Tuning Entity Framework - dbContext? - vb.net

I have some model class:
Public Class MyViewModel
Public Property MyID() As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property FirstList As IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem)
Using dbContext As New MyContext
Dim itemQuery = (From t In dbContext.ItemSet Select t)
Dim item As IEnumerable(Of Item) = itemQuery.ToList()
Return item.Select(Function(o) New SelectListItem() With {.Text = o.ItemDesc, .Value = o.ID})
End Using
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property SecondList As IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem)
Using dbContext As New MyContext
Dim _Query = (From t In dbContext.FrameworkSet Select t)
Dim _list As IEnumerable(Of Item2) = _Query.ToList()
Return _list.Select(Function(o) New SelectListItem() With {.Text = o.Item2Desc, .Value = o.ID})
End Using
End Get
End Property
End Class
Basically, I'm calling MyContext twice. This instantiates EF repeatedly, correct? So my thought is just have a class global
Dim dbContext as New MyContext
Aside from Code Analysis telling me I need to implement IDisposable (which according to this: http://blog.jongallant.com/2012/10/do-i-have-to-call-dispose-on-dbcontext.html#.U6WdzrGEeTw I needn't worry about?)
I'm confused - what's the accepted best practice?

In addition to Phil Soady's comments (which, briefly, are not to store the context in a global variable and instead prefer short lived disposed contexts) I'd like to point out that much of the context initialization is not done per construction of the object but rather once for the lifetime of the application. This is mainly the process of building its internal model, which it does and then caches.
Check out more detail here: http://blog.oneunicorn.com/2011/04/15/code-first-inside-dbcontext-initialization/

Using block is ideal for EF.
Global variable for context is a recipe for nightmares. The Context is not threadsafe and is intended for short use.
Keeping the context for several operations in a logical flow is common.
Since the context content can be reused. Change detection , unit of work commit control are all part of EF. But dont try a keep the context for an extended period. You may have more performance problems with the context that way as the context may grow. You also have the multi user and concurrency issues to consider. Even a simple standalone APP on PC i would Create and dispose (using) the content on each "button" click in an app.


Replacing an object by a deserialized version of it, and preserving references

Say I have an object of my custom class, called AppSettings, which has various properties that hold both value types (integers, doubles, strings, etc.) and reference types (arrays, other custom objects, etc.). Some of these custom objects have their own custom objects, so the path down to some of the value type properties can go very deep.
For example:
Public Class AppSettings
Public Property windowHeight As Integer = 600
Public Property windowWidth As Integer = 800
Public Property defaultLengthUnit As Unit = Units.meters
Public Property defaultAngleUnit As Unit = Units.degrees
End Class
Where Unit class is defined as:
Public Class Unit
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Abbreviation As String
Public Property Scale As Double
End Class
And Units module is defined as:
Public Module Units
Public meters As New Unit With {
.Name = "Meters",
.Abbreviation = "m.",
.Scale = 1
Public degrees As New Unit With {
.Name = "Degrees",
.Abbreviation = "°",
.Scale = 1
End Module
Some other code might refer or bind to some of the reference type properties, or their internal properties. Now, let's say I provide a way for the user to save current state of AppSettings by serializing it into XML:
Public Sub SerializeAppSettings(ByVal filename As String)
Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)
Dim xmls As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(AppSettings))
xmls.Serialize(sw, appSettings)
End Using
End Sub
and then load them back (by deserializing) at any time while running the application:
Public Function DeserializeAppSettings(ByVal filename As String) As AppSettings
If Not File.Exists(filename) Then Return Nothing
Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filename)
Dim xmls As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(AppSettings))
Return TryCast(xmls.Deserialize(sr), AppSettings)
End Using
End Function
It is called like so:
AppSettings = DeserializeAppSettings(settingsFilePath)
The problem here is that all the references to AppSettings that other objects and bindings have, are now broken, because deserialization replaces the old instance of AppSettings with a completely new instance, and the references are not transferred to it.
It appears that this doesn't break references to value-type properties (like windowHeight, which is Integer), but it definitely breaks references to reference-type properties, like defaultLengthUnit. So for example, if some other object or WPF control is referring/binding to, say, AppSettings.defaultLengthUnit.scaleToBaseUnit, it doesn't work anymore.
I wonder, how can I fix this, so that deserialization would replace the old instance of AppSettings and transfer all the references from it to the new instance that it generated?
As I understand it, there are three ways to go about it:
Replace the old instance with an new one in the exact same memory allocation, with the same internal ID, which would probably be too hacky, and I'm not sure if at all possible.
Another way would be for the DeserializeAppSettings function to overwrite each property value of the current AppSettings instance, one by one, by the deserialized values. However, since some properties of AppSettings are objects, which have their own objects, which have their own objects (and so on), I would basically need to type out all the hierarchy tree in that DeserializeAppSettings function to get down to the value type properties. And every time I would need to add or remove any property in the AppSettings class (or in any class that is used in it's properties), I would also need to manually update the parsing code in DeserializeAppSettings function. This is seriously unmaintainable.
Lastly, it would probably be possible to automate this value replacement through reflection, but reflection is very slow, and generally discouraged if there is any other option.
I hope I am missing something obvious here. Any suggestions on how to transfer all the references to AppSettings when the old instance of it is replaced with a new one through deserialization?
EDIT: Updated the code to include all the relevant classes.

