Changing Controls of a form inside a panel -

I am facing a weird problem
I have 3 forms: MainForm, Form1, Form2
MainForm has 1 Panel: Panel1
Form1 has 1 Label: NameLbl and Button: ChangeBtn
Form2 has 1 textbox: NameTxt and Button: SaveBtn
I used the following code to open form1 inside Panel1 in mainform
Dim FormInPanel As New Form1()
FormInPanel.TopLevel = False
On ChangeBtn.Click Form2 opens as showdialog
I want NameLbl.text to change to NameLbl.text when SaveBtn is clicked But normal code doesnt work.
Private Sub SaveBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveBtn.Click
End Sub
What Should I do? Any suggestions? Given that i need to open the forms in panels for certain reasons.
Please keep in mind that this is just an example. I have multiple controls in Form1 which i want to change on
I have also tried this but it does nothing
Private Sub SaveBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveBtn.Click
For Each c As Control In MainForm.Panel1.Controls(0).Controls
If c.Name="NameLbl" Then
c.Text = NameTxt.Text
End If
End Sub
Please Somebody tell me how it do it!

Form2 doesn't seem to have any connection back to Form1 or MainForm. You'd need to raise an event from Form2 which MainForm handles or another class handles and can pass to MainForm
Sorry, I've just seen how you're calling Form2. There are lots of ways to get a value back from Form2 after calling ShowDialog(). One is to create a property called Result and check Result if ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK. Something like the following.
Public Class Form2
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Public Property Result() As String
Return m_Result
End Get
m_Result = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Result As String
End Class
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Public ChangeBtn As Button
Public NameLbl As Label
Public Sub New()
Me.ChangeBtn = New Button()
AddHandler Me.ChangeBtn.Click, AddressOf ChangeBtn_Click
Me.NameLbl = New Label()
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim form As New Form2()
Dim dr = New form.ShowDialog()
If dr = DialogResult.OK Then
Me.NameLbl.Text = form.Result
End If
End Sub
End Class
I'd like to add that if you plan on growing this application much larger you'll run into issues with maintenance. Look into some patterns for dealing with UI logic like MVC, MVP, MVVM if you're interested.

you can try this code:
Private Sub SaveBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveBtn.Click
panel1.Controls(0).NameLbl.text=NameTxt.text '"0" is the index of forminpanel in panel1,maybe it need to change.
End Sub

Form1 is contained in Panel1, so you can not access it via
Only MainForm is visible from Form2:
Private Sub SaveBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveBtn.Click
For Each c As Control In MainForm.Panel1.Controls(0).Controls
If TypeOf c Is TextBox Then
c.Text = NameTxt.Text
End If
End Sub

Try this:
For Each form1 As Form1 In MainForm.OwnedForms.OfType(Of Form1)
Form1.NameLbl.text = NameTxt.text

I've faced same issue and I've fixed with this
Dim f As FormInPanel
f = Form.Panel1.Controls(0)
f.transection = True


