SaaS Billing and Multi-tenant starter kit -

I'm just about finished with a solution built with ASP.NET MVC. Apart from a few bits and pieces, I only have security to do. I was wondering if there is some sort of starter code somewhere which I can build into my application (or build my current files into) which will do the following:
Subscription page for tenants (think they are called tenants, see note below), which will assign a administrator to the account.
A way to invite others to join and work on the tenant's data.
User groups and roles to limit what each of these other users can see/do.
Standard Login/forgot password pages
It doesn't need to handle billing, but if it does, it's an added bonus
My understanding of a tenant here is a person that signs up and then invite others to access their data. It is also be called vendor sometimes.
I'm sure there must be something out the box, because the above are features of most SaaS apps nowadays. I'm aware that I will need to add clauses to all existing queries to ensure that tenants don't see each other's data.
Any solutions that anyhow know of? Please let me know. Thank you


How best to handle accounts across two different systems?

I want to use Shopify for our commerce solution but to build out a custom admin/user settings system. The key hurdle I'm dealing with is users and authentication. Let's assume my site is and my admin system is on a different host. I want the user to be able to log in to both the Shopify site and their custom admin/user page using the same username and password (effectively SSO but without a third-party service).
I don't want to build a custom application as I foresee us ultimately going fully custom at some point down the road
Just in case someone asks, yes the admin/user settings page is complex/unique enough that it warrants a custom solution to provide a good user experience.
Possible Solution 1
Have accounts created on the custom admin site and use the Create Customer API to keep the two databases in sync.
How do I handle the email validation coming from Shopify (the customer should be oblivious to Shopify as it's an implementation detail)
Possible Solution 2
Have all accounts created via Shopify and the admin site and create an associated on on the admin site.
How do I handle authentication for a specific user across origins. The only OAuth scenarios I seem to be able to track down are at the app level not per user.
I greatly appreciate any insights you all may have. Thank you.

Realistic Usage of Identity and Roles in .Net 5.0

I am fairly new to coding in the .Net environment. I am having trouble finding "real-world" examples on authentication/authorization using Identity. Most examples I come across are primarily textbook examples that use the ASP .Net registration template.
I am trying to find guidance on where to look (yes, I Googled and I get very unrealistic/unusable use cases or "classroom" examples) or how to do this.
I work for a small school and I am trying to build an application (possibly Blazor - just experimenting with various technologies now) that allows both students and employees to login into a portal and view their relevant data. I have an Employee table and a Student table based on POCO classes. When I add identity to the project it creates Users and Roles tables as well.
I would like to have the "Users" table based on the Student and Employee tables - not have a separate users table. I do not want to have a "registration" option either. I would like the option for an Admin (which would fall under an "Employee") to be able to add users, but not use a registration page.
How would I implement Identity and Roles without using all the extras added? I am using .Net 5.0.
Thank you for your time and pelase forgive the English - it's new to me as well.
I understand what you're trying to do. It IS possible to Create a Custom AuthenticationStateProvider
But unless you have a VERY robust database already, I wouldn't do it. Getting the default system set up and migrating users will take at most an hour. Setting up your own custom authorization system is likely to take you MUCH MUCH longer.
Having different users in different tables is not a good design plan. They all have names, phone numbers, e-mails and so on-- put them on one table.
Hi Derrick and welcome to the community! #Bennyboy1973 is correct, in that both your Students and Employees are all "Users", so they should all be stored in the same table. To add to that response a bit, probably the simplest way for you to manage them is by using Roles, so the Students could be in one role and the Employees could be in another. By having a role attached to each, you can then use the roles as a filter in your queries and you could also restrict the access and actions each type will have based on the role they are in.
Regarding having administrators add the users to the database without public access, this can be done as well. Once you get the default identity system up and running, you can scaffold out the whole system so it can be modified, and probably the easiest way to achieve what you are after is to then modify the default registration (signup) page so that it requires the user to be authenticated to reach it, and then implement a confirmation email to activate each new account.
There are a few things with this approach that you need to be aware of as well.
Since the admin will be setting up all the other user accounts, you should modify the email confirmation chain to require a password reset at some point. The administrators can have access to the user's information as needed but shouldn't have the user's passwords.
Identity Server will store passwords in an encrypted format, and you'll need an initial user in your database. What this means is that you will have to "seed" an initial admin user into the database that you can use to sign in and get started with everything else. You'll have to research how to do this, as it isn't as simple as just accessing the database directly and adding the user and roles because of the encryption. The program you build should be designed to do this for you on either the first run or if you are connecting to a new database, using a username and password that you know. It will then store the user properly that you can use to sign in as Admin, then change the admin password. This makes the whole thing more secure.
This all sounds like a headache, but it's worth it to work through and know how it all fits together. The, as mentioned in other answers, you can migrate existing data into the database.

