Running Total in Ms-access query using SQL - sql

I want to calculate running total in one of my access queries using SQL ( no DSUM please).
I have 3 fields in my existing query Namely SubCategoryID, brand and Revenue and would like to calculate the running total of the revenue under each SubCategory.
I've written a query for it, but there is some error and I cant find a way to correct it.
SELECT x.SubCategoryID
,x.[Avg Revenue]
( Select Sum(x2.[Avg Revenue])
From FROM [BrandRevenue] x2
Where x2.[SubCategoryID] = x.[SubCategoryID] AND x2.[Avg Revenue] <= x.[Avg Revenue]) As [Running Sum]
FROM (Select SubCategoryID, brand, [Avg Revenue]
FROM [BrandRevenue]
Order BY SubCategoryID, [Avg Revenue] DESC) As x
Group BY x.SubCategoryID, x.brand, x.[Avg Revenue];
Thanks for helping :)

You have repeated "From" in your correlated subquery:
( Select Sum(x2.[Avg Revenue])
From FROM [BrandRevenue] x2
I don't think you need the subquery in the from clause, or the GROUP BY either. I think this will be better, and certainly simpler:
SELECT x.SubCategoryID,
x.[Avg Revenue],
( SELECT SUM(x2.[Avg Revenue])
FROM [BrandRevenue] x2
WHERE x2.[SubCategoryID] = x.[SubCategoryID]
AND x2.[Avg Revenue] <= x.[Avg Revenue]
) AS [Running Sum]
FROM BrandRevenue AS x
ORDER BY x.SubCategoryID, x.[Avg Revenue] DESC;
I think to get around the problem of Brands having the same revenue you will need to add some additional logic to your correlated subquery:
SELECT x.SubCategoryID,
x.[Avg Revenue],
( SELECT SUM(x2.[Avg Revenue])
FROM [BrandRevenue] x2
WHERE x2.[SubCategoryID] = x.[SubCategoryID]
AND ( x2.[Avg Revenue] <= x.[Avg Revenue]
OR (x2.[Avg Revenue] = x.[Avg Revenue]
AND x2.Brand <= x.Brand
) AS [Running Sum]
FROM BrandRevenue AS x
ORDER BY x.SubCategoryID, x.[Avg Revenue] DESC, x.Brand;


How to select max date over the year function

I am trying to select the max date over the year, but it is not working. Any ideas on what to do?
SELECT a.tkinit [TK ID],
YEAR(a.tkeffdate) [Rate Year],
max(a.tkeffdate) [Max Date],
tkrt03 [Standard Rate]
FROM stageElite.dbo.timerate a
join stageElite.dbo.timekeep b ON b.tkinit = a.tkinit
WHERE a.tkinit = '02672'
and tkeffdate BETWEEN '2014-01-01' and '12-31-2014'
GROUP BY a.tkinit,
Perhaps you only want it by year and not rolled up by calendar date. For SQL server you can try this.
MaxDate = MAX(a.tkeffdate) OVER (PARTITION BY a.tkinit, YEAR(a.tkeffdate)))
Or you could modify the query above to group by the year instead of date-->
GROUP BY a.tkinit,
You seem to want only one row and all the columns. Use ORDER BY and TOP:
SELECT TOP (1) tr.tkinit as [TK ID],
YEAR(tr.tkeffdate) as [Rate Year],
a.tkeffdate as [Max Date],
tkrt03 as [Standard Rate]
FROM stageElite.dbo.timerate tr JOIN
stageElite.dbo.timekeep tk
ON tk.tkinit = tr.tkinit
WHERE tr.tkinit = '02672' AND
tr.tkeffdate >= '2014-01-01' AND
tr.tkeffdate < '2015-01-01'
ORDER tr.tkeffdate DESC;
Note that I also fixed your date comparisons and table aliases.

Calculate percentage by 2 columns using windows function + partition

I am trying to write query that calculate for each customer his part of the total profit in the year.
I secceded to write this query by using join but I want to write this by windows function + partition.
SELECT t1.Customer_ID, t1.Year, [Sum of Profit]/[Total Profit] [Part of Profit]
(SELECT Customer_ID, DATEPART(YEAR, Order_Date) Year,
SUM(Try_convert(float,Profit)) [Sum of Profit]
FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer_ID, DATEPART(YEAR, Order_Date)) t1
(SELECT DATEPART(YEAR, Order_Date) Year, SUM(Try_convert(float,Profit)) [Total Profit]
FROM Orders
ON t1.Year = t2.Year
How can I use windows function + partition to do same query?
You can use window functions in an aggregation query:
SELECT Customer_ID, YEAR(Order_Date) as Year,
SUM(Try_convert(float, Profit)) as [Sum of Profit],
(SUM(Try_convert(float, Profit)) /
SUM(SUM(Try_convert(float, Profit))) OVER ()
) as ratio
FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer_ID, YEAR(Order_Date)

mssql: add column with the same value for all rows to search results

I have my query:
SELECT [Shipment Date], [Amount] as [Running Costs], Sum([Amount]) OVER
(ORDER BY [Shipment Date]) as [Total Running Costs]
This gets me 3 columns:
Shipment Date | Running Costs | Total Running Costs
I would like to add a fourth column to this query which has the same value for all rows, and the same number of rows as my original query results.
I know you could add for example '999'as Something to the search results, but how can I do the same for a sum of another column (example: Imagine the total sum of the a column in another table is 1500, and I want to have 1500 for all rows in the fourth column. Something like select sum(column_name)?
The database engine is MSSQL.
You can use a nested query
SELECT [Shipment Date], [Amount] as [Running Costs], [Total Running Costs], SUM([Total Running Costs] OVER ())
SELECT [Shipment Date], [Amount] as [Running Costs], Sum([Amount]) OVER
(ORDER BY [Shipment Date]) as [Total Running Costs]
Nested window function should also work
SUM(SUM([Running costs]) OVER (ORDER BY [Shipment Date])) OVER ()