ContextMenuStrip Requires Two Right Clicks to Display

I like to create my contextmenu's programmatically. I generally do not add the items to the contextmenustrip until it is opening as the items that get displayed are dependent on other aspects of the design that are variable.
I have found that the contextmenustrips seem to require two right clicks to display. I've tried adding the menu items in different events (opening, opened, etc) and also manually setting the contextmenustrip's visibility to true to no avail.
I can't for the life of me figure out why two right clicks are necessary. If you create a blank winforms project and then replace all the code with this, it'll demonstrate the issue.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim currContextMenuStrip As New ContextMenuStrip
Me.ContextMenuStrip = currContextMenuStrip
AddHandler currContextMenuStrip.Opening, AddressOf ContextMenuStrip1_Opening
End Sub
Private Sub ContextMenuStrip1_Opening(sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs)
Dim currContextMenuStrip As ContextMenuStrip = sender
Dim menuTxt As String = "&Find"
'only add the menu if it doesn't already exist
If (From f In currContextMenuStrip.Items Where f.text = menuTxt).Count = 0 Then
Dim newMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem
newMenuItem.Text = menuTxt
End If
End Sub
End Class
EDIT: Just figured out it seems to be connected to the fact that the contextmenustrip doesn't have any items on the first right click. If I add a dummy item, then hide it once other items are added, it works on the first right click. So confused!
This works:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim currContextMenuStrip As New ContextMenuStrip
Me.ContextMenuStrip = currContextMenuStrip
AddHandler currContextMenuStrip.Opening, AddressOf ContextMenuStrip1_Opening
'add a dummy item
Dim newMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem
newMenuItem.Text = "dummy"
End Sub
Private Sub ContextMenuStrip1_Opening(sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs)
Dim currContextMenuStrip As ContextMenuStrip = sender
Dim menuTxt As String = "&Find"
'only add the menu if it doesn't already exist
If (From f In currContextMenuStrip.Items Where f.text = menuTxt).Count = 0 Then
Dim newMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem
newMenuItem.Text = menuTxt
End If
'hide the dummy item
Dim items As List(Of ToolStripMenuItem) = (From f As ToolStripMenuItem In currContextMenuStrip.Items Where f.Text = "dummy").ToList
items.First.visible = False
End Sub
End Class
If you really need to do things this way, one option is to create your own custom ContextMenuStrip that accounts for the behaviour when there are no items and the requirement for a dummy item. I used this code:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents menu As New ContextMenuStrip
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ContextMenuStrip = menu
End Sub
Private Sub menu_Opening(sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs) Handles menu.Opening
If menu.Items.Count = 0 Then
menu.Items.AddRange({New ToolStripMenuItem("First"),
New ToolStripMenuItem("Second"),
New ToolStripMenuItem("Third")})
End If
End Sub
Private Sub menu_ItemClicked(sender As Object, e As ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs) Handles menu.ItemClicked
End Sub
End Class
and saw the same behaviour you describe. I then defined this class:
Public Class ContextMenuStripEx
Inherits ContextMenuStrip
Private dummyItem As ToolStripItem
Public ReadOnly Property IsInitialised As Boolean
Return dummyItem Is Nothing
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New()
dummyItem = Items.Add(CStr(Nothing))
End Sub
''' <inheritdoc />
Protected Overrides Sub OnItemAdded(e As ToolStripItemEventArgs)
If Not IsInitialised Then
dummyItem = Nothing
End If
End Sub
End Class
and changed my form code to this:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents menu As New ContextMenuStripEx
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ContextMenuStrip = menu
End Sub
Private Sub menu_Opening(sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs) Handles menu.Opening
If Not menu.IsInitialised Then
menu.Items.AddRange({New ToolStripMenuItem("First"),
New ToolStripMenuItem("Second"),
New ToolStripMenuItem("Third")})
End If
End Sub
Private Sub menu_ItemClicked(sender As Object, e As ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs) Handles menu.ItemClicked
End Sub
End Class
and it worked as desired. Note that the last code snippet uses the custom type and its custom property.
Thanks for all the help and suggestions! I ultimately decided to build the superset of menus in the Designer and then just show/hide at run time. That's probably faster on each right click then rebuilding the menu each time.
Microsoft has old style and new style context menus. The Popup event was used for the old style context menus and it received a plain EventArgs object. The new context menus use the Opening event which receives a CancelEventArgs object. If currContextMenuStrip.Items doesn't contain any items, e.Cancel will be set to True when the event handler is called (which caused the problem you encountered). The fix is to add the menu items and then set e.Cancel to False. It should display fine after that. To make sure items were actually added, the assignment of e.Cancel can be guarded with an if statement as follows:
If currContextMenuStrip.Items.Count <> 0 Then
e.Cancel = False
End If code to close another form if it is open

This is pretty rudimentary, but I can't figure it out.
I want to programmatically close form1 when form2 closes, if form1 is still open. Form2 was opened by a command button on form1.
The code on Form1 that opens Form2 is:
Dim frm As New form2
What's the best way when Form2 closes to close any open copies of Form1 that are open, also?
If you want to handle your two forms independently, you need to watch over them from a third form or class. So my suggestion would be to create both of them in this third class, and pass a reference of the second form to the first form so it can then open it. This way:
Public Class MyHelper
Public Sub CreateForms()
Dim form2 as New Form2()
AddHandler form2.Closed, AddressOf Form2_OnClosed
‘ Create as many copies as you need
Dim form1 as New Form1(form2)
End Sub
Protected Sub Form2_OnClosed(sender as object, e as EventArgs)
‘ Same code for each form1 that has been created and opened.
If (form1.IsOpen) Then form1.Close()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Form1
Private _form2 as Form2
Public Property IsOpen as Boolean = false
Public Sub New(form2 as Form2)
_form2 = form2
End Sub
Protected Sub MyButton_Click(sender as object, e as EventArgs) handles MyButton.Click
‘ You open your form here or wherever you want (even on the constructor)
End Sub
Protected Sub Me_OnClosed(sender as object, e as EventArgs) handles Me.Closed
Me.IsOpen = false
End Sub
Protected Sub Me_OnShown(sender as object, e as EventArgs) handles Me.Shown
Me.IsOpen = true
End Sub
End Class
Add this reference to make it work.
Imports System.Linq
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of Form1).Any Then
MsgBox("Form1 is open")
End If
Supposing you have 3 forms and want to close the other two on button click
Private Sub EMPLEADOToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles EMPLEADOToolStripMenuItem.Click
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of BUSCAR_INDEX).Any Then
ElseIf Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of MIEMBROS_INDEX).Any Then
End If
EMP_INDEX.EmpIDTextBox.Text = EmpIDTextBox.Text
End Sub

