ActiveRecord query based on multiple objects via has_many relationship - sql

I have a Product class that has_many Gender through Connection class instances. I want to query to find products that have both end_a and end_b present. The current class method works with 2 caveats:
Fails to return correctly if searching where end_a and end_b are the same. Instead should search if product has 2 instances, not just one of object.
Returns an Array when I want an ActiveRecord_Relation.
The class method .query is below, any feedback or ideas are appreciated.
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :connections, dependent: :destroy, as: :connectionable
has_many :genders, through: :connections
def self.query(end_a, end_b)
search_base = active.joins(:connections)
end_a_search = search_base.where(connections: { gender_id: end_a } )
end_a_search & search_base.where(connections: { gender_id: end_b } )
ps: Once this is figured out will likely move this to a scope for Product

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :connections, dependent: :destroy, as: :connectionable
has_many :genders, through: :connections
scope :with_genders, -> (end_a, end_b) {
relation = joins('INNER JOIN connections c1 ON c1.connectionable_id = AND c1.connectionable_type = \'Product\'')
.joins('INNER JOIN connections c2 ON c1.connectionable_id = c2.connectionable_id AND c2.connectionable_type = \'Product\'')
.where(c1: {gender_id: end_a}, c2: {gender_id: end_b})
end_a == end_b ? relation.having('COUNT( > 1') : relation


Rails admin gem, polymorphic association

How to get the queried data having polymorphic association
I have an 3 models
class Picture < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true
class Employee < ApplicationRecord
has_many :pictures, as: :imageable
class Product < ApplicationRecord
has_many :pictures, as: :imageable
Employee and Product have column **is_active**.
In rails admin dropdown. I want to display the data where employee and product is **is_active = true.**
Have tried multiple ways to achieve this.
Please let me know if there is any solution?
You can write a custom scope in picture model as below
scope :list_active(imageable_type), -> {
where(imageable_type: imageable_type)
.joins("INNER JOIN #{imageable_type.pluralize} ON
{#imageable_type.pluralize}.id = imageable_id AND
imageable_type = '#{imageable_type}'")
.where('#{imageable_type.pluralize}.is_active = ?', true)
Then you can simply list and use the response.
E.g result = []
result << Image.list_active('Employee')
result << Image.list_active('Product')

Filtering an association by missing records in Rails

In a Rails application I'm working on, I've got a few different models associated thusly (condensed for clarity):
class Group < ApplicationRecord
has_many :members, class_name: 'GroupMember'
has_many :newsletters
class GroupMember < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :group,
has_many :subscriptions, inverse_of: :group_member, class_name: 'Newsletter::Subscriber'
scope :subscribed_to, ->(newsletter_id) { joins(:subscriptions).merge(Newsletter::Subscriber.where(["newsletter_id = ?", newsletter_id])) }
scope :not_subscribed_to, ->(newsletter_id) { where.missing(:subscriptions) }
class Newsletter < ApplicationRecord
acts_as_tenant :group
has_many :subscribers, inverse_of: :newsletter
class Newsletter::Subscriber < ApplicationRecord
acts_as_tenant :group
belongs_to :newsletter, inverse_of: :subscribers
belongs_to :group_member, class_name: 'GroupMember', inverse_of: :subscriptions
Given the above associated models, here's the framework I'm working within:
Each Group has n Group Members and n Newsletters.
Each Group Member can have multiple Newsletter Subscriptions (one per newsletter in the group)
What I'm trying to do (unsuccessfully, so far), is find out which members in a group are NOT subscribed to a specific newsletter that is associated with the group.
I can find out the members that DO have a subscription using the following scope on the GroupMember object:
scope :subscribed_to, ->(newsletter_id) { joins(:subscriptions).merge(Newsletter::Subscriber.where(["newsletter_id = ?", newsletter_id])) }
That allows me to query, for instance, current_group.members.subscribed_to(
However, I'm not sure how to negate that and get the the opposite of that set of members. That is, members NOT subscribed to that specific newsletter. The :not_subscribed_to scope I currently have defined isn't cutting it because it doesn't take into account which newsletter I'm referring to.
Given the variable newsletter_id.
One alternative is to use WHERE NOT EXISTS(...) with a subquery:
SELECT 1 FROM "subscriptions"
WHERE "subscriptions"."member_id" = "members"."id"
AND "subscriptions"."newsletter_id" = ?
)', newsletter_id
Translated into Arel:
newsletter_id: newsletter_id
Or group, count and having:
.where(subscriptions: { newsletter_id: newsletter_id })

