Run Python with IDLE on a Windows machine, put a part of the code on background so that IDLE is still active to receive command - background

class PS():
def __init__(self):
def read():
while running:
"read the power supply"
def set(current):
"set the current"
if __name__ == '__main__':
Basically the idea of the code is to read the data of the power supply and at the same time to have the IDLE active and can accept command to control it set(current). The problem we are having is once the object p is initialized, the while loop will occupy the IDLE terminal such that the terminal cannot accept any command any more.
We have consider to create a service, but does it mean we have to make the whole code into a service?
Please suggest me any possible solutions, we want it to run but still be able to receive my command from IDLE.

Idle, as its name suggests, is a program development environment. It is not meant for production running, and you should not use it for that, especially not for what you describe. Once you have a program written, just run it with Python.
It sounds like what you need is a gui program, such as one based on tkinter. Here is a simulation of what I understand you to be asking for.
import random
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
psu_volts = tk.IntVar(root)
tk.Label(root, text='Mock PSU').grid(row=0, column=0)
psu = tk.Scale(root, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, showvalue=0, variable=psu_volts)
psu.grid(row=0, column=1)
def drift():
psu_volts.set(psu_volts.get() + random.randint(0, 8) - 4)
root.after(200, drift)
tk.Label(root, text='PSU Volts').grid(row=1, column=0)
tk.Label(root, textvariable=volts_read).grid(row=1, column=1)
def read_psu():
root.after(2000, read_psu)
lb = tk.Label(root, text="Enter 'from=n' or 'to=n', where n is an integer")
lb.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2)
envar = tk.StringVar()
entry = tk.Entry(textvariable=envar)
entry.grid(row=3, column=0)
def psu_set():
cmd, val = envar.get().split('=')
psu[cmd.strip()] = val
except Exception:
tk.Button(root, text='Change PSU', command=psu_set).grid(row=3, column=1)
Think of psu as a 'black box' and psu_volts.get and .set as the means of interacting with the box. You would have to substitute your in read and write code. Copy and save to a file. This either run it with Python or open in Idle to change it and run it.


How to close a QInputDialog with after a defined amount of time

I'm currently working on an application that run in the background and sometime create an input dialog for the user to answer. If the user doesn't interact, I'd like to close the dialog after 30 seconds. I made a QThread that act like a timer and the "finished" signal should close the dialog. I unfortunately cannot find a way to close it.
At this point I'm pretty much lost. I completely new to QThread and a beginner in PyQt5
Here is a simplified version of the code (we are inside a class running a UI):
def Myfunction(self,q):
# q : [q1,q2,q3]
self.popup = counter_thread()
self.dial = QInputDialog
text, ok = self.dial.getText(self, 'Time to compute !', '%s %s %s = ?'%(q[0], q[2], q[1]))
I tried ".close()" and others but i got this error message:
TypeError: close(self): first argument of unbound method must have type 'QWidget'
I did it in a separated function but got the same problem...
You cannot close it because the self.dial you created is just an alias (another reference) to a class, not an instance.
Also, getText() is a static function that internally creates the dialog instance, and you have no access to it.
While it is possible to get that dialog through some tricks (installing an event filter on the QApplication), there's no point in complicating things: instead of using the static function, create a full instance of QInputDialog.
def Myfunction(self,q):
# q : [q1,q2,q3]
self.popup = counter_thread()
self.dial = QInputDialog(self) # <- this is an instance!
self.dial.setWindowTitle('Time to compute !')
self.dial.setLabelText('%s %s %s = ?'%(q[0], q[2], q[1]))
if self.dial.exec():
text = self.dial.textValue()
Note that I started the thread just before showing the dialog, in the rare case it may return immediately, and also because, for the same reason, the signal should be connected before starting it.

How to disable button in PyQT5 while another method is running to prevent user to click it and restart the method multiple times?

