Identify the action that is deleting all rows in a table - sql

There is SQL Server 2012 database that is used by three different applications. In that database there is a table that contains ~500k rows and for some mysterious reason this table gets emptied every now and then. I think this is possibly caused by:
A delete query without a where clause
A delete query in a loop gone wild
I am trying to locate the cause of this issue by reviewing code but no joy. I need an alternate strategy. I think I can use triggers to detect what/why all rows get deleted but I am not sure how to go about this. So:
Can I use triggers to check if a query is attempting to delete all rows?
Can I use triggers to log the problematic query and the application that issues that query?
Can I use triggers to log such actions into a text file/database table/email?
Is there a better way?

You can use Extended Events to monitor your system.
Here a simple screen shot where are.
A simple policy can monitor for delete and truncate statements.
When this events are raised details are written into file.
Here a screen with details (you can configure the script to collect more data) collected for delete statement.
Here the script used, modify the output file path
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed(SET collect_statement=(1)
WHERE ([sqlserver].[like_i_sql_unicode_string]([statement],N'%delete%') OR [sqlserver].[like_i_sql_unicode_string]([statement],N'%truncate%')))
ADD TARGET package0.event_file(SET filename=N'C:\temp\CheckDelete.xel',max_file_size=(50))

This is a possibility that may help you. It creates a trigger on Table1 that sends an email when a process DELETEs more than 100 records. I'd modify the message to include some useful data like:
Process ID (##SPID)
Host (HOST_NAME())
Name of app (APP_NAME())
And possibly the entire query
CREATE TRIGGER Table1MassDeleteTrigger
ON dbo.Activities
DECLARE #DeleteCount INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM deleted)
IF(#DeleteCount > 100)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
#profile_name = 'MailProfileName',
#recipients = '',
#body = 'Something is deleting all your data!',
#subject = 'Oops!';


PL/SQL Developer Can't See Results Of Insert Statement

As the title says - when I perform an "INSERT" statement, I can't see the results unless I re-open PL/SQL Developer.
To make things a bit more clear:
After I perform this statement on the empty table "worker_temp" -
insert into worker_temp
select * from worker_b
I see that 100 records have been inserted:
But when I try to see the results using this query:
select * from worker_temp;
I still see an empty table:
But only after I quit PL/SQL Developer and re-open it, I can see the records that I inserted earlier:
Is there a way to see the changes without closing and re-opening PL/SQL Developer?
What I've tried so far:
I've tried to refresh the table using right click on it:
And I've also tried to refresh the whole tables folder:
I also tried committing -
But I'm not sure what that even is.
Tool agnostic way:
insert into worker_temp
select * from worker_b;
Judging by all the screenshots you are likely getting separate database sessions in 'each' tab you are using - which is a good thing. You have to issue the commit on the same session that performed the insert. Another way of understanding this:
insert into worker_temp select * from worker_b;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows inserted but not committed ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT);
-- 'undo' the insert by rolling back the insert instead of commit.
The default setting in PL/SQL Developer is Multi session:
This means that each editor window you have open is logged into the database in a separate session. A session can't see another session's changes until it commits. This is rather like saving a shared Excel spreadsheet on a network drive. Nobody can see your changes until you have finished making them, which you'll appreciate is an important feature in a multi-user database.
In PL/SQL Developer, the Multi session default setting means that you can start a long-running query in one SQL window, and then get on with something else in another without being blocked and having to wait for it. With this setting, you'll need to commit your changes before any other editor window can see them. There are Commit and Rollback icons in the toolbar, or you can type commit; and execute it.
However, I always set mine to Dual session, meaning all windows are part of the same session, even if it means I sometimes have to wait for something. I find this simplifies things considerably, and also I can make changes across multiple windows without needing to commit, which can be helpful when working with global temporary tables or alter session commands.
Read more in this setup guide.

