Access MHT File from Solution Directory in Windows 8.1 App -

I have an MHT (Microsoft web archive) file that I have added to my project folder. I need this file to display in a WebView on a help page. I have set the file's build action to "Content," like this question reccomended. I then use this code in the page's Loaded event handler.
Dim strHelpNavigate = Path.Combine(Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation.ToString(), "\MyAppsHelp.mht")
webHelp.Navigate(New Uri(strHelpNavigate))
Catch ex As Exception
webHelp.NavigateToString("<html><head><style>body {font-family: segoe ui; color: white; background-color: black;}</style></head><body><h2>Sorry, the help page is currently unavailable.</h2></body></html>")
End Try
This code produces an exception: {"Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."}
I have also tried passing "\MyAppsHelp.mht" to the Navigate method like this question reccomended, but this produces the same exception, and I see from the Local window that the string passed to the Navigate method is the same either way.
Does anyone have any advice on how to display this file in the WebView?

WebView does not natively support HTML archive files, but you can do the work convert these files to html + images if you're so inclined.
Open the .mht file in notepad, and you'll see that there are separate sections for each part of the HTML file - you can parse these sections to get the HTML out, then the base64 encoded images, then save them in your local app folder and use WebView.NavigateToLocalStreamUri to load them. See for details on how to use this method.
OF course, if it's a static file that you will be using all of the time, it would be far easier to just convert it before packaging the app.


download pdf file of blade instead of view in browser

I would like the browser to download file on button click of blade page. The following is used in controller and and added in provider file, but its showing in browser console but not downloading file.
use PDF;
// this controller
function sensorChartPDF(){
$pdf = PDF::loadView('sensorchartpdf');
return $pdf->download('invoice.pdf')->header('Content-Type','application/pdf');;
///// sensorchartpdf.blade.php this is view ///
chart static code appened in this file
To signify to the web browser that the file should be downloaded and not displayed in line you have to specify the content-disposition header with a value of attachment.
Your question, however, does not appear to be purely a question regarding Dompdf. With Dompdf you would merely use the following:
$dompdf->stream("output.pdf", array('Attachment' => 1));
I'm providing this for anyone looking for similar issue when working with the library directly.
Since you're not using Dompdf directly but via another library so you'll need to specify exactly which library or framework you're using before somebody can provide an accurate answer.

Is it possible to make WebView control to read local html files?

I'm making an application with WebView control. And I want it to read local html file. But I can't find the right way to make it possible.
At first, I simply tried to use Navigate method and provide the file path in the "file:///~" format string as a parameter, but it didn't work.
This Microsoft page says that WebView control does not recognize "file:///~" protocol.
And it shows the 3 solutions to make WebView control to read local html files.
Use NavigateToLocal() method.
Use NavigateToLocalStreamUri() method.
Use NavigateToString() method.
I tried all of them, but each 3 have some issues that doesn't make it work.
NavigateToLocal method requires a RELATIVE path of the file (not the absolute path), relative from the application executable directory. So files in somewhere else from the application directory cannot be read by this method.
NavigateToLocalStreamUri method is not even implemented according to the page! I once tried it anyway, but it returned an exception and didn't work.
NavigateToString method can render the given html content string, but the external files like css, js, image files included by html codes cannot be loaded, so it does not provide a full function.
I found some sample of using NavigateToLocalStreamUri method and tried it by myself.
wvwMain.NavigateToLocalStreamUri(uri, New StreamUriResolver())
Public Class StreamUriResolver : Implements IUriToStreamResolver
Public Function UriToStream(uri As Uri) As Stream Implements IUriToStreamResolver.UriToStream
Return New FileStream(uri.LocalPath, FileMode.Open)
End Function
End Class
By this code, NavigateToLocalStreamUri method returns System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException.
What I want to realize is very simple.
Using WebView control
Read local html file located anywhere on the local storage
And render the html file completely as an expected result
But I don't see the way right now.
I would appreciate your advises or helps.
The method NavigateToLocalStreamUri will not work. Please see
You have to use NavigateToLocal, but you will see a warning that it is deprecated. However, it does only work with relative paths. Is it possible for you to restructure your application so that you can use relative paths?
The NavigateToLocal method is the only way that I've found to call local HTML files in Microsoft.Toolkit.Forms.UI.Controls.Web WebView v6.0.
On Visual Studio 2019 Windows 10, the following VB.NET code works on my PC
Imports System.IO
Dim sFileName = Application.StartupPath & "/MyPage.html"
where wv is a WebView object.

Compile image in .exe

I want to make a simple .exe application in The application wont have an installation just pure run on .exe file .
Application has one form and two pictures. When i set the option on image to build action - compile
Unable to open module file 'C:\Users\t3cho\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Apps\Apps\Resources\power.png': System Error &H80041feb&
Is there any other way to make an .exe file with images without installation or additional folders.
The easiest way to include images (and other types of resources) into the application is to right-click the project, go to the "Resources"-Tab and add the image there. You can change its name to e.g. MyEmbeddedImage and access it like this
Dim img As Image = Properties.Resources.MyEmbeddedImage
Dim img As Image = My.Resources.MyEmbeddedImage
This automatically sets the Build Action to None.
Note: This approach is type-safe and you will get errors at compile time, if the image is missing.
See: My.Resources Object and How to: Add or Remove Resources
If you still want to embed the image "manually", you must set the Build Action to Embedded Resource and access it as #Icemanind describes.
Yes. It's called embedded resources. Set your image's Build Action to Embedded Resource. You can then get the image at runtime like so:
_assembly = [Assembly].GetExecutingAssembly()
_imageStream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("MyNameSpace.MyImage.png")
' Do something with _imageStream
Catch ex As Exception
' Resource not found or something went wrong
End Try

WinJS css file from local storage

Follow up to this question:
apply downloaded CSS on windows 8 metroUI app
So, yes, Windows says "for security reasons, you cannot navigate to HTML you have downloaded to this location and you cannot run any executable or potentially executable code, such as script or CSS. It is intended for media such as images or videos and the like."
But I really, really want to use that css file from my local storage. Shouldn't I be able to use the execUnsafeLocalFunction method to bypass this restriction like this?:
MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () {
el["href"] = "ms-appdata:///local/style.css"
It still throws "An app can’t load remote web content in the local context."
I also tried just reading the file with localFolder.getFileAsync and readText, but nothing seems to help. Is there really no way to work around this?
I think I found a way to get the CSS to load.
I tested the code below by adding a css file that sets the body background to red in the local storage folder.
The code reads the contents of the file, creates a style tag in the head and adds the content of the css file to the style.
var url = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(filename);
Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromApplicationUriAsync(url).then(function (file) {
Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(file).then(function(text) {
var style = document.createElement("style");
style.innerText = text;

File object in WinJS - how to retrieve the containing folder

I have got a app with the getItemsAsync()-method returning a file-object for a picture chosen by the user with a file picker. Now I would like to get the folder-object of the folder which contains the image to make the user able to switch between the pictures in that folder without using the filepicker again.
The path is available upon return from the file picker. See:
Docs for StorageFile
You can in turn then call
.done( /* Your success and error handlers */ );
to get you the StorageFolder from that path.
Docs for GetFolderFromPathAsync()
if the app likely want to 'access' any file in the select folder, using FolderPicker is probably right. otherwise, the app will likely not have access to all files in the folder.