Rails ActiveRecord where clause - sql

I want to select Cars from database with where clause looking for best DRY approach for my issue.
for example I have this two parameters
params[:car_model_id] (int)
params[:transmission_id] (int)
but I dont know which one will be null
if params[:car_model_id].nil? && !params[:transmission_id].nil?
if params[:from_date].nil? && params[:from_date].nil?
return Car.where(:transmission_id => params[:transmission_id])
return Car.where(:transmission_id => params[:transmission_id], :date => params[:from_date]..params[:to_date])
elseif !params[:car_model_id].nil? && params[:transmission_id].nil?
if params[:from_date].nil? && params[:from_date].nil?
return Car.where(:car_model_id=> params[:car_model_id])
return Car.where(:car_model_id=> params[:car_model_id], :date => params[:from_date]..params[:to_date])
return Car.where(:car_model_id=> params[:car_model_id], :transmission_id => params[:transmission_id], :date => params[:from_date]..params[:to_date])
what is best approach to avoid such bad code and check if parameter is nil inline(in where)

You can do:
car_params = params.slice(:car_model_id, :transmission_id).reject{|k, v| v.nil? }
and then:
Explanation: Since, you're checking if the particular key i.e.: :car_model_id and transmission_id exists in params. The above code would be something like this when you have just :transimission_id in params:
Car.where(:transmission_id => '1')
or this when you have :car_model_id in params:
Car.where(:car_model_id => '3')
or this when you'll have both:
Car.where(:transmission_id => '1', :car_model_id => '3')
NOTE: This will work only when you have params keys as the column names for which you're trying to run queries for. If you intend to have a different key in params which doesn't match with the column name then I'd suggest you change it's key to the column name in controller itself before slice.
UPDATE: Since, OP has edited his question and introduced more if.. else conditions now. One way to go about solving that and to always keep one thing in mind is to have your user_params correct values for which you want to run your queries on the model class, here it's Car. So, in this case:
car_params = params.slice(:car_model_id, :transmission_id).reject{|k, v| v.nil? }
if params[:from_date].present? && params[:from_date].present?
car_params.merge!(date: params[:from_date]..params[:to_date])
and then:

what is best approach to avoid such bad code and check if parameter is
nil inline(in where)
Good Question !
I will make implementation with two extra boolean variables (transmission_id_is_valid and
transmission_id_is_valid = params[:car_model_id].nil? && !params[:transmission_id].nil?
car_model_id_is_valid = !params[:car_model_id].nil? && params[:transmission_id].nil?
if transmission_id_is_valid
return Car.where(:transmission_id => params[:transmission_id])
elseif car_model_id_is_valid
return Car.where(:car_model_id=> params[:car_model_id])
I think now is more human readable.

First, I would change this code to Car model, and I think there is no need to check if params doesn't exists.
# using Rails 4 methods
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.find_by_transmission_id_or_model_id(trasmission_id, model_id)
if transmission_id
find_by trasmission_id: trasmission_id
elsif model_id
find_by model_id: model_id
In controller:
def action
car = Car.find_by_transmission_id_or_model_id params[:trasmission_id], params[:car_model_id]
This code is fine while you have only two parameters. For many conditional parameters, look at ransack gem.


Rails - Simplify WHERE condition IS NOT NULL

Working on a webpage I used the next line:
Model.select(:column).where("column IS NOT NULL")
I was wondering if there was a more Rails-ish way to do this, like using a hash for example
Model.select(:column).where(column: !nil)
The Squeel gem will allow you to use != nil type syntax, but natively rails will not.
Example: Model.where{column != nil}
I would prefer to use a scope as its more readable as well as its more manageable later (like merging with other scopes)
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :not_null, lambda { |column|
{:select => column,
:conditions => "#{column} NOT NULL"
then use
In the Rails 4 you can do this:
Model.select(:column).where.not(column: nil)

Ruby on Rails - search in database based on a query

I have a simple form, where I set up a query that I want to browse, for example panasonic viera.
This is on how I search the term in database:
Product.where("name ilike ?", "%#{params[:q]}%").order('price')
The query looks like %panasonic viera%, but I would need to search the query this way: %panasonic%viera% - I need to find all products, where is in the title the word panasonic or viera... but how to make this query?
One solution would be to break up your query into individual terms and build a set of database queries connected by OR.
terms = params[:q].split
query = terms.map { |term| "name like '%#{term}%'" }.join(" OR ")
If you're using PostgreSQL, you can use pg_search gem. It's support full text search, with option any_word:
Setting this attribute to true will perform a search which will return all models containing any word in the search terms.
Example from pg_search:
class Number < ActiveRecord::Base
include PgSearch
pg_search_scope :search_any_word,
:against => :text,
:using => {
:tsearch => {:any_word => true}
pg_search_scope :search_all_words,
:against => :text
one = Number.create! :text => 'one'
two = Number.create! :text => 'two'
three = Number.create! :text => 'three'
Number.search_any_word('one two three') # => [one, two, three]
Number.search_all_words('one two three') # => []
How about via ARel
def self.search(query)
words = query.split(/\s+/)
table = self.arel_table
predicates = []
words.each do |word|
predicates << table[:name].matches("%#{word}%")
if predicates.size > 1
first = predicates.shift
conditions = Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(predicates.inject(first) {|memo, expr| Arel::Nodes::Or.new(memo, expr)})
conditions = predicates.first
This isn't working?
WHERE name LIKE "panasonic" OR name LIKE "viera"

Rails: accessing the values of columns selected with column_names

Any ideas what it takes to get this to work? I can't for the life of me figure it out.
def get_prices(c)
#print_prices = {}
Billing.where(:name => c).column_names.each do |d|
if d.match(/^print_/)
#print_prices[d] = d.value
return #print_prices
I've got no idea what to substitute d.value for.
Cheers for any help.
The following code will perform the query, returned in the form of a relation, and reject all items in the attribute key-value hash which do not match the given regex, which, in this case, is /^print_/.
def get_prices(c)
Billing.where(:name => c).first.attributes.reject{ |i| !i.match(/^print_/) }
Alternatively, it can also be written as:
def get_prices(c)
Billing.where(:name => c).first.attributes.select{ |i| i.match(/^print_/) }

How can I get an ActiveRecord query to ignore nil conditions?

