Starting up a collapsed dijit fieldset - dojo

I'd like to create a dijit fieldset which starts up collapsed.
The documentation ( ) of dijit fieldset says there's only an argument called toggleable. But that's not what I want.
Is there realy no way to start it collapsed like
<div id="myFieldset" data-dojo-type="dijit/Fieldset" data-dojo-props="collapsed:true">
<div id="aTextBox" name="aTextBox" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox"></div>

You need to set the dojo fieldset value of open equal to false like so
<div id="myFieldset2" data-dojo-type="dijit/Fieldset" data-dojo-props="open:false">
<div id="aTextBox2" name="aTextBox" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox"></div>
Here is an example of your code and the new version which uses the open property


DebugElement.query does not work with elements added dynamically to the dom in a spec

I have an app that is using ngx-bootstrap to show a tooltip on mouseover. I want to test that the content, which is dynamically added, shows properly. In order to do this I have a test that looks like this:
it(shows the right tooltip', fakeAsync(() => {
.triggerEventHandler('mouseover', null);
.toBe('the tooltip text');
This results in an error that indicates that fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.tooltip-inner')): "Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of null"
If I print out the content of fixture.debugElement.nativeElement I get this:
<div id="root1" ng-version="5.2.9">
<div ng-reflect-tooltip="the tooltip text">
<img src="images/test.png">
<bs-tooltip-container role="tooltip" class="tooltip in tooltip-right">
<div class="tooltip-arrow arrow"></div>
<div class="tooltip-inner">the tooltip text</div>
The important take away is that the html exists - it is just not accessible by the DebugElement.query.
My current solution to get the spec passing is to change the expect to:
.toBe('the tooltip text');
This works, but it is a hack that will fall to pieces if I run into a similar situation with multiple tooltips (for example). Has anyone been able to handle this in a better way? Am I not setting this spec up correctly?

vue.js - Change text based on default/clicked class

Given the following:
<div id="#my-container">
<div class="title">Companies</div>
<div class="tab active tab-apple">Apple</div>
<div class="tab tab-google">Google</div>
When page is loaded without any tab clicks yet, whichever tab with the default active class, needs to go in the .title div. For the example above, <div class="title">Apple</div>
On click of a tab, the class is switched to active, and vue.js needs to update the .title div once again.
How can this be done with vue.js? I've tried but not able to get it to work as intended.
The answer by David is one way to do it. But Vuejs offers in-line computations for this. So, no need to hook into any CSS event. Here's some code to explain:
Create a data property active_tab, just like David mentioned. And then bind it's value just like he's done it. In your tabs, add an click event and at that event, assign appropriate value to active_tab.
<div class="tab active tab-apple" #click="active_tab = Apple">Apple</div>
<div class="tab tab-google" #click="active_tab = Google">Google</div>
Now, to dynamically assign the active class to the respective tab, make the class attribute, a computed property, like this:
:class="['tab', active_tab == 'Apple' ? 'active' : '', 'tab-apple']"
What this code is basically doing is, :class makes class a computed property. Then the commas in the array divide the statement. So, the computation will always add tab and tab-apple classes. But, only if active_tab == 'Apple' then ? add 'active' else : add ''
Not sure which CSS framework you are using, but normally I hook into the events thrown by the tab switching (many CSS frameworks provide this access). Once hooked into it, you can write a Vue custom directive that will take that event and use it to update a VM attribute that indicates which tab is active.
Then you can use normal mustache templating to get it into your template:
<div class="title">{{ active_tab }}</div>

