iTunes Connect bank account issue - app-store-connect

This is my first time experience in uploading an app on App Store.
The problem that I encountered is that my app is free with iAd. Do I have to set up a bank account in iTunes Connect before uploading it?

Yes, you have to. There is a specific iAd contract you need to sign, in iTunesConnect (Contracts, Taxes and Banking). See the image:


iTunes Connect - Not able to create an iTunes Connect record

I have a Xamarin.iOS app and I'm trying to upload it to TestFlight. So, I am trying to add create an iTunes Connect record. When I log into iTunes Connect, I am being displayed the following page.
When I click on Apps, the following page is displayed, even though I am registered for a Apple Developer program and signed in to that account.
So I cannot proceed with the steps in the following link and cannot add a iTunes Connect record.
Could you please tell me why I am not being redirected to the correct page to continue with the process?
Since you don't have subscribed it should go to enrolment instead of different account that you are part of it. Make sure about under which team you are trying to clicks on the Myapps. If its your's definitely you won't be able to get in to MyApps until you enrol for itunesconnect.
Please check with your company's account that you have been invited for itunesconnect as well.
You can access iTunesConnect once you accepted your company's invitation. After accepted that you shall login with itunesconnect and change your team to your company account then go for myApps page. Cheers!

iTunes Connect TestFlight, role for submitting apps

From what I can tell from this you need to have the role of "Agent" in iTunes Connect to submit apps even for testing purposes (using TestFlight). Is this correct?
Is it correct that there can only be one Agent assigned to an iTunes Connect account?
I'll answer my own question, hope it's ok.
No, you do not need to be an agent to submit binaries ti iTunes Connect.
My issue was that my iTunes Connect account and my Apple Developer account were using different Apple Id's (email adresses). In that case XCode will not allow you to submit the binary, instead you need to use Application Loader.

"Set Up iAd Network" button doesn't appear on iTunesConnect

I have just submitted my new app on iTunes Connect but I didn't see the "Set Up iAd Network" to activate iAd on this app.
For my last app, the button appeared.
Is it normal ?
I had the same doubt, but I found out that there´s no more need to set it up for another app. The explanation was right in front of me (us), at the homepage of iTunes Connect:
iAd App Network Configuration Update
Once you sign the iAd App Network Contract and integrate the iAd Framework in your app, all approved and Ready for Sale apps will be eligible to receive iAd ads. You no longer need to enable each app for iAd in the Manage Your Apps module.
Vic HT is right. Heres a screenshot.
Follow this link. You have to fill a contract.
Login to iTunes Connect.
Select the "Contracts Tax And Banking".
And request for iAds.
Accept the agreement.
Provide the bank info.
It's done

Can I implement Stripe Connect in IOS App?

I have read all detail about stripe payment section here.
But unable to understand subscriptions section of this page. Please tell me how to implement stripe connect in ios app using objective-C.
Thanks in Advance.
The difference between Stripe and Stripe Connect is who plays the "merchant" role.
With regular stripe the merchant is the app provider. For example an app created by "Barney's Pizza" - The app can collect payment using Stripe for pizzas. In this case Barney's merchant details are built in to the app.
With Stripe connect the app user can register as the "merchant". For example, you create an app that allows small businesses to invoice clients. After they install the app, the user would configure their Stripe account into the app so that they received the payments. Stripe Connect also allows the app developer to charge a fee that is a percentage of the amount - so your app could be free to download but users would pay you a percentage for every charge they made.
Stripe Connect allows users to create an account with Stripe if they don't already have one, which makes the program flow a bit more complex in an app (On the web, the Stripe web site takes care of it for you, redirecting back to your page once it is done).
This answer suggests one approach to using Stripe Connect in iOS - How to use Stripe Connect in an iOS app

Can I submit an application to iTunes Connect that is signed by another Apple Developer account?

I have a question regarding app submission.
Situation: We have an iPhone Developer account and our customer has an iTunes Connect account. Is it possible that we hand them the signed, zipped application (that is signed with a provisioning profile from OUR account) and they upload it on their account?
Or is it REQUIRED that they give us acces with the "technician" role?
From my first impression, i think it should be possible that both accounts are not in any way connected, but i am not sure.
Any help is appreciated. If it is possible, please post references, Thanks =)
I think the short answer to the question in the title is "No".
See the iTunesConnect > FAQs > Manage your applications
I sold my app to another developer and
can no longer distribute on the App
Store. Can I transfer the app to the
new developer's iTunes Connect
account? At this time, applications
cannot be transferred to another
developer account. If you would like
the application to be sold through
another developer account, you will
need to remove the app from sale in
the current iTunes Connect account and
upload the app under the new iTunes
Connect account.
Not exactly your question, but sounds similar enough.
We had a need to resign a 3rd party developer supplied app with our signing keys - which sounds similar to what you want to do:
1) Use Xcode's Build > Build and Archive feature to create the version of the app to had off to your customer.
2) Select that build in the Archived Applications source in the Organizer
3) Choose Reveal Archived Application in Finder from the contextual menu
4) Select and compress the enclosing folder
5) Send that zip archive to your customer.
Your customer would then unzip and expand that archive in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Archived Applications. That will make it available in the Xcode Organizer. Your customer can then use the Share Application… and/or Submit to iTunes Connect… buttons to re-sign and distribute the app using your customer's distribution provisioning profile.
EDIT: A follow up that may not be clear from the info above.
To be able to do this, the 3rd party developer needs to build the app with your development profile; e.g. they need to be a "Team Member" of your account. They can do nothing more than build the app and sign it with development keys. Then they can deliver a build that has been compiled with your development keys at which point you can re-sign this with your distribution keys and submit.
If you need to, you can remove them and revoke their information from the iOS Provisioning Portal after successful app deployment.
EDIT2: With the Xcode 4 .xarchive bundles, you can just copy the .xarchive bundle into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/[date]/ folder. Then it will show up in the Organizer under the Archives section - validate, share and submit from there.