Editing button properties from a module

I am just starting out with Visual basic .Net.
I can't seem to figure what's the scope of button properties like button.text. Can they be used outside the button_click event sub? And if so, how?
How can I modify button properties from a module in real time when a certain condition is met?
I'd surely appreciate some guidance and an example, if possible. Thanks.
Just as quick sample, I don't suggest doing something like this
I have 2 forms open, Form2 and Form3. Each form has a button on it.
I also have a Module, called MyModule
Public Class Form2
Public Sub ChangeButtonText(ByVal s As String)
Button1.Text = s
End Sub
End Class
Public Module MyModule
Sub ChangeForm2Btn()
End Sub
End Module
From my Form3 I click the button and call the module function to change Form2 button's text
Public Class Form3
Private Sub Form3_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class
You could pass a reference to the button to a sub in the module, and then call that sub from the form.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ChangeButtonText(Me.Button1, "Changed")
End Sub
End Class
Module modButton
Public Sub ChangeButtonText(ByRef Button As Button, ByVal Text As String)
Button.Text = Text
End Sub
End Module

data from datagridview not displayed into textbox (Visual Studio 2010)

I've been dealing with this for hours!!! I have 2 forms: in one form (form1) I have my layout with textboxes, etc... in the other (datagrid_form2) I have a datagridview where I choose the item, with a doubleclickcell event, to be loaded in a specific textbox of the first form (form1).
I have a button next to the textbox of the form1 that call the datagrid_form2, once the element in the datagrid_form2 is chosen the textbox of the form1 is loaded with that value.
Public Sub data_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles data.CellDoubleClick
Dim form1panel As New form1
form1panel.txtmybox.Text = mydata.SelectedCells.Item(0).Value.ToString
Debug.WriteLine(form1panel.txtmybox.Text )
End Sub
As you can see I have the cellDoubleclick event that should load the value of the selected cell into the textbox of my form1, but it doesn't display anything in the textbox(txtmybox). in the debug the value is chosen correctly, so is not a problem of code, simply the value is not being passed at the textbox.
Any ideas? hints?
thanks in advance
p.s. I'm working with visual studio 2010 .vb project!
It seems that you are messing with the forms.
You are creating a new instance of Form1 but you don't show it.
I suggest to read this.
Also your question is similar to this
It is not clear from your questions how you want to achieve what you ask.
You have a form with a dataGridView (I name it frmDgv) and a second form (form1) that you want to show the cell content from yours datagrid.
Is this form (form1) already opened? or you want to open a new one each time that you double click? And if you want to open it each time you want multiple instances or one in modal ?
So I'll try to include everything:
->The form will open each time
Public Sub data_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles data.CellDoubleClick
Dim f1 as new form1
f1.txtmybox.Text = mydata.SelectedCells.Item(0).Value.ToString
'If you want to open a Form1 each time you double click in an cell
'If you want a modal style info
End Sub
->The form is already open (I wouldn't follow this)
Private mLinkForm1 As Form1
Public Property LinkForm1
Return mLinkForm1
End Get
mLinkForm1 = value
End Set
End Property
'When you open this form for first time you will set:
Dim f1 as new Form1
Public Sub data_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles data.CellDoubleClick
Dim f1 as new form1
f1.txtmybox.Text = mydata.SelectedCells.Item(0).Value.ToString
End Sub
Edit 3 (I don't have Visual Studio right now , so my code is not tested)
Form: datagridview
Private mLinkForm1 As Form1
Public Property LinkForm1
Return mLinkForm1
End Get
mLinkForm1 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub data_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles data.CellDoubleClick
LinkForm1.txtmybox.Text = mydata.SelectedCells.Item(0).Value.ToString
End Sub
Form: Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Try this and inform me.
Change this part
form1panel.txtmybox.Text = mydata.SelectedCells.Item(0).Value.ToString
form1panel.txtmybox.Text = data.CurrentCell.Value
This is for string value ...
You need to show your child form:
Public Sub data_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles data.CellDoubleClick
Dim form1panel As New form1
form1panel.txtmybox.Text = mydata.SelectedCells.Item(0).Value.ToString
End Sub

Switching between different forms

I have some forms in my application and need to switch between them. I dont want to open another form over other form, in short I want the user to get a feel that he is working on one form only. Right now I am doing something like this but this is not what I want
Public Class Form1
Dim fo As Form2
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Form2.TopLevel = False
End Sub
End Class
I also need to send data to other form like list of some class.
Look into UserControls(Composite Controls). They will allow you create a custom layout with events and properties and add it to your panel. I have used this to swap in/out edit pages for my applications.
Here is a very simplistic example:( 1 Form, 2 Panels, 2 UserControls)
Public Class Form1
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl11_SendText(value As String) Handles UserControl11.SendText
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl12_SendText(value As String) Handles UserControl12.SendText
End Sub
End Class
Public Class UserControl1
Public Event SendText(ByVal Text As String)
Public Sub SetText(value As String)
Label1.Text = value
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
RaiseEvent SendText(TextBox1.Text)
End Sub
End Class
Have you considered using a TabControl? This will let you create different screens, and you (or the user) can switch between them easily.