How to test your query first before running it sql server

I made a silly mistake at work once on one of our in house test databases. I was updating a record I just added because I made a typo but it resulted in many records being updated because in the where clause I used the foreign key instead of the unique id for the particular record I just added
One of our senior developers told me to do a select to test out what rows it will affect before actually editing it. Besides this, is there a way you can execute your query, see the results but not have it commit to the db until I tell it to do so? Next time I might not be so lucky. It's a good job only senior developers can do live updates!.
It seems to me that you just need to get into the habit of opening a transaction:
SET [Col1] = 'something', [Col2] = '..'
OUTPUT DELETED.*, INSERTED.* -- So you can see what your update did
WHERE ....;
Than you just run again after seeing the results, changing ROLLBACK to COMMIT, and you are done!
If you are using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio you can go to Tools > Options... > Query Execution > ANSI > SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS and SSMS will open the transaction automatically for you. Just dont forget to commit when you must and that you may be blocking other connections while you dont commit / rollback close the connection.
First assume you will make a mistake when updating a db so never do it unless you know how to recover, if you don't don't run the code until you do,
The most important idea is it is a dev database expect it to be messed up - so make sure you have a quick way to reload it.
The do a select first is always a good idea to see which rows are affected.
However for a quicker way back to a good state of the database which I would do anyway is
For a simple update etc
Use transactions
Do a begin transaction and then do all the updates etc and then select to check the data
The database will not be affected as far as others can see until you do a last commit which you only do when you are sure all is correct or a rollback to get to the state that was at the beginning
If you must test in a production database and you have the requisite permissions, then write your queries to create and use temporary tables that in name are similar to the production tables and whose schema other than index names is identical. Index names are unique across a databse, at least on Informix.
Then run your queries and look at the data.
Other than that, IMHO you need a development database, and perhaps even a development server with a development instance. That's paranoid advice, but you'd have to be very careful, even if you were allowed -- MS SQLSERVER lingo here -- a second instance on the same server.
I can reload our test database at will, and that's why we have a test system. Our production system contains citizens' tax payments and other information that cannot be harmed, "or else".
For our production data changes, we always ensure that we use a BEGIN TRAN and a ROLLBACK TRAN and then all statements have an OUTPUT clause. This way we can run the script first (usually in a copy of PRODUCTION db first) and see what is affected before changing the ROLLBACK TRAN to COMMIT TRAN
Have you considered explain ?
If there is a mistake in the command, it will report it as with usual commands.
But if there are no mistakes it will not run the command, it will just explain it.
Example of a "passed" test:
testdb=# explain select * from sometable ;
Seq Scan on sometable (cost=0.00..12.60 rows=260 width=278)
(1 row)
Example of a "failed" test:
testdb=# explain select * from sometaaable ;
ERROR: relation "sometaaable" does not exist
LINE 1: explain select * from sometaaable ;
It also works with insert, update and delete (i.e. the "dangerous" ones)

Debug Insert and temporal tables in SQL 2012

I'm using SQL Server 2012, and I'm debugging a store procedure that do some INSERT INTO #temporal table SELECT.
There is any way to view the data selected in the command (the subquery of the insert into?)
There is any way to view the data inserted and/or the temporal table where the insert maked the changes?
It doesn't matter if is the total rows, not one by one
Requirements from AT Compliance and Company Policy requires that any modification can be done in the process of test and it's probable this will be managed by another team. There is any way to avoid any change on the script?
The main idea is that the AT user check in their workdesktop the outputs, copy and paste them, without make any change on environment or product.
Thanks and kind regards.
If I understand your question correctly, then take a look at the OUTPUT clause:
Returns information from, or expressions based on, each row affected
by an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. These results can be
returned to the processing application for use in such things as
confirmation messages, archiving, and other such application
For instance:
INSERT INTO #temporaltable
OUTPUT inserted.*
FROM ...
Will give you all the rows from the INSERT statement that was inserted into the temporal table, which were selected from the other table.
Is there any reason you can't just do this: SELECT * FROM #temporal? (And debug it in SQL Server Management Studio, passing in the same parameters your application is passing in).
It's a quick and dirty way of doing it, but one reason you might want to do it this way over the other (cleaner/better) answer, is that you get a bit more control here. And, if you're in a situation where you have multiple inserts to your temp table (hopefully you aren't), you can just do a single select to see all of the inserted rows at once.
I would still probably do it the other way though (now I know about it).
I know of no way to do this without changing the script. Howeer, for the future, you should never write a complex strored proc or script without a debug parameter that allows you to put in the data tests you will want. Make it the last parameter with a default value of 0 and you won't even have to change your current code that calls the proc.
Then you can add statements like the below everywhere you will want to check intermediate results. Further in debug mode you might always rollback any transactions so that a bug will not affect the data.
IF #debug = 1

