Why has my rankings suddenly dropped on google? [closed] - seo

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've managed to optimized one of my websites to rank 2nd on the first page for the search term I wanted it to rank well for and quite often I go and check to see if the rankings are still the same or if they have changed.
Yesterday I went to check and I see my website's not even on the first page! I thought that was odd, so I decided to do a quick search via both my mobile phones and my website is ranking normally (2nd on the 1st page).
So why is it that when I use 2 different mobile phones to do the search, my website is there and ranked normally as expected whereas on my desktop pc, my website has dropped off the first page (disappeared)?
WTF is going on? This doesn't make any sense! The only difference I can think of between my mobile phones and desktop PC is their IP address but how could that possibly effect rankings?
Just so you know, I don't do any dodgy backlinking strategies. In fact I don't even do any backlinking strategies to begin with!
** UPDATE **
So I quickly did a search on my desktop PC now and suddenly my website re-appeared back to 2nd on the first page. I then refreshed the google search and my website has disappeared again!!

There has been two recent Google updates, Panda 4.1 targeting thin and low quality content, and some updates fighting private blog networks (PBNs).
If you have content quality issues, fix them and it will help with rankings. If you benefit from backlinks from PBNs, remove them or disavow them A.S.A.P.
As usual, every updates often provokes the Google Dance (link to personal post). This could explain what you are observing too.
REM: Since this question is SEO related it should be posted in Pro Webmaster (at least you know for next time).


Sudden drop in Google impression on Google Webmasters [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am the developer of Infermap.com. We are regularly monitoring and working on SEO and presence on Google SERPs. In the past 3-4 days we have seen a sudden steep drop in the number of Impressions on Google.
Can someone suggest me the possible reason of why might this happen and by what ways I can prevent it.
Also I have added around 11k urls to be indexed out of which only 1.5k has been indexed. What are the possible reasons for it?
(note: this question should probably be moved to Webmasters Stack Exchange)
Looks like your 11k new URLs have not been picked up as quality content by Google. You might even be cloaking, when I click on a result I get a completely different text on your site.
Ways to avoid it:
avoid cloaking
avoid adding similar looking pages without unique content, e.g. make sure your pages are unique enough before publishing them
feed new content that looks alike gradually, e.g. start with 100 pages, wait a week or two, and add another 200. Once you are confident your pages are picked up well you can add everything at once.

How to ensure search engines index specific version of site [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am just starting to work on my first responsive site and am realizing some SEO things may fit on the front page of our site may not fit 'naturally' on the front page of the mobile version.
Is there anyway to ensure search engines see the full-size site?
Once complicating matter is that I am designing the site 'mobile first'. So the site does not default to full-size, it defaults to mobile sizes.
Assuming you deliver the same content to the end user regardless of device, and just show/hide or reformat based upon a media query, it really doesn’t matter. Google will still get the full content of the page so will index all of your content. What is visible in the viewport isn’t really significant to Google.
Google will, however, understand the use of media queries and give you some additional SEO benefits as a result. Google favours responsive design over separate sites/mobile specific pages. Responsive design also helps improve the indexing efficiency of the Googlebot.
One thing they do advise is not to block access to any of your ‘external’ resources (css, js, images etc)
Plenty of good information here

Seek advice from SEOs [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have read that Google no more uses meta tags to rank your website.
لوله بازکنی دهکده المپیک
So what are the ways otherwise if I want to increase traffic or optimize my website for search engines so that more customer would get attracted to my website. we are running e-commerce business which is confined to a not very large area.
لوله بازکنی غرب تهران
Its only 5-6 months we have launched our website. Can I get any tips so that I can optimize my website for searching.
You could register your website on the Google Webmaster tool :
Not only you'll find a few tips about their SEO, but it will warn you if the Google crawler had problems while visiting your website, which could be the reason for your website to be ranked poorly.
That is true about Meta tags - not relevant now.
There is no simple recipe to increase PageRank and search engines position.
There are huge amount of guides on web that can help. Professional companies offering positioning for payment. And also not every positioning practice is also "fair" and legal.
But for the general, I would say to answer your question:
keep your web-code clean, and if possible meeting the W3C validators requirements: http://validator.w3.org/
keep good-quality content
thing that increasing your web-position is the fact that your page is linked on on other pages in positive and good-quality context. Try to achieve that (with to

SEO for ecommerce site with 9,000 unique products [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've just rebuilt my ecommerce site listing about 9,000 different products in 12 different categories divided into many subcategories. Each product is unique. There doesn't seem much hope that Google will ever get round to indexing my full catalogue, so I'm thinking of adding rel=nofollow to all of my category links, leaving only the link that points to the 35 pages of highest value products. Is this a good strategy? What have other people in similar situation done?
It's never really a good idea to consider rel="nofollow" on your own content. The purpose behind that element being used for SEO is to signal that you can't trust or vouch for that content - is that really the signal you want to send to the Goog?
Depth of crawl (crawl budget) is directly proportional to Page Rank, so the more page rank that a site has flowing through it, the more regular and deeper the crawling will occur (this has been confirmed by Google, I'll have to dig for the exact source).
If you think Google is going to have problems naturally crawling (and 9,000 product pages is nothing), then you should consider submitting an XML sitemap of your site (via WebMaster Tools) - this will give you a good page-for-page indication on what's been crawled.

How to get Google Sitelinks on a website? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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There are a lot of websites that look professional in Google results. Try searching for 'stackoverflow' and you'll see at the top a result with a title, a description and a table of 8 links to stackoverflow categories. That's what I'm interested in producing for future websites.
So what must be done? Does it depend on the number of visitors? How long does it take until the results start looking like that?
I think you are referring to "sitelinks". Google generally does not make it public exactly how those are created (to prevent abuse, for example). I suspect you need the subpages to be very strongly linked, perhaps about the same amount or more than the top-level page. No way to know for sure. The best way to get your website looking good in Google is to make it as user-friendly and human-friendly as possible. I think Google typically looks for clues as to whether the website will be relevant to humans and very likely penalizes content that detracts from the interface just to become search-engine optimized.
Make sure that each page (not just your home page) has a title.
Include description meta information, which search engines may (or may not) use for snippets to display.
If an unordered list (<ul><li><a href="http://..">Home...) is used for navigation on the page, Google will pick that up and display it underneath the page listing when it is the #1 or #2 position listing.
Google may also use the description meta, or the first few lines of text that appear on the page, underneath the entry. It usually does this for searches in the other positions.