I would like to know how to disable the button while another method is running by that button, and then re enable it when that method is finished. I tried with the sample code, but that logic does not work, it still clickable and only becomes disabled when the loop finishes in another method. If I click it multiple times during the while loop, then it restart it again and again.
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPushButton
import sys
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.button = QPushButton("Press me!")
def the_button_was_clicked(self):
self.button.setText("You already pressed it.")
self.setWindowTitle("Changed title")
def runner(self):
i = 0
while i < 5000000:
i = i+1
print(i, end=" ")
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = MainWindow()
You have 2 problems.
Almost any UI based toolkit uses an event loop, meaning that it has a while-like loop that waits for any event in order to react; as long as you run a blocking function in the same thread of that event loop, it means that that loop is not able to process its events, which will be queued instead and lately processed as soon as control returns to it; among these events there are paint events (those responsible of painting the UI) and input events (those coming from the user interaction); your while loop blocks both of them, meaning that the button will not be displayed as disabled, and all input events will be queued and processed only after the function returns;
the Python buffer (used by print()) is somehow limited, which can block furthermore anything else;
Since Python doesn't allow direct concurrence, you only have two choices: periodically ensure that the event loop process its events (see QCoreApplication.processEvents()), or use multiprocessing capabilities (which can be very tricky if you need UI interaction).
For this simple case, the suggested solution is the former one (including skipping the buffer at all until the string is completed):
def runner(self):
i = 0
while i < 5000000:
i = i+1
if not i % 100000:
Remember that processEvents() is possible and tolerated, but you should not use it without awareness: it should only be used when you really know what you are doing and any other alternative is not a viable option. If the processing does not directly deal with CPU-bound aspects (eg. IO management, like file system operation or network retrieval), you should consider threading instead, and always use QThreads and custom signals whenever any result of the processing requires interaction with UI elements, since widgets are NOT thread-safe.

Why is Python object id different after the Process starts but the pid remains the same?