Was unable to turn lazy loading off in VB in EF6

VS2013, code first EF6, VB
Elsewhere on SO I found a post that led me to add this to my Context class:
Public Sub New()
Me.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = False
End Sub
However, in order to load a secondary table into my context for a view to find data to list in a For Each loop I had to add:
Dim myQuery = db.Questions.Include("PossibleAnswers").Where(Function(x) x.QuestionID = 6).Single()
Without that query in one form or another, my view does not find any data in the property 'PossibleAnswers' and nothing is displayed during the For Each loop. But with the query above, the For Each finds the PossibleAnswers data.
I checked the value of
just before my view was called and it was false. But I still had to make a query with the Include() method to force the data to be brought into the context.
This is the full definition of the table in question:
Public Class Question
Public Enum qType
End Enum
Public Property QuestionID As Integer
Public Property Text As String
Public Property Type As qType
Public Property PossibleAnswers As New List(Of qAnswer)
Public Property UsedBySurveys As New List(Of qSurvey)
End Class
Can anybody suggest what I may not be understanding about this?
Best Regards,
If you want all results from your context to automatically load the navigation properties, you should remove the Me.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = False line from your context class.
You can also explicitly set lazy loading to false for an instance of your context: ie.
Using db As New MyContext
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = True
Dim myQuery = db.Questions.Where(Function(x) x.QuestionID = 6).Single()
End Using
With Lazy Loading set to false, you have to explicitly tell the EF to include navigation properties along with the result set. You do that by using the .Include function (as you did). Calling the .Include function is called Eager Loading.
If you set the lazy loading property to true, the navigation properties will be pulled back from the database automatically. Here's a quick run down of Lazy Loading from MSDN:

Why is this Entity Framework association not loading lazily?

