This problem's driving me crazy second day in a row. So, the problem:
I'm trying to use "memberOf" property for "organization", and google structured data tool say that there is error:
Error: Page contains property "memberOf" which is not part of the schema.
At the same time says, that this is a property of "organization":
If I change "organization" to "programMembership", no more errors, all good. The problem is that I need to use organization.
The code I'm trying to run on Google tester:
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<div itemprop="name">
<div itemprop="memberOf" itemscope itemtype="">
<div itemprop="name">
You can ignore this error. Your use of Microdata and is valid.
The Google Structured Data Testing Tool is probably not up-to-date (it has the same problem with the license property), maybe because the allowed values of this property changed "recently" (couldn’t find anything about it, just my guess).
Having a trouble placing a background image in one of simple Vue.js project that I'm currently doing!
I've tried all the possible solutions that I could come up with. But no luck. That's why I'm here to have experts' help like you!
Having created the hero section, I tried to add a background image to that. Yes, the background image is imported to the right folder and the location of the folder is correctly written as well. However, once the compiler compiled the program, I get crickets! Nothing!
Here's the Sass code
background: url ('..../assets/clouds.jpg')
background-size: cover
And here's the HTML code for your reference
<div class = "home">
<section class="hero">
<div class="hero-body">
<div class=" container">
<h1 class="title"> {{heading}} </h1>
<div class="is-two-thids column is-paddingless">
<h2 class="subtitile is-4"> {{subheading}} </h2>
<a class="button is-large is-primary" id ="learn"> Learn More</a>
The funny thing is there's no error message shown. That's right, zero error messages.
This is the final product I received
For most of you out there, this should be a pretty simple fix. So, can you help this beginner out from this agony!
Thank you!
Edit: Got the following error message after adapting the change
background: url ('#/assets/clouds.jpg')
Edit 2: Sass file and its location.
It's location is src/router/mq.saas
Edit 3: Got the required one
Your issue is that ..../ is not a valid relative-path traversal symbol. Only ./ (current directory) or ../ (parent directory) are valid.
Assuming you've built the app with Vue CLI (v3), you should be able to use
background: url ('#/assets/clouds.jpg')
where # is configured as an alias for <projectRoot>/src.
Alternately, construct a valid relative path from your Sass file / Vue component.
For example, say you're in src/mq.sass and want to reference src/assets/clouds.jpg, the relative path would be
background: url('./assets/clouds.jpg')
I am working on a legacy application that is being rewritten using Aurelia, the application has a bunch of static html in a tblHelp that needs to be displayed. I am using innerhtml.bind on a div in my view to databind the stored static HTML into the view. Each record is essentially a document complete with a full table of contents that links to other divs within the document (Bookmarks).
Something like:
<div id="toc">
<h1>Table of Contents</h1>
<li>Section 1<li>
<li>Section 2<li>
<div id="section1">
<h2>Section 1</h2>
<p>Paragraph Text...</p>
<p>Back to Table of Contents</p>
<div id="section2">
<h2>Section 2</h2>
<p>Paragraph Text...</p>
<p>Back to Table of Contents</p>
When I display the resulting page in my Aurelia view and click on the links, rather than moving to the proper Div on the current page, it seems to be attempting to route to an unknown route and ends up returning to the home page (that is my unknown route behavior). How do I make the Aurelia Router know that I am just moving around the same page and do not require it to route to another page?
I think you need to change your <div id= to <a id= which is the correct syntax for anchors. Hopefully Aurelia will recognize them as legitimate anchors when formatted correctly.
Also, since an anchor tag shouldn't wrap the whole content, you'll just open and close it at the top of the div. You can even leave the divs there but should not duplicate the id.
That being said, I created a GistRun that actually demonstrates that Aurelia should be able to handle the <div id= anchor targets. So, I'm not exactly sure why you're having problems.
Maybe this GistRun or the more standard <a id= approach will help you.
In a document, there are multiple <nav> and <aside> elements. Should I add role="navigation" on all <nav>s and role="complementary" on all <aside>s?
In other words, is it more beneficial or more redundant that there are multiple <nav role="navigation">...</nav>s and multiple <aside role="complementary">...</aside>s in a document?
According to the HTML5 spec, role="navigation" is implicit to the <nav> element, and role="complementary" is implicit to the <aside> element. As such, you do not need to add them according to the spec.
The question is how many ATs actually honor the spec, so if you want to play it safe, you can add those roles, it won't hurt.
Also rememebr that some <aside> elements should however be marked as role=note.
Another thing to consider is that the HTML5 spec allows multiple seperate <ul>s to be grouped under a <nav>. I am uncertain if this implies that role="navigation" is enough on just the <nav> or that each <ul> should be marked as such. I am unable to find any information on this.
I'm new to SEO and heard that using microdata tags in html can dramatically improve SEO. So, for one of my pages, the schema type is an organization... in particular a sports team. One of the properties for a sports team is the members. So, I have the following code:
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="name">New York Yankees</span>
<span itemprop="members">Derek Jeter</span>
The "members" itemprop has to be a person itemscope ( What is the format for nesting one itemscope inside of another?
From the Google article on microdata tags:
The example below shows the same HTML, but in this case, it includes the address property.
<div itemscope itemtype="">
My name is <span itemprop="name">Bob Smith</span>,
but people call me <span itemprop="nickname">Smithy</span>.
Here is my homepage:
I live in
<span itemprop="address" itemscope
<span itemprop="locality">Albuquerque</span>,
<span itemprop="region">NM</span>
and work as an <span itemprop="title">engineer</span>
at <span itemprop="affiliation">ACME Corp</span>.
Here's how this sample works:
The address property is itself an item, containing its own set of properties. This is indicated by putting the itemscope attribute on the item that declares the address property, and using the itemtype attribute to specify the type of item being described, like this: <span itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">.
I would add that microtags are in their infancy, so you cannot guarantee that the specification will remain intact for very long. I personally predict that the blackhat SEO guys are going to be all over this, and it'll be a headache for Google to keep up with the tricks. So, whilst they might provide you a temporary SEO boost, don't rely on them too heavily.
On a more positive note, I can certainly see these microtags being useful for non-SEO purposes, especially in the field of screen-readers. Fun stuff!
A rich snippet example from
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<img itemprop="image" src="dell-30in-lcd.jpg" />
<span itemprop="name">Dell UltraSharp 30" LCD Monitor</span>
<div itemprop="aggregateRating"
itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="ratingValue">87</span>
out of <span itemprop="bestRating">100</span>
based on <span itemprop="ratingCount">24</span> user ratings
But won't show a preview.
So, the following words from are just lies?
New! lets you mark up a much wider range of item types on
your pages, using a vocabulary that Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! can
all understand. Find out more. (Google still supports your existing
rich snippets markup, though.)
It is working absolutely fine.
Google is not obliged to show you preview every time, and here it shows an error when I inserted your give example from
The following errors were found during preview generation:
This page does not contain authorship or rich snippet markup.
I have done it in my website's news pieces and it shows fine.