#MultipartForm How to get the original file name? - jax-rs

I am using jboss's rest-easy multipart provider for importing a file. I read here http://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/1.0.0.GA/userguide/html/Content_Marshalling_Providers.html#multipartform_annotation regarding #MultipartForm because I can exactly map it with my POJO.
Below is my POJO
public class SoftwarePackageForm {
private File file;
private String contentDisposition;
public File getFile() {
return file;
public void setFile(File file) {
this.file = file;
public String getContentDisposition() {
return contentDisposition;
public void setContentDisposition(String contentDisposition) {
this.contentDisposition = contentDisposition;
Then I got the file object and printed its absolute path and it returned a file name of type file. The extension and uploaded file name are lost. My client is trying to upload a archive file(zip,tar,z)
I need this information at the server side so that I can apply the un-archive program properly.
The original file name is sent to the server in content-disposition header.
How can I get this information? Or atleast how can I say jboss to save the file with the uploaded file name and extension? Is it configurable from my application?

After looking around a bit for Resteasy examples including this one, it seems like there is no way to retrieve the original filename and extension information when using a POJO class with the #MultipartForm annotation.
The examples I have seen so far retrieve the filename from the Content-Disposition header from the "file" part of the submitted multiparts form data via HTTP POST, which essentially, looks something like:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="your_file.zip"
Content-Type: application/zip
You will have to update your file upload REST service class to extract this header like this:
public Response uploadFile(MultipartFormDataInput input) {
String fileName = "";
Map<String, List<InputPart>> formParts = input.getFormDataMap();
List<InputPart> inPart = formParts.get("file"); // "file" should match the name attribute of your HTML file input
for (InputPart inputPart : inPart) {
try {
// Retrieve headers, read the Content-Disposition header to obtain the original name of the file
MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers = inputPart.getHeaders();
String[] contentDispositionHeader = headers.getFirst("Content-Disposition").split(";");
for (String name : contentDispositionHeader) {
if ((name.trim().startsWith("filename"))) {
String[] tmp = name.split("=");
fileName = tmp[1].trim().replaceAll("\"","");
// Handle the body of that part with an InputStream
InputStream istream = inputPart.getBody(InputStream.class,null);
/* ..etc.. */
catch (IOException e) {
String msgOutput = "Successfully uploaded file " + fileName;
return Response.status(200).entity(msgOutput).build();
Hope this helps.

You could use #PartFilename but unfortunately this is currently only used for writing forms, not reading forms: RESTEASY-1069.
Till this issue is fixed you could use MultipartFormDataInput as parameter for your resource method.

If you user MultipartFile class, than you can do something like:
MultipartFile multipartFile;

It seems that Isim is right, but there is a workaround.
Create a hidden field in your form and update its value with the selected file's name. When the form is submitted, the filename will be submitted as a #FormParam.
Here is some code you could need (jquery required).
<input id="the-file" type="file" name="file">
<input id="the-filename" type="hidden" name="filename">
$('#the-file').on('change', function(e) {
var filename = $(this).val();
var lastIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('\\');
if (lastIndex < 0) {
lastIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastIndex >= 0) {
filename = filename.substring(lastIndex + 1);


ASP.NET Core uploads files using IFormFile with a path in the file name

public async Task<IActionResult> FilePost(List<IFormFile> files)
long size = files.Sum(f => f.Length);
var filePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/files";
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(filePath))
foreach (var item in files)
if (item.Length > 0)
using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath,FileMode.CreateNew))
await item.CopyToAsync(stream);
return Ok(new { count = files.Count, size, filePath });
FormFile. FileName = directory + filename,
Uploaded file, file name with path information, how to do?
I just need to get the name of the file.
I just need to get the name of the file.
Use Path.GetFileName() to get the name of the file , and use Path.Combine() to combine the the save path you want with the file name , try the code like below
var filesPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/files";
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(filesPath))
foreach (var item in files)
if (item.Length > 0)
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(item.FileName);
var filePath = Path.Combine(filesPath, fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(filesPath, FileMode.CreateNew))
await item.CopyToAsync(stream);
Seem like you want to get the file name base on your file path.
You can get it into way
using System.IO;
or extension method
public static string GetFilename(this IFormFile file)
return ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(
Please let me know if you need any help
I faced the same issue with different browsers. IE send FileName with full path and Chrome send only the file name. I used Path.GetFileName() to overcome issue.
Other fix is at your front end side. Refer this to solve from it front end side.