import time
from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support
class FileUploadManager(Process):
WorkerObject which uploads files in background process
def __init__(self):
Worker class to upload files in a separate background process.
self.daemon = True
self.upload_size = 0
self.upload_queue = set()
self.pending_uploads = set()
self.completed_uploads = set()
self.status_info = {'STOPPED'}
print(f"Initial ID: {id(self)}")
def run(self):
if 'STARTED' in self.status_info:
print("Upload Manager - Already Running!")
return True
print(f"Active Process Info: {self.status_info}, ID: {id(self)}")
# Upload files
while True:
print("File Upload Queue Empty.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"{repr(e)} - Cannot run upload process.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
upload_manager = FileUploadManager()
print(f"Object ID: {id(upload_manager)}")
print(f"Process Info: {upload_manager.status_info}, ID After: {id(upload_manager)}")
while 'STARTED' not in upload_manager.status_info:
print(f"Not Started! Process Info: {upload_manager.status_info}")
Initial ID: 2894698869712
Object ID: 2894698869712
Process Info: {'STOPPED'}, ID After: 2894698869712
Not Started! Process Info: {'STOPPED'}
Active Process Info: {'STARTED', 'STOPPED'}, ID: 2585771578512
File Upload Queue Empty.
Not Started! Process Info: {'STOPPED'}
File Upload Queue Empty.
Why does the Process object have the same id and attribute values before and after is has started. but different id when the run method starts?
Initial ID: 2894698869712
Active Process Info: {'STARTED', 'STOPPED'}, ID: 2585771578512
Process Info: {'STOPPED'}, ID After: 2894698869712
I fixed your indentation, and I also removed everything from your script that was not actually being used. It is now a minimum, reproducible example that anyone can run. In the future, please adhere to the site guidelines, and please proofread your questions. It will save everybody's time and you will get better answers.
I would also like to point out that the question in your title is not at all the same as the question asked in your text. At no point do you retrieve the process ID, which is an operating system value. You are printing out the ID of the object, which is a value that has meaning only within the Python runtime environment.
import time
from multiprocessing import Process
# Removed freeze_support since it was unused
class FileUploadManager(Process):
WorkerObject which uploads files in background process
def __init__(self):
Worker class to upload files in a separate background process.
# The next line probably does not work as intended, so
# I commented it out. The docs say that the daemon
# flag must be set by a keyword-only argument
# self.daemon = True
# I removed a buch of unused variables for this test program
self.status_info = {'STOPPED'}
print(f"Initial ID: {id(self)}")
def run(self):
if 'STARTED' in self.status_info:
print("Upload Manager - Already Running!")
return # Removed True return value (it was unused)
print(f"Active Process Info: {self.status_info}, ID: {id(self)}")
# Upload files
while True:
print("File Upload Queue Empty.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"{repr(e)} - Cannot run upload process.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
upload_manager = FileUploadManager()
print(f"Object ID: {id(upload_manager)}")
print(f"Process Info: {upload_manager.status_info}",
f"ID After: {id(upload_manager)}")
while 'STARTED' not in upload_manager.status_info:
print(f"Not Started! Process Info: {upload_manager.status_info}")
Your question is, why is the id of upload_manager the same before and after it is started. Simple answer: because it's the same object. It does not become another object just because you called one of its functions. That would not make any sense.
I suppose you might be wondering why the ID of the FileUploadManager object is different when you print it out from its "run" method. It's the same simple answer: because it's a different object. Your script actually creates two instances of FileUploadManager, although it's not obvious. In Python, each Process has its own memory space. When you start a secondary Process (upload_manager.start()), Python makes a second instance of FileUploadManager to execute in this new Process. The two instances are completely separate and "know" nothing about each other.
You did not say that your script doesn't terminate, but it actually does not. It runs forever, stuck in the loop while 'STARTED' not in upload_manager.status_info. That's because 'STARTED' was added to self.status_info in the secondary Process. That Process is working with a different instance of FileUploadManager. The changes you make there do not get automatically reflected in the first instance, which lives in the main Process. Therefore the first instance of FileUploadManager never changes, and the loop never exits.
This all makes perfect sense once you realize that each Process works with its own separate objects. If you need to pass data from one Process to another, that can be done with Pipes, Queues, Managers and shared variables. That is documented in the Concurrent Execution section of the standard library.

Lego-EV3: How to fix EOFError when catching user-input via multiprocessing?

Currently, I am working with a EV3 lego robot that is controlled by several neurons. Now I want to modify the code (running on
python3) in such a way that one can change certain parameter values on the run via the shell (Ubuntu) in order to manipulate the robot's dynamics at any time (and for multiple times). Here is a schema of what I have achieved so far based on a short example code:
from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import SimpleQueue
import ev3dev.ev3 as ev3
class Neuron:
(definitions of class variables and update functions)
def check_input(queue):
while (True):
new_para = str(input("Type 'parameter=value': "))
float(new_para[2:0]) # checking for float in input
var = new_para[0:2]
if (var == "k="): # change parameter k
elif (var == "g="): # change parameter g
print("Error". Type 'k=...' or 'g=...')
queue.put(0) # put anything in queue
except (ValueError, EOFError):
print("New value is not a number. Try again!")
(some neuron-specific initializations)
queue = SimpleQueue()
check = Process(target=check_input, args=(queue,))
while (True):
if (not queue.empty()):
cmd = queue.get()
var = cmd[0]
val = float(cmd[2:])
if (var == "k"):
Neuron.K = val
elif (var == "g"):
Neuron.g = val
(updating procedure for neurons, writing data to file)
Since I am new to multiprocessing there are certainly some mistakes concerning taking care of locking, efficiency and so on but the robot moves and input fields occur in the shell. However, the current problem is that it's actually impossible to make an input:
> python3
> Type 'parameter=value': New value is not a number. Try again!
> Type 'parameter=value': New value is not a number. Try again!
> Type 'parameter=value': New value is not a number. Try again!
> ... (and so on)
I know that this behaviour is caused by putting the exception of EOFError due to the fact that this error occurs when the exception is removed (and the process crashes). Hence, the program just rushes through the try-loop here and assumes that no input (-> empty string) was made over and over again. Why does this happen? - when not called as a threaded procedure the program patiently waits for an input as expected. And how can one fix or bypass this issue so that changing parameters gets possible as wanted?
Thanks in advance!

