Task complete with content data - jboss7.x

I'm trying to access the task form via Rest api and complete the task form with user input results. All are working fine with Jbpm console. But i want to integrate it to my own application.Can anyone tell me how to complete task with form input data?
How to automatically render form inputs in jbpm console and save them?
Please can anyone answer this question?I can't go forward without solving this problem?


how to make Flutter ValueListenableBuilder to update the ui every time the the app request data from the server

Im new to flutter and was wondering if there is any example codes explaining how to preform live updates to the ui each time the rest api get is called. i want the builder to listen to a predefine variable that will be changed every time the api data as been requested. I wanted to try stream builder but i dont want to spam request from the server. If any one have any advice or method to preforming this task please kindly explain, If you have any example codes on the exact thing please share . thank you

VB.NET - is there a way to programmatically create a scheduler just to call a certain url/api?

I have looked everywhere but I cant really find what I wanted. Here is the scenario. I have a web application, when a user clicks a button, it will send api request to the vendor to activate a device. The problem is, the vendor does not have the api method to set start and end time for the device. So, my idea now is, once i get the "green light" from the vendor to activate the machine, i will also programmatically schedule a task in the server to call my web application after 15 minutes to turn off the device (by url with query string, www.xxxx.aspx?deviceid=123).
really appreciate the help or any pointers on how to achieve this. thanks in advance!
Sorry about the way answer is typed i am on phone right now. it was fun researching for it and i would like to hear from you if it works
So assuming you have access to your api.
The way i think you can make it work is by using a backgroundworker in your api / web application it is a nuget you download to your web application
If you open and scroll in that link it has example talking about having background task similar to windows task schedular however for any type of webapplication it is open source project called backgroundworker and many task schedulers you can add on web application give it a try

Keep form data without removing in Swagger

I am using swagger to describe and document my ASP.Net web API. After running the API on browser, I can enter the input parameters and test my endpoint. But after closing the browser and running the API, I have to add all the input parameters again and again. My question is, Is there a way to keep previous input parameters without removing?
As per my knowledge, there is no direct way to save the data in Swagger. However, you can use Postman to solve your issue. It helps end to end in API development, debugging, testing, and documentation.

Active Collab API doesn't show all reports

I'm fetching all the open reports tagged as CHECKPOINT using the collab API and it's working fine. Although, when I run a custom report for the tasks, at Active Collab website, I get more and different results than what I fetched.
What I need is to get exactly the same results shown when running a custom report. Does anyone know how can I fix it or if it's a problem with the API itself?
Open browser console and see which requests ActiveCollab's web interface is making when making fetching data to build a report. Compre this with requests that you are making and see where the differences are.
Web interface gets served by the same API as your app is, so both can be made to work the same. As long as they are making the same requests, as same users.
Solution by OP.
By creating a data filter, it shows all the reports if "include_all_projects": true! Simple is that

Facebook Adding Leads to CRM using Webhook

I follows https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/guides/lead-ads/quickstart/webhooks-integration
To Get Leads Data from Facebook.
All Seem to be working using Lead Ads Testing Tool (its Adding the Form Data to CRM). i'm saving Long Term Token
as well.I can also see its showing number of Calls to app and equal number of error but i cant get there details.
So i'm not sure why its not adding the Lead to CRM.
I have Editor access to the page which has the Ads and Form and i have used my account to subscribe to App.Do the Admin of this Page need to subscribe to App?
Please let me know how to get more details of error.please see the Attach image.enter image description here