How to receive and distinguish between regular attachments and inline attachments in Apache Commons Email 1.4

Currently we receive an email which gets parsed by
MimeMessageParser mimeMessageParser = parse(message);
and later pull out the attachments with
if (mimeMessageParser.hasAttachments()) {
List<DataSource> attachments = mimeMessageParser.getAttachmentList();
for (DataSource dataSource : attachments) {
saveAttachment(dataSource, subjectLineProperties, documentToUpload, firstHeaders);
The issue is that getAttachmentList is also returning inline images like in the signature line the business logo, and we do not want to pull out the inline images as attachments. We just want the actual email attachments. ATTACHMENT versus INLINE, but we also have no access to java.mail disposition via the Apache Commons Email 1.4 version, and can't find a solution. I checked their documentation https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-email/javadocs/api-1.4/index.html
No luck. It seems that the attachments DataSource only allows me to get content and content type and name, but not if it is an inline attachment/image or a regular attachment like Mime Parts can.
I am under impression that there is a workaround without going into lower level... But I haven't checked it with all attachment types yet - only with images. Something like this:
for(DataSource ds : mimeMessageParser.getAttachmentList()) {
for(String id : mimeMessageParser.getContentIds()) {
if(ds == mimeMessageParser.findAttachmentByCid(id)) {
// It is inline attachment with Content ID
// If not found - it is file attachment without content ID
The answer is that Apache Commons Email cannot do such a thing. You have to go lower level and code the old fashioned MimeMessage and MultiPart classes within the JDK in order to make these distinctions.
So from mimeMessageParser.getAttachmentList(); call we now have
if (mimeMessageParser.hasAttachments()) {
final Multipart mp = (Multipart) message.getContent();
if (mp != null) {
List<DataSource> attachments = extractAttachment(mp);
for (DataSource dataSource : attachments) {
saveAttachment(dataSource, subjectLineProperties, documentToUpload, firstHeaders);
private static List<DataSource> extractAttachment(Multipart multipart) {
List<DataSource> attachments = new ArrayList<>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < multipart.getCount(); i++) {
BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i);
if (bodyPart.getContent() instanceof Multipart) {
// part-within-a-part, do some recursion...
extractAttachment((Multipart) bodyPart.getContent());
System.out.println("bodyPart.getDisposition(): " + bodyPart.getDisposition());
if (!Part.ATTACHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(bodyPart.getDisposition())) {
continue; // dealing with attachments only
InputStream is = bodyPart.getInputStream();
String fileName = bodyPart.getFileName();
String contentType = bodyPart.getContentType();
ByteArrayDataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(is, contentType);
} catch (IOException | MessagingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return attachments;

How can I use iText to convert HTML with images and hyperlinks to PDF?

