Reference not found after switching from Debug to Release mode -

I have a problem with several references in my VB.NET project.
For example I have this line of code:
Dim m As New Chilkat.Email
It comes from the library "ChilkatDotNet45.dll".
When I click on "References" and locate this dll, I can see that it has the settings "Use local copy" and "Do not include interop types".
When I switch to Release mode, the compiler tells me that "Chilkat.EMail" is not defined.
I have this problem with several DLLs, so it is not specific to Chilkat.
Can somebody tell me what I did wrong?
Thank you.

One of the standard approaches to solving any programming-related issue is trying to reduce the scope of the investigation. If you have a big project, in which something doesn't work, try to create a smaller project, and try to replicate desired functionality in it. Reduce as much as possible, down to a brand new project with maybe 5-10 lines of code in it.
If you were unable to solve your problem after making a reduced test case, now it's good time to post it on StackOverflow. I am usually reducing problems while writing a question on SO (not before, as one might think), constantly thinking "ok, is it minimized enough"; and this is how 90% of the questions never get posted - I often find a solution along the way of reducing my question to bare bones. :)
In your case, can you build a simplified project which has this problem and post a link here? We could then try switching Debug to Release on our machines and see if the we can reproduce. There are too many options to do the guesswork.


Minecraft won't run. Multiple items cannot be resolved to a type

I just finished skating around that infamous "cannot load main class start" thing, and I got blindsided with a sea of errors:
A friend suggests it might have something to do with, but ultimately can't help me.
I haven't made a single alteration to any of the code so far. Eclipse just started up not being able to run and stayed that way. I think there's a way to fix it but it would require making acute changes at the sight of every single error; work that could be wiped by a cleanup if I'm proved wrong.
Anyone have a clue what the issue is? Thank you for the trouble.
UPDATE: Adding guava as a library relieved the error involving, but threw in a handful of others. This one class file contains 3 of the most common unresolved types I've seen scattered throughout: Logger/LogManagaer, PropertyMap, and CrashReport
Your general problems revolve around not having dependencies in the build path. Eclipse's error messages are pretty clear about this; e.g. if a package name is underlined in red and can't be found, then that means it can't be found, and the obvious solution is to add the library that provides it, so that it can be found.
In virtually all cases here, a Google search for the missing packages and classes will lead you to the packages that contain it.
For each unresolved dependency, find the library, add it to the build path, then move on.
I also suggest consulting the documentation that comes with the source code you are attempting to compile, which often simply lists the dependencies, thus saving you the trouble of hunting them down as you go.
While we could do the internet searches for you and hash this out one step at a time, it's both better and faster for you to do it yourself. Better because if you're messing around with Minecraft source, having at least a basic knowledge of how your tools work is going to help you (I also suggest some of the material at Faster because the turnaround time of typing package names into the Google search box is a heck of a lot faster than constantly updating your question here and waiting for replies.
It looks like you are missing the Google Collections package, which now is called Guava.
Download the jar file, and add it as a library.

Why is my vs2012 forcing extra parentheses

First, thank you for taking pity on me and reading this issue. I CANNOT for the life of me figure out what extension I might have installed that is causing this issue, but it is EXTREMELY cumbersome.
Whenever I begin to type code (VB I think it also occurs in C#), for example "For Each" once I hit the F it forces a set of parentheses. Which would look like F(), but because I keep typing it looks like F(or). This only occurs when coding inside code blocks like a function or a sub, but when I'm creating the function it does not occur. I've disabled any and all power tools and the like, or at least I'm 90% sure I've done this for all of them, and yet it still occurs.
I'm usually pretty proficient at digging about the net and finding the answer, but for this one I'm at a loss. There is just too many keywords involved, so all I see is non-related topics, or how to make the parentheses occur, not get rid of them.
If anyone can provide some steps to resolve this, I'm happy and eager to try them. It's just such a hassle to live with for right now.
If you think it is a Visual Studio extension, then start by disabling all of them and adding them back one at a time.
You can also run VS with the command line switched to disable features.
Devenv switches
The simple answer to the cause is the Codealike VS Extension. I logged a bug with them and hopefully they'll fix it soon

