How to implement instagrams location search - objective-c

Please point me to the right directions, I want to implement this on my app:
The image above came from instagram app after tapping on Add to Photo Map option, 3rd page when adding a new image.
From what I understand so far, core location can give me the exact position of the device but not
the other locations I see on the page above as suggestions.

Those location names come from facebook places, you have call the facebook graph API for places and then find the corresponding instagram location id, here is related question with the answer:

So we decided to use foursquare's api.


How can i add a snapchat sharing button to my website. Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat?

I am developing a website.I have added the many social login or sharing buttons,links like facebook,tweeter,gplus,pintrest on my php,html based website.
Now i have to add the social sharing button for snapchat.Is it possible to provide a link or button on my website to share a snap,image,content of stories in snapchat ?
I have tried to find out for any API or snapchat link or button to achive, but doesn't found any thing.
I also saw the question doesn't have any answer,reply,comments.
Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat?
From the snapchat blog link following, I found that there is no API available provided by snapchat.
Is it possible to share contents of snapchat?
That blog post is more talking about using a 3rd party app intead of the snapchat app, this is something i can never see being allowd but is also not what i think you are after.
I assume you mean that you want to be able to share a screenshot or specific image on snapchat. I have not been able to find a way of doing this, the closest thing was a 3rd party app that enabled link insertion to snapchat (
On the other hand, if you want them to connect to you, this can be done with the url
hope this helps

Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat? [duplicate]

I am developing a website.I have added the many social login or sharing buttons,links like facebook,tweeter,gplus,pintrest on my php,html based website.
Now i have to add the social sharing button for snapchat.Is it possible to provide a link or button on my website to share a snap,image,content of stories in snapchat ?
I have tried to find out for any API or snapchat link or button to achive, but doesn't found any thing.
I also saw the question doesn't have any answer,reply,comments.
Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat?
From the snapchat blog link following, I found that there is no API available provided by snapchat.
Is it possible to share contents of snapchat?
That blog post is more talking about using a 3rd party app intead of the snapchat app, this is something i can never see being allowd but is also not what i think you are after.
I assume you mean that you want to be able to share a screenshot or specific image on snapchat. I have not been able to find a way of doing this, the closest thing was a 3rd party app that enabled link insertion to snapchat (
On the other hand, if you want them to connect to you, this can be done with the url
hope this helps

Show users heading location(north,east west,soth) using Google Map SDK for iOS

I am working on an application where is want to show the user his heading location, like in Apple maps (magnetic direction) which is a small triangle and will rotate as the user moves physically using the app. I am using Google Maps SDK and would like to know if Google provides this option, i have researched a bit but dint get. Also, their official Google Map App doesn't have the feature.
Also i would like to know if there is any other better option for the same.
Simply add mapView.myLocationEnabled = YES; should works for your require.
Except you want this feature works well in China.

Google Custom Search API Search Image by Image URL

I am working on an application which will have an option for users to upload images. Once uploaded, the application will show other images from the web which look exactly similar, whether or not of the same size.
For this, I will create a temporary URL for the image so that I could provide Google custom search API the URL of the image. I would expect in response, URL's of images that are exactly the same or similar to it, perhaps in JSON format.
I did find a similar question posted in January. Till then Google did not support anything like this, apparently:
Google Javascript Custom Search API: Search images by image url
One can also simply do:{Image URL}
Since that is not part of an official API, it may not be right to use this method.
Can someone help me?
Well, the answer quite simply is TinEye Commercial API I was looking in the wrong place I guess, I did not have any luck with Google Custom Search API.
Would you need a simple result?
If you are, you can use Vision API of Google.
This is very simple.
You can try on the top.
First, access the URL.
Second, upload your image file on the "Try API"
Third, click "JSON" tab menu on the result.
You can be seen JSON about similar images.

How to get information from a website into my tableview row

The application I'm making is similar to YouTube. It is a TableView that has a custom cell that displays a screenshot of the video, title, duration, and rating. I think I'm able to create this custom cell, my question is what to use to get the information from the website? Thanks for the help, I'm still inexperienced.
Update: Maybe I didn't word it properly, but I meant to get the video and information from a different web site that isn't YouTube for its videos, sorry for the confusion.
You use YouTube's API.