I'm trying to convert HTML to PDF using iTextSharp in an ASP.NET web application that uses both MVC, and web forms. The <img> and <a> elements have absolute and relative URLs, and some of the <img> elements are base64. Typical answers here at SO and Google search results use generic HTML to PDF code with XMLWorkerHelper that looks something like this:
using (var stringReader = new StringReader(xHtml))
using (Document document = new Document())
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
writer, document, stringReader
So with sample HTML like this:
<h3>HTML Works, but Broken in Converted PDF</h3>
<div>Relative local <img>: <img src='./../content/images/kuujinbo_320-30.gif' /></div>
Base64 <img>:
<div><a href='/somePage.html'>Relative local hyperlink, broken in PDF</a></div>
The resulting PDF: (1) is missing all images, and (2) all hyperlink(s) with relative URLs are broken and use a file URI scheme (file///XXX...) instead of pointing to the correct web site.
Some answers here at SO and others from Google search recommend replacing relative URLs with absolute URLs, which is perfectly acceptable for one-off cases. However, globally replacing all <img src> and <a href> attributes with a hard-coded string is unacceptable for this question, so please do not post an answer like that, because it will accordingly be downvoted.
Am looking for a solution that works for many different web applications residing in test, development, and production environments.
Out of the box XMLWorker only understands absolute URIs, so the described issues are expected behavior. The parser can't automagically deduce URI schemes or paths without some additional information.
Implementing an ILinkProvider fixes the broken hyperlink problem, and implementing an IImageProvider fixes the broken image problem. Since both implementations must perform URI resolution, that's the first step. The following helper class does that, and also tries to make web (ASP.NET) context calls (examples follow) as simple as possible:
// resolve URIs for LinkProvider & ImageProvider
public class UriHelper
/* IsLocal; when running in web context:
* [1] give LinkProvider http[s] scheme; see CreateBase(string baseUri)
* [2] give ImageProvider relative path starting with '/' - see:
* Join(string relativeUri)
public bool IsLocal { get; set; }
public HttpContext HttpContext { get; private set; }
public Uri BaseUri { get; private set; }
public UriHelper(string baseUri) : this(baseUri, true) {}
public UriHelper(string baseUri, bool isLocal)
IsLocal = isLocal;
HttpContext = HttpContext.Current;
BaseUri = CreateBase(baseUri);
/* get URI for IImageProvider to instantiate iTextSharp.text.Image for
* each <img> element in the HTML.
public string Combine(string relativeUri)
/* when running in a web context, the HTML is coming from a MVC view
* or web form, so convert the incoming URI to a **local** path
if (HttpContext != null && !BaseUri.IsAbsoluteUri && IsLocal)
return HttpContext.Server.MapPath(
// Combine() checks directory traversal exploits
VirtualPathUtility.Combine(BaseUri.ToString(), relativeUri)
return BaseUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeFile
? Path.Combine(BaseUri.LocalPath, relativeUri)
// for this example we're assuming URI.Scheme is http[s]
: new Uri(BaseUri, relativeUri).AbsoluteUri;
private Uri CreateBase(string baseUri)
if (HttpContext != null)
{ // running on a web server; need to update original value
var req = HttpContext.Request;
baseUri = IsLocal
// IImageProvider; absolute virtual path (starts with '/')
// used to convert to local file system path. see:
// Combine(string relativeUri)
? req.ApplicationPath
// ILinkProvider; absolute http[s] URI scheme
: req.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority)
+ HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath;
Uri uri;
if (Uri.TryCreate(baseUri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out uri)) return uri;
throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot create a valid BaseUri");
Implementing ILinkProvider is pretty simple now that UriHelper gives the base URI. We just need the correct URI scheme (file or http[s]):
// make hyperlinks with relative URLs absolute
public class LinkProvider : ILinkProvider
// rfc1738 - file URI scheme section 3.10
public const char SEPARATOR = '/';
public string BaseUrl { get; private set; }
public LinkProvider(UriHelper uriHelper)
var uri = uriHelper.BaseUri;
/* simplified implementation that only takes into account:
* Uri.UriSchemeFile || Uri.UriSchemeHttp || Uri.UriSchemeHttps
BaseUrl = uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeFile
// need trailing separator or file paths break
? uri.AbsoluteUri.TrimEnd(SEPARATOR) + SEPARATOR
// assumes Uri.UriSchemeHttp || Uri.UriSchemeHttps
: BaseUrl = uri.AbsoluteUri;
public string GetLinkRoot()
return BaseUrl;
IImageProvider only requires implementing a single method, Retrieve(string src), but Store(string src, Image img) is easy - note inline comments there and for GetImageRootPath():
// handle <img> elements in HTML
public class ImageProvider : IImageProvider
private UriHelper _uriHelper;
// see Store(string src, Image img)
private Dictionary<string, Image> _imageCache =
new Dictionary<string, Image>();
public virtual float ScalePercent { get; set; }
public virtual Regex Base64 { get; set; }
public ImageProvider(UriHelper uriHelper) : this(uriHelper, 67f) { }
// hard-coded based on general past experience ^^^
// but call the overload to supply your own
public ImageProvider(UriHelper uriHelper, float scalePercent)
_uriHelper = uriHelper;
ScalePercent = scalePercent;
Base64 = new Regex( // rfc2045, section 6.8 (alphabet/padding)
RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase
public virtual Image ScaleImage(Image img)
return img;
public virtual Image Retrieve(string src)
if (_imageCache.ContainsKey(src)) return _imageCache[src];
if (Regex.IsMatch(src, "^https?://", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
return ScaleImage(Image.GetInstance(src));
Match match;
if ((match = Base64.Match(src)).Length > 0)
return ScaleImage(Image.GetInstance(
var imgPath = _uriHelper.Combine(src);
return ScaleImage(Image.GetInstance(imgPath));
// not implemented to keep the SO answer (relatively) short
catch (BadElementException ex) { return null; }
catch (IOException ex) { return null; }
catch (Exception ex) { return null; }
* always called after Retrieve(string src):
* [1] cache any duplicate <img> in the HTML source so the image bytes
* are only written to the PDF **once**, which reduces the
* resulting file size.
