:01:00 | NULL |
I need to create a query that returns person's whereabouts in given timestamps.
For an example: Where was (Jim at 2014-10-09T09:05:00), (Jim at 2014-10-10T09:01:00), (Jill at 2014-10-10T09:10:00), ...
The result set must contain the given User and Timestamp as well as the found room (if any).
| User | Timestamp | WasInRoom |
| Jim | 2014-10-09T09:05:00 | NULL |
| Jim | 2014-10-09T09:01:00 | A |
| Jim | 2014-10-10T09:10:00 | A |
The number of User-Timestamp tuples can be > 10 000.
The current implementation retrieves all records from Events table and does the search in Java code. I am hoping that I could push this logic to SQL. But how?
I am using MyBatis framework to create SQL queries so the tuples can be inlined to the query.

The basic query is:
select e.*
from events e
where e.user = 'Jim' and '2014-10-09T09:05:00' >= e.entered and ('2014-10-09T09:05:00' <= e.exited or e.exited is NULL) or
e.user = 'Jill' and '2014-10-10T09:10:00 >= e.entered and ('2014-10-10T09:10:00' <= e.exited or e.exited is NULL) or
. . .;
SQL Server can handle ridiculously large queries, so you can continue in this vein. However, if you have the name/time values in a table already (or it is the result of a query), then use a join:
select ut.*, t.*
from usertimes ut left join
events e
on e.user = ut.user and
ut.thetime >= et.entered and (ut.thetime <= exited or ut.exited is null);
Note the use of a left join here. It ensures that all the original rows are in the result set, even when there are no matches.

Answers from Jonas and Gordon got me on track, I think.
Here is query that seems to do the job:
('Jim', '2014-10-09T09:05:00'),
('Jim', '2014-10-10T09:01:00'),
('Jill', '2014-10-10T09:10:00')
#SEARCH_PARAMETERS."Timestamp" > Events.Entered AND
(Events.Exited IS NULL OR Events.Exited > #SEARCH_PARAMETERS."Timestamp"

By declaring a table valued parameter type for the (user, timestamp) tuples, it should be simple to write a table valued user defined function which returns the desired result by joining the parameter table and the Events table. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb510489.aspx
Since you are using MyBatis it may be easier to just generate a table variable for the tuples inline in the query and join with that.


How to get a value inside of a JSON that is inside a column in a table in Oracle sql?

Suppose that I have a table named agents_timesheet that having a structure like this:
ID | name | health_check_record | date | clock_in | clock_out
1 | AAA | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:25:07 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"headache", "flu":"no"}} | | |
2 | BBB | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:26:12 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"no", "flu":"yes"}} | | |
3 | CCC | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"severe"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:27:12 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"cancer", "flu":"yes"}} | | |
Now I need to get all agents having flu at the day. As for getting the flu from a single JSON in Oracle SQL, I can already get it by this SQL statement:
'{"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, "physical":{"fever":"no", "flu":"yes"}}', '$'
COLUMNS (fever VARCHAR(2) PATH '$.physical.flu')
As for getting the values from the column health_check_record, I can get it by utilizing the SELECT statement.
But How to get the values of flu in the JSON in the health_check_record of that table?
Additional question
Based on the table, how can I retrieve full list of other_symptoms, then it will get me this kind of output:
ID | name | other_symptoms
1 | AAA | headache
2 | BBB | no
3 | CCC | cancer
You can use JSON_EXISTS() function.
FROM agents_timesheet
WHERE JSON_EXISTS(health_check_record, '$.physical.flu == "yes"');
There is also "plain old way" without JSON parsing only treting column like a standard VARCHAR one. This way will not work in 100% of cases, but if you have the data in the same way like you described it might be sufficient.
FROM agents_timesheet
WHERE health_check_record LIKE '%"flu":"yes"%';
How to get the values of flu in the JSON in the health_check_record of that table?
From Oracle 12, to get the values you can use JSON_TABLE with a correlated CROSS JOIN to the table:
SELECT a.id,
FROM agents_timesheet a
mental_stress VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.mental.stress',
mental_depression VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.mental.depression',
physical_fever VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.physical.fever',
physical_flu VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.physical.flu'
) j
WHERE physical_flu = 'yes';
db<>fiddle here
You can use "dot notation" to access data from a JSON column. Like this:
select "DATE", id, name
from agents_timesheet t
where t.health_check_record.physical.flu = 'yes'
----------- --- ----
06-DEC-2021 2 BBB
Note that this approach requires that you use an alias for the table name (so you can use it in accessing the JSON data).
For testing I used the data posted by MT0 on dbfiddle. I am not a big fan of double-quoted column names; use something else for "DATE", such as dt or date_.

