Casperjs switch MainFrame to a new tab - phantomjs

I'm using casperjs to navigate a site, but I'm having trouble with the login process:
In the site, when you login, the browser is switched to a new tab and the login form is reset back to blank, I'm seeing this new tab with the data I need being requested in the navigation debug, like this:
[debug] [phantom] Navigation requested:, type=FormSubmitted, willNavigate=true, isMainFrame=false
I've noticed the isMainFrame = false and I've tried to switch the frame with some methods like switchToChildFrame, casper.withFrame() or casper.withPopup(), but I've failed.
Is there any way that I can retrieve and interact with the content of that request?
My code so far:
casper.start('', function() {
casper.userAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X)');
casper.withFrame('centro', function() {
this.fillSelectors('form[name="teclado"]', {
'input[name="IdGroup"]': 'AAA',
'input[name="IdUser"]': 'BBB',
'input[name="password"]': 'CCC'
}, false);
//this capture retrieves the form filled with my data
this.capture('../../../1.png');"a[onclick='enviar();return true;']");
casper.withFrame( 0, function(){
//2.png is getting the form with blank fields
Thanks in advance.

Ok I solved my issue
The problem was that I wrote the withPopup code badly
I wrote the regex to match the popup url too strict by putting most of the url I expected:
casper.withPopup(/Estatico\/BEComponentesGeneralesAccesoSEI\/Html\/login.htm/, function() {
This works OK for me:
casper.withPopup(/true$/, function() {


Handling popups inside casperjs test

I'm trying to make a test for a login webpage where there is the possibility of using Thirdparties social login. When you click on facebook icon, for example, a new popup appears asking for user/password. I'm using waitForPopup and withPopup as specified by the documentation to handle that, but is not working. Is never finding the element (via xpath) inside the xpath, so I can never log in using facebook in our test.
This is an example code that check if the facebook button is there, click on it and wait for the popup:
casper.then(function() {
test.comment("When we click facebook button");
casper.waitForSelector(x(facebookButton), function() {
test.assertExists(x(facebookButton), "Facebook icon is showing");;
}, function timeout() { // step to execute if check has failed"Timeout loading login page");
casper.then(function() {
casper.waitForPopup(/facebook\.com\/login/, function() {
test.comment("And we fill facebook login info");
casper.withPopup(/facebook\.com\/login/, function() {
this.viewport(1600, 900);
casper.sendKeys(x(facebookEmail), facebookLogin[0]);
casper.sendKeys(x(facebookPassword), facebookLogin[1]);;
}, function timeout() { // step to execute if check has failed"Timeout loading faceebook login");
The output of the test is:
# When we click facebook button
PASS Facebook icon is showing
# And we fill facebook login info
FAIL Cannot get informations from xpath selector: //input[#id='email']: element not found.
# type: uncaughtError
# file: casper/import-login-testing.js:1058
# error: Cannot get informations from xpath selector: //input[#id='email']: element not found.
# CasperError: Cannot get informations from xpath selector: //input[#id='email']: element not found.
# at getElementInfo (/Users/ginogalotti/testing-presentation/node_modules/casperjs/modules/casper.js:1058)
# at /Users/ginogalotti/testing-presentation/node_modules/casperjs/modules/casper.js:1589
# at casper/import-login-testing.js:84
# at runStep (/Users/ginogalotti/testing-presentation/node_modules/casperjs/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/Users/ginogalotti/testing-presentation/node_modules/casperjs/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
For me, that means that is finding the popup, the waitForPopup is triggering and is just not using the popup to look for the facebookEmail element. I'm still learning about casperjs, so probably this is not even the best way to approach the problem; but I would really thank some guidance.
Thanks in advance,
Example website that I'm testing:

Concern regarding automation using Protractor

Am new to protractor. I found some errors while automating the URL using protractor. And I can access the URL manually and does not find any issues. Please find the code mentioned below and kindly clarify my concern.
Screenshot of cmd while executing the code
specs: ['try.js'],
//seleniumArgs: ['-browserTimeout=60']
jasmineNodeOpts: {
isVerbose: true,
spec: try.js
describe('first try',function(){
var EW=protractor.ExpectedConditions;
it('open PO',function(){
//clicking login button
var login=element(by.linkText('Login'));
//clicking open Po dashboard icon/link
var po=element(by.linkText('Open PO'));
//entering value 100 in the fiter field
var e=element.all(by.repeater('colFilter in col.filters')).get(00).element(by.tagName('input'));
//selecting the filterd values and printing it in console
element.all(by.repeater('col in colContainer.renderedColumns track by col.uid').column('Entity')).getText().then(console.log);
Make sure you have ng-app defined on all of your pages. Protractor requires it to run. If the page has redirects or just takes some time before it loads, try something like this:
browser.wait(function () {
return browser.executeScript('return !!window.angular');
}, 10000, 'Error: Angular was not found on the page within ten seconds');
This will wait up to ten seconds for angular to load up, and fail if it is not there.

Facebook FB.ui dialog iOS Web App unclosable

I have FB.ui working well, I can share whatever info I need to share. However the issue is that it's being rolled into a Web App (This "add to home screen") for an ipad. Whenever the dialog opens, it's opened full screen, and once it's shared there is no way to close the opened dialog.
<input type="button" onclick="share_prompt()" value="Share" />
function share_prompt()
method: 'feed',
display: "iframe",
name: 'Facebook Dialogs',
link: '',
picture: '',
caption: 'Reference Documentation',
description: 'Dialogs provide a simple, consistent interface for applications to interface with users.',
message: 'Facebook Dialogs are easy!'
function(response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
alert('Post was published.');
} else {
alert('Post was not published.');
I've changed the "display" property to everything possible, but the docs say that it defaults to a "touch" display in web apps.
Also, to make it even more frustrating, the response doesn't fire when in web app mode. Only in the browser window.
Any ideas?
This is the way I solved this:
new_url = ''+
} else {
//do the normal way
This way you can have a redirect url and you can send the post id back to your app if you need it. Hope this answers your question if you still didn't find a way to solve it.

Keep Bootstrap Modal Open when page refresh

I'm using the Twitter Bootstrap modal as a login window, and would like it remains open if user put wrong login info. My Page refreshed after submitting the form.Is there a way after refresh page modal open again and I an show the message there that Login Failed:Please try again.
You will have to trigger the modal when there is an error after a post back.
You could have the server print out some javascript to trigger the modal after a post back ONLY on an error condition. You didn't mention what server side technology you are using, so here is some psuedo server side code:
if (hasAuthenticationErrors)
<script type="text/javascript">
end if
That bit of javascript would have to be rendered AFTER the modal is initialized with a show:false option
$('#myModal').modal({ show: false})
see: How can I trigger a Bootstrap modal programmatically?
The scenario is certainly possible, but not even necessary. You should use the preventDefault in order to withhold the form from submitting the page. That is, if you use AJAX, which looks to be the perfect place for it.
An example would be
$(function () {
var frm = $('#form');
frm.submit(function (ev) {
type: frm.attr('method'),
url: frm.attr('action'),
data: frm.serialize(),
success: function (data) {

unable to click submit button using casperjs

I'm filling a form using casperjs and getting stuck at its submission. Below is my code snippet:
this.waitUntilVisible('#ajaxSignin', function(){
this.fill('form#ajaxSignin', {
'j_username' : '',
'j_password' : '1234rewq'
}, true);
this.wait(10000, function(){
In the image 'sn8.png', I'm getting this: "HTTP Status 405 - Request method POST not supported".
So I infer that there is something wrong in clicking the submit button. The script works fine till form filling.(site link: ';372')
this.waitUntilVisible('#ajaxSignin', function(){
this.fill('form#ajaxSignin', {
'j_username' : '',
'j_password' : '1234rewq'
}, true); // change this to false true will sumbit the
// form right after the input was set
You are submitting the form before you click on the #signin_submit button.