Webapplication log in system - authentication

I am using revel to build my webapplication and trying to write authentication module.
I finished with sign up part and now heading to write sign in part.
I read about security part on The definitive guide to form-based website authentication and will use this recommendation.
What I am really do not know is, how sign in works. I am imaging that the process works like this:
User write username and password into the html form and press sign in
Server receive request and the controller will check, if user information match with data on database.
If yes, how continue.
The third point is where I am staying. But I have some idea how could works and not sure, if is the right way.
So when sign in information match with the database, I would set in session object(hash datatype) key value pair signed_in: true. Everytime when the user make a request to the webapplication, that need to be authenticated, I would look in the session object, if signed_in is true or not.
This is the way I would do, but as I mentioned above, I do not know if it is the right way.

Yes like #twotwotwo mentioned, give it the user id and also a role.
So server side rendered flow: Step 1
user sends username (or other identifier) and secret.
using scrypt or bcrypt the secret is checked against the stored salted hash in the database
if it matches you create a struct or a map
serialize struct or map into string (json, msgpack, gob)
encrypt the string with AES https://github.com/gomango/utility/blob/master/crypto.go (for instance). Set a global AES key.
create a unique cookie (or session) identifier (key)
store identifier and raw struct or map in database
send encrypted cookie out (id = encrypted_struct_or_map aka the encrypted string)
On a protected resource (or page): Step 2
read identifier from cookie
check if id exists in db
decode cookie value using AES key
compare values from cookie with stored values
if user.role == "allowed_to_access_this_resource" render page
otherwise http.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(403) or redirect to login page
Now if you wanted you could also have an application-wide rsa key and before encrypting the cookie value sign the string with the rsa private key (in Step 1). In Step 2 decode with AES key, check if signature valid, then compare content to db stored content.
On any changes you have to update the cookie values (struct/map) and the info in the database.


I want to used md5 encryption method for password field in login form instead of existing bcrypt encryption method?

I have completed login functionality using Auth middleware where is used a Bcrypt encryption method. Login functionality is works fine. But we need to handle set password functionality with having old password need to validate. But everytime Bcrypt method change the password string so the previous store bcrypt string of password in table is not match with the manually enter password in the set password form. So how to validate old password field if it will not match with existing saved passoword in the table.
$credentials = request(['email', 'password']);
You are using Laravel so you should use Hash in order to deal with passwords.
Here is all you need to know about it: https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/hashing#basic-usage
In short you can create and verify the passwords in following ways:
Create hashed password to store in DB:
$hashedPassword = Hash::make($request->password);
Verify against existing password
if (Hash::check('entered-password-by-user', $hashedPassword)) {
// The passwords match...
Of course dont forget to include Hash facade: use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
md5 is ancient and very vulnerable way to go if you want to hash your passwords with it. It is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED!