I'm using a Code First Entity Framework approach, and in my OnModelCreating function I have the following code:
With modelBuilder.Entity(Of FS_Item)()
.HasKey(Function(e) e.ItemKey)
.Property(Function(e) e.ItemRowVersion).IsConcurrencyToken()
.HasMany(Function(e) e.ItemInventories) _
.WithRequired(Function(e) e.Item).HasForeignKey(Function(e) e.ItemKey)
End With
Elsewhere I have a Web API Get implementation with some diagnostic code I'm looking at in a debugger:
Public Function GetValue(ByVal id As String) As FS_Item
GetValue = If(data.FS_Item.Where(Function(i) i.ItemNumber = id).SingleOrDefault(), New FS_Item())
Dim c = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count
End Function
I expect that c should get a non-zero value by looking up rows in the FS_Inventory view where ItemKey matches the retrieved FS_Item row's ItemKey. But I'm getting 0 even though there are matching rows. Am I calling .HasMany, .WithRequired and .HasForeignKey properly?
Note that .WithRequired is operating on the return value from the previous line whereas the other lines are operating on the With block expression.
Edit This model for FS_Item has been requested. Here it is:
Partial Public Class FS_Item
Public Property ItemNumber As String
Public Property ItemDescription As String
Public Property ItemUM As String
Public Property ItemRevision As String
Public Property MakeBuyCode As String
' Many many more properties
Public Property ItemRowVersion As Byte()
Public Property ItemKey As Integer
Private _ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory) = New HashSet(Of FS_ItemInventory)
Public Overridable Property ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory)
Return _ItemInventories
End Get
Friend Set(value As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory))
_ItemInventories = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Edit Learned something interesting. If I change Dim c = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count to this:
Dim c = data.FS_ItemInventory.ToList()
Dim correctCount = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count
Then correctCount gets the value of 3. It's like it understands the association between the objects, but not how to automatically query them as I'm used to coming from LINQ-to-SQL. Is EF different somehow in this regard?
Edit I have determined that I can make the associated objects load using this explicit loading code:
data.Entry(GetValue).Collection(Function(e) e.ItemInventories).Load()
What I want to understand now is what exactly determines whether an entity will load lazily or not? From all indications I can find, it should have loaded lazily. I even tried changing the declaration of ItemInventories to this, but then I got a NullReferenceException when trying to access it:
Public Overridable Property ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory)
It turns out that code which I thought was unrelated had disabled lazy loading. I have this in the constructor of FSDB:
DirectCast(Me, IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = False
Thanks to EF 4 - Lazy Loading Without Proxies I see that this will also disable lazy loading. The reason that code had been added was due to another error:
with data contract name
is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any
types not known statically to the list of known types - for example,
by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the
list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
And according to Serialization of Entity Framework objects with One to Many Relationship, the easy solution for that was to disable proxies.

Dependency Injection with Entity Framework 5 Database First. Getting Started?

