Get Contents Of Image Class From AutomationElement - automation

I am walking controls in a third party app that contains images. The automation element returns the class name Image, Any ideas on how I can get the contents of that Image as a bitmap object, or even bytes?

Although this question is old, I wanted to add an answer as I came across this problem as well.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Automation;
namespace AutomationElementExtension
public static class AutomationElementExtension
public static Bitmap ToBitmap(this AutomationElement automationElement)
var boundingRectangle = automationElement.Current.BoundingRectangle;
var bitmap = new Bitmap(Convert.ToInt32(boundingRectangle.Width), Convert.ToInt32(boundingRectangle.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
graphics.CopyFromScreen(Convert.ToInt32(boundingRectangle.X), Convert.ToInt32(boundingRectangle.Y), Point.Empty.X, Point.Empty.Y, bitmap.Size);
return bitmap;
You can then get the image as a bitmap by calling it as
var bitmap = myAutomationElement.ToBitmap();

This discussion can be useful: Capturing an image behind a rectangle .
Just use BoundingRectangle property of the AutomationElement to make a snapshot.


Adding text items to an Existing PDF w/ Telerik DocumentProcessing Library

I want to open an existing PDF document and add different annotations to it. Namely bookmarks and some text
I am using the Telerik Document Processing Library (dpl) v2019.3.1021.40
I am new to dpl , but I believe the RadFlowDocument is the way to go.
I am having troubles creating the RadFlowDocument
FlowProvider.PdfFormatProvider provider = new FlowProvider.PdfFormatProvider();
using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(sourceFile))
--> RadFlowDocument flowDoc = provider.Import(stream);
The line indicated w/ the arrow give the error "Import Not Supported"
There is a telerik blog post here
It seems relevant, but not 100% sure.
It cautions to be sure the providers are mated correctly, I believe they are in my example....
Again, ultimate goal is to open a PDF and add some stuff to it. I think the RadFlowDocument is the right direction. If there is a better solution, Im happy to hear that too.
I figured it out. The DPL is pretty good, but doc is still growing, hope this helps someone out...
This draws from a myriad of articles, I cant begin to cite them all.
There are 2 notions for working w/ PDFs in the DPL.
FixedDocument takes pages. I think this is meant for sewing docs together.
FlowDocument I believe lays things out like an HTML renderer would.
I am using Fixed, mainly b/c I can get that to work.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows; //nec for Size struct
using System.Diagnostics; //nec for launching the pdf at the end
using Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model;
//if you have fixed and flow provider, you have to specify, so I make a shortcut
using FixedProvider = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf;
using Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Editing;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace DocAggregator
public class UnitTest2
public void EditNewFIle_SrcAsFixed_TrgAsFixed()
String dt = #"C:\USERS\greg\DESKTOP\DPL\";
String sourceFile = dt + "output.pdf";
//Open the sourceDoc so you can add stuff to it
RadFixedDocument sourceDoc;
//a provider parses the actual file into the model.
FixedProvider.PdfFormatProvider fixedProv = new FixedProvider.PdfFormatProvider();
using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(sourceFile))
//'populate' the doc object from the file
//using the FLOW classes, I get "Import Not Supported".
sourceDoc = fixedProv.Import(stream);
int pages = sourceDoc.Pages.Count;
int pageCounter = 1;
int xoffset = 150;
int yoffset = 50;
//editor is the thing that lets you add elements into the source doc
//Like the provider, the Editor needs to match the document class (Fixed or Flow)
RadFixedDocumentEditor editor = new RadFixedDocumentEditor(sourceDoc);
foreach (RadFixedPage page in sourceDoc.Pages)
FixedContentEditor pEd = new FixedContentEditor(page);
Size ps = page.Size;
pEd.Position.Translate(ps.Width - xoffset, ps.Height - yoffset);
Block block = new Block();
block.HorizontalAlignment = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Editing.Flow.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
block.TextProperties.FontSize = 22;
block.InsertText(string.Format("Page {0} of {1} ", pageCounter, pages));
string exportFileName = "addedPageNums.pdf";
if (File.Exists(exportFileName))
File.WriteAllBytes(exportFileName, fixedProv.Export(sourceDoc));
//launch the app

