how can I create a new project in yii 2 - yii

I'm trying to follow the directions but after the init part I am lost. Where is this database that it speaks of? I don't see this config/db.php. Why can't I just create a new webapp like before (I searched somewhere and it said to do yii app/create (can't remember) but that did not work. How can I just create one?
I'm stuck with this screen at the moment.
when i click on this //local/project/backend/web/index.php?r=site%2Flogin
i get Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.

The best way is that you folow the getting started, also You can run with composer
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev yiisoft/yii2-app-basic basic

You need to get access key from github and then follow the procedure from the Yii documentation


How do I create SQL connection to my app and Upload it to google cloud

Thanks for getting back at me. Sorry for the late reply, it was bed-time this time. I need to connect the Cloud SQL database that I have created to my application that is in App Engine. I tried to follow the online tutorials but when I do apply such info I would get then gcloud app deploy it return a connection error. Please help. Also clarify here: When I execute the gcloud app deploy command I suppose it takes my local file to Google Cloud where I would see the entire folder and files of my project on the project I was deploying but I am seeing the old version of my project while presentation has changed to the latest version. Also last one how can I link domain nam from to my app in . Please help I am dying with stress I have been trying in here
Given that you haven't provided any information as to what settings you are using, or what error has been provided it is impossible to know what kind of problem you are running into.
I suggest taking a look at the "Connecting to App Engine" page here. It should answer a lot of your questions around connecting from an App Engine app.
I see two questions here.
I need to connect the Cloud SQL database that I have created to my
application that is in App Engine. I tried to follow the online
tutorials but when I do apply such info I would get then gcloud app
deploy it return a connection error. Please help. Also clarify here:
When I execute the gcloud app deploy command I suppose it takes my
local file to Google Cloud where I would see the entire folder and
files of my project on the project I was deploying but I am seeing the
old version of my project while presentation has changed to the latest
I see your problem here to be with CloudSQL and GAE connectivity. Depending on whether you use GAE Standard or Flex and CloudSQL MySQL or POSTGRES the steps varies. Documentation is quite clear in here though.
Also last one how can I link domain nam from
to my app in . Please help I am dying with
stress I have been trying in here
This is going to be super simple, goto GCP cloud console, Navigate to GAE-->Settings-->Custom Domain and click on add custom domain "Enter the domain name you want to link" When you click continue you will be shown the steps for verifying the domain owneship and to point the DNS to the GAE.
Documented properly by GCP folks at
If you are using GAE Standard or Flex, a possible result of command gcloud app deploy :
An app.yaml (or appengine-web.xml) file is required to deploy this directory as an App Engine App, check next links:
Mysql and Postgres connection:
Sometimes it easy share the app.yaml for replicate the app correctly.

Parse server account key

Installed Parse Server on Digital Ocean, and have been trying to use the CLI to manage cloud code. I've hit a wall, since the CLI tool will not move forward without an account key on (which no longer offers account keys). For example, if I type in "parse new", I get this:
We've changed the way the CLI works. To save time logging in, you should create an account key. Type "parse configure accountkey" to create a new account key. Read more at:
If you actually do that, it responds:
Input your account key or press ENTER to generate a new one. NOTE: on pressing ENTER we'll try to open the url: "" in the default browser:
This leads to a login page. Since I don't have an account on (nor should it be necessary for Parse Server), I'm stuck. If I click on the "I don't have an account" link, it just takes me to the front page.
I find it hard to believe that there's no way to manage/create cloud code on Parse Server. But, it is sure looking that way. Is this just a failure to update the CLI or am I missing something obvious.
Many thanks.
Parse cli is not meant to be used with parse server. At least not currently. Parse server is simply a node module which means that you will have to handle deployment etc yourself. There are many tools that will handle everything that the parse cli did, and much more, from the nodejs community however.
You said that you used digital ocean. You might want to consider heroku, aws or google cloud. Heroku for example has the heroku cli with many of the same features as the parse cli which might save you some time.
You can't use parse cli on parse-server. Parse-server and environment are both different , parse-server is just the node module so deployment can be automated using other tools.
I am using forever to restart my parse-server automatically when a file changes. So you can just copy/paste your files using filezilla and that's it.

Gerrit permission to review a specific path

Im currently working on a big project with more then one team.
Lets say in the project there are some modules that each team working on.
In addition we are using gerrit for sometime now and there is something i couldn't find out.
My question is the following:
Is there a way to tell Gerrit that only specific people/group(on Gerrit) will have permission to review code (+2) on specific path/module on the project?
This is possible, and can be achieved by using the Gerrit OWNERS Plugin. I haven't configured this plugin myself, but we use this in our codebase to protect certain areas of code.
Every folder that needs protection contains a file named OWNERS that has the following structure.
inherited: true
Here is the link to a readme for the plugin. Hope you can figure out how to configure it.
I think you can do this by making two separate commits. You can later add the group that you want to review the code on that specific path using gerrit interface.

Add a route in osx's routing table programmatically

In my app i want to add a specific route in OSX's routing table which i can easily add through the terminal like this
/sbin/route add -host X.X.X.X -interface en1
. for that i do some search on google and get to know that there is a file /etc/ppp/ip-up which consult by OS every time when a ppp link is up so i set my target to modify this file programmatically
but then OS not allow me without root access so now i have to make possible this command to run programmatically now i found on google "i have to run a helper tool with my app because it can be run as root user" and get SMJobBless API and run it's sample. It was successful
but now i have a question how i can add this route in routing table by this helper tool i mean if i use CreateAuthorization and use this command to run with this! it again prompt for root password which user already give at the time of installation of this app, which is very very annoying
as in this sample app
now please tell me what i should do
The best place to look is the source code for Apple's pppd and route tools. Both should include code for adding routes.

Create New Application of Yii Framework on cPanel

I uploaded Yii Framework to my cpanel and now I dont know how to create new application while I did it on my local host using CMD.
I have not any shell access on cpanel and search this question but I found no related answer for this question.
Please help me out!
You have to deploy your application in another way, eg. with FTP, git or rsync.
Upload your complete application, but make sure to exclude and/or set the correct permissions manually for certain folders eg. assets and protected/runtime.
create your app on a local pc, then upload your app to your host. It's that simple.
you can skip making app using cmd on your host!
then just point to the frameworks location in index.php
if you have other apps which are been used by your YII app make sure to install them from Cpanel install php packages.For instance if your using LDAP authentication run a php5-ldap package. If your not using any packages upload your site and your good to go.