I am looking at creating a VB.NET 11 WPF MVVM application using Entity Framework 5 and Database First (Connecting to SQL Server 2008 R2).
I have chosen Database First, as I am migrating an existing solution to WPF MVVM, where the database already exists of course.
I'd like to begin using Dependency Injection so I can Unit Test as much of my code as possible.
I don't seem to be able to find a clear and concise walk-through of how to go about using Dependency Injection with EF DB-First, and in particular with vb.net. Although even a C# example would be fine I'm sure.
What I'd really like is a simple step by step guide explaining how to setup the solution, how to setup each part ready for Dependency Injection etc, but these seem hard to come by.
So far, I've created the Solution and it's Projects, as follows;
DBAccess - This houses nothing but my .edmx file, and a small mod to be able to supply the ConnectionString to the constructor.
DBControl - This houses the various classes which I use to provide a layer between my EDMX and my ViewModels. Specifically, I'm filling Complex Types (Which I have created using the designer) here for displaying "Friendlier" data via the UI, as well as converting these "Friendly" Complex Types to the mapped entities for saving / Updating. I have one class per table in my database. Each with two "FetchFriendlyRecords" methods (One accepts Filters) and an "AddUpdateFriendlyRecord" method. I have created an Interface for each class. Each class accepts a DbContext in it's constructor, and I'm simply passing my DBContext from the DBAccess Project.
MainUI - This houses my MVVM layers, and references each class in the DBControl Project in order to provide DataBinding etc.
I've seen suggested that, instead of spending time writing a complex solution to be able to unit test with EF, it's simpler to create a firm mock database with test data populated, and simply point the code at the mock database, rather than the live one. However, I'd prefer to be able to create an in memory solution that would run without any need to hit SQL Server at all.
Any help would be great, including telling me if I'm going about this all wrong!!
I have taken the solution provided by Paul Kirby below, and created a "Sort of" Repository Pattern I believe.
I created an interface;
Public Interface IFriendlyRepository(Of T)
ReadOnly Property FriendlyRecords As ObservableCollection(Of T)
Function GetFilteredFriendlyRecords(predicates As List(of Func(Of T, Boolean))) As ObservableCollection(Of T)
Function AddEditFriendlyRecord(ByVal RecordToSave As T) As EntityException
Sub SaveData()
End Interface
I then implemented this interface on a class by class basis;
Namespace Repositories
Public Class clsCurrenciesRepository
Implements Interfaces.IFriendlyRepository(Of CriticalPathDB.FriendlyCurrencies)
Private _DBContext As CriticalPathEntities 'The Data Context
Public Sub New(ByVal Context As DbContext)
_DBContext = Context
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property FriendlyRecords As ObservableCollection(Of FriendlyCurrencies) Implements Interfaces.IFriendlyRepository(Of CriticalPathDB.FriendlyCurrencies).FriendlyRecords
' We need to convert the results of a Linq to SQL stored procedure to a list,
' otherwise we get an error stating that the query cannot be enumerated twice!
Dim Query = (From Currencies In _DBContext.Currencies.ToList
Group Join CreationUsers In _DBContext.Users.ToList
On Currencies.CreationUserCode Equals CreationUsers.User_Code Into JoinedCreationUsers = Group
From CreationUsers In JoinedCreationUsers.DefaultIfEmpty
Group Join UpdateUsers In _DBContext.Users.ToList
On Currencies.LastUpdateUserCode Equals UpdateUsers.User_Code Into JoinedUpdateUsers = Group
From UpdateUsers In JoinedUpdateUsers.DefaultIfEmpty
Where (Currencies.Deleted = False Or Currencies.Deleted Is Nothing)
Order By Currencies.NAME
Select New FriendlyCurrencies With {.Currency_Code = Currencies.Currency_Code,
.NAME = Currencies.NAME,
.Rate = Currencies.Rate,
.CreatedBy = If(Currencies.CreationUserCode Is Nothing, "", CreationUsers.First_Name & " " & CreationUsers.Last_Name),
.CreationDate = Currencies.CreationDate,
.CreationUserCode = Currencies.CreationUserCode,
.Deleted = Currencies.Deleted,
.LastUpdateDate = Currencies.LastUpdateDate,
.LastUpdatedBy = If(Currencies.LastUpdateUserCode Is Nothing, "", UpdateUsers.First_Name & " " & UpdateUsers.Last_Name),
.LastUpdateUserCode = Currencies.LastUpdateUserCode}).ToList
Return New ObservableCollection(Of FriendlyCurrencies)(Query)
End Get
End Property
Public Function GetFilteredFriendlyRecords(predicates As List(of Func(Of FriendlyCurrencies, Boolean))) As ObservableCollection(Of FriendlyCurrencies) Implements Interfaces.IFriendlyRepository(Of CriticalPathDB.FriendlyCurrencies).GetFilteredFriendlyRecords
Dim ReturnQuery = FriendlyRecords.ToList
For Each Predicate As Func(Of FriendlyCurrencies, Boolean) In predicates
If Predicate IsNot Nothing Then
ReturnQuery = ReturnQuery.Where(Predicate).ToList
End If
Return New ObservableCollection(Of FriendlyCurrencies)(ReturnQuery)
End Function
Public Function AddEditFriendlyRecord(ByVal RecordToSave As FriendlyCurrencies) As EntityException Implements Interfaces.IFriendlyRepository(Of CriticalPathDB.FriendlyCurrencies).AddEditFriendlyRecord
Dim dbCurrency As New Currency
' Check if this Staff Member Exists
Dim query = From c In _DBContext.Currencies
Where c.Currency_Code = RecordToSave.Currency_Code
Select c
' If Asset exists, then edit.
If query.Count > 0 Then
dbCurrency = query.FirstOrDefault
'Do Nothing
End If
dbCurrency.Currency_Code = RecordToSave.Currency_Code
dbCurrency.NAME = RecordToSave.NAME
dbCurrency.CreationDate = RecordToSave.CreationDate
dbCurrency.CreationUserCode = RecordToSave.CreationUserCode
dbCurrency.LastUpdateDate = RecordToSave.LastUpdateDate
dbCurrency.LastUpdateUserCode = RecordToSave.LastUpdateUserCode
dbCurrency.Deleted = RecordToSave.Deleted
' Save Asset Object to Database
If query.Count > 0 Then
' If Asset exists, then edit.
'_dbContext.SaveChanges 'We could save here but it's generally bad practice
Catch ex As EntityException
Return ex
End Try
'_dbContext.SaveChanges 'We could save here but it's generally bad practice
Catch ex As EntityException
Return ex
End Try
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Sub SaveData() Implements Interfaces.IFriendlyRepository(Of CriticalPathDB.FriendlyCurrencies).SaveData
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
I used constructor injection to insert the dbContext into the class.
I had hoped to be able to mock up a fake dbContext using my existing context and the "Effort" Unit Testing Tool.
However, I don't seem to be able to get this to work.
In the interim, in my Unit Test Project, I am dropping (If it already exists) and creating an empty test database, with the SQLCMD command, using the same schema as my live database.
I then create a dbContext referencing the Test Database, populate it with test data, and test against this.
As a note, I will be refactoring my "Add/Edit" method to work with an actual base Entity, rather than my "Friendly" complex version, this was the simplest method at the time.
If you're working DB-first, here's what I would suggest.
Open your .edmx file, right click on any blank space and choose "Add Code Generation Item"
In the "Online Templates" area, search for "EF 5.x DbContext Generator for VB".
Give the .tt file a name, hit add. This will change the way your .edmx file generates the backing code so that your entities are all POCO, which simplifies testing overall by keeping your main logic disconnected from EF.
After you've got that done, you probably want to look into something like the Unit of Work pattern. Here's a quick code example, I'll explain it after.
public interface IUnitOfWork
IDbSet<Location> Locations { get; }
void Commit();
public class EFUnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private readonly YourGeneratedDbContext _context;
public EFUnitOfWork(string connectionString)
_context = new YourGeneratedDbContext();
public IDbSet<Location> Locations
get { return _context.Locations; }
public void Commit()
This is a basic unit of work that exposes some list of Locations as an example (sorry that it's in C# but I don't know VB well).
Notice that it is exposing IDbSet objects - this is where the magic comes in. If in your DBAccess project, you use this unit of work or a repository pattern to hide EF, and because it implements an interface and is returning IDbSet objects, anywhere that needs your data can have this IUnitOfWork constructor injected with DI, and replaced with a mocked version that returns mock IDbSet objects (they're just IQueryables in the end) when you need to unit test.
You may find that with the POCO generation in that new template, you can even do away with a lot of the work you're doing in your DBControl project.
Anyway that's just some basic stuff in terms of positioning your project for optimal unit testing and DI.