SQL Calculate Percentage in Group By

I have an SQL query that is used as the basis for a report. The report shows the amount of fuel used grouped by Year, Month and Fuel Type. I would like to calculate the percentage of the total for each fuel type, but I'm not having much luck. In order to calculate the percentage of the whole, I need to be able to get the total amount of fuel used regardless of the group it is in and I can't seem to figure out how to do this. Here is my query:
SELECT Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]) AS [Year], Month([DT1].[TransactionDate]) AS [Month], DT1.FuelType, Format(Sum(DT1.Used),"#.0") AS [Total Used],
FROM (SELECT TransactionDate, FuelType, Round([MeterAfter]-[MeterBefore],2) AS Used FROM FuelLog) AS DT1
WHERE (((DT1.TransactionDate) Between [Start Date] And [End Date]))
GROUP BY Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]), Month([DT1].[TransactionDate]), DT1.FuelType
ORDER BY Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]), Month(DT1.TransactionDate), DT1.FuelType;
I tried adding the following as a subquery but I get an error saying the subquery returns more than one result.
(SELECT Sum(Round([MeterAfter]-[MeterBefore],2)) AS Test
FROM Fuellog
WHERE Year([Year]) and Month([Month])
GROUP BY Year([TransactionDate]), Month([TransactionDate]))
Once I get the total of all fuel I will need to divide the amount of fuel used by the total amount of both fuel types. Should I be approaching this a different way?
Try this
,A.[Total Used]
,(A.[Total Used] / B.[Total By Year Month]) * 100 AS Percentage
SELECT Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]) AS [Year]
, Month([DT1].[TransactionDate]) AS [Month]
, DT1.FuelType
, Format(Sum(DT1.Used),"#.0") AS [Total Used]
SELECT TransactionDate
, FuelType
, Round([MeterAfter]-[MeterBefore],2) AS Used
FROM FuelLog
) AS DT1
WHERE (((DT1.TransactionDate) Between [Start Date] And [End Date]))
GROUP BY Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]), Month([DT1].[TransactionDate]), DT1.FuelType
ORDER BY Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]), Month(DT1.TransactionDate), DT1.FuelType
) A
SELECT Sum(Round([MeterAfter]-[MeterBefore],2)) AS [Total By Year Month]
, Year([TransactionDate]) AS [Year]
, Month([TransactionDate])) AS [Month]
FROM Fuellog
BY Year([TransactionDate])
, Month([TransactionDate]))
) B
ON A.[Year] = B.[Year]
AND A.[Month] = B.[Month]
You need to join to the totals -- something like this (untested might have typos)
Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]) AS [Year],
Month([DT1].[TransactionDate]) AS [Month],
Format(Sum(DT1.Used),"#.0") AS [Total Used],
(Sum(DT1.Used) / FT.Total) * 100 AS Percent
Round([MeterAfter]-[MeterBefore],2) AS Used
FROM FuelLog
) AS DT1
Sum(Round([MeterAfter]-[MeterBefore],2)) AS Total
FROM Fuellog
WHERE TransactionDate Between [Start Date] And [End Date]
) FT ON DT1.FuelType = FT.FeulType
WHERE DT1.TransactionDate Between [Start Date] And [End Date]
GROUP BY Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]), Month([DT1].[TransactionDate]), DT1.FuelType, FT.Total
ORDER BY Year([DT1].[TransactionDate]), Month(DT1.TransactionDate), DT1.FuelType, FT.Total;

Query using Group By, Top N and Sum

I have looked through the forum and can find a variety of examples to solve my problem but just cannot put everything together.
My situation is typical that I would like to show the Top 10 customers (Orders.[Customer Name]) by group (Shop_Lookup.ShopGroup]) for their total revenue.
I can get so far in producing the overall Top 10 regardless of ShopGroup but just cannot get my head around getting the Sub Query to work. My current code is -
SELECT TOP 10 Orders.[Customer Name],
Sum(Orders.[Actual Revenue]) AS [SumOfActual Revenue],
Orders.[This Month],
FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Shop_Lookup ON Orders.[ShopID] = ShopLookup.[ShopID]
WHERE ((Orders.[This Month])="current")
GROUP BY Orders.[Customer Name], Orders.[This Month], Shop_Lookup.[ShopGroup]
ORDER BY Sum(Orders.[Actual Revenue]) DESC;
Completely AIR CODED ! Proceed with caution.
You can use Sub Query to get this !
Orders.[Customer Name],
Sum(Orders.[Actual Revenue]) AS [SumOfActual Revenue],
Orders.[This Month],
Orders.[ShopID] = ShopLookup.[ShopID]
(Orders.[This Month] = 'Current')
(Orders.ShopID IN
TOP 10 ShopID
Orders AS Dupe
Dupe.ShopID = Orders.ShopID
Orders.[Customer Name],
Orders.[This Month],
Sum(Orders.[Actual Revenue]) DESC;
More information on Subqueries :