Twisted IRC Bot connection lost repeatedly to localhost

I am trying to implement an IRC Bot on a local server. The bot that I am using is identical to the one found at Eric Florenzano's Blog. This is the simplified code (which should run)
import sys
import re
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.internet import protocol
class MomBot(irc.IRCClient):
def _get_nickname(self):
return self.factory.nickname
nickname = property(_get_nickname)
def signedOn(self):
print "attempting to sign on"
print "Signed on as %s." % (self.nickname,)
def joined(self, channel):
print "attempting to join"
print "Joined %s." % (channel,)
def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
if not user:
if self.nickname in msg:
msg = re.compile(self.nickname + "[:,]* ?", re.I).sub('', msg)
prefix = "%s: " % (user.split('!', 1)[0], )
prefix = ''
self.msg(, prefix + "hello there")
class MomBotFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
protocol = MomBot
def __init__(self, channel, nickname='YourMomDotCom', chain_length=3,
chattiness=1.0, max_words=10000): = channel
self.nickname = nickname
self.chain_length = chain_length
self.chattiness = chattiness
self.max_words = max_words
def startedConnecting(self, connector):
print "started connecting on {0}:{1}"
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
print "Lost connection (%s), reconnecting." % (reason,)
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print "Could not connect: %s" % (reason,)
if __name__ == "__main__":
chan = sys.argv[1]
reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 6667, MomBotFactory('#' + chan,
'YourMomDotCom', 2, chattiness=0.05))
I added the startedConnection method in the client factory, which it is reaching and printing out the proper address:host. It then disconnects and enters the clientConnectionLost and prints the error:
Lost connection ([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames):
<class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly.
]), reconnecting.
If working properly it should log into the appropriate channel, specified as the first arg in the command (e.g. python botwar. would be channel #botwar.). It should respond with "hello there" if any one in the channel sends anything.
I have NGIRC running on the server, and it works if I connect from mIRC or any other IRC client.
I am unable to find a resolution as to why it is continually disconnecting. Any help on why would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
One thing you may want to do is make sure you will see any error output produced by the server when your bot connects to it. My hunch is that the problem has something to do with authentication, or perhaps an unexpected difference in how ngirc handles one of the login/authentication commands used by IRCClient.
One approach that almost always applies is to capture a traffic log. Use a tool like tcpdump or wireshark.
Another approach you can try is to enable logging inside the Twisted application itself. Use twisted.protocols.policies.TrafficLoggingFactory for this:
from twisted.protocols.policies import TrafficLoggingFactory
appFactory = MomBotFactory(...)
logFactory = TrafficLoggingFactory(appFactory, "irc-")
reactor.connectTCP(..., logFactory)
This will log output to files starting with "irc-" (a different file for each connection).
You can also hook directly into your protocol implementation, at any one of several levels. For example, to display any bytes received at all:
class MomBot(irc.IRCClient):
def dataReceived(self, bytes):
print "Got", repr(bytes)
# Make sure to up-call - otherwise all of the IRC logic is disabled!
return irc.IRCClient.dataReceived(self, bytes)
With one of those approaches in place, hopefully you'll see something like: 451 * :Connection not registered
which I think means... you need to authenticate? Even if you see something else, hopefully this will help you narrow in more closely on the precise cause of the connection being closed.
Also, you can use tcpdump or wireshark to capture the traffic log between ngirc and one of the working IRC clients (eg mIRC) and then compare the two logs. Whatever different commands mIRC is sending should make it clear what changes you need to make to your bot.