Xcode 4.4 unable to rename classes/variables

On both Xcode 4.4 and 4.4.1 I'm experiencing the same issue in that with the specific project I'm working on, I don't seem to be able to rename any classes or variables from the Refactor menu option.
Each time I try and do a rename, I type in the new name for the class/variable and click Preview at which point the bottom left begins a spinner with Finding files.... However, I then get a message saying:
The selection is not a type that can be renamed.
Make a different selection and try again.
I'm pretty sure that this is not an issue with my specific install of Xcode, because I can refactor other projects fine, it's just that I can't seem to be able to refactor this specific project.
Anyone with any ideas? I don't have any particularly exotic configuration for this project, it just seems to be a random affliction. I've deleted all of my derived data and re-indexed, but that doesn't seem to help.
Since it works OK in other projects, I'm thinking one thing I could try to do is re-generate the actual project file(s) itself. I don't know if there is a way to do this automatically?
If they're in dropbox get them out of there. It mangles project files. I've had it happen numerous times and at times it makes refactoring > renaming not work.
I have managed to solve this issue after trying many different things (tweaking project settings, pch, etc.) and it turns out there was a very simple (and totally counter-intuitive) method of fixing this issue.
All I have done is:-
Copy my entire project folder (so from Project to Project Copy).
Move Project (the original folder) to trash.
Rename Project Copy to Project.
Mysteriously, everything now works fine.
I really cannot figure out why this works. As mentioned previously, I had already deleted all derived data, etc. so I don't know why this should make things spontaneously work, but it does.
Would appreciate anyone who is able to shed some light on this as it does expose just how fiddly Xcode can be, and any understanding of what goes on under the hood is always beneficial.
Sounds like a buggered index.
I usually use the nuke from space option to delete everything in the derived data directory.
Unless you have changed it (I change mine to /tmp/bbum-derived), it'll be at:
Thus, I'll quit Xcode and do:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Yes, it is a bit brute force, but it works. You can likely force Xcode to rebuild the index from the UI, but I never bother. Of course, I'm also installing quite a few "odd" builds of this and that as a part of my day job...
(that is an rm -rf. It means "nuke everything and don't ask" in unix parlance. It is dangerous. Do not mistype that command.)
It seems you have an active selection somewhere in the gui, perhaps some of your files or classes are selected ? Try unselect in every sub window and retry refactoring.
I'm a bit late to this thread, but I ran into the same problem today and I was able to get it to finally refactor correctly, thought I share it.
So in large part I did what bbum said, I closed xCode, nuked the Derived data for the project the class files were in and re opened the project. Doing just that, it didn't work; the key, I found (at least for me), is that I had to do a clean (command shift k) after xCode restarts. After that I was able to rename the class files again :)
Also as a side note, my project is divided into the main project, and a static library. When I had to rename classes in the static library, I had to quit the main project and do what I described in the static library itself. Somehow I got the same error described in the question when I tried to do the refactor/rename from the main project.
Good luck!
This thread was very helpful for me in determining the problem.
It turned out that I had to Repair Disk with Disk Utility. I had visited a site earlier that had hijacked Safari and was telling me to call a number for emergency repairs, an obvious scam.
I followed the Disk Utility instructions to repair disk (including restarting with CMD-R pressed). Another clue was that I tried to commit to git and Xcode said No Way, Jose.
Afterwards I was able to refactor and commit changes as if nothing ever happened. I hope this helps someone else as a possible cause to investigate.

INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged implemented and not implemented; Visual Studio build error