Is it possible to do complex SQL queries using Django?

I have the following Script to get a list of calculated index for each day after specific date:
with test_reqs as (
select id_test, date_request, sum(n_requests) as n_req from cdr_test_stats
id_test in (2,4) and -- List of Ids included in index calc
date_request >= 20170823 -- Start date (end date -> Last in DB -> Today)
group by id_test, date_request
date_reqs as (
select date_request, sum(n_req) as n_req
from test_reqs
group by date_request
test_reqs_ratio as (
select H.id_test, H.date_request,
case when D.n_req = 0 then null else H.n_req/D.n_req end as ratio_req
from test_reqs H
inner join date_reqs D
on H.date_request = D.date_request
test_reqs_index as (
select HR.*, least(nullif(HA.n_dates_hbalert, 0), 10) as index_hb
from test_reqs_ratio HR
left join cdr_test_alerts_stats HA
on HR.id_test = HA.id_test and HR.date_request = HA.date_request
select date_request, 10-sum(ratio_req*index_hb) as index_hb
from test_reqs_index
group by date_request
| date_request | index_hb |
| 20170904 | 7.5508 |
| 20170905 | 7.6870 |
| 20170825 | 7.4335 |
| 20170901 | 7.7116 |
| 20170824 | 1.6568 |
| 20170823 | 0.0000 |
| 20170903 | 5.1850 |
| 20170830 | 0.0000 |
| 20170828 | 0.0000 |
The problem is that I want to get the same in Django and avoid to execute the raw query using the cursor.
Many thanks for any suggestion.
Without going deep into the specifics of your query, I'd say the Django ORM has enough expressiveness to handle most problems, but generally, would require you to redesign the query from the ground up. You would have to use subqueries and joins instead of the CTE's, and you might end up with a solution that does some of the work in Python land instead of the DB.
Taking this into account the answer is: depends. Your functional requirements, such as performance and data size play a role.
Another solution worth considering is declaring your SQL query as a view, and at least in the case of Postgres, use something like django-pgviews to query it with Django ORM almost as if it were a model.

JOIN two tables, but only include data from first table in first instance of each unique record

Title might be confusing.
I have a table of Cases, and each Case can contain many Tasks. To achieve a different workflow for each Task, I have different tables such as Case_Emails, Case_Calls, Case_Chats, etc...
I want to build a Query that will eventually be exported to Excel. In this query, I want to list out each Task, and the Tasks are already joined together via a UNION in another table using a common format. For each task in the Query, I want only the first Task associated with a case to include the details from Cases table. Example below:
| id | Case ID | Agent Name | Task Info 1 | Task Info 2 | Task Info 3 |
| 1 | 4000000 | Some Name | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 2 | | | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 3 | | | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 4 | 4000003 | Some Name | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 5 | | | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 6 | 4000006 | Some Name | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
My original approach was attempting a LEFT JOIN on Case ID, but I couldn't figure out how to filter the data out from the extra rows.
This would be much simpler if Access supported the ROW_NUMBER function. It doesn't, but you can sort of simulate it with a correlated subquery using the Tasks table (this assumes that each task has a unique numeric ID). This basically assigns a row number to each task, partitioned by the CaseID. Then you can just conditionally display the CaseID and AgentName where RowNum = 1.
SELECT Switch(RowNum = 1, CaseID) as Case,
Switch(RowNum = 1, AgentName) as Agent,
(select count(*)
from Tasks t2
where t2.CaseID = c.CaseID and t2.ID <= t.ID) as RowNum
FROM Cases c
INNER JOIN Tasks t ON c.CaseID = t.CaseID
order by c.CaseID, t.TaskName
You didn't post your table structure, so I'm not sure this will work for you as-is, but maybe you can adapt it.
No matter what when you join you will have duplicate values. to remove the duplicates either put in a Distinct in your select or a Group by after your filters. This should resolve the duplicates in you query for task info 1,2,3.
Found out that I can name my tables in the query like so:
FROM Case_Calls Calls
With this other name, I was able to filter based on a sub query:
IIF( Calls.[ID] <> (select top 1 [ID] from Case_Calls where [Case ID] = Calls.[Case ID]), '', Cases.[Creator]) As [Case Creator]
This solution gives me the results that I want :) It's rather ugly SQL, and difficult to parse when I'm dealing with dozens of columns, but it gets the job done!
I'm still curious if there is a better solution...