XMPP SASL SCRAM-SHA1 Authentication

Recently, I was able to get MD5 authentication working for XMPP streams in Swift IOS following the instructions on the following two websites (I used the CC-MD5 function of Apple's CommonCrypto C library for the actual hashing):
I'm searching for a similar explanation for how to get other hashed SASL authentication schemes working, especially SCRAM-SHA1. I have found the official RFC5802 document but I'm having a lot of trouble understanding it (it is not specific to XMPP either). I would appreciate a simpler explanation or some simple readable code (C, PHP, C++, Javascript, Java) specific to XMPP authentication that doesn't use libraries for anything other than the actual hashing.
I'm interested in understanding the process and am not looking to use the ios XMPP-Framework. Any help would be appreciated.
The basic overview of how this mechanism works is:
The client sends the username it wants to authenticate as.
The server sends back the salt for that user and the number of iterations (either by generating them or looking them up in its database for the given username).
The client hashes the password with the given salt for the given number of iterations.
The client sends the result back.
The server does a variation of the hashing and sends it result back to the client, so the client can also verify that the server had the password/a hash of the password.
The cryptographic algorithms you'll need are SHA-1, HMAC with SHA-1 and PBKDF2 with SHA-1. You should look up how to use them in your language/framework, as I don't recommend implementing them from scratch.
In detail
First normalize the password (using SASLprep), this will be normalizedPassword. This is to ensure the UTF8 encoding can't contain variations of the same password.
Pick a random string (for example 32 hex encoded bytes). This will be clientNonce.
The initialMessage is "n=" .. username .. ",r=" .. clientNonce (I'm using .. for string concatenation).
The client prepends the GS2 header ("n,,") to the initialMessage and base64-encodes the result. It sends this as its first message:
<auth xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" mechanism="SCRAM-SHA-1">
The server responds with a challenge. The data of the challenge is base64 encoded:
<challenge xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">
The client base64 decodes it:
The client parses this:
r= This is the serverNonce. The client MUST ensure that it starts with the clientNonce it sent in its initial message.
s= This is the salt, base64 encoded (yes, this is base64-encoded twice!)
i= This is the number of iterations, i.
The client computes:
clientFinalMessageBare = "c=biws,r=" .. serverNonce
saltedPassword = PBKDF2-SHA-1(normalizedPassword, salt, i)
clientKey = HMAC-SHA-1(saltedPassword, "Client Key")
storedKey = SHA-1(clientKey)
authMessage = initialMessage .. "," .. serverFirstMessage .. "," .. clientFinalMessageBare
clientSignature = HMAC-SHA-1(storedKey, authMessage)
clientProof = clientKey XOR clientSignature
serverKey = HMAC-SHA-1(saltedPassword, "Server Key")
serverSignature = HMAC-SHA-1(serverKey, authMessage)
clientFinalMessage = clientFinalMessageBare .. ",p=" .. base64(clientProof)
The client base64 encodes the clientFinalMessage and sends it as a response:
<response xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">
If everything went well, you'll get a <success> response from the server:
<success xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>
Base64 decoded this contains:
The client MUST make sure the value of v is the base64 encoding of the serverSignature.
This is the basic version of the algorithm. You can extend it to do:
Channel binding. This mixes in some information from the TLS connection to the procedure to prevent MitM attacks.
Hashed storage. If the server always sends the same salt and i values, then the client can store only saltedPassword instead of the user's password. This is more secure (as the client doesn't need to store the password, just a hard to reverse salted hash) and faster, as the client doesn't need to do all the key stretching every time.
The server can also use hashed storage: the server can store only salt, i, storedKey and serverKey. More info on that here.
Possibly, also adding SCRAM-SHA-256 (though server support seems non-existent).
Some common pitfalls:
Don't assume anything about the length of the nonces or salt (though if you generate them, make sure they are long enough and cryptographically random).
The salt is base64 encoded and can contain any data (embedded NULs).
Not using SASLprep may work fine for people using ASCII passwords, but it may completely break logging in for people using other scripts.
The initialMessage part of the authMessage does not include the GS2 header (in most situations, this is "n,,").
Test vectors
If you want to test your implementation, here are all the intermediate results for the example from the RFC:
Username: user
Password: pencil
Client generates the random nonce fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL
Initial message: n,,n=user,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL
Server generates the random nonce 3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j
Server replies: r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j,s=QSXCR+Q6sek8bf92,i=4096
The salt (hex): 4125c247e43ab1e93c6dff76
Client final message bare: c=biws,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j
Salted password (hex): 1d96ee3a529b5a5f9e47c01f229a2cb8a6e15f7d
Client key (hex): e234c47bf6c36696dd6d852b99aaa2ba26555728
Stored key (hex): e9d94660c39d65c38fbad91c358f14da0eef2bd6
Auth message: n=user,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j,s=QSXCR+Q6sek8bf92,i=4096,c=biws,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j
Client signature (hex): 5d7138c486b0bfabdf49e3e2da8bd6e5c79db613
Client proof (hex): bf45fcbf7073d93d022466c94321745fe1c8e13b
Server key (hex): 0fe09258b3ac852ba502cc62ba903eaacdbf7d31
Server signature (hex): ae617da6a57c4bbb2e0286568dae1d251905b0a4
Client final message: c=biws,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j,p=v0X8v3Bz2T0CJGbJQyF0X+HI4Ts=
Server final message: v=rmF9pqV8S7suAoZWja4dJRkFsKQ=
Server's server signature (hex): ae617da6a57c4bbb2e0286568dae1d251905b0a4

