Store $_POST in Yii2 session - session-variables

I'm having a little trouble with my quiz form. I'm using a page to show a single question that a user answers, from there I was hoping to save the question id and option id (My form is multiple choice, i set the options).
My HTML looks like this:
<input type="radio" name="question[3]" value="4">My Answer
When the form is posted I am doing this
// Get posted array
$question = $_POST['question'];
Yii::$app->session['question'] = $question;
So it's saved into my session as:
[3] => 4
Which is fine, the problem I'm finding is trying to save the next question without overwriting the previous [question_id] => [option_id].
I understand why the following code just overwrites the existing the session['question'] variable. But I'm struggling to be able to save each question and answer array to my variable.
I have tried Yii::$app->session['question'][$i] = $question; and get Indirect modification of overloaded element of yii\web\Session has no effect
I've also tried array_push and array_merge to try and combine the previous array of question and chosen option, but have had no luck either. What am I doing wrong here please?

The correct way to do this is
$q = $_POST['question'];
Yii::$app->session['question'] = array_merge(Yii::$app->session['question'], [$question]);

You should do
Yii::$app->session['question'][] = $question;
Notice the extra []


How to access value from react-native-cn-richtext-editor

I have successfully implemented react-native-cn-richtext-editor with limited toolbar functions.
I want to know that, how to get value (text that we have typed) from editor.
I am new in RN, have tried to get value but didn't get success. How can I resolve this issue, as I want to sent this text to server and then do further process.
In given example of this library there is method onValueChange on change the content object is present in value and to extract the value below example is there
onValueChanged = (value) => {
Finally I got the solution of above question.
convert the value in HTML with convertToHtmlString write following command,
let html = convertToHtmlString(this.state.value)
for more details refer this github link

How to get all input having the same class, id name in Controller - Laravel 5?

I have function which appends new answer inputs when 'Add answer' button is clicked. In Controller, i want to get the value of all answer inputs with id or class.
Here is the code I am currently using:
var txt1 = '{!! Form::text('answer1',null,['class' => 'answer']) !!}';
In Controller, I'm using this:
$input['answer_body'] = Input::get('answer1');
I can get one value according to one id in Laravel, but now i need to get all values that have same id and class.
Could anybody help me?
You can't, the ID and class aren't submitted and so aren't available in the PHP. What you can do is get results by the same name by turning them into an array. Change Form::text('answer1', to Form::text('answer1[]' so that you can submit multiple inputs with the same name.
If you then use $input['answer_body'] = Input::get('answer1');, $input['answer_body'] will have an array in it. You can get specific answers by using dot notation to specify which input you want to get, e.g.: Input::get('answer1.0'); will fetch the value in the first input with a name of answer1[].

angularJS dynamic login page

My code is here:
Is it possible that when I enter an existing username, the message in the "help-block" span will change dynamically?
Just wrap your existing checking code in a function in the controller. Like $scope.checkUsername = function() { //your existing code }
Now on your username input put ng-change="checkUsername()" and then it will work.
Before you get too much further make sure to read the validation bits from the Angular Form's guide:
Here's a fiddle of your code working: Although I think the logic for the name checking needs a bit of work.

Flex 3.5.0; Update ComboBox display list upon dataprovider change

I have two related ComboBoxes ( continents, and countries ). When the continents ComboBox changes I request a XML from a certain URL. When I receive that XML i change the DataProvider for the countries ComboBox, like this:
public function displayCountryArray( items:XMLList ):void
this.resellersCountryLoader.alpha = 0;
this.resellersCountry.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dispatchEvent( new ListEvent( ListEvent.CHANGE ) );
I dispatch the ListEvent.CHANGE because I use it to change another ComboBox so please ignore that (and the 1st line ).
So, my problem is this: I select "ASIA" from the first continents, then the combobox DATA get's updated ( I can see that because the first ITEM is an item with the label '23 countries' ). I click the combo then I can see the countries.
NOW, I select "Africa", the first item is displayed, with the ComboBox being closed, then when I click it, the countries are still the ones from Asia. Anyway, if I click an Item in the list, then the list updates correctly, and also, it has the correct info ( as I said it affects other ComboBoxes ). SO the only problem is that the display list does not get updated.
In this function I tried these approaches
Converting XMLList to XMLCollection and even ArrayCollection
Adding this.resellersCountry.invalidateDisplayList();
Triggering events like DATA_CHANGE and UPDATE_COMPLETE
I know they don't make much sense, but I got a little desperate.
Please note that when I used 3.0.0 SDK this did not happen.
Sorry if I'm stupid, but the flex events are killing me.
Setting the dataprovider of the comboBox' dropdown seems to fix this problem.
this.resellersCountry.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dropdown.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dropdown.dataProvider = items;
works (Flex SDK 3.5)
Hope this bug fixed in 4.0
In addition to Christophe´s answer:
When you are using data binding in your ComboBox you need to use the BindingUtils to set the dropdown´s dataprovider:
<mx:ComboBox id="cb_fontFamily"
dataProvider="{ model.fontFamilies }" />
private function init():void
BindingUtils.bindSetter(updateFontFamilies, model, "fontFamilies");
private function updateFontFamilies(fontFamilies:ArrayCollection):void
if (cb_fontFamily != null) cb_fontFamily.dropdown.dataProvider = fontFamilies;
Thanks to Christophe for pointing in the right direction.
Another workaround, outlined in an Adobe Community forum post, is to avoid re-assigning a different ArrayCollection object to the ComboBox, and instead re-using (and re-populating) the original one instead:
for each (var item:* in newItems)

Problem retrieving values from Zend_Form_SubForms - no values returned

I have a Zend_Form that has 4 or more subforms.
Code Snippet
$bigForm = new Zend_Form();
$littleForm1 = new Form_LittleForm1();
$littleForm2 = new Form_LittleForm2();
On clicking the 'submit' button, I'm trying to print out the values entered into the forms, like so:
Code snippet, currently not validating, just printing
$formData = array();
foreach($bigForm->getSubForms() as $subForm){
$formData = array_merge($formData, $subForm->getValues());
/* Testing */
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
The end result is that - all the elements in the form do get printed, but the values entered before posting the form don't get printed.
Any thoughts are appreciated...I have run around circles working on this!
Thanks in advance!
This is what I did -
Then, iterated over the form elements like so:
$displayGroup1 = array();
foreach($bigForm->getElements() as $name=>$value){
array_push($displayGroup1, $name);
Then, add a displayGroup to $bigForm:
$bigForm->addDisplayGroup($displayGroup1, 'test',array('legend'=>'Test'));
And repeat for multiple display groups.
I'm sure there is a better way to do it, but I'm currently unable to find one out.
This is currently one way I can think of to retrieve all the form values via $_POST, if a form is made up of one or more subforms.
If any one knows of a better solution, please post it!
A Zend_Form does not automatically retrieve values from the $_POST variable. Use:
Or alternatively:
Another thing to keep in mind is that if the sub forms contain elements with the same name they will clash. To check this use the option View => Page Source in your browser and look at the HTML that is generated. When you see two <input> elements with the same name attribute, then this is the problem.
The Zend solution for this is to give the sub form elements different names using setElementsBelongTo:
Furthermore you should leave out these calls as they serve no purpose (but you should set them for the $bigForm):