How to determine the name of a process that caused a trigger to fire

Short Version:
Does anyone know of a way --inside a SQL 2000 trigger-- of detecting which process modified the data, and exiting the trigger if a particular process is detected?
Long Version
I have a customized synchronization routine that moves data back and forth between dis-similar database schemas.
When this process grabs a modified record from Database A, it needs to transform it into a record that goes into Database B. The database are radically different, but share some of the same data such as user accounts and user activity (however even these tables are structurally different).
When data is modified in one of the pertinent tables, a trigger fires which writes the PK of that record to a "sync" table. This "sync" table is monitored by a process (a stored proc) which will grab the PK's in sequence, and copy over the related data from database A to database B, making transformations as necessary.
Both databases have triggers that fire and copy the PK to the sync table, however these triggers must ignore the sync process itself so as not to enter into "endless" loop (or less, depending on nesting limits).
In SQL 2005 and up, I use the following code in the Sync process to identify itself:
Each trigger has the following code at the beginning, to see if the process that modified the data is the sync process itself:
IF (CONTEXT_INFO() = 0xHexValueOfProcName)
-- print '## Process Sync Queue detected. This trigger is exiting! ##'
This system works great, keep chugging along, keeps the data in sync. The problem now however is that a SQL2000 server wants to join the party.
Does anyone know of a way --inside a SQL 2000 trigger-- of detecting which process modified the data, and exiting the trigger if a particular process is detected?
Thanks guys!
(As per Andriy's request, I am answering my own question.)
I put this at the top of my trigger, works like a charm.
-- How to check context info in SQL 2000
IF ((select CONTEXT_INFO from master..sysprocesses where spid = ##SPID) = 0xHexValueOfProcName)
print 'Sync Process Detected -- Exiting!'

Link Server Optimization Help

I have this code in a trigger.
if isnull(#d_email,'') <> isnull(#i_email,'')
update server2.database2.dbo.Table2
email = #i_email,
where user_id = (select user_id from server2.database2.dbo.Table1 where login = #login)
I would like to update a table on another db server, both are MSSQL. the query above works for me but it is taking over 10 seconds to complete. table2 has over 200k records. When I run the execution plan it says that the remote scan has a 99% cost.
Any help would be appreciated.
First, the obvious. Check the indexes on the linked server. If I saw this problem without the linked server issue, that would be the first thing I would check.
Instead of embedding the UPDATE in the server 1 trigger, create a stored procedure on the linked server and update the records by calling the stored procedure.
Try to remove the sub-query from the UPDATE:
if isnull(#d_email,'') <> isnull(#i_email,'')
update server2.database2.dbo.Table2
set email = #i_email
from server2.database2.dbo.Table2 t2
inner join
server2.database2.dbo.Table1 t1
on (t1.user_id = t2.user_id)
where t1.login = #login
Whoa, bad trigger! Never and I mean never, never write a trigger assuming only one record will be inserted/updated or deleted. You SHOULD NOT use variables this way in a trigger. Triggers operate on batches of data, if you assume one record, you will create integrity problems with your database.
What you need to do is join to the inserted table rather than using a varaible for the value.
Also really updating to a remote server may not be such a dandy idea in a trigger. If the remote server goes down then you can't insert anything to the orginal table. If the data can be somewaht less than real time, the normal technique is to have the trigger go to a table on the same server and then a job pick up the new info every 5-10 minutes. That way if the remote server is down, the records can still be inserted and they are stored until the job can pick them up and send them to the remote server.