iTextSharp Read Text From Single Layer of PDF

Currently I am using a custom LocationTextExtractionStrategy to extract text from a PDF that returns a TextRenderInfo[]. I would like to be able to determine if a TextRenderInfo object (or PDFString, child of TextRenderInfo) appears in a specific layer. I am not sure if this is possible. To get the layers in a PDF, I am using:
Dictionary<string,PdfLayer> layers;
using (var pdfReader = new PdfReader(src))
var newSrc = Path.Combine(["new file location"]);
using (var stream = new FileStream(newSrc, FileMode.Create))
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, stream);
layers = stamper.GetPdfLayers();
src = newSrc;
To extract the text, I am using:
var textExtractor = new TextExtractionStrategy();
PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(pdfReader, pdfPageNum,textExtractor);
List<TextRenderInfo> results = textExtractor.Results;
Is there any way that I can check if the individual TextRenderInfo results exist within the layers obtained in the first code snippet. Any help would be much appreciated.
It is possible to get the contents from a single layer, but you'll have to jump through a few hoops to work it out. Specifically, you will have to recreate some of the logic that is provided by the PdfTextExtractor and PdfReaderContentParser.
public static String GetText(PdfReader reader, int pageNumber, int streamNumber) {
var strategy = new LocationTextExtractionStrategy();
var processor = new PdfContentStreamProcessor(strategy);
var resourcesDic = pageDic.GetAsDict(PdfName.RESOURCES);
// assuming you still need to extract the page bytes
byte[] contents = GetContentBytesForPageStream(reader, pageNumber, streamNumber);
processor.ProcessContent(contents, resourcesDic);
return strategy.GetResultantText();
public static byte[] GetContentBytesForPageStream(PdfReader reader, int pageNumber, int streamNumber) {
PdfDictionary pageDictionary = reader.GetPageN(pageNum);
PdfObject contentObject = pageDictionary.Get(PdfName.CONTENTS);
if (contentObject == null)
return new byte[0];
byte[] contentBytes = GetContentBytesFromContentObject(contentObject, streamNumber);
return contentBytes;
public static byte[] GetContentBytesFromContentObject(PdfObject contentObject, int streamNumber) {
// copy-paste logic from
// ContentByteUtils.GetContentBytesFromContentObject(contentObject);
// but in case PdfObject.ARRAY: only select the streamNumber you require
If you're specifically looking to just use PdfTextExtractor or PdfReaderContentParser, and ask the returned TextRenderInfo for the layer it's on, then I'm not sure it will be easily possible. There are a number of problems with that:
TextRenderInfo doesn't store that information, so you'd have to subclass it (which is possible)
you'd have to rewrite the logic that creates the TextRenderInfo objects. This is possible by registering custom IContentOperator objects for all text operators (Tj, TJ, ' and ") with the PdfTextExtractor or PdfReaderContentParser
the hardest part is that you have already lost layer information in ContentByteUtils.GetContentBytesFromContentObject - so you'd need to retain that somehow, which creates its own set of problems.

ASP Core convert PDF pages to images

I am trying to figure out if its possible to convert PDF document into a series of images.
Currently looking to migrate from ASP.NET 4.6 to ASP.CORE and this is so far the roadbloack to it.
I cannot seem to find any working examples for ASP Core of this currently.
Appreciate any help i can get.
You can use Docnet,
Here is an example code from project:
private static byte[] GetModifiedImage(IPageReader pageReader)
var rawBytes = pageReader.GetImage();
var width = pageReader.GetPageWidth();
var height = pageReader.GetPageHeight();
var characters = pageReader.GetCharacters();
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
bmp.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
return stream.ToArray();
Hope it helps

How to set background image in PdfPCell in iText?

I am currently using iText to generate PDF reports. I want to set a medium size image as a background in PdfPCell instead of using background color. Is this possible?
You can find an example on how to do this with iText 5.5.1 here. You need to create your own implementation of the PdfPCellEvent interface, for instance:
class ImageBackgroundEvent implements PdfPCellEvent {
protected Image image;
public ImageBackgroundEvent(Image image) {
this.image = image;
public void cellLayout(PdfPCell cell, Rectangle position,
PdfContentByte[] canvases) {
try {
PdfContentByte cb = canvases[PdfPTable.BACKGROUNDCANVAS];
image.setAbsolutePosition(position.getLeft(), position.getBottom());
} catch (DocumentException e) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
Then you need to create an instance of this event and declare it to the cell that needs this background:
Image image = Image.getInstance(IMG1);
cell.setCellEvent(new ImageBackgroundEvent(image));
This code was tested with the most recent version of iText and the result looks like this. You're using a version of iText with my name (Lowagie) in the package names (com.lowagie). This means that this sample may or may not work. We don't know and we won't test as the version you're using has been declared EOL years ago. It is no longer supported.

How to give the option to change the Textbloack foreground-color,size in Windowsphone7

I am completely new in Windowsphone7.i have develop sample application in that i want give the option to change the font-color,Size,style(Italic/Bold) as Dynamically(like RadEditor) .please help me how to resolve this option.
If you Develop your Application MVVM style then it is not so hard to do this. You just need a property for every setting you want to set dynamically and then bind to this properties. And you create a Settings View where you can set the properties and if you change them you use INotifyPropertyChanged to broadcast that your properties value changed and so every control which is bound to that property will change and redraw.
GalaSoft MVVM
MVVM Codeplex
Easy MVVM sample Application for Windows Phone 7
The link you found to save an image looks ok, but i did it a bit different, actually from the CameraCaptureTask you already get a WritableBitmap Image and you can save it like this.
To save the Image:
private void SaveToIsolatedStorage(WriteableBitmap image, string fileName)
using (IsolatedStorageFile myIsolatedStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (myIsolatedStorage.FileExists(fileName))
using (var stream = myIsolatedStorage.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.Create))
Extensions.SaveJpeg(image, stream, image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight,0, 100);
To read the Image:
private WritableBitmap ReadFromIsolatedStorage(string fileName)
WriteableBitmap bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(200,200);
using (IsolatedStorageFile myIsolatedStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (store.FileExists(fileName))
using (var stream = store.OpenFile(fileName,FileMode.Open))
return bitmap;
I hope this will work because i wrote it from scratch. :)
And in your ViewModel you should have a WritableBitmap Property which is bound to your Image Control on your View.
To use a lot of images and work with them you should read a bit more about this, because somehow SL Images use a lot of memory so you will need to address this problem somehow in the future.