In order to avoid having to construct complicated dynamic SQL queries, I'd like to be able to just pass in nil values in my conditions, and have those ignored. Is that supported by ActiveRecord?
Here is an example.
event = Event.find(:all, :conditions => {
:title => params[:title],
:start_time => params[:start_time],
:end_time => params[:end_time]
In that particular case, if params[:start_time] is set to nil, ActiveRecord will search for those Events that have their start_time set to null. Instead, I'd like it to just ignore start_time. How do I do that?
You don't have to "create complicated dynamic SQL queries" to do what you need. Simply construct your conditions hash separately, and either exclude the null values at the time of creation or after you've created the hash.
conditions = {}
conditions[:title] = params[:title] unless params[:title].blank?
conditions[:start_time] = params[:start_time] unless params[:start_time].blank?
conditions[:end_time] = params[:end_time] unless params[:end_time].blank?
conditions = {:title => params[:title], :start_time => params[:start_time], :end_time => params[:end_time]}
conditions.delete_if {|k,v| v.blank? }
conditions = params.reject {|k,v| !([:title, :start_time, :end_time]).include?(k) }
but that last form will only work if the keys are actually symbols. In Rails the params hash is a HashWithIndifferentAccess which allows you to access the text keys as symbols. Of course you could just use the text values in your array of keys to include if necessary.
and then query with your pre-built conditions hash:
event = Event.find(:all, :conditions => conditions).first

Optimise ignoring of undefined variables when building find conditions in Rails

I have a an method that retrieves Groups that are present in certain areas. Groups are given a country_id, region_id and city_id
The UI gives three select boxes to choose a country, a region from that country and then a city from that region. To find all groups in a particular city, I have this code:
#groups = Group.find(:all, :conditions => {:city_id => params[:city_id]})
This all works fine, but I also want it to find all groups in an area when the lower criteria isn't specified. For example, If a country and region are given, but not city, I'd like to find it by the region.
What I'm doing is this:
if !params[:city_id].nil?
#groups = Group.find(:all, :conditions => {:city_id => params[:city_id]})
if !params[:region_id].nil?
#groups = Group.find(:all, :conditions => {:region_id => params[:region_id]})
#groups = Group.find(:all, :conditions => {:country_id => params[:country_id]})
This works perfectly well, but it seems like it's a little inefficient. Am I doing it the best way or can I streamline a little?
One idea I had was to have a single find checking against all parameters, but I could not work out how to effectively 'ignore' parameters that were nil - my main thought was to check which ones were not set and set them to something like '*' or 'true', but that's not how SQL plays the game.
Sounds like a job for named scopes:
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :in_city, lambda { |city_id| {
:conditions => { :city_id => city_id }
named_scope :in_region, lambda { |region_id | {
:conditions => { :region_id => region_id }
named_scope :in_country, lambda { |country_id | {
:conditions => { :country_id => country_id }
This establishes some simple scopes for restricting the Group records. Presumably you have indexed your database properly so these are quick to resolve.
The controller is much easier to implement then:
def index
#group_scope = Group
if (!params[:city_id].blank?)
#group_scope = #group_scope.in_city(params[:city_id])
elsif (!params[:region_id].blank?)
#group_scope = #group_scope.in_region(params[:region_id])
elsif (!params[:country_id].blank?)
#group_scope = #group_scope.in_country(params[:country_id])
#groups = #group_scope.all
Generally you should be testing for .blank? instead of .nil? as some form elements can send in empty results, such as a select with something akin to "All" as the default.
You could use some Ruby idioms to get something a little more succinct.
Try something like this: (untested code!)
def index
#groups = Group.find :all, :conditions => [:city_id, :region_id, :country_id].inject {} do |conditions, name|
conditions[name] = params[name] unless params[name].blank?
If every value in params is a candidate for :conditions you can just do this:
#groups = Group.all(:conditions => params.reject { |idx, val| val.nil? })
This just throws out nil values from params and uses the remaining values for conditions.
If you don't want to use all of the values in params, you have two options. You can just get rid of a bunch of redundancy in your original code:
conditions = if !params[:city_id].nil?
{ :city_id => params[:city_id] }
elsif !params[:region_id].nil?
{ :region_id => params[:region_id] }
{ :country_id => params[:country_id] }
#groups = Group.all(:conditions => conditions)
You can knock of a few more lines like this, but it sacrifices a bit of readability IMO:
conditions = if !params[:city_id].nil? then { :city_id => params[:city_id] }
elsif !params[:region_id].nil? then { :region_id => params[:region_id] }
else { :country_id => params[:country_id] }
Or you can do something like this:
conditions = [:city_id, :region_id, :country_id].inject({}) do |hsh, sym|
hsh[sym] = params[sym] unless params[sym].nil?
#groups = Group.all(:conditions => conditions)
This has the advantage that you don't need to add another condition for each symbol.