Updating tables from generate_series(int, int) function Postgres 9.0 - sql

I have a table with data in it I want to keep, but I have to add a new column of integers for ordering purposes. Now this ordering will be different depending on the clientID as each different client wants different ordering. So in my example there are 3 different clients, the first client has 10 rows of data the second has 15, and the third has 87. So basically I'm looking for a query that will let me update the ordering column in a way that will allow me to do a select on the table that would give results like this.
Select ordering from table Where clientID = 1
Now the query I'm currently using to do this is
UPDATE data SET ordering = generate_series
FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,87)) as k <
where clientid = '3'
This will update all the correct rows but only with the first value, so all the values in ordering would be 1. I feel like I'm missing something here or this just doesn't work in postgres as it does in other SQL languages. Any solution here will help I would also like to know why my update would not work as I expected in postgres. Also I cannot change versions of postgres based on the environment I work in.

I don't see why you would need generate_series(). A window function that numbers all rows for each client should do:
update data
set ordering = t.rn
from (select pk_column,
row_number() over (partition by clientid order by pk_column) as rn
from data
) t
where t.pk_column = data.pk_column;
pk_column is the primary key column of the table data


Limiting output of rows based on count of values in another table?

As a base example, I have a query that effectively produces a table with a list of values (ID numbers), each of which is attached to a specific category. As a simplified example, it would produce something like this (but at a much larger scale):
type 1
type 6
type 3
type 4
type 2
type 2
Using this table, I want to populate another table that gives me a list of ID numbers, with a limit placed on how many of each category are in that list, cross referenced against a sort of range based chart. For instance, if there are 5-15 IDS of type 1 in my first table, I want the new table with the column of IDS to have 3 type 1 IDS in it, if there are 15-30 type 1 IDS in the first table, I want to have 6 type 1 IDS in the new table.
This sort of range based limit would apply to each category, and the IDS would all populate the same column in the new table. The order, or specific IDS that end up in the final table don't matter, as long as the correct number of IDS end up as a part of that final list of ID numbers. This is being used to provide a semi-random sampling of ID numbers based on categories for a sort of QA related process.
If parts of this are unclear I can do my best to explain more. My initial thought was using a variable for a limit clause, but that isnt possible. I have been trying to sort out how to do this with a case statement but I'm really just not making any headway there but I feel like I am at this sort of paper thin wall I just can't break through.
You can use two window functions:
COUNT to keep track of the amount of ids for each category
ROW_NUMBER to uniquely identify each id within each category
Once you have collected these information, it's sufficient to keep all those rows that satisfy either of the following conditions:
count of rows less or equal to 30 >> ranking less or equal to 6
count of rows less or equal to 15 >> ranking less or equal to 3
WITH cte AS (
FROM tab
FROM cte
WHERE (rn <= 3 AND cnt <= 15)
OR (rn <= 6 AND cnt <= 30)
Note: If you have concerns regarding a specific ordering, you need to fix the ORDER BY clause inside the ROW_NUMBER window function.

Group BY Statement error to get unique records

I am new to SQL Server, used to work with MYSQL and trying to get the records from a table using Group By.
The table structure is given below:
SELECT S1.ID,S1.Template_ID,S1.Assigned_By,S1.Assignees,S1.Active FROM "Schedule" AS S1;
ID Template_ID Assigned_By Assignees Active
2 25 1 3 1
3 25 5 6 1
6 26 5 6 1
I need to get the values of all columns using the Group By statement below
SELECT Template_ID FROM "Schedule" WHERE "Assignees" IN(6, 3) GROUP BY "Template_ID";
I tried the following code to fetch the table using Group By, but it's fetching all the rows.
SELECT S1.ID,S1.Template_ID,S1.Assigned_By,S1.Assignees,S1.Active FROM "Schedule" AS S1 INNER JOIN(SELECT Template_ID FROM "Schedule" WHERE "Assignees" IN(6, 3) GROUP BY "Template_ID") AS S2 ON S2.Template_ID=S1.Template_ID
My Output Should be like,
ID Template_ID Assigned_By Assignees Active
2 25 1 3 1
6 26 5 6 1
I was wondering whether I can get ID of the column as well? I use the ID for editing the records in the web.
The query doesn't work as expected in MySQL either, except by accident.
Nonaggregated columns in MySQL aren't part of the SQL standard and not even allowed in MySQL 5.7 and later unless the default value of the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode is changed.
In earlier versions the result is non-deterministic.
The server is free to choose any value from each group, so unless they are the same, the values chosen are nondeterministic. Furthermore, the selection of values from each group cannot be influenced by adding an ORDER BY clause.
This means there's was no way to know what rows will be returned this query :
SELECT S1.ID,S1.Template_ID,S1.Assigned_By,S1.Assignees,S1.Active
FROM "Schedule" AS S1
GROUP BY Template_ID;
To get deterministic results you'd need a way to rank rows with the ranking functions introduced in MySQL 8, like ROW_NUMBER(). These are already available in SQL Server since SQL Server 2012 at least. The syntax is the same for both databases :
WITH ranked as AS
ID,Template_ID,Assigned_By,Assignees Active,
FROM Scheduled
WHERE Assignees IN(6, 3)
SELECT ID,Template_ID,Assigned_By,Assignees Active
FROM ranked
Where RN=1
PARTITION BY Template_ID splits the result rows based on their Template_ID value into separate partitions. Within that partition, the rows are ordered based on the ORDER BY clause. Finally, ROW_NUMBER calculates a row number for each ordered partition row.

