getAllContentServices returns Huge Data - yodlee

I am using Yodlee “getAllContentServices” API to get all content services. But service returns a
huge amount of data (More Than 26 MBs) and returns more than 12k records, which is very difficult
to handle in a single service call, Is it any other way exist to access this service page wise.

There are two options to do this -
call getAllContentServices and pass "notrim=false" and then for each contentService ID you can call - getContentServiceInfo1 with desired reqSpecifier to get the information.
Use getContentServicesByContainerType2 and get the list of content services based on the container type.


Apigee Integration: How to use listEntitiesPageSize parameter in conjunction with the listEntitiesPageToken parameter o navigate through the pages

Good day everyone,
we are trying to have through the use of the integrations of the Apigee service of google all the rows in a bigquery table that have a certain value in a field.
this operation is quite easy to do, but when we have more than 200 lines as a result, problems arise.
The problem is that using the integration to connect to BigQuery I am not returning any listEntitiesPageToken value and not even any listEntitiesNextPageToken value
so i can't figure out how i can go about navigating the result pages
Has anyone had the same problem? What do you suggest?
In the tutorial: "" is write : "For example, if you are expecting 1000 records in your result set, you can set the listEntitiesPageSize to 100. So when the Connectors task runs for the first time, it returns the first 100 records, the next 100 records in the second run and so on."
And there is a tip: "Use the listEntitiesPageSize parameter in conjunction with the listEntitiesPageToken parameter to navigate through the pages."
I used the tutorial to understand how to use the task for loop and I understood that I should create a "subintegration" which must be called by a "main integration" for each element present in a list / array.
But what what can i do since these tokens are empty?

Is there an API call to list all available product id's (ID's alone) in Shopify?

I use POSTMAN GUI for retrieving a list of items from Shopify API.
I would like to know if there exists a way to get available product id's alone, preferably as a list of values over a single api GET call. The one I know of is
It returns a list of all product information, and looping over them/traversing the json is not very efficient. I hope there must be an easy way to fetch all ID's alone in one go. Should there be not?
You can add /admin/api/2022-04/products.json?fields=id to the end of your request to limit the output only for a single field or multiply.
Please note that if you have more than 250 products you will need to make more than one request, since the request is limited to 250 products.
You can make one call to the Admin API for all your product IDs using the Bulk Query. That will result in you receiving a URL where you download a file in JSONL format with every single product ID in your store, without the paging or limits of other approaches.

Aspnet core request count logging

I have 2 controller and each controller has 2 endpoints. For example:
GET /categories
GET /category/{id}
Basically I want to know how many one or another endpoint is being used.
So the final result I want to count the calls. For example one endpoint was used X amount of times and another used Y amount of times. And I want to get this string: $"{id} is the most popular category"
How to do it? I need a statistic for my web api

Pagination rules' Value in Azure Data Factory V2 (for Rest API)

I am trying to fill in Value box inside Pagination rules explained on this article which was published recently (in May 25th 2021).
My Request URL is this one:
So, based on my URL's data, I would like to know how to insert all rows (total 15,315 rows) instead of 500 rows.
I am new to Rest API, and I guess I was looking for an indicator that points to the next set of records.
Currently, when I run Azure Data Factory V2 without Pagination rules, it only inserts 500 rows of data into Azure database.
This is the solution I got from my issue:

Include count of linked records in OData result

I've got a table "Events" with a linked table "Registrations", and I want to create an OData service that returns records from the Events table, plus the number of registrations for each event. The data will be consumed client-side in JavaScript, so I want to keep the size of the returned data down and not include all linked registration records completely.
For example:
ID Title Date Regs
1 Breakfast 01.01.01 12:00 4
2 Party 01.01.01 20:00 20
I'm building the service with ASP.NET MVC4. The tables are in an MSSQL database. I am really just getting started with OData and LINQ.
I tried using the WebAPI OData system first (using classes of EntitySetController) but was getting cryptic server errors as soon as I included the Registrations table in the entity set. ("The complex type 'Models.Registration' refers to the entity type 'Models.Event' through the property 'Event'.")
I had more success building a WCF OData system, and can request event information and information on related registrations.
However, I have no clue how to include the aggregate count information in the event result set. Do I need to create a custom entity set that will be the source for the OData service? I probably included too litte information here for finding a solution, but I don't really know where to look. Can somebody help me?
If you're willing to make an extra request per Event, you could query http://.../YourService.svc/Events(<key>)/Registrations/$count (or http://.../YourService.svc/Events(<key>)/$links/Registrations?$inlinecount=allpages if you're also using the links to the Registration entities).
Examples of both of these approaches on a public service:$count$links/Products?$inlinecount=allpages&$format=json
I'm guessing that you'd prefer this information to come bundled together with the rest of the Events response though. It's not ideal, but you could issue a query along these lines:$format=json&$expand=Products&$select=Products/ID,*
I'm expanding Products (analogous to your Registrations) and selecting Products/ID in order to force the response to include an array that is the same size as the nested Products collection. I don't care about ID -- I just chose a piece of data that would be small. With this JSON response, your javascript client can get the length of the Products array and use that as the number of Products that are linked to the given Supplier.
(Note: to have your service support $select queries using WCF Data Services, you'll need to include this line when you initialize the service: config.DataServiceBehavior.AcceptProjectionRequests = true;)
Edit to add: The approach using $expand and $select won't be guaranteed to give you the correct count if your server does server-driving paging. In general, there isn't a simple single-response way to do what you're asking for in OData v3, but in OData v4, this will be possible with the new expand/select syntax.
i'm using oData v4 and i used this syntax :
var url = '.../odata/clients?$expand=Orders($count=true)';
// ...
a field called Orders#odata.count has been added to the response entity which contains the correct count.
and now to access the JSON property containing a dash you have to do it like this :
var ordersCount = response.value['Orders#odata.count'];
hope this helps.
Can you edit your Event model and add a RegistrationCount property? That'd be the simplest way I think
What I ended up doing was actually very simple; I created a View in SQL Server that returns the table including the registration counts. Never thought about using a view, since I've never used them before...
I used this to get the child count without returning the entities: