Using UIEdgeInsets in Xcode 6s Launch XIBs - uibutton

Is it possible to use UIEdgeInsets in a XIB used as Launch Screen?
When I try to subclass my UIButton I get the error "Launch Screen may not use instances of MyButton".

You cannot run code or use any custom classes in the Launch Screen xib, that is why you are getting that error.


Controller View Getting wrong position

I have application with Objective C which is developed for ios9 devices, when am trying to run the same code in xcode 8 am getting wrong position of my navigation bar,
Am using viewcontroller as a XIB and am converting into navigation controller in appdelegate class. is any one met this issue
You can try following solution:
Select your Xib file of viewController.
On the right side, navigate to the File Inspector tab.
Change the value for "Build for" to "iOS 7.0 and Later" or any other iOS version and later.
Clean, Rebuild and Run project.

Why My OSX app can not get drag-and-drop from

I have subclass a NSView with NSDraggingDestination to handle drag-and-drop function. Now, I can get draggingEntered, draggingUpdated, performDragOperation callback when I drag a file from Finder to my view.
But when I drag a picture from to my view. there is no any function be called. no draggingEntered, draggingUpdated, performDragOperation.
I use below function to register
[self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]];
PS. OSX version 10.11.6, XCode 7.3
Does anyone know how to get callback when drag picture from Thank you for help.

Can I live render a UINavigationBar in Xcode 6?

I have successfully used the live rendering feature in Xcode 6 to show a UIView in Interface Builder.
Now I want to use live rendering with a UINavigationBar. I have tried to set it up in IB as I did with a UIView without success.
Is it possible to live render a UINavigationBar in Xcode 6, or am I missing something?

Application Lauch in Landscape mode while Simulator/Device is in Portrait mode in ios6

My application window has UITabBarController as a RootViewController. Then UINavigationController as TabBarController's RootViewController. Then another HomeViewController as NavigationController's RootViewController.
When I launch my application in Portrait mode, then HomeViewController's UIView outlets displayed in Landscape mode. All UIView outlets have Landscape mode coordinate. Because return Orientation is Landscape.
I found many Q&A, Blogs. I applied whatever other developers said, but not succeed.
This issue occurs only in ios6 device/iPhone simulator 6.
Right now I am working on Simulator and its show this issue.
Please help me as soon as possible.
Ask me, if I am not capable to explain my question.
Thank you in advance.
In iOS 6, the app looks at your predefined possible orientations from your project file. Check if that only lists landscape, also it uses the shouldAutoRotate method, so you might have to implement that as well.
Check this for more info:
Similar question

iPhone touch cancelling in OS 3.0

I have a new iPhone app that has the following (and only the following) UIView heirarchy:
UIWindow -> UIScrollView -> UIViewSubclass
The UIScrollView is the view of a UIViewController. In UIViewSubclass I want to be tracking and responding to touch events and have set up the "standard four" handling routines therein. Under the Simulator running the 2.2.1 OS everything works as expected. However under the Simulator running under the 3.0 OS I'm getting the same "event eating" exhibited by the new UITextView behavior. As said before though I don't have a UITextView anywhere in my app.
What's eating my touch events, and how do I keep it from doing so? I've heard I need to override canPerformAction:withSender: in every view in my hierarchy; say it isn't so!
Not sure if this is the same problem, but try setting the UIScrollView’s “canCancelContentTouches” property to NO.