how to create setup for objectarx plugin - objectarx

I have a class library project in c#,my project is a plug-in for AutoCAD,in this project I used objectArx,now how can I correct that after installing a setup that I can not use this plug-in for AutoCAD, please give me tips.

Perhaps this link on creating Plugins is useful :
Auto Loader Whitepaper
If not, please provide some detailed information on what's not working.


Create GWT project in Intellij IDE

I'm beginner in using IntelliJ IDEA IDE and I want to create a new GWT project. I have added the GWT plugin to IntelliJ IDEA and now and I want to create a project. I googled but I didn't find a helpful tutorials or examples. Did you have guys a helpful tutorials to start. Thanks in advance.
Do not use the GWT project builders from IntelliJ or Eclipse. Both generate projects which use the same class path for client and server. In todays GWT development it is common to use a separate class path for client and server.
Depending on the server you prefer to use, choose:
in case you want to use Jetty or Tomcat on the server side or:
in case you want to use Spring Boot.
How to create a new GWT project in IntelliJ
Create a new project: File → New... → Project...
Select Java EE (Legacy).
Select Java 8.
Do not use Java 9 or above unless you know what you're doing. Yes, GWT 2.8.2+ works with Java 11+, but you'll need to open some internal modules for it to work. If you just want to learn GWT, stay with Java 8.
In Additional Libraries and Frameworks, check ☑ Google Web Toolkit.
In GWT SDK, fill in the path to your GWT installation.
Check ☑ Create sample application and introduce a fully qualified class name for the main class.
Click Next, and fill in the rest of needed info for your new project (this has nothing to do with GWT).
You'll end up with something like this:
If you followed the steps closely, the sample project should be fully functional. IntelliJ should've created a Run configuration for you, too, so you can run the GWT app right away and see it in action:
This is all explained in the official help documentation for IntelliJ 2020.1, which was the last version to include GWT support out of the box.

intellij hybris class recompile not working

I installed hybris plugin.
Imported project with it.
Have done ant clean all.
Then, if I try to build->recompile class it's not working. Seems like idea doesn't see classes generated by ant.
If I do build->rebuild project and then build->recompile class it's working fine, but it's not convenient at all. I believe there is fix to this, but I couldn't find it.
This is usual error I've got(packages are different for different cases):
this is essentially the expected behaviour. You can't mix "ant" build
and "native IDEA" build. Those are two separate build systems.
This is an explanation of hybris plugin developer (
And he suggests a solution for that:
before you try to import the project you need to do ant clean all (you will not need to use ant afterwards)
import the project using hybris plugin.
Press Build->Recompile project
Then you can create or modify your test run configuration if needed.
Recompile your classes and so on directly in Idea.
Also, he mentioned deal with JRebel here (
we support both compilation modes. Ant targets and idea internal. They
shouldn't be mixed as idea has it's own compilation model/cache. If
you use idea compilation then you can use JRebel or hotswap.
You cant hotswap classes in hybris without the help of a hotswap agent.There is a tool available in the market called JRebel. It is a good commercial tool if one can afford. However, if you are an open-sourcist, there is a promising alternative to JRebel, which is DCEVM (Dynamic Code Evolution Virtual Machine) along with HotswapAgent.
I don't know if this help,
you can start another cmd console, and run
setantenv and ant build to hotswap class in runtime.

How to setup IntelliJ IDEA for writing Java Kaa applications

After following "Your first Kaa application" step-by-step guide at this link, I wished to develop a custom Java Kaa application using IntelliJ IDEA.
But, unfortunately, I couldn't find any way to setup my IDE in order to use its basic features (such as smart completion).
Can anyone suggest me a tutorial or a guide that could help me reaching my goal?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
At the end, that's what I suggest to do after some research and some trials:
1) Create a new empty Java Project in IntelliJ IDEA
2) Generate and download Kaa Java Endpoint SDK archive file (follow Your first Kaa application guide for further informations)
3) Create a 'libs' folder in your Java project and move the .jar (something like kaa-java-ep-sdk-***.jar) in it
4) Create file in 'src' folder and paste suggested Java application code in it.
5) Right-click on your project and Open Module Settings.
6) Add new JAR dependency and select your .jar file in 'libs' folder
This will solve every import error.
Hope this will help someone.

Best practices in working with Intellij IDEA

I would like to ask your advise on how to do auto build gradle project with IDEA? On eclipse I could not worry, when I add some dependency, because eclipse did everything for me, but on IDEA I need to push synchronize button.
I found this article on IDEA official site,
What I'm asking is how to do auto build?
One way to do is if you are using Intellij Idea 14 or later then while importing Gradle project enable auto import by enabling 'use auto-import' check box.
Try this plugin
It enables auto-make project on every save.

How to write an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin?

IDEA has many plugins to use. I.e. IDEtalk is one of them which I use. How can I code a simple plugin that just connects to Internet and shows a web page? (no need for an address bar but it is not a problem to be). I want my plugin's shortcut's button locate at my IDE as like IDEtalk, Commander, Maven Projects etc.
Any ideas?
Check the documentation and the source code of the other plug-ins available in the public git repository of the Community Edition.
There is a Creating Your First Plugin guide on JetBrains web site. It covers all the needed steps from plugin creation to deployment to the plugin repository.
You might also want take a look in the source code of a simple plugin like Twitter Integration Plugin which I recently implemented. Or check a more complex one like this one.