Current text selection in CustomKeyBoardExtension - objective-c

I'm trying to write Custom Keyboard Extension.
I'm looking for the way to know where the cursor is on UITextField,UITextView...etc in CustomKeyboardExtension ... but I don't see anything like that.
I saw SwiftKey app ( can do that (or do something like that). When I change the cursor, suggestion-text will change (see below pictures).
Q: How can we get current text selection?
UPDATE: 29/09/2014
Ok, I'm so foolish. We can use documentContextBeforeInput, documentContextAfterInput methods of textDocumentProxy property. I thought that "Before","After" are about the time. Actually it's about the position.
Sorry all! I wasted your time :(

Create lastWordBeforeInput method...
-(NSString *) lastWordBeforeInput{
NSArray *arrayOfSplitsString = [self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
int countIndex = arrayOfSplitsString.count - 1;
NSCharacterSet *ChSet = [NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet];
NSCharacterSet *invertedChSet = [ChSet invertedSet];
while (countIndex > 0) {
NSString *lastWordOfSentance = [arrayOfSplitsString objectAtIndex:countIndex--];
if ([[lastWordOfSentance stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:invertedChSet] rangeOfCharacterFromSet:ChSet].location != NSNotFound) {
return [lastWordOfSentance stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
return #"";
Then call it with textWillChange/textDidChange as per requirement.
- (void)textWillChange:(id<UITextInput>)textInput {
// The app is about to change the document's contents. Perform any preparation here.
NSLog(#"%#",[self lastWordBeforeInput]);
Hope this will help you.


Why does my NSMutableString edit sometimes not work?

I'm trying to repair some mis-numbered movie subtitle files (each sub is separated by a blank line). The following code scans up to the faulty subtitle index number in a test file. If I just 'printf' the faulty old indices and replacement new indices, everything appears just as expected.
NSMutableString* tempString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:[theTextView string]];
int textLen = (int)[tempString length];
NSScanner *theScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:tempString];
while ([theScanner isAtEnd] == NO)
[theScanner scanUpToString:#"\r\n\r\n" intoString:NULL];
[theScanner scanString:#"\r\n\r\n" intoString:NULL];
if([theScanner scanLocation] >= textLen)
{ // remove OLD subtitle index...
NSString *oldNumStr;
[theScanner scanUpToString:#"\r\n" intoString:&oldNumStr];
printf("old number:%s\n", [oldNumStr UTF8String]);
NSRange range = [tempString rangeOfString:oldNumStr];
[tempString deleteCharactersInRange:range];
// ...and insert SEQUENTIAL index
NSString *newNumStr = [self changeSubIndex];
printf("new number:%s\n\n", [newNumStr UTF8String]);
[tempString insertString:newNumStr atIndex:range.location];
printf("\ntempString\n\n:%s\n", [tempString UTF8String]);
static int newIndex = 1;
// convert int to string and return...
NSString *numString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", newIndex];
return numString;
When I attempt to write the new indices to the mute string however, I end up with disordered results like this:
sub 1
sub 2
sub 3
sub 1
sub 5
sub 6
sub 7
sub 5
sub 9
sub 7
sub 8
An interesting observation (and possible clue?) is that when I reach subtitle number 1000, every number gets written to the mutable string in sequential order as required. I've been struggling with this for a couple of weeks now, and I can't find any other similar questions on SO. Any help much appreciated :-)
NSScanner & NSMutableString
NSMutableString is a subclass of NSString. In other words, you can pass NSMutableString at places where the NSString is expected. But it doesn't mean you're allowed to modify it.
scannerWithString: expects NSString. Translated to human language - I expect a string and I also do expect that the string is read-only (wont be modified).
In other words - your code is considered to be a programmer error - you give something to the NSScanner, NSScanner expects immutable string and you're modifying it.
We don't know what the NSScanner class is doing under the hood. There can be buffering or any other kind of optimization.
Even if you will be lucky with the mentioned scanLocation fix (in the comments), you shouldn't rely on it, because the under the hood implementation can change with any new release.
Don't do this. Not just here, but everywhere where you see immutable data type.
(There're situations where you can do it, but then you should really know what the under the hood implementation is doing, be certain that it wont be modified, etc. But generally speaking, it's not a good idea unless you know what you're doing.)
This sample code is based on the following assumptions:
we're talking about SubRip Text (SRT)
file is small (can easily fit memory)
rest of the SRT file is correct
especially the delimiter (#"\r\n")
#import Foundation;
#interface SubRipText : NSObject
+ (NSString *)fixSubtitleIndexes:(NSString *)string;
#implementation SubRipText
+ (NSString *)fixSubtitleIndexes:(NSString *)string {
NSMutableString *result = [#"" mutableCopy];
__block BOOL nextLineIsIndex = YES;
__block NSUInteger index = 1;
[string enumerateLinesUsingBlock:^(NSString * _Nonnull line, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
if (nextLineIsIndex) {
[result appendFormat:#"%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)index];
nextLineIsIndex = NO;
[result appendFormat:#"%#\r\n", line];
nextLineIsIndex = line.length == 0;
return result;
NSString *test = #"29\r\n"
"00:00:00,498 --> 00:00:02,827\r\n"
"00:00:02,827 --> 00:00:06,383\r\n"
"This is two lines,\r\n"
"subtitles rocks!\r\n"
"00:00:06,383 --> 00:00:09,427\r\n"
"Maybe not,\r\n"
"just learn English :)\r\n";
NSString *result = [SubRipText fixSubtitleIndexes:test];
NSLog(#"%#", result);
00:00:00,498 --> 00:00:02,827
00:00:02,827 --> 00:00:06,383
This is two lines,
subtitles rocks!
00:00:06,383 --> 00:00:09,427
Maybe not,
just learn English :)
There're other ways how to achieve this, but you should think about readability, speed of writing, speed of running, ... Depends on your usage - how many of them are you going to fix, etc.

Comparing string to a character of another string?

Here's my program so far. My intention is to have it so the if statement compares the letter in the string letterGuessed to a character in the string userInputPhraseString. Here's what I have. While coding in xCode, I get an "expected '['"error. I have no idea why.
NSString *letterGuessed = userInputGuessedLetter.text;
NSString *userInputPhraseString = userInputPhraseString.text;
int loopCounter = 0;
int stringLength = userInputPhraseString.length;
while (loopCounter < stringLength){
if (guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo])
//if statement true
You are missing enclosing square brackets on this line:
if (guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo])
It should be:
if ([guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo]])
Edit that won’t fix your problem, though, because characterAtIndex: returns a unichar, not an NSString.
It's not clear what you are trying to do.. But I suppose that letterGuessed has one character... And that userInputPhraseString has many characters. So you want to know if letterGuessed is inside userInputPhraseString correct?
This is one solution without loops involved.. I replaced the input with fixed values for testing and tested the code.. It works.
NSString *letterGuessed = #"A"; //Change to your inputs
NSString *userInputPhraseString = #"BBBA"; //Since it has A it will be true in the test
NSCharacterSet *cset = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:letterGuessed];
NSRange range = [userInputPhraseString rangeOfCharacterFromSet:cset];
if (range.location != NSNotFound) { //Does letterGuessed is in UserInputPhraseString?
NSLog(#"YES"); //userInput Does contain A...
} else {
In regards to your code... I fixed a couple of errors, first you are trying to get a UniChar (Integer) value for the character and want to compare it to a NSString which is an Object. Also fixed a couple of issues with syntax you had and used the right approach which is to return a range of characters. Again for doing what you want to accomplish the example above is the best approach I know, but for the sake of learning, here is your code fixed.
NSString *letterGuessed = #"A"; //Change to your inputs
NSString *userInputPhraseString = #"BBBA"; //Since it has A it will be true in the test
NSInteger loopCounter = 0; //Use NSInteger instead of int.
NSInteger stringLength = userInputPhraseString.length;
BOOL foundChar = NO; //Just for the sake of returning NOT FOUND in NSLOG
while (loopCounter < stringLength){
//Here we will get a letter for each iteration.
NSString *scannedLetter = [userInputPhraseString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(loopCounter, 1)]; // Removed loopCounterTwo
if ([scannedLetter isEqualToString:letterGuessed])
foundChar = YES;
if (!foundChar) NSLog(#"NOT FOUND");
NSRange holds the position, length.. So we move to a new position on every iteration and then get 1 character.
Also if this approach is what you want, I would strongly suggest a for-loop.

NSString "nil or empty" check -- is this complete?

I was writing a small Category on NSString, and I wanted to know if this method is accurately handles all potential use cases:
Update: to clarify -- I wanted to make sure I'm not missing some oddball case involving character encodings, etc..
#implementation NSString (Helpers)
+(BOOL)stringIsNilOrEmpty:(NSString*)aString {
if (!aString)
return YES;
return [aString isEqualToString:#""];
Sample usage:
-(void) sampleUsage {
NSString *emptyString = #"";
NSString *nilString = nil;
NSAssert([NSString stringIsNilOrEmpty:nilString] == YES, #"String is nil/empty");
NSAssert([NSString stringIsNilOrEmpty:emptyString] == YES, #"String is nil/empty");
I only use the next conditional and do not even need a category:
if (!aString.length)
Using Objective-C theory, a message to NIL will return nil or zero, so basically you do not have to test for nil.
You can simplify the code by removing conditional:
+(BOOL)stringIsNilOrEmpty:(NSString*)aString {
return !(aString && aString.length);
#dasblinkenlight's answer is fine, but a much more readable conditional check I would use is:
NSString *string = ...; // define the string
if ([string length] == 0) {
// Do stuff with the string
} else {
// The string is empty or nil here
Very concise and does not require a separate convenience function definition. It's easy enough to remember.
EDIT: #Michael G. Emmons posted this as the last comment to that answer... credit to him but I'm listing this as an answer in its own right.
Some examples of this sort of "is not empty or blank" tests as a category on NSString.
// Please note that in general I advocate using a prefix on category methods
// to avoid category collisions. I've not done this here for clarity.
// The #interface is also excluded from this example for brevity.
#implementation NSString (MyAdditions)
- (BOOL)isNotEmpty
return [self length] != 0;
- (BOOL)isNotBlank
if ([self isNotEmpty])
NSCharacterSet *nonWhitespaceSet = [[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet] invertedSet];
NSRange range = [self rangeOfCharactersFromSet:nonWhitespaceSet];
return range.location != NSNotFound;
return NO;
Simply Check your string length
> if (!yourString.length){
> //your code } a
message to NIL will return nil or 0, so no need to test for nil :).
Happy coding ...
Make sure to check for spaces, trim white spaces before calculating length.
+(BOOL)stringIsNilOrEmpty:(NSString*)aString {
return !aString || [[aString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] length] == 0;

How to convert text to camel case in Objective-C?

