installing numpy for pypy 2.3.5 (python 3.2.5 compatible) on windows 7 with mingw32 - numpy

Here is mine small research about how-to install numpy for pypy3 on windows 7 with mingw32 compiler.
At first,tried to make it simple:
pypy install build --compiler=mingw32
But, here i got this error. Fortunately, i found this solution. Now, i'm trying again:
pypy install build --compiler=mingw32
And the error is:
TypeError:can't use a bytes pattern in string-like object
This error occurs in file pypy_numpy\numpy\distutils\
So,the question is about how to handle this?


The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically. Jupyter notebook [duplicate]

I am using a MacBook Pro with M1 processor, macOS version 11.0.1, Python 3.8 in PyCharm, Tensorflow version 2.4.0rc4 (also tried 2.3.0, 2.3.1, 2.4.0rc0). I am trying to run the following code:
import tensorflow
This causes the error message:
Process finished with exit code 132 (interrupted by signal 4: SIGILL)
The code runs fine on my Windows and Linux machines.
What does the error message mean and how can I fix it?
Seems that this problem happens when you have multiple python interpreters installed, and some of them are for differente architectuers (x86_64 vs arm64). You need to make sure that the correct python interpreter is being used, if you installed Apple's version of tensorflow, then that probably requires an arm64 interpreter.
If you use rosetta (Apple's x86_64 emulator) then you need to use a x86_64 python interpreter, if you somehow load the arm64 python interpreter, you will get the illegal instruction error (which totally makes sense).
If you use any script that installs new python interpreters, then you need to make sure the correct interpreter for the architecture is installed (most likely arm64).
Overalll I think this problem happens because the python environment setup is not made for systems that can run multiple instruction sets/architectures, pip does check the architecture of packages and the host system but seems you can run a x86_64 interpreter to load a package meant for arm64 and this produces the problem.
For reference there is an issue in tensorflow_macos that people can check.
For M1 Macs, From Apple developer page the following worked:
First, download Conda Env from here and then follow these instructions (assuming the script is downloaded to ~/Downloads folder)
chmod +x ~/Downloads/
sh ~/Downloads/
source ~/miniforge3/bin/activate
reload the shell and do
python -m pip uninstall tensorflow-macos
python -m pip uninstall tensorflow-metal
conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps
python -m pip install tensorflow-macos
python -m pip install tensorflow-metal
If the above doesn't work for some reason, there are some edge cases and additional information provided at the Apple developer page
Installing Tensorflow version 1.15 fixed this for me.
$ conda install tensorflow==1.15
I have been able to resolve this issue by using Miniforge instead of Anaconda as the Python environment. Anaconda doesn't support the arm64 architecture, yet.
I had the same issue
This is because of M1 chip. Now there is a pre-release that delivers hardware-accelerated TensorFlow and TensorFlow Addons for macOS 11.0+. Native hardware acceleration is supported on M1 Macs and Intel-based Macs through Appleā€™s ML Compute framework.
You need to install the TensorFlow that supports M1 chip Simply pull this tensorflow macos repository and run the ./scripts/

Can't install tensorflow on python 3.9

When I try to install tensorflow on python 3.9 I get following error:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow
Is not there any tensorflow for 3.9?
What do you guys recommend?
Can I install other version of python beside the existing version?
Right now tensorflow does not have a build for python3.9
The latest one is for python3.8
You can check the build files at PyPI
yes, you can install another version of python.
The original poster did not mention what type of computer or operating system he was using while attempting to install TensorFlow alongside Python 3.9. The error could be linked to working on a 64-bit Mac with the M1 chip (I recently experienced the same error described above while working on a Mac M1 in a Miniconda environment with Python 3.9.13). I solved the error by running
python3 -m pip install tensorflow-macos
from Terminal (in the Miniconda environment). TensorFlow installed normally alongside Python 3.9.13.
I do recommend installing Miniconda (or Anaconda as others have suggested), because it will allow you to easily create development environments with whatever version of Python modules or dependencies you require at the moment. See The larger Anaconda comes with a user-friendly 'Navigator' GUI which enables you to choose which environment is used to open a Jupyter notebook or other development environment, several of which come with Anaconda. See
This is terrible with newer versions of Python that are not compatible with the machine learning module package.
So my approach is to keep the existing version 3.9 and the computer is using Anaconda to install a virtual environment with 3.7. When using vscode or pycharm, just remember to set it to that 3.7 Python environment.