SQL Server : query with subquery involving select from previous selection

I'm trying to create a query in SQL Server to determine how many times a person's name shows up in a list, but also that list will be unknown, so I would have to get the actual name from the previous select index... It's hard to explain so I'll show the query first and hopefully someone can help.
SpeakerName, Spoken,
(SELECT COUNT(SpeakerName)
FROM tbl_SpeakerCard_Log
WHERE SpeakerName = 'SpeakerName[i]' AND SpeakDate = '3-9-16') as TimesSpoken
AID = ####
GeneralComment ASC
So basically, in SpeakerName[i], I'd like to somehow get the SpeakerName from the outer Select. The output should come out something like this
| SpeakerName | Spoken | TimesSpoken |
| Holly | 0 | 4 |
| Robert | 1 | 5 |
| Mike | 1 | 2 |
Try this:
select x.SpeakerName, x.Spoken, COUNT(*) as TimesSpoken
from tbl_SpeakerCard_Log x
WHERE AID = ####
and x.SpeakDate = '3-9-16'
group by x.SpeakerName, x.Spoken
Don't have SSMS installed on this computer so can't test it.

Join two tables - One common column with different values

I have been searching around for how to do this for days - unfortunately I don't have much experience with SQL Queries, so it's been a bit of trial and error.
Basically, I have created two tables - both with one DateTime column and a different column with values in.
The DateTime column has different values in each table.
ACOQ1 (Table 1)
| DateTime | ACOQ1_Pump_Running |
| 7:14:12 | 1 |
| 8:09:03 | 1 |
ACOQ2 (Table 2)
| DateTime | ACOQ2_Pump_Running |
| 3:54:20 | 1 |
| 7:32:57 | 1 |
I want to combine these two tables to look like this:
| DateTime | ACOQ1_Pump_Running | ACOQ2_Pump_Running |
| 3:54:20 | 0 OR NULL | 1 |
| 7:14:12 | 1 | 0 OR NULL |
| 7:32:57 | 0 OR NULL | 1 |
| 8:09:03 | 1 | 0 OR NULL |
I have achieved this by creating a third table that 'UNION's the DateTime column from both tables and then uses that third table's DateTime column for the new table but was wondering if there was a way to skip this step out.
(Eventually I will be adding more and more columns on from different tables and don't really want to be adding yet more processing time by creating a joint DateTime table that may not be necessary).
My working code at the moment:
DateTime CHAR(50)
INSERT INTO JointDateTime (DateTime)
SELECT ACOQ2.DateTime FROM ACOQ2) JointDateTime
ON JointDateTime.DateTime = ACOQ1.DateTime
ON JointDateTime.DateTime = ACOQ2.DateTime
You need a plain old FULL OUTER JOIN like this.
SELECT COALESCE(A1.DateTime,A2.DateTime) DateTime,ACOQ1_Pump_Running, ACOQ2_Pump_Running
ON A1.DateTime = A2.DateTime
This will give you NULL for ACOQ1_Pump_Running, ACOQ2_Pump_Running for rows which do not match the date in the corresponding table. If you need 0 just use COALESCE or ISNULL.
Side Note: : In your script, I can see your are using DateTime CHAR(50). Please use appropriate types