User Auth in EventSourcing applications

I'm looking into crafting an app with DDD+CQRS+EventSourcing, and I have some trouble figuring out how to do user auth.
Users are intrinsically part of my domain, as they are responsible for clients. I'm using ASP.NET MVC 4, and I was looking to just use the SimpleMembership. Since logging in and authorising users is a synchronous operation, how is this tackled in an eventually consistent architecture?
Will I have to roll my own auth system where I keep denormalized auth tables on the read side? How to handle the security of this? Will I end up storing password hashes in both my event store and my view tables?
So many questions, if anyone can shed some light, I would be very thankful :)
tldr; How do you do User Auth in EventSource-applications?
Not every "Domain" or business component has to use DDD or CQRS. In most cases, user information is really cruddy, so you can usually not use DDD for that. Other domains don't really depend on the actual user. There's usually a correlation id (UserId) that gets shared by the various domains.
If using messaging in your system, one option is to register and manage users without CQRS, then send a command (RegisterUser { UserId } ). This would publish an event User Registered. Other domains can listen to this event to kick-off any workflows or ARs that are needed.
For our MVC CQRS app, we originally started off keeping all the user related information in the domain, and, like somebody mentioned, there was a RegisterUserCommand and a UserRegisteredEvent. After storing the user information in the domain, that event got published and picked up on the read side, which also created a user and generated all the password hashes, etc. We then done the authentication on the read side: the controller would make a call out to a 'read model authentication service' to authenticate against.
Later on down the road, we ended up completely refactoring this. It turned out that we needed access to the user related information to build in security for authorising our commands, which we done on the command processing side (our app is a distributed app that sends 'fire and forget' asynchronous commands to a queue, with an autonomous listener on the other side). The security component then needed a reference to our domain to go and get the user profile, which led to cumbersome referencing issues.
We decided to put the user security stuff into a separate database that we considered to be more of a central component, rather than belonging to the domain or read model. We still maintain user profile related information in the domain and read models (e.g. job title, twitter account URL etc.), but all the security related stuff, like password hashes, are stored in this central database. That's then accessible with a service, that's available to both MVC and the command authoriser.
We didn't actually have to change anything in the UI for this refactor, as we just called the service to register the users from the register user command handler. If you're going to do it that way, you need to be careful here to make your user service related operations idempotent. This is so that you can give your commands the opportunity to be retried without side effects, because you're updating 2 sources of information (the ES and the user database).
Finally, you could of course use the membership providers for this central component, but there can be pitfalls with that. We ended up just writing our own - it's pretty simple to do. That article links to this, which provides a good example of how to implement it.
You should consider creating separate entities like: visitor (just visited your site), user (registered), customer (bought something), etc. Try to split your system in this way, even if it causes a little bit of data redundancy. Disk space is not an issue but ability to modify different components of the system independently is usually very critical.
People create denormalized auth tables only for the purpose of scaling and only if your auth read side is a performance bottleneck. If not - usual 3rd normal form is a way to go.
In SimpleMembership scenario all tables created by SimpleMembership can be viewed as snapshot of "user" aggregate. And yes, they will duplicate some data in your event store.
You may have events like: UserCreated, UserUpdated, UserAssignedToRole, etc.
And don't be tricked by the name of that membership provider. It's not so simple and usually has lots of things that you can easily live without (depends on your domain). So, maybe you can use something like this:

LDAP for Application Access Control, how much should it control?

A precursor: I've worked now in two enviroments with conflicting principals on this. I am outlining the competing ideas and would like to know which is 'correct' given the scenario described.
Scenario: Multiple applications exist on our intranet. We are implementing OpenSSO with LDAP as our authentication control and user directory. The issue comes to play is, with the LDAP authentication we know a user is allowed on the intranet but to which applications is questionable.
We intend to use LDAP to control what applications each user can access i.e. helpdesk, consultant review, report generator, survey creator etc.
The question arises in that, within each application are a significant amount of roles, and the fact that people may have multiple roles.
What is the best way to address this second area? Shoudl ALL roles be in the ldap or just the application allowances with each app database containing the more granular roles?
One approach is to use LDAP to maintain relatively high-level role information, but keep the very detailed application-specific information internal to each application.
For example, an individual might be members of LDAP groups (roles) like "employee", "help desk associate", "help desk supervisor", etc., and then the individual applications would map the high-level roles into the application-specific functions. A particular high-level role might imply access to multiple applications, and different roles would have different levels of access.
For example, a "help desk associate" might be able to create tickets, but maybe only a supervisor can delete them or run reports.
This is one of those areas where there's no one right answer. Centralizing everything in LDAP gives you better ability to report/audit individuals' access, at the cost of complicating your central LDAP schema with a lot of application-specific data. Also, depending on what existing/commercial applications you're trying to integrate, the applications may not support pulling all their fine-grained access information from LDAP.

What's the purpose of claims-based authorization?