Could not install pandas in MacOs Catalina due to error "most likely due to using a buggy Accelerate backend"

I'm using MacOS catalina and try to install pandas by
pip3 install pandas
But while I tried to import pandas, I got this error
python3 -c "import pandas"
This is error:
RuntimeError: Polyfit sanity test emitted a warning, most likely due to using a buggy Accelerate backend. If you compiled yourself, see site.cfg.example for information. Otherwise report this to the vendor that provided NumPy.
RankWarning: Polyfit may be poorly conditioned
I've been facing the same issue. There quite a bit of info here:
As I understand, its because your python version is detecting issues with the 'buggy Accelerate backend' in NumPy (NumPy is installed with Pandas).
I was running Python 3.9.0 and I was not able to fix. However I have been able to bypass the issue by using version Python 3.8.6. I used this guide to install 3.8.6
See the part about
pyenv install
which I modified to:
pyenv install 3.8.6
After I restart, the debug in visual code now shows 3.8.6. I added all required modules again inluding NumPy and its working for me.
good luck

Missing gcc-4.0 error on pip install twisted in virtual env

I'm trying to use Scrapy inside a virtualenv, which requires installation of twisted as well. I did pip install Scrapy with no problems, but when I try pip install twisted, I'm getting the following error multiple times in the output:
unable to execute gcc-4.0: No such file or directory
error: command 'gcc-4.0' failed with exit status 1
I previously had a similar problem when trying to install python packages on my actual system, which is why I started using virtualenv in the first place. Is this an issue of the python version installed on my environment? This is what I currently have:
Django - 1.5 - active
Python - 2.7.3 - active development (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload)
Scrapy - 0.16.4 - active
pip - 1.2.1 - active
setuptools - 0.6c11 - active
wsgiref - 0.1.2 - active development (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7)
yolk - 0.4.3 - active
To check which version of gcc I have I typed gcc at the command line and got
i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2: no input files
I tried export CC=gcc-4.2 before running pip install twisted, and I got:
llvm-gcc-4.2: error trying to exec '/usr/bin/../llvm-gcc-4.2/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2': execvp: No such file or directory
lipo: can't figure out the architecture type of: /var/folders/s8/d0f65gc93nbchdk52g2cg5f80000gn/T//ccWQa7cJ.out
error: command 'gcc-4.2' failed with exit status 255
It sort of looks to me like it's looking for powerpc-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2, and what I have above is i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2--are these different and therefore causing the problem?
To give more background info, I installed Python 2.7 from a installer a long time ago before upgrading from Snow Leopard straight to Mountain Lion. If I simply type in python at the command line I get
Python 2.7.3 (v2.7.3:70274d53c1dd, Apr 9 2012, 20:32:06)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)] on darwin
So I'm guessing that means I'm using Apple's Python? And it's built with gcc-4.0.1? So if that's the case, shouldn't I not need to do the export CC=gcc-4.2? Or do I need to do that AND switch to the version of Python? (And if the latter, how do I do that?)
Update: I tried this solution for switching Python versions but it didn't work.
Update: I managed to switch Python versions (outside of my virtualenv) using the sudo port select --set python python27 command, but this didn't solve the problem even though I'm now showing:
Python 2.7.3 (default, Nov 17 2012, 19:54:34)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.1 ((tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66))] on darwin
when I type python at the commmand line.
Update: I also found this solution to a question that seemed to have almost the exact same issues as I'm having, but I'm already upgraded to XCode 4.6 and definitely have the Command Line Tools installed as described in the aforementioned solution (Preferences>Downloads tab>Install Command Line Tools). I do also have XCode 3.2.6 installed, however--any chance that's causing my problems?
Have you tried CC="$(type -p clang)" pip install twisted? You don't necessarily need to use gcc to compile Twisted's extensions; selecting clang instead might clear up whatever weird problem seems to be infesting your gcc installation.
If that doesn't work, I would suggest un-installing any versions of Python and then possibly re-installing both the OS and Xcode, since it looks like something might have corrupted your system Python install. I have no idea how references to powerpc stuff have persisted into Mountain Lion, since Lion removed support for ppc.

