Implement pdf.js in Apache Cordova - pdf

I am trying to develop an Apache Cordova Application with Visual Studio 2013 for Android, using Typescript. I am unable to display my PDF. My program begins by downloading the PDF file to the Android Device from a website. After this though, I am unaware as to how to use pdf.js to display the downloaded PDF. I tried looking at the examples and implementing them on a HTML file in IE, but I've been unsuccessful with all attempts to display any kind of PDF, so a sample that works, but not on Android is also appreciated.

so a sample that works, but not on Android is also appreciated.
The PDF js hello world : You can open it on android too.


How to create custom upload adapter for pdf Files in CKEDITOR 5 angular

We working on create chat editor, where the files can be upload(Pdf,Doc) to the each message and file should be converted to base64 and saved with message in db(functionality same lile ms teams app). So we have opted for ckeditor 5 angular editor. And we done with UI and tools config. Now I stuck with uploading the files for message. I have gone through documentation it helped little better. If anyone have idea in implementing this help me. Thanks...

Pdf is not previewable in Electron-Vue Desktop Application

I have used electron-vue to create desktop application. I was trying to preview a pdf in my application. I have tried JsPdf, vue-pdf, iframe etc. But nothing has worked.
I am using Vue 2.5.16 version.
I can download the pdf using jspdf but can't preview it. While importing vue-pdf I got unrecognized token error.
Anyone knows any alternative solution?
Any kind of help is highly appreciable.
electron-vue is very outdated.
it uses electron 2.0.4, now we have electron 9.1.0.
you can read it in the dependencys here.
And from a personal project i know that the pdf bug has fixed in 9.0.
Here you find the Github Issue
So at least try to update the dependencys

How can I make PDF files in a Unity WebGL build?

I am in the process of making a Unity WebGL App and I would like the user to be able to download a status report which pulls-in info from the app.
So far I have tested SharpPDF with which i am able to generate a pdf in the editor and standalone builds but not in the webGL build.
Any ideas
You could make a jslib and use something like pdfkit.

xfinium pdf unicode font not work in android in a Xamarin forms application

I've been spinning my wheels on this subject for a few days. I have Xfinium PDF in a Xamarin.Forms application I'm working on and I need to generate a pdf in different languages. So I have different .otf files set up as a PdfUnicodeTrueTypeFont. Now this works in iOS no problem, but in Android the PDF is generated blank if I try to generate it in a language that needs one of these fonts. I also have lost the ability due some other things going on in my work environment to side load to android or debug in android at all.
Make sure the font is embedded in the PDF (either by looking at the file directly or using an application to get information on embedded fonts).
If the font is not embedded it's possible that Android is failing to fallback to another font for some reason. Does the PDF open correctly Chrome?

PhoneGap Build integrated with Dreamweaver CS6 is different than CS5.5, how can I change the assets/www folder?

I used DW5.5 to build a PhoneGap application before, and it was easy to access all of the files within the app to integrate such things as native API functionallity etc...
But now I am using DWCS6, I cant seem to locate the whole app folder structure. All it does is compiles the app to an .apk file (android) and you download it. Am I missing something here?
I am using jQuery mobile and PhoneGap within Dreamweaver CS6 and just tried to test the native API from phonegap, and just cant seem to get it to work. The examples online show the usage of a cordova.js file (which I know is what used to be called phonegap.js or whatever) but the native fiunctionallty doesnt seem to be working.
Any thoughts?? I have been on it all day now so its likely im missing something simple as my head is fuc***.
Thanks :)
I suspect it is Adobe's way of forcing users to pay for their compilation service. AFAIKT, the ability to compile native apps using external programs like Xcode or Eclipse has been removed. I use Dreamweaver 5.5. The issues with mobile app development have been fraught with problems, but, at least, you could find work arounds. I'm hoping that some enterprising CS6 user will find a good workaround for those of us who don't have $$$$ of dollars to buy adobe products, and then more $$ per month to compile the code. Personally, I'm looking for other options. I saved for months to buy cs5.5 and it has never operated as advertised. I found workarounds for Xcode, but nothing for Android. I do like some things about the design/code piece of Dreamweaver, but all in all, I've been disappointed in the product for mobile development.
Keep us posted on your progress.
Have you tried copying the Site files from Dreamweaver Source Folder to Eclipse www/assets folder and running it on Android Emulator. This worked for me, at least for simple Hello World index.html file, but it is not working for 5 page - HTML site developed in Dreamweaver CS6.