Adding authenticated attributes using MS CryptoApi

I'm struggling adding authenticated attributes (OCSP data) to my message using CryptoApi. I first used CryptoApi's simplified message functions, but now switch to the low-level message functions, thinking that I would be able to control the message structure better. But I am once again stuck. My process is as follows:
I create a CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE for the ocsp date and specifies it in the CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO structure
I then call CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength to get the size
CryptMsgOpenToEncode with CMSG_SIGNED as the message type
CryptMsgUpdate, to insert my content into the message
CryptMsgGetParam with CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM to get the encoded blob
CryptMsgClose, I'm done with the message for now.
I open the message again to get the CMSG_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST, which is sent to a TSA and the result is added as an unaunthenticated attribute using CryptMsgControl.
I'm using this to sign signature tags in Adobe. So when there is no authenticated attributes, I receive three green check from Adobe:
The document has not been modified...
The document is signed by the current user
The signature includes an embedded timestamp (and the timestamp is validate)
But as soon as the authenticated attribute is added the signer's identity is invalidated and the timestamp data in incorrect. The CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM when authenticated attributes are added and when not, differs. Should this not be the same? Since the document digest is of the content of the document and not of the authenticated attribute.
Is there another way to add authenticated attributes? I've tried to add it as a signer using CryptMsgControl, but that did not help either...
how about this step on adding the authenticated attributes for signing, example time stamping,
CryptEncodeObject(PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, szOID_RSA_signingTime, &curtime, pTime, &szTime);
pTime = (BYTE *)LocalAlloc(GPTR, szTime);
CryptEncodeObject(PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, szOID_RSA_signingTime, &curtime, pTime, &szTime);
time_blob.cbData = szTime;
time_blob.pbData = pTime;
attrib[0].pszObjId = szOID_RSA_signingTime;
attrib[0].cValue = 1;
attrib[0].rgValue = &time_blob;
CosignerInfo.cAuthAttr = 1;
CosignerInfo.rgAuthAttr = attrib;
and that Cosigner params is from CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO CosignerInfo;

How should an application authenticate with a datastore?

I'm writing an iPad game that sends hi-score type data (ie data beyond what Game Center supports) to a Google appengine datastore. It sends these updates via http GET or POST requests, such as http://myapp.appspot.com/game/hiscore/925818
Here is how I thought to ensure the appengine datastore isn't spammed with false data.
zip/encrypt the payload data using hardcoded p#ssw0rd saved in the iOS binary. Encode that binary data as base64. Pass base64 payload in the url query string or in the POST data. At handler, unbase64, then unzip data with p#ssw0rd. Follow instructions in payload to update highscore-type data.
CON: If p#ssw0rd is somehow derived from the iOS binary, this scheme can be defeated.
Is this adequate/sufficient? Is there another way to do this?
There is absolutely no way to make sure it's your client that sends the data. All you can try is to obfuscate some thing to make it harder for spammers to submit data.
However I think there are two thing you can do:
Have some kind of secrect key saved in the binary
Have a custom algorithm calculating some checksum
Maybe you can go with a combination of both. Let me give you an example:
Create some custom (complex!) alorithm like (simplyfied):
var result = ((score XOR score / 5) XOR score * 8) BITSHIFT_BY 3
Then use your static stored key with that result and a well known hash function like:
var hash = SHA256(StaticKey + result)
Then send that hash with the score to the server. The server has to "validate" the hash by performing the exact same steps (evaluate algorithm + do the SHA256 stuff) and compare the hashes. If they match the score hopefully comes from your app otherwise throw it away, it comes from a spammer.
However this is only one thing you can do. Have a look at the link from mfanto, there are many other ideas that you can look at.
Be sure to not tell anybody about how you're doing it since this is security through obscurity.
Ok me, there are 2 methods to do this.
1) Purchase an SSL certificate for $FREE.99 and open HTTPS connections only to your server to submit hiscore type data. Connection speed should be around 500 ms due to handshake roundtrip time.
2) Embed an RSA public key certificate in your iOS app, and have the RSA private key on your server.
You can then do 1 of 2 things with this second scheme:
IF your data messages are really small (≤256 B) you can just encrypt and send 256B packages (RSA payload is limited by the number of bits in the key)
ELSE IF the data is too large (>256B), generate a random symmetric key (AES), and pack:
The server then takes the first 256 bytes and decodes it, then the server uses that AES key to decrypt the rest of the message.
The above 2 only prevent eavesdropping, but it means the data format of your messages is hidden. At some level, it is still a type of security by obscurity, since if the hacker has your public key AND your message format, they can manufacture messages.