How to write a Rails SQL query for finding an object where all children have an equal value

I've been reading this, but can't make sense of writing it into a Rails scope :
find all parent records where all child records have a given value (but not just some child records)
I have a Course, Section, and Quiz, object :
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :course_members
has_many :members, through: :course_members
has_many :sections
has_many :quizzes, through: :sections
class Quiz < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :member
belongs_to :section
class Section < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :course
has_many :quizzes
I'd like to find all courses of a member, where all quizzes related to that course have the attribute completed = true.
So in my Member class, I'd ideally like to write something like :
has_many :completed_courses, -> {
joins(:courses, :quizzes, :sections)
# .select( 'CASE WHEN quizzes.completed = true then 1 end') ??? maybe ???
}, class_name: 'Course'
Haha! But barring that being too complicated. I've been trying to write this simply in the Course would also be fine.
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :courses, through: :course_members
has_many :course_members
has_many :completed_courses,
-> { joins(:quizzes).where.not(quizzes: {completed: [false, nil]}) },
through: :course_members,
source: :course
If your completed boolean column is NOT NULL, then change [false, nil] above to just simply false
Usage Example
irb(main):002:0> Member.first.completed_courses
Member Load (0.2ms) SELECT "members".* FROM "members" ORDER BY "members"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
Course Load (0.1ms) SELECT "courses".* FROM "courses" INNER JOIN "sections" ON "sections"."course_id" = "courses"."id" INNER JOIN "quizzes" ON "quizzes"."section_id" = "sections"."id" INNER JOIN "course_members" ON "courses"."id" = "course_members"."course_id" WHERE (NOT (("quizzes"."completed" = 'f' OR "quizzes"."completed" IS NULL))) AND "course_members"."member_id" = ? [["member_id", 1]]

Rails - eager load has_many :through with condition on association

Let's say I have an Item model and Category model with has_many :through association:
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :category_items
has_many :categories, through: category_items
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :category_items
has_many :items, through: category_items
class CategoryItems < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
belongs_to :items
now, I want to have a scope on items that will get all items that are in specific status (assume it has status attribute) for specific category. for example: get all items with status "in stock" and which belongs to category with id = 3, something like:
scope :in_stock_for_category, ->(category) { where(status: SOME_ENUMERATED_VALUE) ....
i'm missing the last part of the query to limit the result set to the specific category.
Since you don't have a category_id column in your items table, you need to join either category_items or cateogeries in your scope before you can specify a particular category's ID condition.
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :in_stock_for_category, -> do |category|
where(category_items: {category_id:}).
where(items: {status: SOME_ENUMERATED_VALUE}).
group("") # grouping might be unnecessary since you're adding the where condition for the category's id
That will work. Or if you want to join categories, do the following:
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :in_stock_for_category, -> do |category|
where(categories: {id:}).
where(items: {status: SOME_ENUMERATED_VALUE}).
group("") # grouping might be unnecessary since you're adding the where condition for the category's id
If you already have a category however, it might be useful to create a has_many relationship for a items that have a certain status. Something like the following:
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :in_stock_items, -> do
where(items: {status: SOME_ENUMERATED_VALUE})
end, through: :category_items, source: :item
Also, if you have a status scope in Item (something like scope :in_stock, -> { where(status: SOME_ENUMERATED_VALUE) }), you can most likely change the above has_many relationship to the following:
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :in_stock_items, -> do
merge(Item.in_stock) #
end, through: :category_items, source: :item
That should tidy things up.

Rails active record query through multiple tables

I am trying to query for questions based on subject or category. I have a Category model which has many Subjects, and a Subjects model which has many Questions. How do I select 50 questions where the subject_id = x or category_id = y? I'm not sure if I need to change my model associations then query or use a query with the current associations. Here are the models (stripped of some excess code):
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :subjects, class_name: "Subject",
foreign_key: "category_id"
has_many :questions, through: :subjects
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
has_many :questions, class_name: "Question",
foreign_key: "subject_id"
class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :subject
The most success I've had is with "Question.joins(:subject).group(category_id:1)", which only returns the last question with an associated category. Any suggestions? Thanks!
So you could make a scope
class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :q_or_c ->(q, c){ where('category_id = ? OR question_id = ?', q, c) }
and then call it with
Question.q_or_c(question_id, category_id)