Worklight 6.2 - Unable to start the server [closed] - ibm-mobilefirst

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The server's console in Eclipse shows many errors after I clicked the "Play" button in the Server view in Eclipse to start Worklight Server.
The errors from the Console view can be viewed here: paste2

This most likley happens due to using Java 1.8 (see IBM Worklight 6.1 - Error TRAS0033E).
Downgrade to either 1.6 or 1.7 and make sure to setup Eclipse to use the JRE of 1.6 or 1.7.
On command prompt check java -version. Ensure that is 1.6 or 1.7
Open Eclipse > Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs. Ensure that is JDK 1.6 or 1.7


Doing the job on Windows 8 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So, I've got a new laptop, and sadly, it has Windows 8 pre-installed with no options to downgrade. Which got me thinking, maybe I can stick with Windwows 8? What will I loose?
My question is - do any of software developers use Windows 8 on every-day basis to do the job and are there any problems?
Like, maybe some software isn't supported by Windows 8.1, or some languages support is difficult to add. Everything's ok with Ruby, PHP, any other web-development tools and servers, MYSQL and other databases? What about mobile development (which I will we doing), any problems is this department? While working, did you stuble upon any specific situations that got you thinkg 'Damn, I hate Win8, wish it would be Win7' (except for MetroUI stuff).
The main question, I think, would be apps compatability and stuff like MinGW and other linux environment tools support on Windows.
Any ideas?
I can't say for MinGW or other linux-related environment tools because I don't use them at work, but I can say that everything I've needed has been working flawlessly in Windows 8. I've even recently upgraded to 8.1 and everything has continued working just fine.
I use MyEclipse 8.0, MySQL and Tomcat 6.
Never had compatibility issues and I'm very pleased with the OS.

Is there a migration manager working with PLESK 11? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm desperately trying to get a working "migration manager" on my fresh machine running PLESK 11.0.9. The MM has not been installed by default - and I couldn't find any compatible installer - neither on the PLESK-Website/-board nor using google.
Did someone manage to get the Migration Manager running on PLESK 11? OS is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Migration manager can be installed in "Tools & Settings" > "Updates and Upgrades" - this link run autoinstaller's UI on port 8447, where you can choose "Plesk migration manager" component and install it.

How to Install Photoshop in Ubuntu OS? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hello Any One Have You Idea How to Install Photoshop in Ubuntu OS?
You can install Photoshop CS4 in Ubantu Using Wine & PlayOnlineLinux.
So please refer LINK given step by step guide line.
Try Gimp In ubuntu instead Ubuntu Software Center -> Gimp
, if you still want photoshop try installing Wine(used to run windows apps in ubuntu/linux) and install photoshop using wine
You can also try out Online Photoshop

Free Virtual Machine for mac OS X 10.5.8 (Leopard) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Are there any free VM's out there for Mac OS X 10.5.8 (Leopard)? I've looked at virtual box, but it only works for 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and onwards. I really don't want to pay to upgrade my OS either. Also looked at VMWare, which isn't free.
Update: currently working myw ay thru Virtual Box version 3.0
There are older versions available for Leopard: link. Can't test and verify though, have no Mac at that version available.

Phantomjs installation for Windows [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I downloaded the " " for Windows from here.
I even set up the path of the extracted folder in the environment variables. But I am getting the "parse error" when I try to enter any command like phantomjs --version in the phantomjs.exe command prompt. (My Windows is 64 bit.)
Why is it throwing the error?
Type phantomjs --version in the Windows command-prompt.
If you launch PhantomJS by executing phantomjs.exe, you are now inside PhantomJS interactive mode (REPL). In this prompt, you should type JavaScript code.