I'm making little utility to help me generate code for an app I'm making. I like to have constants for my NSUserDefaults settings, so that my code is more readable and easier to maintain. The problem is, that making constants for everything takes some time, so I'm trying to write a utility to generate code for me. I'd like to be able to enter a string and have it converted to camel case, like so:
- (NSString *)camelCaseFromString:(NSString *)input{
return inputAsCamelCase;
Now, the input string might be composed of multiple words. I'm assuming that I need some sort of regular expression here, or perhaps there is another way to do it. I'd like to input something like this:
#"scrolling direction"
or this:
#"speed of scrolling"
and get back something like this:
or this:
How would you go about removing spaces and replacing the character following the space with the uppercase version?
- (NSString *)camelCaseFromString:(NSString *)input {
return [#"k" stringByAppendingString:[[input capitalizedString] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#""]];
Capitalize each word.
Remove whitespace.
Insert "k" at the beginning. (Not literally, but a simplification using stringByAppendingString.)
The currently accepted answer has a bug. (also pointed out by #jaydee3)
Words already having proper camelCasing, PascalCasing, or capitalized TLA acronyms will have their correct casing "destroyed" by having non-first characters lowercased via the call to capitalizedString.
So "I prefer camelCasing to PascalCasing for variables" would look like "iPreferCamelcasingToPascalcasingForVariables" but according to the question, should be "iPreferCamelCasingToPascalCasingForVariables"
Use the below category on NSString to create non-destructive camel and pascal casing. It also properly leaves ALL_CAPS words/acronyms in place, although that wasn't really part of the orig question.
An acronym as a first word for a camelCased string would be weird. "WTH" becomes "wTH" which looks weird. Anyway, that's an edge case, and not addressed. However, since question asker is prefixing with "k" then it "k IBM" becomes "kIBM" which looks ok to me, but would look be "kIbm" with currently accepted answer.
NSString *str = #"K computer manufacturer IBM";
NSLog(#"constant: %#", str.pascalCased);
// "constant: kComputerManufacturerIBM"
Category (class extension) code.
#implementation NSString (MixedCasing)
- (NSString *)camelCased {
NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString new];
NSArray *words = [self componentsSeparatedByString: #" "];
for (uint i = 0; i < words.count; i++) {
if (i==0) {
[result appendString:((NSString *) words[i]).withLowercasedFirstChar];
else {
[result appendString:((NSString *)words[i]).withUppercasedFirstChar];
return result;
- (NSString *)pascalCased {
NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString new];
NSArray *words = [self componentsSeparatedByString: #" "];
for (NSString *word in words) {
[result appendString:word.withUppercasedFirstChar];
return result;
- (NSString *)withUppercasedFirstChar {
if (self.length <= 1) {
return self.uppercaseString;
} else {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",[[self substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],[self substringFromIndex:1]];
- (NSString *)withLowercasedFirstChar {
if (self.length <= 1) {
return self.lowercaseString;
} else {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",[[self substringToIndex:1] lowercaseString],[self substringFromIndex:1]];
Just use: #"This is a sentence".capitalizedString;
Becomes: >> "This Is A Sentence"
Replace spaces and manipulate...
Uppercases first char of word, and lowers the other letters for each word.

Weird cocoa bug?

Hey folks, beneath is a piece of code i used for a school assignment.
Whenever I enter a word, with an O in it (which is a capital o), it fails!
Whenever there is one or more capital O's in this program, it returns false and logs : sentence not a palindrome.
A palindrome, for the people that dont know what a palindrome is, is a word that is the same read left from right, and backwards. (e.g. lol, kayak, reviver etc)
I found this bug when trying to check the 'oldest' palindrome ever found: SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS.
When I change all the capital o's to lowercase o's, it works, and returns true.
Let me state clearly, with this piece of code ALL sentences/words with capital O's return false. A single capital o is enough to fail this program.
-(BOOL)testForPalindrome:(NSString *)s position:(NSInteger)pos {
NSString *string = s;
NSInteger position = pos;
NSInteger stringLength = [string length];
NSString *charOne = [string substringFromIndex:position];
charOne = [charOne substringToIndex:1];
NSString *charTwo = [string substringFromIndex:(stringLength - 1 - position)];
charTwo = [charTwo substringToIndex:1];
if(position > (stringLength / 2)) {
NSString *printableString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"De following word or sentence is a palindrome: \n\n%#", string];
NSLog(#"%# is a palindrome.", string);
[textField setStringValue:printableString];
return YES;
if(charOne != charTwo) {
NSLog(#"%#, %#", charOne, charTwo);
NSLog(#"%i", position);
NSLog(#"%# is not a palindrome.", string);
return NO;
return [self testForPalindrome:string position:position+1];
So, is this some weird bug in Cocoa?
Or am I missing something?
This of course is not a bug in Cocoa, as you probably knew deep down inside.
Your compare method is causing this 'bug in Cocoa', you're comparing the addresses of charOne and charTwo. Instead you should compare the contents of the string with the isEqualToString message.
if(![charOne isEqualToString:charTwo]) {
Instead of:
if(charOne != charTwo) {
Edit: tested it in a test project and can confirm this is the problem.
Don't use charOne != charTwo
Instead use one of the NSString Compare Methods.
if ([charOne caseInsensitiveCompare:charTwo] != NSOrderedSame)
It may also have to do with localization (but I doubt it).