Is there a easy way to get current navigation step inside casper script (like in debug output: "Step xx/yy done in ZZZms"). Or only way is count steps by myself?
No, CasperJS doesn't keep track of step execution time or current step index. You either do it yourself or monkey-patch the casper instance. If you decide to do it yourself
you can time the step in question from the surrounding steps or
use step.start, step.complete, step.error and step.timeout events. This will not work correctly, because step.complete is not emitted for casper.start or casper.thenOpen, but step.start is.
I have me testing a application using Loadrunner TruClient using browser Chromium, which gives me response time of a page as 50 seconds on an average.
But when i see the timings for the same page in Chrome, it is not more than 10 seconds on an average.
I have tried checking developer tool for both, but couldn't figure the difference.
Can anyone help me figure out the possible cause behind this?
Could you please tell me the detail about where did you get the response time of a page as 50 seconds? Is is it from the browser devtool or TruClient transaction time? As #Alex said, TruClient is using end event to statistic the reponse time. TruClient have injected its own logic to static the network traffic information. It is not as same as native Chrome devtool. It will exclude the unnecessary waiting time in the final report.
Best regards,
TruClient step uses End Event to determine when the step ends. End event impacts how long a step takes. Understanding end events describes all end events. View or edit the step structure describes how to manually set step end event. Try different step end events, see if it works for you.
How to avoid duplicated Cucumber steps while multiple team members working on different feature files in parallel?
Sometimes we find some similar steps with different context but are 90%-100% the same. The problem occurs when the tests are complex and need to write new steps for new feature that we didn't have before.
Any tips good tips that could help solving this issue?
Are there good tools that can manage and search steps to avoid duplicated statements?
Everyone writes scenarios in a different way.
One way you could start to avoid duplication is to document your steps and what they do, so that you and your team can look back on them to see if there is an existing step that they can use.
For steps where the functionality is almost the same, you could merge the step definitions: Given I have logged in vs When I log in - Cucumber Expression: "I( have) log(ged) in", Regex: /I(?:| have) log(?:|ged) in/ as an example.
For your example, we would need to know what you're trying to achieve in your step definition. For instance, you could be filling out a form where you have to select an option in a drop down dependant on the user that is logged in:
// Some stuff here to get to the dropdown
if( === "Bob Ross"){;
} else if ( === "Ellen Ripley"){;
} else {;
// Some other stuff here to complete this step
Basically, it depends on what you're attempting to do with your semi-duplicate steps.
Can you check what journey you are completing (with a previously ran step and a variable, a Url, a user that is logged in etc) and do something differently? Perhaps write a helper function for it and keep the step definition as just a block of ifs to choose the right one.
Can you merge steps that hold the same functionality?
If you can do either of these, then you should be good to go.
I would like to create a kind of a "smart" MoveIteratorFactory for my VRP (time windowed) example based app. This move factory should return an Iterator that would generate each time a CompositeMove based on the current solution state.
Is it possible for the MoveIteratorFactory to create an Iterator that generates moves based on current solution state?
AFAIK MoveIteratorFactory's methods accept a ScoreDirector object, and it seems that the returned Iterator should generate moves using instances retrieved from the ScoreDirector's working solution. But are these instances being updated while the solver process is undergoing? Do they have all planning variables set according to the current working solution state, when hasNext and next methods are called? Or should an iterator have a field with a ScoreDirector instance, and generate moves using instances retrieved each time from the ScoreDirector?
Yes, just make sure sure that the cacheType isn't PHASE or higher (by default it's fine because by default it's JUST_IN_TIME). See docs chapter 7.
At the beginning of every step it will call createRandomMoveIterator(), which can take into account the state of the current workingSolution.
I got a partial answer here but not exactly what I wanted.
The link describes how to get a list of task futures but what I'd really like to be able to do is list out and cancel individual jobs (that might be hung, long running etc etc). I've seen another post implying that this is not possible but I'd like to confirm (see second link)
Yes, this is not possible and actually I'm not sure how this can be done in general case. Imagine there are 5 jobs running and you want to cancel one of them. How are you going to identify it? It seems to be very use case specific to me.
However, you can always implement your own mechanism to do this. One of the possible ways is to use ComputeTaskSession API and task attributes. E.g., set a special attribute that will act as signal for job cancellation and create attribute listener that will stop job execution accordingly.
I envisage I'll run into problems as i haven't done this before.
I'm thinking that I can either define a date at the start of the method or initialise a class.
Then at the end of the method, call the commit method, which will write the time taken about with some sort of code to determine where the measurement was made.
Since you're crashing before the app finishes launching, so no code is going to fix this. If TestFlightApp isn't working, any other code-based solutions are likely to have the same problem.
As #dasblinkenlight noted, NSLog timestamps, so that's a really easy first step. Then you need to get the logs.
If possible, have your user install and run the iPhone Configuration Utility. Have her connect her device and select it from the Devices list. Then select Console and "Save Console As..." She can then mail it to you.