Freeradius users operators

I faced with one issue, which I can't understand in Freeradius users file.
My goal is just authenticate external user "shad" with password "test".
I added line in /etc/raddb/users the following line:
shad Cleartext-Password == "test"
Result was Reject. If I change "==" operator to ":=" Authentication is successful.
So my question is the following:
Why I can't use "==" operator while FreeRadius documentation tells:
"Attribute == Value
As a check item, it matches if the named attribute is present in the request, AND has the given value."
And one more question.
In some resourses I faced with such lines:
shad Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "test"
I tried and it doesn't work. Responce is Reject with log:
[pap] WARNING! No "known good" password found for the user. Authentication may fail because of this.
How the users file works
For the answer below, pairs is referring to Attribute Value Pairs (AVPs), that is, a tuple consisting of an attribute an operator and a value.
There are three lists of attribute(s) (pairs) that are accessible from the users file. These are bound to the request the server is currently processing, and they don't persist across multiple request/response rounds.
request - Contains all the pairs from the original request received from the NAS (Network Access Server) via the network.
control - Initially contains no pairs, but is populated with pairs that control how modules process the current request. This is done from the users file or unlang (the FreeRADIUS policy language used in virtual servers).
reply - Contains pairs you want to send back to the NAS via the network.
The users file module determines the list it's going to use for inserting/searching, by where the pair is listed in the entry, and the operator.
The first line of the entry contains check pairs that must match in order for the entry to be used. The first line also contains control pairs, those you want to be inserted into the control list if all the check pairs match.
Note: It doesn't matter which order the pairs are listed in. control pairs will not be inserted unless all the check pairs evaluate to true.
check and control pairs are distinguished by the operator used. If an assignment operator is used i.e. ':=' or '=' then the pair will be treated as a control pair. If an equality operator such as '>', '<', '==', '>=', '<=', '=~' is used, the pair will be treated as a check pair.
Subsequent lines in the same entry contain only reply pairs. If all check pairs match, reply pairs will be inserted into the reply list.
Cleartext-Password is strictly a control pair. It should not be present in any of the other lists.
Cleartext-Password is one of a set of attributes, which should contain the 'reference' (or 'known good') password, that is, the local copy of the users password. An example of another pair in this set is SSHA-Password - this contains a salted SHA hash of the users password.
The reference password pairs are searched for (in the control list) by modules capable of with authenticating users using the 'User-Password' pair. In this case that module is 'rlm_pap'.
User-Password is strictly a request pair. It should not be present in any of the other lists.
User-Password is included in the request from the NAS. It contains the plaintext version of the password the user provided to the NAS. In order to authenticate a user, a module needs to compare the contents of User-Password with a control pair like Cleartext-Password.
In a users file entry when setting reference passwords you'll see entries like:
my_username Cleartext-Password := "known_good_password"
That is, if the username matches the value on the left (my_username), then insert the control pair Cleartext-Password with the value "known_good_password".
To answer the first question the reason why:
shad Cleartext-Password == "test"
Does not work, it is because you are telling the files module to search in the request list, for a pair which does not exist in the request list, and should never exist in the request list.
You might now be thinking oh, i'll use User-Password == "test" instead, and it'll work. Unfortunately it won't. If the password matches then the entry will match, but the user will still be rejected, see below for why.
Auth-Type is strictly a control pair. It should not be present in any of the other lists.
There are three main sections in the server for dealing with requests 'authorize', 'authenticate', 'post-auth'.
authorize is the information gathering section. This is where database lookups are done to authorise the user, and to retrieve reference passwords. It's also where Auth-Type is determined, that is, the type of authentication we want to perform for the user.
Authenticate is where a specific module is called to perform authentication. The module is determined by Auth-Type.
Post-Auth is mainly for logging, and applying further policies, the modules run in Post-Auth are determined by the response returned from the module run in Authenticate.
The modules in authorize examine the request, and if they think they can authenticate the user, and Auth-Type is not set, they set it to themselves. For example the rlm_pap module will set Auth-Type = 'pap' if it finds the User-Password in the request.
If no Auth-Type is set the request will be rejected.
So to answer your second question, you're forcing pap authentication, which is wrong, you should let rlm_pap set the Auth-Type by listing pap after the files module in the authorize section.
When rlm_pap runs in authenticate, it looks for a member of the set of 'reference' passwords described above, and if it can't find one, it rejects the request, this is what's happening above.
There's also a 'magic' Auth-Type, 'Accept', which skips the authenticate section completely and just accepts the user. If you want the used to do cleartext password comparison without rlm_pap, you can use:
shad Auth-Type := Accept, User-Password == "test"