How to distinguish rows in a database table on the basis of two or more columns while returning all columns in sql server

I want to distinguish Rows on the basis of two or more columns value of the same table at the same time returns all columns from the table.
Ex: I have this table
DB Table
I want my result to be displayed as: filter on the basis of type and Number only. As in abover table type and Number for first and second Row is same so it should be suppressed in result.
txn item Discrip Category type Number Mode
60 2 Loyalty L 6174 XXXXXXX1390 0
60 4 Visa C 1600 XXXXXXXXXXXX4108 1
I have tried with sub query but yet unsuccessful. Please suggest what to try.
You can do what you want with row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by type, number order by item) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;

SQL Server Sum multiple rows into one - no temp table

I would like to see a most concise way to do what is outlined in this SO question: Sum values from multiple rows into one row
that is, combine multiple rows while summing a column.
But how to then delete the duplicates. In other words I have data like this:
Person Value
1 10
1 20
2 15
And I want to sum the values for any duplicates (on the Person col) into a single row and get rid of the other duplicates on the Person value. So my output would be:
Person Value
1 30
2 15
And I would like to do this without using a temp table. I think that I'll need to use OVER PARTITION BY but just not sure. Just trying to challenge myself in not doing it the temp table way. Working with SQL Server 2008 R2
Simply put, give me a concise stmt getting from my input to my output in the same table. So if my table name is People if I do a select * from People on it before the operation that I am asking in this question I get the first set above and then when I do a select * from People after the operation, I get the second set of data above.
Not sure why not using Temp table but here's one way to avoid it (tho imho this is an overkill):
UPDATE MyTable SET VALUE = (SELECT SUM(Value) FROM MyTable MT WHERE MT.Person = MyTable.Person);
FROM MyTable)
First query updates every duplicate person to the summary value. Second query removes duplicate persons.
Demo: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/db7aa/11
All you're asking for is a simple SUM() aggregate function and a GROUP BY
SELECT Person, SUM(Value)
FROM myTable
The SUM() by itself would sum up the values in a column, but when you add a secondary column and GROUP BY it, SQL will show distinct values from the secondary column and perform the aggregate function by those distinct categories.

SQL Query Create isDuplicate Column with IDs

I have a SQL Server 2005 database I'm working with. For the query I am using, I want to add a custom column that can start at any number and increment based on the row entry number.
For example, I start at number 10. Each row in my results will have an incrementing number 10, 11, 12, etc..
This is an example of the SELECT statement I would be using.
int customVal = 10;
ID, customVal++
FROM myTable
The format of the above is clearly wrong, but it is conceptually what I am looking for.
ID CustomColumn
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
How can I go about implementing this kind functionality?
I cannot find any reference to incrementing variables within results. Is this the case?
EDIT: The customVal number will be pulled from another table. I.e. probably do a Select statement into the customVal variable. You cannot assume the the ID column will be any usable values.
The CustomColumn will be auto-incrementing starting at the customVal.
Use the ROW_NUMBER ranking function - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186734.aspx
DECLARE #Offset INT = 9