Globbing expression in cmake: can I use brackets? - cmake

In theory cmake should support globbing expression, a little bit like a glob command.
However, I cannot find a way to match, for example, "a sequence of 3 numbers, or nothing". I would guess it should be something like:
file (GLOB outputVar *theImportantStringIWantedToMatch{[0-9][0-9][0-9],}.dll)
But it does not seem to work. For example:
does not match a file called
(Should also match libopencv_flann462.a for example)
It does not even match even if I put an expression like this:
Escaping the brackets or the comma does not help. Is there any way to get brackets working, or any alternative to the expression I am trying to achieve?

So, for the moment the only solution I can come out with is repeating the expression in the 2 versions, namely:
file (GLOB outputVar *theImportantStringIWantedToMatch[0-9][0-9][0-9].dll


how to escape closing angle bracket symbol in cmake generator expresssions?

Here is what I am trying to do:
with the aim of using it in add_cusom_command like this:
idea is to suppress custom command output unless user sets CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE (or runs make VERBOSE=1).
Problem is that cmake treats that closing angle bracket symbol as end of expression. Is there any way to escape it?
Edit: alas, even though I know about $<ANGLE-R> now, this idea doesn't work -- you need new expression (smth like $<CONFIG_FLAGS:VERBOSE>)
Edit 2: found a solution (inject some make magic):
set(BE_QUIET "$(if" "$(VERBOSE),,&>/dev/null)")
Use $<ANGLE-R> (the documentation is under Output Expressions):
Note that it's not possible to detect make VERBOSE=1, though, as there is no generator expression that tells us whether VERBOSE=1 was passed.

Objective C parse string for middle chars

This is a bit of a puzzler for me. I have a string that looks like:
softver: <softver>2.14.2</softver>
interlock1: <interlock1>0</interlock1>
interlock2: <interlock2>0</interlock2>
cfm: <cfm>2200</cfm>
power: <power>120</power>
inside: <house_temp>-99</house_temp>
attic: <attic_temp>76</attic_temp>
OA: <oa_temp>-99</oa_temp>
server response: <server_response>Ó£àêEE²ç©þ]kõ «jsÐ</server_response>
DIP Switches: <DIPS>11100</DIPS>
Remote Switch: <switch2>1111</switch2>
The string includes the "/n" so I have split it into corrisponding lines that look like
All I really want is the char(s) in the middle of the line. In the above example it would be 0.
I can match everything with regular expressions but by doing the following:
But what I'd like is something more that would exclude or strip away or remove all the junk and grab the middle chars.
I've tried this and it does not work. I've also thought of doing another [NSstring componentsSeparatedByString:#"(with either < or or >"] but that would leave be with more parsing yet to do and I think there should be a way to get just the chars inbetween the tags with either regular expressions or string compare or some such way to parse out the
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Two things.
Your regular expression does not escape the forward slash.
Your regular expression seems overly complicated for what you are trying to do.
If all you want is that lone middle character with regular expressions,
Try this:
Here's a great tool to play around with:
Heck you could probably even get away with:
I figured out your problem partially, some of the tags part way down contain characters other than a through z. So here you go:

How to strip single-line comments in obj-c properly

I know there are a lot of resources with regex for it. But I could not find the one I want.
My problem is:
I want to remove one line comments (//) from obj-c sources, but I don't want to break the code in it. For instance, with this regex: #"//.*" I can remove all comments, but it also corrupts string literal:
I played with non-capturing parentheses (?:(\"*\")*+), but without success.
Also I found this expression for Python:
It should cover my case, but I've not figure out how to make it work with obj-c.
Please, help me to build proper regex.
UPDATE: Yeah, that's a tough one, I know there're a lot of caveats, other than the one I described. I would appreciate if someone post regex that only fix my issue. Anyway, I gonna post my solution, without regex soon, I hope it will be helpful for anyone who struggling with such problem too.
Try this regex:
Besides all the warnings expressed in the comments, I assume that a single line can appear in two distinct cases:
Case 1: Alone on its line preceded or not by blank chars
Case 2: Not Alone on its line preceded or not by blank chars, and other chars.
In the first case, we match the beginning of the line (^ with /m flag). Then we search zero or more blank chars (\s*) and finally the single line comment: //[$\r\n]+$.
In the second case, if there are other chars on the line, they form statements. Any statement is ended by a semicolon ;. So we search the last statement and its corresponding semicolon .*;(?!.*"). Then we search the single line comment. Those other chars can be also preprocessor statements. In this case, they are introduced by a sharp #.
One important keypoint is that I assume the code passed to the regex is a code that compiles.
There is more
Don't forget also to add some other pre-processor directives that may apply in your case. Check this SO answer:

Using CMake's include_directories command with white spaces

I am using CMake to build my project and I have the following line:
which, after evaluating LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS, evaluates to:
include_directories(C:\Program Files\LLVM\include)
The problem is that this is being considered two include directories, "C:\Program" and "Files\LLVM\include".
Any idea how can I solve this problem? I tried using quotation marks, but it didn't work.
EDIT: It turned out that the problem is in the file llvm-3.0\share\llvm\cmake\LLVMConfig.cmake. I enclosed the following paths with quotation marks and the problem was solved:
In CMake,
whitespace is a list separator (like ;),
evaluating variable names basically replaces the variable name with its content and
\ is an escape character (to get the symbol, it needs to be escaped as well)
So, in your example, include_directories(C:\\Pogram Files\\LLVM\\include) is the same as
include_directories( C:\\Program;Files\\LLVM\\include)
that is, a list with two items. To avoid this, either
escape the whitespace as well:
include_directories( C:\\Program\ Files\\LLVM\\include) or
surround the path with quotation marks:
include_directories( "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\include")
Obviously, the second option is the better choice as it is
simpler and easier to read and
can be used with variable evaluation like in your example (since the result of the evaluation is then surrounded by quotation marks and thus, treated a single item)
This works as well, if LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS is a list of multiple directories because the items in this list will then be explicitly separated by ; so that there is no need for unquoted whitespace as implicit list item separator.
Side note:
When using hard-coded path-names (for whatever reason) in my CMake files, I usually uses forward slashes as directory separators as this works on Windows as well and avoids the need to escape all backslashes.
This is more likely to be an error at the point where LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS is set rather than a problem with include_directories.
To check this, try calling include_directories("C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\include") - it should work correctly.
The problem seems to be that LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS was constructed without using quotation marks. Try for example running this:
set(LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\include)
set(LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\include")
The output is:
C:\Program Files\LLVM\include
Note the semi-colon in the first output line. This is a list with 2 items.
So the way to fix this is to modify the way in which LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS is created.

Selenium: Part of text present

Is there a way to verify only part of text present?
If there is a text "Warning: A15P09 has not been activated." I need to verify the text is present. However, 'A15P09' is not always the same, so I cannot do something like
Selenium.IsTextPresent("Warning: A15P09 has not been activated.");
I might do something like:
Selenium.IsTextPresent("has not been activated.");
But is there another way to verify this in Selenium. Please let me know if there is.
You could use getText and then do any normal regex that your language supplies for examining that result.
Edit: And for some languages you can do isTextPresent on a pattern modified string. The documentation states:
Various Pattern syntaxes are available
for matching string values:
glob:pattern: Match a string against a
"glob" (aka "wildmat") pattern. "Glob"
is a kind of limited
regular-expression syntax typically
used in command-line shells. In a glob
pattern, "*" represents any sequence
of characters, and "?" represents any
single character. Glob patterns match
against the entire string.
regexp:regexp: Match a string using a
regular-expression. The full power of
JavaScript regular-expressions is
exact:string: Match a
string exactly, verbatim, without any
of that fancy wildcard stuff.
If no
pattern prefix is specified, Selenium
assumes that it's a "glob" pattern.