Live Editing in ASP.NET MVC -

Is there a way to live edit ASP.NET in VS2012 the way that you can live edit AngularJS in WebStorm? I saw and installed AutoF5 but the project seems to have been abandoned and isn't working anymore.
I'm currently working with the AngularJS SPA Template and would like to see my changes as I'm learning AngularJS.
P.S. the only view I have in my document is source. And even if I could actually see what it looked like, it still wouldn't be what the user would see when the page is rendered.

There is the Browser Inspector in Visual Studio. You can edit and see as you go...


Blazor WebAssembly - How can I add a new *.razor page that don't need to recompile or rebuild the project

I am developing a survey project which collects data from the client with Blazor WebAssemly for the Client-side. Each survey form will have a different design and edit-checked rule. So I decide when I create a new survey form, the application will generate a new *.razor page automatically, for example, ClientSurvey.razor page. Everything works well until I navigate the web application to the ClientSurvey.razor I just have created. The system shows error:
404 Not found.
I have to rebuild the project again, and it can show the ClientSurvey.razor page on my website.
With ASP.NET MVC before I don't have to rebuild the project when I add a new aspx page. Does it still work with Blazor WebAssembly? If yes, how can I change the razor page, and it can update on my website automatically without rebuild or recompile?
And I also meet a problem that when I deploy the project in IIS, I don't see where the UI (.*razor) pages are stored, I know they are compiled to dll. How can I keep them in raw files in the same way with ASP.NET work? With ASP.NET, when I deploy it in IIS, there is always a folder to store aspx pages.
Updated: please see the figure to more clearly

How To Remotely Change the Content In umbraco using Apis

Hello EveryOne I'm New To Umbraco I did Some Simple Umbraco Sites and Im good with so far Based on my Humble .Net background My Question is : How can i Remotely Change the Content of My umbraco form Other Pc or Something like that using Web service or APIs or what ever Im Looking foreword For a Good answer
Thanks In Advance
Depending on your needs, you can create a webapi on top of your Umbraco instance. You'll have to implement the actions yourself.
See this reference on how to implement it
Another option is installing Umbraco Rest API. This will add functionality for managing content and media through a rest service. Haven't tried this plugin myself, so no clue if works in the current version.
Some additional information can be found here

How do I reference a classic asp file from an MVC project

Apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere, I've been searching for an hour and haven't made any traction. I currently have a classic ASP website (not ASP.Net webforms). I wish to implement a new feature using MVC but have it display as part of the website in it's current form possibly using an iframe.
Currently I have a Visual Studio 2010 solution which contains the website and an MVC 4 internet project. My understanding is that I will probably have to use the MVC project as the startup one and then from the home controller index method redirect to the default.asp page that starts the asp website.
Is there a better way to do this or am I on the correct track?
Is this even possible to do?
As I understand your question, what you want to do is to display the output of one of your .net mvc pages within a classic asp page. That should be possible with an Iframe, although there are more seamless ways. As explained in my comment on the other answer Classic ASP and pages can exist in the same website, however none of the C# code will mean anything to the Classic pages. It might help to see your website as two separate projects living in the same root folder.
Rather than an Iframe I suggest you try a server http request. What this is doing in effect is taking the output of a .net mvc page as if it is an external webpage and pasting the contents into your Classic asp page. The code looks like this
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
objXML.Open "GET", "", false
Response.Write objXML.responseText
IIS lets you specify any page you want as your website's landing page, you can do this through IIS manager

Webmatrix support for Image Resizer

does anyone know of any documentation for Webmatrix and ImageResizer? i think it would be so useful for newbie developers? I've had a look through all the documentation, and i see that there is support for webforms and MVC, but nothing for ASP.NET web pages?
In WebMatrix, click the blue "NuGet" button.
Search for ImageResizer.MvcWebConfig and click install.
Open the browser, and visit /resizer.debug.ashx If there are any issues, follow the guidance.
Add an image file to your project and resize it from your browser by adding a querystring like ?width=200

Can we use Razor on an existing ASP.NET 4 website?

Is it possible to use Razor on an existing ASP.NET 4 website?
Yes, you can use Razor with an existing ASP.NET WebSite. Simply open your website using the WebMatrix tool and start adding CSHTML files.
One caveat is that if your website is using WebForms controls the WebMatrix tool will not provide any help working with them in existing aspx pages. Additionally, Razor does not support WebForms so you will not be able to add something like <asp:GridView> to a CSHTML file.
You shouldn't even need to open the site in Web Matrix if you already have VS2010 and MVC 3 (which includes the Visual Studio tools for building ASP.NET Razor websites) installed. Installing MVC 3 makes the libraries required for developing Razor pages available, even to existing web applications.
You don't need to create a new Web Pages site (as per the instructions). You can just open up an existing web site, right click the site's root folder, click add item and you should see "Web Page (Razor)" as an option.
Inellisense and debugging works in the Razor pages just like the Web Forms pages
As stated above, keep in mind that ASP.Net Web Pages (Razor) and ASP.Net WebForms are really different platforms, and the reusable components of each can not (or at least should not) be used
marcind is correct, if you want to open your existing ASP.NET website in WebMatrix and work on it from within the tool. If, on the other hand (or in addition to), you want to use Razor syntax in your site and stay within VisualStudio, check out this article:
There are four things you need to do:
Add References to the Razor assemblies installed with WebMatrix. These can be found at C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0\Assemblies
Create a custom ViewEngine class, a View class that inherits from IView (not that hard, check out the source in the article above)
Add your new ViewEngine in Global.asax Application_Start()
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RazorViewEngine(("cs"));
Create your view pages with a .cshtml extension, instead of .aspx
There are a few steps here, but it's quick work, and the source from the article above will get you a long way there.