* [2] the cache can also **potentially** save network IO if you're
* running the parser in a loop, since Image.GetInstance() creates
* a WebRequest when an image resides on a remote server. couldn't
* find a CachePolicy in the source code
public virtual void Store(string src, Image img)
if (!_imageCache.ContainsKey(src)) _imageCache.Add(src, img);
/* XMLWorker documentation for ImageProvider recommends implementing
* GetImageRootPath():
* http://demo.itextsupport.com/xmlworker/itextdoc/flatsite.html#itextdoc-menu-10
* but a quick run through the debugger never hits the breakpoint, so
* not sure if I'm missing something, or something has changed internally
* with XMLWorker....
public virtual string GetImageRootPath() { return null; }
public virtual void Reset() { }
Based on the XML Worker documentation it's pretty straightforward to hook the implementations of ILinkProvider and IImageProvider above into a simple parser class:
/* a simple parser that uses XMLWorker and XMLParser to handle converting
* (most) images and hyperlinks internally
public class SimpleParser
public virtual ILinkProvider LinkProvider { get; set; }
public virtual IImageProvider ImageProvider { get; set; }
public virtual HtmlPipelineContext HtmlPipelineContext { get; set; }
public virtual ITagProcessorFactory TagProcessorFactory { get; set; }
public virtual ICSSResolver CssResolver { get; set; }
/* overloads simplfied to keep SO answer (relatively) short. if needed
* set LinkProvider/ImageProvider after instantiating SimpleParser()
* to override the defaults (e.g. ImageProvider.ScalePercent)
public SimpleParser() : this(null) { }
public SimpleParser(string baseUri)
LinkProvider = new LinkProvider(new UriHelper(baseUri, false));
ImageProvider = new ImageProvider(new UriHelper(baseUri, true));
HtmlPipelineContext = new HtmlPipelineContext(null);
// another story altogether, and not implemented for simplicity
TagProcessorFactory = Tags.GetHtmlTagProcessorFactory();
CssResolver = XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().GetDefaultCssResolver(true);
* when sending XHR via any of the popular JavaScript frameworks,
* <img> tags are **NOT** always closed, which results in the
* infamous iTextSharp.tool.xml.exceptions.RuntimeWorkerException:
* 'Invalid nested tag a found, expected closing tag img.' a simple
* workaround.
public virtual string SimpleAjaxImgFix(string xHtml)
return Regex.Replace(
new MatchEvaluator(match => match.Groups["image"].Value + " />"),
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline
public virtual void Parse(Stream stream, string xHtml)
xHtml = SimpleAjaxImgFix(xHtml);
using (var stringReader = new StringReader(xHtml))
using (Document document = new Document())
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
var pdfWriterPipeline = new PdfWriterPipeline(document, writer);
var htmlPipeline = new HtmlPipeline(HtmlPipelineContext, pdfWriterPipeline);
var cssResolverPipeline = new CssResolverPipeline(CssResolver, htmlPipeline);
XMLWorker worker = new XMLWorker(cssResolverPipeline, true);
XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(worker);
As commented inline, SimpleAjaxImgFix(string xHtml) specifically handles XHR that may send unclosed <img> tags, which is valid HTML, but invalid XML that will break XMLWorker . A simple explanation & implementation of how to receive a PDF or other binary data with XHR and iTextSharp can be found here.
A Regex was used in SimpleAjaxImgFix(string xHtml) so that anyone using (copy/paste?) the code doesn't need to add another nuget package, but a HTML parser like HtmlAgilityPack should be used, since it's turns this:
<div><img src='a.gif'><br><hr></div>
into this:
<div><img src='a.gif' /><br /><hr /></div>
with only a few lines of code:
var hDocument = new HtmlDocument()
OptionWriteEmptyNodes = true,
OptionAutoCloseOnEnd = true
hDocument.LoadHtml("<div><img src='a.gif'><br><hr></div>");
var closedTags = hDocument.DocumentNode.WriteTo();
Also of note - use SimpleParser.Parse() above as a general blueprint to additionally implement a custom ICSSResolver or ITagProcessorFactory, which is explained in the documentation.
Now the issues described in the question should be taken care of. Called from a MVC Action Method:
[HttpPost] // some browsers have URL length limits
[ValidateInput(false)] // or throws HttpRequestValidationException
public ActionResult Index(string xHtml)
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
"Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf"
var simpleParser = new SimpleParser();
simpleParser.Parse(Response.OutputStream, xHtml);
return new EmptyResult();
or from a Web Form that gets HTML from a server control:
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf");
using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
using (var htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter))
var simpleParser = new SimpleParser();
simpleParser.Parse(Response.OutputStream, stringWriter.ToString());
or a simple HTML file with hyperlinks and images on the file system:
<h1>HTML Page 00 on Local File System</h1>
Relative <img>: <img src='Images/alt-gravatar.png' />
Hyperlink to file system HTML page:
<a href='file-system-html-01.html'>Page 01</a>
or HTML from a remote web site:
<img width="200" alt="Wikipedia Logo"
<div lang="en">
<div lang="en">
Above two HTML snippets run from a console app:
var filePaths = Path.Combine(basePath, "file-system-html-00.html");
var htmlFile = File.ReadAllText(filePaths);
var remoteUrl = Path.Combine(basePath, "wikipedia.html");
var htmlRemote = File.ReadAllText(remoteUrl);
var outputFile = Path.Combine(basePath, "filePaths.pdf");
var outputRemote = Path.Combine(basePath, "remoteUrl.pdf");
using (var stream = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create))
var simpleParser = new SimpleParser(basePath);
simpleParser.Parse(stream, htmlFile);
using (var stream = new FileStream(outputRemote, FileMode.Create))
var simpleParser = new SimpleParser("https://wikipedia.org");
simpleParser.Parse(stream, htmlRemote);
Quite a long answer, but taking a look at questions here at SO tagged html, pdf, and itextsharp, as of this writing (2016-02-23) there are 776 results against 4,063 total tagged itextsharp - that's 19%.
Very helpful post,
I was problem to render images in my report html to pdf. with your post I could do it.
I'm working with asp.mvc 5.
I only have to change this method of the ImageProviderClass
public virtual string GetImageRootPath() { return null; }
public virtual string GetImageRootPath() { HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Content/Images/") }