I'm seeing a strange build bug a lot. Sometimes after typing some code we receive the following build error.
Class 'clsX' must implement 'Event PropertyChanged(sender As Object, e As PropertyChangedEventArgs)' for interface System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged'.
'PropertyChanged' cannot implement 'PropertyChanged' because there is no matching event on interface 'System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged'.
Those error should never go together! Usually we can just ignore the exception and build the solution but often enough this bug stops our build. (this happens a lot using Edit and Continue which is annoying)
We're using and c# mixed in one big solution.
Removing the PropertyChanged event and retyping the same code! sometimes fixes this.
Has anyone else seen this problem and has some suggestions how to prevent his?
We're using a code generator that causes this error to surface but just editing some files manually triggers this exception too. This error occur's on multiple machines using various setups.
Someone had the same exact issue discussed here. It sounds like there is an issue with this build picking up an old version of a binary. I would try the following in order:
Verify all assembly references use project references where possible within the Visual Studio solution.
Disable build parallelization in case there is some weird file locking issue with concurrent project builds. Go to Tools -> Options, Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run, then set "maximum number of parrellel project builds" to 1. Not the best solution but it may help narrow down the problem.
Disable the Hosting Process in case it's locking some file causing an assembly to not get rebuilt correctly. For C# project go to Project Properties, Debug tab, and uncheck "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process". For VB.NET project you'll need to Unload Project, Edit the project file, and add <UseVSHostingProcess>false</UseVSHostingProcess> to the PropertyGroup of each configuration. Again, not the best solution but you probably won't notice a difference.
Lastly, try doing a Clean + Build to try and resolve the issue when it occurs (I know this is not a fix but it's easy enough to do), also Rebuild may be slightly different than Clean + Build so try the latter if the former doesn't work.
As I can not comment due to lack of appropriate points.
But I would like to share one of my experience:
In an aspx.cs page I was working, used to compile fine and some time gave mysterious error of a variable not defined or function not defined or sometime variable or the function defined two times. I changed possibly each and every variable and function name but there seemed no effect , but after entering a simple space or a new line at any place in the file used to solve the compile error. At one time I tried to save the file (in a different encoding as i am used to experiments) and found that the file was not saving in the correct encoding (i.e. the ansi encoding because the file had a unicode character ), I removed the unicode character and that compile error didn't bothered me again.
This unicode character problem could be (not a hard and fast rule) there so you could check it.
Nuke & restore using source control (TFS instructions here):
Make sure you have everything checked in
Exit Visual Studio
Rename the project directory to .Bak (effectively deleting it)
Reopen Visual Studio and in source control:
Get Specific Version
check 'Overwrite... not checked out' and 'Overwrite ... even if local version matches'
Re-open project
Another problem: Make sure some source files are not newer than the current date (or your date is set back). Often this happens in apps where you are doing logic that requires certain things to happen differently on certain dates. You change your clock to test it, make a revision to the source with the date advanced, set the date back, and viola, rebuild does not rebuild that file.
You say 'typing it in again' - can you try just saving? After 40 years since MULTIX the .net build still decides what has changed by checking the file timestamp.
good luck!
When you get the error, is it always on the VB calling C# side, or vice-versa, or does it work both ways?
If the answer is either of the first two situations, try building the "callee" project within the solution before building the "caller" project to see if it stops the situation.
Also, just in case it may jog something for you to think about, does this error crop up when you change a VB file or a C# file, or is there no correllation?
Oh, and sorry this looks like an answer instead of a comment, I cannot post comments yet (need 50 rep).

IntelliSense not working VS2008 VB.Net

I realize this question has been asked before, but I was not able to find anything that worked for me yet.
Things I have tried:
Switched settings back to default (mulitple ways)
Project Builds/Compiles fine
Closed VS and restarted
The only thing I haven't been able to try is deleting the ".ncb" file, but that's only because I can't find it. In fact not a single one of all our projects have such a file!
So the first question is why can't I find this file in the solution's root directory? The only file I have there besides the .sln is the .suo.
Then if that doesn't work what other options do I have short of un-installing and re-installing?
As for how it happened this might help. While using VS2008 and VSS6.0 (yuck) I made a number of changes to a lot of files via Find&Replace that I didn't mean to(had Entire Solution selected instead of current document). To undo the changes I exited without saving, reopened the solution, then Undid checkout. After that I lost intellisense! I can't imaging how they're related but it might help.
IntelliSense usually stops working when it can't compile correctly. Try a new simple project from scratch and see if it works, if it does you have your answer.
Is this for C++ code? If it is, my suggestion is not to try fixing built-in IntelliSense at all, rather try some 3rd party replacement. My favourite is definitely Visual Assist X, which is lot more robust (it almost never stops working, and it is able to parse even very complicated templated and preprocessed stuff, which often makes IntelliSense "lost".
Visual Assist works with other languages including Visual Basic, however this is something I have no practical experience with. Still, there is a free trial - you may try it, I expect it will be superior to IntelliSense even for VB.
I figured out how to fix it. Apparently while I was undoing those changes I somehow excluded the file that I wasn't getting intellisense in from the project.
I just right-clicked on it and said "Include in Project" and viola! Intellisense worked again.
Sorry for the false alarm but I appreciate the effort.