Theano fails due to NumPy Fortran mixup under Ubuntu

I installed Theano on my machine, but the nosetests break with a Numpy/Fortran related error message. For me it looks like Numpy was compiled with a different Fortran version than Theano. I already reinstalled Theano (sudo pip uninstall theano + sudo pip install --upgrade --no-deps theano) and Numpy / Scipy (apt-get install --reinstall python-numpy python-scipy), but this did not help.
What steps would you recommend?
Complete error message:
ImportError: ('/home/Nick/.theano/compiledir_Linux-2.6.35-31-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-10.10-maverick--2.6.6/tmpIhWJaI/ undefined symbol: _gfortran_st_write_done'
My research:
The Installing SciPy / BuildingGeneral page about the undefined symbol: _gfortran_st_write_done' error:
If you see an error message
ImportError: /usr/lib/atlas/ undefined symbol: _gfortran_st_write_done
when building SciPy, it means that NumPy picked up the wrong Fortran compiler during build (e.g. ifort).
Recompile NumPy using:
python build --fcompiler=gnu95
or whichever is appropriate (see python build --help-fcompiler).
Nick#some-serv2:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/numpy$ python build --help-fcompiler
This is the wrong file to run
Used software versions:
scipy 0.10.1 (scipy.test() works)
NumPy 1.6.2 (numpy.test() works)
theano 0.5.0 (several tests fails with undefined symbol: _gfortran_st_write_done')
python 2.6.6
Ubuntu 10.10
So I removed numpy and scipy from my system with apt-get remove and using find -name XXX -delete of what was left.
Than I installed numpy and scipy from the github sources with sudo python install.
Afterwards I entered again sudo pip uninstall theano and sudo pip install --upgrade --no-deps theano.
Error persists :/
I also tried the apt-get source ... + apt-get build-dep ... approach, but for my old Ubuntu (10.10) it installs too old version of numpy and scipy for theano: ValueError: numpy >= 1.4 is required (detected 1.3.0 from /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/numpy/__init__.pyc)
I had the same problem, and after reviewing the source code, user212658's answer seemed like it would work (I have not tried it). I then looked for a way to deploy user212658's hack without modifying the source code.
Put these lines in your theanorc file:
ldflags = -lblas -lgfortran
This worked for me.
Have you tried to recompile NumPy from the sources?
I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu package system, so I can't check what's in your dist-packages/numpy. With a clean archive of the NumPy sources, you should have a at the same level as the directories numpy, tools and benchmarks (among others). I'm pretty sure that's the one you want to use for a python build.
Now that you have recompiled numpy with the proper --fcompiler option, perhaps could you try to do the same with Theano, that is, compiling directly from sources without relying on a apt-get or even pip. You should have a better control on the build process that way, which will make debugging/trying to find a solution easier.
I had the same problem. The solution I found is to add a hack in theano/gof/ to link against gfortran whenever 'blas' is in the libs. That fixed it.
class GCC_compiler(object):
def compile_str(module_name, src_code, location=None,
include_dirs=None, lib_dirs=None, libs=None,
cmd.extend(['-l%s' % l for l in libs])
if 'blas' in libs:
A better fix is to remove atlas and install openblas. openblas is faster then atlas. Also, openblas don't request gfortran and is the one numpy was linked with. So it will work out of the box.