Blender mirror modifier doesn't export mirrored half - blender

When I use mirror modifier in blender and export my collide (.dae), my exported object doesn't have include the 'mirrored half' but just has the side where I didn't delete the faces.

When exporting to DAE, look in your Toolshelf Properties and try selecting "apply modifiers"
For Blender 2.92.0 (on Mac), try here:

If mirror modifier is not applied, all mirrored vertices are not considered as "true" vertices. You just have to apply the mirror modifier in object data panel.


I made arms and legs in blender and i want to individually postition them but auto mirror wont let me, how to turn auto mirror off?

I made the arms of my character using auto mirror, but now i want to postion them individually but it wont let me t urn off auto mirror, how do i do it
I'm not sure which one you mean "Mirror modifier" or "Mesh symmetry" in Sculptor mode
Mirror modifier: Click drop down menu and select apply and you can move them separately.(
Mesh symmetry :

Exploding only some part of an object in Blender 2.82a (using Explode modifier with Vertex Group?)

I am trying to explode/destroy only some part of an object.
Following Blender 2.82 manual page
says "You may use vertex groups to confine the emission, that is done in the Vertex Groups panel."
So, it must be possible.
As a test, I created a Blender file, attempting to explode/destroy only the left ear of Suzanne, using Explode modifier.
I tried the following:
Added a monkey object ("Suzanne").
Applied "Subdivision Modifier" with "Simple" subdivision algorithm.
Created a vertex group named "VtxGroup_Suzanne__All_vertices_in_left_ear", which contains all vertices in Suzanne's left ear.
enter image description here
Created particle system setting.
Enabled Rotation.
In "Density" field under "Vertex Groups", entered "VtxGroup_Suzanne__All_vertices_in_left_ear".
In "Render As" filed under "Render", chose "Object".
Added "Explode" modifier.
This modifier has "Vertex Group" field, but it seems it does not make any difference in the result (probably because I do not know how to use it properly???)
At this point, when I play the animation, particles erupt out of Suzanne's left ear, breaking down Suzanne little by little.
However, the destruction is not limited to the left year. Entire Suzanne starts breaking down.
Some destruction pieces are really big or unnaturally long, such as almost half of Suzanne's face shown in the screenshot.
enter image description here
Is there any way I can limit the destruction only to the left ear (which is vertex group "VtxGroup_Suzanne__All_vertices_in_left_ear".
Also, can I adjust the sizes of destruction particles, so that some of them would not be too big, nor too long?
I tried setting a whole bunch of settings, but I could not find the solution. Maybe I am attempting this completely wrong? Is there some way to accomplish this in a completely different way?
This test file is found here (zipped):
Test file for Explode modifier with Vertex Group
Thank you in advance for help.
Try splitting the object? If you want to animate the object beforehand, construct the object out of two separate objects grouped, and then ungroup them at or before the keyframe you want them to explode. I hope this helps!

Exporting animations from blender to use with Assimp

I noticed that if I export my blender project as a obj-file I have the option to toggle "Export Animation" which will make alot of files, one for each frame.
I wanted to use the Collada (.dae) format to export my animations. Problem is, when I load my Collada file it says that NumAnimations == 0!
1) Why does a file that is supposed to store animation say 0 animation?
2) When I do get it to work, how to I swap between frames in Assimp?
1) Animation import should work, your problem is probably the export. Have you tried reading through your collada file? Watch for <library_animations> and the like.
2) Assimp has no notion of frames. aiAnimation consists of multiple channels (aiNodeAnim) which define transformations (keyframes) for nodes at specific ticks/time. To compute all transformations one needs to interpolate the correct keyframes depending on the current playback time and mTicksPerSecond of aiAnimation.

Maya: Create temporary MFnMEsh for smooth export

Im writing an exporter that exports the subdivision preview mesh via the 'generateSmoothMesh()' method like this:
MFnMesh mesh(mesh_dag_path);
MFnMesh subdiv_mesh(mesh.generateSmoothMesh());
but after the export finishes the new subdivided geometry is left in my maya scene. How should i deal with this geometry, or is this even the right way to be doing this export?
my first instinct is to delete the geometry after the export is finished, if this is the correct thing to do does anybody know he correct way to delete the geometry from the api
Saying you need to do it from the API makes me think this is a command plugin. Correct me if I'm wrong. One way to do it is to run MEL code from your plugin with MGlobal .
MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("delete meshTransform;"));
Where meshTransform is the transform of the newly created mesh. You can get it by having parentOrOwner be MObject::kNullObj.
Or you can directly use:

Changing interactive mode Edge Shape in JUNG

I am aware of the ability using an EdgeShapeTransformer to change the look of edges:
vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeShapeTransformer(new EdgeShape.Line()); // for example
However I am looking for how to change the way the line looks while dragging from one node to another to create an edge interactively. By default the 'hovering' edge which is not yet linked to another node is a large curved line. See the example here for what I mean.
CubicCurveEdgeEffects is where it is done. There is an EdgeEffects interface that can be implemented to do other things instead. It is used by the SimpleEdgeSupport class via the EditingGraphMousePlugin.
(Credit to Tom Nelson, offline communication.)