Office 365 MyFiles API - How to get the direct children in the root of the One Drive folder - api

I'm trying to work with the new summer release of the Office 365 API tool for Visual Studio 2013 (update 3). It works fine except one problem I've encountered which can be called also a missing functionality.
I found no reasonable way to retrieve the direct children of the root folder from my One Drive for business Document Library using the newly added SharePointClient library.
The API call of SharePointClient.Files will retrieve all the files and folders from the whole document library including sub-folders. So in order to get only the direct children I have to page through all the documents and folders and analyze their URL. This is not acceptable for my application scenario. For a sub-folder I can get the direct children like this: SharePointClient.Files["<folder_id>"].ToFolder().Children This is what I need but it can't be applied to the root folder.
I've tried to use the REST API directly and similarly the request GET ../_api/files will retrieve all files and folders in the default document library and I found no simple way to list only the direct children of the root. Also there is no convenient way to get the path or GUID of the default document library which the SharePointClient.Files automatically uses.
Parsing the result XMLs of the REST API calls I may get the GUID of the default document library, that will let me use a different REST API to list files and folders separately for the root folder, but these calls results in a different XML schema from that used by SharePointClient. This means that to get only the direct children of the root I would have to re-implement the whole SharePointClient library.
If anybody has some good advice I'll be very thankful.

I just ran into the same issue - hopefully this will be remedied before the release version of the api tools. Here is what I've done to get only the root folder content:
[Create your spClient = SharePointClient]
var allFiles = await spClient.Files.ExecuteAsync();
var rootFiles = allFiles.CurrentPage.Where(i => !i.Id.Contains("/"));
You lose the IPagedCollection wrapper and you may need to get more than the 'CurrentPage' to see all files but this is the best workaround I've found. I'm then able to you the 'ToFolder()' method you mentioned above to list content of sub-folders.


Using the Quip API, how can you get a list of all threads?

I need to get a list of all publicly-visible Quip documents in my company using the Quip API. I have a service worker account that will make the API calls.
My question: how do I find the root folder to start from?
Quip's API docs tell you how to get info about one or more folders using Get Folders by passing in the folder ids. You can call this again for nested folders, and you can call Get Threads to get information about each document. (Quip uses the terminology "threads," not "documents.")
But where do I start? I need a root folder to start recursing from, right.
Here's what I've tried:
The Get Folders docs say "To find your desktop or archive folder ID, see Get Authenticated User." I've tried that but it returns folders called Desktop, Archive, Starred, Private, Shared, and Group.
Desktop seemed like a good place to start but its only child is Archive, and...
Archive only contains a couple dozen docs. The meaning of the Archive folder is not documented.
Starred is docs you've favorited.
Private is your private docs.
Shared is docs that have been shared with you.
Group seemed promising because the Folders UI at shows the word "Group Folders" at the top. But my account's Group Folder list is empty.
A bit late to this, but since the QUIP API is poorly maintained and not well documented, for those looking to solve the same problem, here is one way:
Step 1: Add your company's root folder to your favorite (Starred folder), and drag it to the top of the favorite list.
Step 2: Get you authenticated instance:
quip_client = quip.QuipClient(access_token=login_token)
user = quip_client.get_authenticated_user()
print (user)
You will retrieve a json result with basic information like name, id... and most importantly the starred_folder_id for the user.
Step 3: Pass the starred_folder_id to the get_folder method:
print (quip_client.get_folder("starred_folder_id"))
You will receive yet another json with a key named as children which contains values of your starred folders/files in the order it appears on your quip app. The first folder_id will be your company folder id.
You can now use the folder_id to retrieve the rest of your company documents by more get_folder.

Get directory tree of a users dropbox

I have an app which integrates with dropbox, I want the user to select a folder from their dropbox.
I can call '/2/files/list_folder' ( with recursive set to true, and then recursively call it based on the returned cursor. I then filter out any which aren't directories.
But this is a long slow process, and unpredictable given the potential size of some users directory tree on Dropbox.
I know there is a dropbox file select plug in (, but I want to make a folder select, with no option to select a file.
What I would like is one api call that returns a list of all directories for a user.
Does this exist with an API method I don't know about? Or is there another widget that allows folder selection?
I've seen this question which just does a recursive api call too, not practically efficient.
The Dropbox API v2 doesn't offer a way to list only folders like that, but we'll consider it a feature request.
Dropbox also doesn't offer a component like the Chooser that allows folder selection, but we'll consider that a feature request as well.

How to design RESTful API for hierarchical entities

I'm designing RESTful API for file storage and having problems with finding the best way to organize URL's to actions.
Files can be grouped to folders but it is needed to be able to get all the files.
Guidelines suggests to use the following url to get files for specific folder.
GET /folders/{folderName}/files
But what should be used to just get all files? GET /files or GET /folders/files?
Also Google Drive has somewhat similar functionality and they use diifferent approach
GET files/{folderName}/children
As you've noticed this can range from one API designer to another.
If I was facing this problem I would want to consider all use cases and figure out what works best.
It looks like the following would meet your needs:
GET / Retrieves all files and folders
GET /{folderId} Retrieves all contents of said folderId (folders and files)
GET /{fileId} Retrieves the file
GET /{folderId}/{folderId} Same as above, but for nested folder
GET /{folderId}/{folderId}/{fileId} Retrieves the file
this pattern can continue for however nested the file structure is (note there is a limit on URL length)
Then if you have a unique requirement such as all you just create a new api endpoint.
GET /files/ Retrieves all files
GET /files/?filter="*.txt" Retrieves all text files
So to answer your EXACT question of:
But what should be used to just get all files? GET /files or GET
I would lean towards /files instead of /folders/files. /folders/files does not make much sense as an api consumer.

Is it possible to know the folder content? OneDrive

I wanna try OneDrive Api for Android and I was taking a look at the methods and possibilities this Api offers on this link and this other one but I don't see any way of listing the files a folder contains.
My App would need to upload some files to OneDrive, always using the same folder as root, say /MyFolder. The problem is that it only knows this root folder and all its content must be found out by means of recursive calls, that is, I list the files contained in /MyFolder and check if it's a folder or a file and in the first case list the files again it contains and so on.
Am I missing something or this Api doesn't provide such thing?
The Json object returned for a query against a Folder should contain a "data" property that is an array of children for the folder. You can see this in the interactive SDK ( by playing with the "Reading Folder Properties" API.

SharePoint web service call to retrieve file information for the contents of a specific SPFolder

I have a large SharePoint document library with many levels of subfolders in it, my goal is to make one service call to list the file information (Name, size, AbsoluteUrl, etc.) of the files contained in that specific folder without enumerating through all of them.
The client application I'm writing will always have the path of the folder (ex: DocLibraryName\Folder\SubFolder1). I cannot use the SharePoint API access the data, I'm forced to use the Lists.asmx, dws.asmx, etc.. services built into MOSS 2007. My client app is in C# .Net 4.
It seems like I should be using the Lists.GetListItems method, if that is the case, what is the CAML query for just hitting a specific folder?
You can use the code like this:
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement queryOptions = document.CreateElement("QueryOptions");
queryOptions.InnerXml = #"<Folder>DocLibraryName\Folder\SubFolder1</Folder>";
and pass it as queryOptions element of Lists.GetListItems call.