Dojo Dijit - Widget within a widget

I am using OneUI which is basically just an extension of the dojo didjit widgets.
I need to put a widget inside a widget.
I am using a div with data-dojo-type="".
I am then setting various elements of this using data-dojo-props.
So for example I have some spans and links set within the data-dojo-props.
These are work and display fine.
I am now trying to add a div which itself is a widget. So I've added the div and within this div I am setting the data-dojo-type as a HoverHelpToolTip and setting some other elements such as an onmouseover and some data-dojo-props.
Essentially what should happen is that a hover help tooltip should pop up on mouse over - but it isn't working at all.
So I suppose my question here is how do I correctly nest one widget within another?
Sample Code
I am declaring it as follows...
<div data-dojo-id="store1819454249457680384" data-dojo-type="" id="store1819454249457680384" data-dojo-props="data:[{"Name":"<!--o3nv--> ","id":1,"gender":"Female","ActionColumn":"<span class=\"actions\" ><a href=\"...\" onclick=\"...\" title=\"Click here to edit this item\" >Edit<\/a><span class=\"linksDivider\" > | <\/span><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"...\" title=\"Click here to delete this item\" >Delete<\/a><\/span>","Person.firstName":"werrwewre",
<!-- This is the start of the code in question -->
"HelpColumn":"<div class=\"hiddenHelpDialog\" data-dojo- props=\"forceFocus:true,connectId:['helpAnchor_rowHelp10309939']\" data-dojo- type=\"idx\/oneui\/HoverHelpTooltip\" id=\"rowHelp10309939\" style=\"text-align: left; position:relative; display:none\" widgetid=\"rowHelp10309939\" ><div class=\"helpDivDialog\" ><p class=\"helpFieldHeadingDialog\" >\u00a0<\/p><p class=\"helpDescriptionTextDialog\" >BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH<\/p><\/div><\/div><a class=\"openHelpLink openHelpLinkDisplayField\" id=\"helpAnchor_rowHelp10309939\" onmouseover=\"idx.oneui.HoverHelpTooltip.defaultPosition=['above']\" ><\/a>"}]" ><!-- comment--></div>
It produces the following HTML which works correctly apart from the HoverHelpTip not appearing. The onmouseover is firing. Its alsmot like the widget isn't registered with dojo?!?!
<div widgetid="rowHelp1248193624" style="text-align: left; position:relative; display:none" id="rowHelp1248193624" data-dojo-type="idx/oneui/HoverHelpTooltip" data-dojo-props="forceFocus:true,connectId:'helpAnchor_rowHelp1248193624'" class="hiddenHelpDialog"> <div class="helpDivDialog">
<p class="helpFieldHeadingDialog"> </p>
<p class="helpDescriptionTextDialog">BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH</p></div></div>
<a class="openHelpLink openHelpLinkDisplayField" id="helpAnchor_rowHelp1248193624" onmouseover="idx.oneui.HoverHelpTooltip.defaultPosition=['above'];">
<span class="hidden"> </span></a>
I fixed this by calling parser.instantiate(node) on the DOM Node when dojo is ready.
I dont know why but for some reason the widget was not being picked up/parsed.
I check dijit.registry and there was no mention of it and a lookup using dijit.byid returned undefined.
Explicitly instantiating the node worked however.
Anyone got any idea why????

How do i set the id in WinJS.Binding.Template in a Win8 App

The following html is not working for me.
<div id="weightListViewTemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<span data-win-bind="innerText: name; id: id"></span>
<div id="basicListView" style="width:420px;height:600px" data-win-options="{ itemTemplate: select('#weightListViewTemplate') }"
The list appears but the ID property is not set on the span objects.
How to a set the id of the span dynamically in the template based on the corresponding value in the datasource/array?
I wouldn't recommend using the actual ID property. I believe you can't set it through data binding -- I believe WinJS uses ID's on elements under the covers to allow for weak-references to the DOM elements. Because of this it doesn't let you set the ID.
I would suggest using another property or attribute instead.

Hot to find in dojo element when I know id of parent and I know type and style class of element which I looking fo

Hot to find in dojo element when I know id of parent and I know type and style class of element which I looking for ?
For example, I want find and change (span style=tabLabel) ALARMS into Mga alarma
<div dojoattachpoint="focusNode" role="tab" style="-moz-user-select: none;" id="tab_div_tablist_dijit_layout_ContentPane_1" tabindex="-1" title="" aria-selected="false">
<img dojoattachpoint="iconNode" class="dijitIcon dijitTabButtonIcon dijitNoIcon" alt="" src="dojoroot/dojo/resources/blank.gif">
<span class="tabLabel" dojoattachpoint="containerNode" style="-moz-user-select: none;">Alarms</span>
<span role="presentation" dojoattachevent="onclick: onClickCloseButton" dojoattachpoint="closeNode" class="dijitInline dijitTabCloseButton dijitTabCloseIcon" style="display: none;">
<span class="dijitTabCloseText" dojoattachpoint="closeText">[x]</span></span>
In this case it is pretty easy. If you look at the span element you refer to it has a dojoattachpoint attribute specified. That means that the node can be accessed from the widget directly with that name.
Now I assume that the widget is called "tab_div_tablist_dijit_layout_ContentPane_1" from the id in your code so to get the widget:
var widget = dijit.byId("tab_div_tablist_dijit_layout_ContentPane_1");
And the dojoattachpoint on the span has the value containerNode so:
widget.containerNode.innerHTML = "Mga alarma";
I think that should work.
If you're creating a custom widget template and wish to localize a string, there is a mechanism to do this. Simply use a substitution pattern like ${alarm} and define a javascript property on your widget with that name. That property can then be populated with a localization bundle using dojo.i18n. You can look at some of the dijits like dijit.Dialog.postMixInProperties to see how this is done.