ASP.NET WebApi file upload using guid and file extension

I currently am able to save a file being uploaded to a WebAPI controller, but I'd like to be able to save the file as a guid with the correct file name extension so it can be viewed correctly.
public HttpResponseMessage UploadFile([FromUri]string AdditionalInformation)
var task = this.Request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
using (var requestStream = task.Result)
// how can I get the file extension of the content and append this to the file path below?
using (var fileStream = File.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString())))
catch (IOException)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Created;
return response;
I can't seem to get a handle on the actual filename of the content. I thought headers.ContentDisposition.FileName might be a candidate but that doesn't seem to get populated.
Thanks for the comments above which pointed me in the right direction.
To clarify the final solution, I used a MultipartFormDataStreamProvider which streams the file automatically. The code is in another question I posted to a different problem here:
MultipartFormDataStreamProvider and preserving current HttpContext
My full provider code is listed below. The key to generating the guid file name is to override the GetLocalFileName function and use the headers.ContentDisposition property. The provider handles the streaming of the content to file.
public class MyFormDataStreamProvider : MultipartFormDataStreamProvider
public MyFormDataStreamProvider (string path)
: base(path)
{ }
public override Stream GetStream(HttpContent parent, HttpContentHeaders headers)
// restrict what images can be selected
var extensions = new[] { "png", "gif", "jpg" };
var filename = headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", string.Empty);
if (filename.IndexOf('.') < 0)
return Stream.Null;
var extension = filename.Split('.').Last();
return extensions.Any(i => i.Equals(extension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
? base.GetStream(parent, headers)
: Stream.Null;
public override string GetLocalFileName(System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders headers)
// override the filename which is stored by the provider (by default is bodypart_x)
string oldfileName = headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", string.Empty);
string newFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(oldfileName);
return newFileName;