Setting the DataContext on an Entity instance after it's retrieved

I'm trying to find a way to have the DataContext available from within Entities.
I want to do something like this:
partial public class MyEntity
public DataContext as MyDataContext
private sub OnLoaded()
Me.DataContext = <the context that retrieved this instance>
end sub
end class
First, can something like this be done?
Second, assuming that I'm not going to use this entity with any other DataContext, is there any dangers or gotchas in doing such a thing?
This is the way I do it currently:
partial public class MyDataContext
public function GetMyEntity(byval id as integer) as MyEntity
dim o = MyEntities.SingleOrDefault(function(e) e.id = id)
if o isnot nothing then o.DataContext = Me
return o
end function
end class
Although you didn't specify a real reason for it, just a sidenote from MSDN:
In general, a DataContext instance is
designed to last for one "unit of
work" however your application defines
that term. A DataContext is
lightweight and is not expensive to
create. A typical LINQ to SQL
application creates DataContext
instances at method scope or as a
member of short-lived classes that
represent a logical set of related
database operations.
and one more:
Do not try to reuse instances of
DataContext. Each DataContext
maintains state (including an identity
cache) for one particular edit/query
session. To obtain new instances based
on the current state of the database,
use a new DataContext.
and finally,
... Any instance members are not
guaranteed to be thread safe.
But still in some cases semi-persistent solutions could be very helpful. Take a look onto Rick Strachl's article: Linq to SQL DataContext Lifetime Management. There are different approaches of DataContext management is reviewed in it. On of them - Create a per business object DataContext is exactly what you need.
You could use a singleton pattern on the DataContext, but you will need some kind of lifetime management on it, as it is not good to keep it around to long. (request ends dispose it maybe)
Example in C#, but I hope you can understand it.
public class MyDataContext
public static MyDataContext Current
MyDataContext context = (MyDataContext)HttpContext.Current.Items["Context"];
if(context == null)
context = new MyDataContext();
HttpContext.Current.Items["Context"] = context;
return context;
public class MyEntity
public MyDataContext DataContext
get{ return MyDataContext.Current;}
In Global.asax you can hook up the event Application_EndRequest and call MyDataContext.Current.Dispose(); to dispose of the context manually instead of waiting for the GC to do it.