I've been reading about Azure's Access Control Service and claims-based authorization in general for a while now, and for whatever reason, I still don't see the rationale behind moving from role/permission-based authorization to a claims-based model. The models seem similar to me (and they probably are), except that the list of what the client can and can't do comes from a third party and is wrapped up in some sort of token, instead of from some sort of database that the server has to query. What's the advantage of getting a third party (the token issuer) involved?
I fully understand the advantages of outsourcing authentication to a third party. It allows apps to not have to create new users all the time, worry about storing passwords, etc. when they can just push that off to some other service that already has the infrastructure set up. It's essentially the DRY principle for authentication.
However, in my mind, that same logic doesn't work for authorization. Each app has its own resources it has to protect, and therefore its own rules for authorizing users to perform certain actions. The infrastructure seems simple enough that each app could create it on its own (a table mapping users to roles, and possibly another mapping roles to permissions), and even if you wanted to outsource it, it seems that the claims-based model is doing something more complicated than that.
The only partial explanation I've seen comes from Building a Claims-Based Security Model in WCF, and it gives two main advantages to claims-based auth: more flexibility, and someone to "vouch" that the information in a claim is correct. When would you need either of those?
Claims-based authorization seems to be gaining popularity, so I assume there must be some good rationale for it; I just haven't figured out what that is yet. Can someone please provide a concrete example of a situation where claims-based auth works better than role-based, and why it works better in that case?
(EDIT: I missed a third benefit listed in the article: supporting single sign-on/federation. But doesn't authentication deal with that on its own without getting authorization involved?)
I guess the main promise of a benefit from federated security / claims-based system would be one fewer area you have to deal with different systems.
Imagine a site where you have local users authenticating with Windows credentials, a bunch of internet users using username/password, others using certificates, and maybe another group of users with biometric authentication.
In today's system, you have to set up and deal with all different kinds of authentication schemes and their different ways of doing things. That can get pretty messy.
The promise of a federated security solution would be to handle all those chores for you - the STS (security token server) would handle all different kinds of authentication systems for you, and present to you a uniform and trusted set of claims about a caller - no matter from where and on which path he's arriving at your site.
Of course, just examining and reacting to a single set of claims rather than having to understand four, five, ten different and disparate authentication systems looks like a really compelling promise to me!
The purpose of claims based authorization is to allow fine grained access control based on Boolean expressions that evaluate characteristics of the accessing entity and the resource. This reduces or eliminates the need to provision groups. As with federated identity, claims also provide a vehicle for an Identity provider to manage their users wile allowing a resource provider to gate users access to assets.
Note: Claims can be used within a single enterprise and provide the following benefits:
1) Access grants and revocations do not require provisioning or de-provisioning
2) Thus changes are instantaneous
3) Resource owners can define the scope and requirements for access rather than having admins create groups manage group memberships - this moves the access control decisions into the hands of the folks best suited to make such decisions (the data owner)
4) This results in fewer groups being required and fewer member in the groups
5) There can be issues creating a single group to accommodate a large community having access (for
example all full time employees can read a HR policy) - Claims avoids this problem
6) Audit is more informative - the reason a grant or deny took place is clearly visible
7) Claims support dynamic attributes, such as 2-factor authentication, time of day, or network restrictions
There are a lot more reasons, but those ones come to mind. There will shortly be a video at that showcases this (disclaimer - I work there and recorded the video - I still need to post it) Also, for reference, claims aware apps and platforms include SharePoint 2010 on, Windows 2012 (file shares), Azure, many SaaS services (Facebook and Salesforce)
Also, with claims you can blend information from multiple sources (say Facebook and your local AD) etc. - which is increasingly important
Not sure if the rules allow this, but feel free to ping me with your questions or comments. I'll happily edit the post to make any corrections or add pertinent info.
Claims can come from AD, databases tables, SAML, OAuth, algorithms, XACML or any other trusted provider. Harnessing claims requires a bit of kit - with apps and platforms evolving rapidly in this space.
All the Best,
Claims-based access control also helps build up attribute-based access control and policy-based access control. If you standardize on a set of pre-agreed claims that can be assigned to users based on their other attributes (e.g. a US manager can have claim U_M; a European manager can have claim E_M).
In an attribute-based and policy-based environment, it's possible to achieve fine-grained authorization (also known as fine-grained entitlements) using XACML.
In this case, you can have authorization that depends on who the user is (claims) but also what they want to do (resource information) and under which circumstances (context).
CBAC with XACML will let you express rules like:
managers can edit notes they created themselves or notes that their
direct reports created.
Role based security is a limited security model
Authorization is:
Based on role membership only
Claims based security is much more flexible and expressive
Authorisation can be:
Based on role membership
Based on Age
Based on Geographic Location
Based on an account balance
Based on a size
Based on pre-defined securtiy levels
Based on any combination of the above