File Upload with Additonal Form Data to Web Api from MVC

I am trying to upload a file with additional form data and post to Web API via MVC but i couldn't accomplish.
MVC Side
Firstly i got the submitted form at MVC. Here is the action for this.
public async Task<ActionResult> Edit(BrandInfo entity) {
try {
byte[] logoData = null;
if(Request.Files.Count > 0) {
HttpPostedFileBase logo = Request.Files[0];
logoData = new byte[logo.ContentLength];
logo.InputStream.Read(logoData, 0, logo.ContentLength);
entity.Logo = logo.FileName;
entity = await _repo.Update(entity.BrandID, entity, logoData);
entity = await _repo.Update(entity,entity.BrandID);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Brand");
catch(HttpApiRequestException e) {
// logging, etc
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Brand");
Below code post the Multipartform to Web API
string requestUri = UriUtil.BuildRequestUri(_baseUri, uriTemplate, uriParameters: uriParameters);
MultipartFormDataContent formData = new MultipartFormDataContent();
StreamContent streamContent = null;
streamContent = new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(byteData));
streamContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data") {
FileName = "\"" + fileName + "\"",
Name = "\"filename\""
streamContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
formData.Add(new ObjectContent<TRequestModel>(requestModel, _writerMediaTypeFormatter), "entity");
return _httpClient.PutAsync(requestUri, formData).GetHttpApiResponseAsync<TResult>(_formatters);
As you can see i am trying to send file data and object with same MultipartFormDataContent. I couldn't find better way to send my entity as ObjectContent. Also i am using JSON.Net Serializer
Regarding to fiddler, post seems successfull.
PUT http://localhost:12836/api/brand/updatewithlogo/13 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="10255239-d2a3-449d-8fad-2f31b1d00d2a"
Host: localhost:12836
Content-Length: 4341
Expect: 100-continue
Content-Disposition: form-data; filename="web-host-logo.gif"; name="filename"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
// byte data
// byte data
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=entity
{"BrandID":13,"AssetType":null,"AssetTypeID":2,"Logo":"web-host-logo.gif","Name":"Geçici Brand","Models":null,"SupplierBrands":null}
Web API Side
Finally i am catching post at Web API side and trying to parse but i couldn't. Because MultipartFormDataStreamProvider's FileData and FormData collections are allways empty.
public void UpdateWithLogo(int id) {
if(Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) {
var x = 1; // this code has no sense, only here to check IsMimeMultipartContent
string root = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data");
var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(root);
try {
// Read the form data.
foreach(var key in provider.FormData.AllKeys) {
foreach(var val in provider.FormData.GetValues(key)) {
_logger.Info(string.Format("{0}: {1}", key, val));
// This illustrates how to get the file names.
foreach(MultipartFileData file in provider.FileData) {
_logger.Info("Server file path: " + file.LocalFileName);
catch(Exception e) {
throw new HttpApiRequestException("Error", HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, null);
I hope you can help to find my mistake.
I also realized that, if i comment out StreamContent or ObjectContent and only add StringContent, still i can't get anything from MultipartFormDataStreamProvider.
Finally i resolved my problem and it was all about async :)
As you can see at API action method i had called ReadAsMultipartAsync method synchrously but this was a mistake. I had to call it with ContinueWith so after i changed my code like below my problem solved.
var files = Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).ContinueWith<HttpResponseMessage>(task => {
throw task.Exception;
// do additional stuff