Looping through the array from 6 to 14 - vb.net

I have a loop from 1 to 20
I want to go through the loop
only from 6 to 14
For i As Integer = 0 To 19
If i > 6 Or i >= 14 Then
Writeline("My Name:")
End If
This code works:
If i > 6 AndAlso i <= 14 Then Writeline "My Name:"
Above code wont work

If i > 6 Or i >= 14 Then Writeline "My Name:"
this is the same thing as
If i > 6 Then Writeline "My Name:"
maybe you should use
If i > 6 AndAlso i <= 14 Then Writeline "My Name:"
(The issues is with your > and your or)


How to solve this triangle problem in Visual Basic? I don't know if I'm doing it right

Make a program that reads a positive integer no greater than 10, and prints a triangle of numbers as follows:
If the number read were 5, then it should print:
The program must reread another number until the number entered is greater than 10.
I have tried this, but I don't know if it is correct:
Dim num As Integer
Dim i As Integer
num = InputBox(" enter a number")
For i = 1 To num Step 1
If i = 1 Then
ElseIf i = 2 Then
ElseIf i = 3 Then
ElseIf i = 4 Then
ElseIf i = 5 Then
ElseIf i = 6 Then
ElseIf i = 7 Then
ElseIf i = 8 Then
ElseIf i = 9 Then
ElseIf i = 10 Then
End If

Loop through a string to find the odd numbers VB

I am looping through a card number finding all the odd numbers and multiplying them by the card digits. Its kind of hard to explain. I am having trouble multiplying the odd number and the card number. Here's an example my teacher gave me. You multiply card number 1 and and odd number 1 and so forth. I am not getting any errors, it just kind of freezes.
Card #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Multiples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Evens: 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 32 =Sum 1
Odds: 1 6 15 28 45 6 21 40 162 =Sum 2
Sum 3: 194
194 =Sum 3
Step 4: =1+9+4 = 14
= 1 + 4 = 5 = check digit
Public Class Payment
Private Sub OK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
Dim Sum1 = 0
Dim Sum2 = 0
Dim Sum3 = 0
Dim ready As Boolean
Dim ccnumb = CardNumber.Text
Format(CardNumber.Text, "################")
Dim exp = Mid(ExpDate.Text, 1, 3)
Dim checkdigit = 0
If FullName.TextLength = 0 Or cardtype.Text.Length = 0 And ccnumb.Length <= 16 Or exp.Length = 2 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter all credit card information before proceeding.")
ready = False
Else ready = True
End If
If ready = True Then
For Each num As Char In ccnumb
If CInt(CStr(num)) Mod 2 <> 0 Then
Sum1 += CInt(CStr(num)) * CInt(CStr(num)) Mod 2 <> 0
Sum2 += CInt(CStr(num))
End If
Sum3 = Sum1 + Sum2
Do While Sum3 > 10
For j = 0 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
For k = 1 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
Sum3 = j + k
Do While exp.Length > 1
checkdigit = Mid(ExpDate.Text, 1, 1) + Mid(ExpDate.Text, 1, 2)
If Sum3 = checkdigit Then
MessageBox.Show("Congratulations! Your payment was successful.")
Else MessageBox.Show("The checkdigit," & Space(1) & Sum3 & Space(1) & "does not match the month code," & Space(1) & checkdigit & "." & Space(1) & "Please reenter your card information.")
End If
End If
End Sub
"it kind of freezes" is lay speak for "my code enters an infinite loop".
This looks suspicious:
Do While Sum3 > 10
For j = 0 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
For k = 1 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
Sum3 = j + k
To enter the loop, Sum3 must be greater than 10. For the loop to exit, Sum3 must not be greater than 10, but your code only increments Sum3, so Sum3 can only stay greater than 10.
This means that once entered, this loop is infinite.
If changing outer loop to inside loop doesn't help you
Try this
Do While Sum3 > 10 and j < sum3 ' adding j < sum3 might stop the loop
For j = 0 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
For k = 1 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
Sum3 = j + k

copy sets of numbers into a listbox from a textbox

I have a textbox that the user puts in sets of numbers(e.g. 32 45 98 56 52 1 23) and I need to copy these numbers into a listbox so that each number is its own item. So far I have this
For Each ch As Char In TextBox20.Text
If Char.IsDigit(ch) Then
End If
but the problem is that it will copy each digit as an item so we will end up with
I need it to copy them like this
here is a sample of how to do that
Sub addToListBox()
Dim sample As String
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Integer
sample = "32 45 98 56 52 1 23"
v = Split(sample, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(v)
If IsNumeric(v(i)) Then
End If
Next i
End Sub

visual basics equal to or greater than

I am trying to write some code that says if textbox1 is equal to 0 between 10 then HandDecimal = 1. Else if textbox1 is equal to 10.1 through 100, then HandDecimal = 3. Else if textbox1 is equal to 100.1 and greater than HandDecimal = 5.
Here is my code, but it does not seem to work for me.
If WeightDecimal = 0 <= 10 Then
HandDecimal = 1
ElseIf WeightTextBox.Text = 10 <= 100 Then
HandDecimal = 3
ElseIf WeightTextBox.Text >= 100.1 Then
HandDecimal = 5
End If
How do I have to change the code to make it work?
Dim weight as Decimal = Decimal.Parse(WeightTextBox.Text)
If weight >= 0 AndAlso weight <= 10 Then
HandDecimal = 1
ElseIf weight > 10 AndAlso weight <= 100 Then
HandDecimal = 3
ElseIf weight > 100 Then
HandDecimal = 5
End If
Select Case statement with To operator
Select Case WeightDecimal
Case 0 To 10
HandDecimal = 1
Case 10.1 To 100
HandDecimal = 3
Case Else
HandDecimal = 5
End Select

how to tokenize chart data for csv file in classic asp

Hi below is the data sample for chart data which I read from URL
ARRAY ' ' 3 8
25 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
'A' 3 8 6 7 5 3 2 7
'B' 1 9 7 8 4 7 2 5
'C' 8 7 3 6 56 9 111 8
Now in this I want to save this data into a csv file as below
Time A B c
25 3 1 8
75 8 9 7
100 6 7 3
125 7 8 9
150 5 4 56
175 3 7 9
200 2 2 111
225 7 5 8
Actually I have to first read the data into an array in which each element will contain one line of the data file, Now I will have to split the each element by space and store it in a two dimensional array, now for each ith index of each array I have to create a coma separated line then put "\n" at the end of line , and at last save this to a csv file . I don't know much about the syntax of vb-script and classic asp that's why I am facing this problem . Please help me
To get you started:
Sub doReOrder(sFSpecI, sFSpecO, sCol1)
Dim oTS : Set oTS = goFS.OpenTextFile(sFSpecI)
Dim sData : sData = oTS.ReadLine() ' ARRAY ' ' 3 8
Dim aParts : aParts = Split(sData, " ")
Dim nCols : nCols = CByte(aParts(3)) ' Count vs UBound vs Data!
Dim nRows : nRows = CByte(aParts(4))
Dim nRows2 : nRows2 = nRows + 1
oTS.SkipLine ' Y
' get table in one string, prepend col1 name, clean '
sData = "'" & sCol1 & "' " & Replace(oTS.ReadAll(), vbCrLf, " ")
sData = Trim(Replace(sData, "'", """"))
' get table in flat array
aParts = Split(sData, " ")
Set oTS = goFS.CreateTextFile(sFSpecO, True)
' WScript.Echo Join(aParts, "|")
ReDim aData(nCols) ' hold one (new) row to prep for Join
Dim nRow
For nRow = 0 To nRows
Dim nCol
For nCol = 0 To nCols
' magic column hopping
aData(nCol) = aParts(nRow + nCol * nRows2)
oTS.WriteLine Join(aData, ",")
End Sub
Dim sFSpecI : sFSpecI = "..\Data\f1.txt"
Dim sFSpecO : sFSpecO = "..\Data\f1.csv"
Dim sCol1 : sCol1 = "Time" ' dangerous - possibly reserved in SQL
WScript.Echo goFS.OpenTextFile(sFSpecI).ReadAll()
doReOrder sFSpecI, sFSpecO, sCol1
WScript.Echo goFS.OpenTextFile(sFSpecO).ReadAll()
ARRAY ' ' 3 8
25 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
'A' 3 8 6 7 5 3 2 7
'B' 1 9 7 8 4 7 2 5
'C' 8 7 3 6 56 9 111 8