Getting "Object variable or With block variable not set" on first use of document.TypeText with Outlook Message - vba

Can anyone help me figure out what's going wrong and how to fix it?
I'm trying to automate sending an email with some daily status information. I'd tried automating this from Access but kept running into (known but apparently unsolved) problems with GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") with Windows 8.1 64 and Outlook 2013. So I decided to automate starting from Outlook.
Anyway, I moved the mail message creation code into Outlook vba and had it start Access and run the Access code. This is all well and good until I get to creating the mail message. Everything starts just fine until it gets to writing to the body of message (using Word as the body editor). At the first "TypeText" command, I'm getting the error message in the title. If I click debug on the error notification dialog and then single-step through the line of code in question, it works just fine. I thought that there was some timing problem, so I stuck a 2-second wait in the code. No luck. The code in question, with some other oddities associated with testing (notably trying to type and then delete text), is below:
Public Sub CreateMetrics()
' Mail-sending variables
Dim mailApp As Outlook.Application
Dim accessApp As Access.Application
Dim mail As MailItem
Dim wEditor As Word.Document
Dim boolCreatedApp As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Set mailApp = Application
' Create an Access application object and open the database
Set accessApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
accessApp.OpenCurrentDatabase dbLoc
accessApp.Visible = True
' Open the desired form and run the click event hander for the start button
accessApp.DoCmd.OpenForm ("ProcessStatus")
' Create the outgoing mail message
Set mail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mail.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
Set wEditor = mailApp.ActiveInspector.WordEditor
With accessApp.Forms![ProcessStatus]
Debug.Print .lblToList.Caption
Debug.Print .lblSubject.Caption
Debug.Print .lblIntroduction.Caption
Debug.Print .lblAttachFilepath.Caption
End With
mail.To = accessApp.Forms![ProcessStatus].lblToList.Caption
mail.Subject = accessApp.Forms![ProcessStatus].lblSubject.Caption
mail.Attachments.Add accessApp.Forms![ProcessStatus].lblAttachFilepath.Caption
Sleep 2000
' Error occurs in the next line ***********************************************
wEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText Text:="Test"
wEditor.Application.Selection.Delete Count:=4
wEditor.Application.Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteBitmap
wEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText accessApp.Forms![ProcessStatus].lblIntroduction.Caption
wEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText Text:=Chr(13) & Chr(13)
' wEditor.Application.Selection.EndKey
' wEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText Text:=Chr(13)
' wEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText Text:=configs("EmailSignature")
' End With
With mailApp.Session.Accounts
i = 1
Do While i <= .Count
' Use either the specified email address OR the last outlook email address
If RegEx_IsStringMatching(.Item(i).SmtpAddress, accessApp.Forms![ProcessStatus].lblSenderRegex.Caption) Or i = .Count Then
mail.SendUsingAccount = .Item(i)
i = .Count + 1
i = i + 1
End If
End With
End Sub

I added a "mail.Display" just before the line that was causing the failure, which seemed, incorrectly, to have fixed the problem.
I have now solved this problem by executing a on the document associated with the email I was creating. To select the right document (there doesn't seem to be any guarantee of which one that would be within the wEditor.Application.Documents collection, though it was typically the first one), I created an almost-certainly unique piece of text and assigned it to the body of the email, which I could then go and find. Here's the new code that I added to the code above:
Dim aDoc As Word.Document
Dim strUniqueID As String
. . .
mail.Attachments.Add accessApp.Forms![ProcessStatus].lblAttachFilepath.Caption
strUniqueID = accessApp.Forms![ProcessStatus].lblSubject.Caption & Rnd(Now()) & Now()
mail.Body = strUniqueID
' Search for the unique text. aDoc.Content has extra characters at the
' end, so compare only for the length of the unique text
For Each aDoc In wEditor.Application.Documents
If Left(aDoc.Content, Len(strUniqueID)) = strUniqueID Then
mail.Body = ""
End If
Next aDoc
wEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText Text:="Test"
. . .
I looked at a lot of examples of code that did this kind of thing. None of them performed a select or said anything about needing one. Debugging was made that much harder because the select occured implicitly when the debugger was invoked.


What VBA method could Outlook trigger as mail is composed or replied?

What I'd need guidance specifically:
To have an indication of a native VBA method available on a new mail compose that would be triggered at any written word / phrase (or as often as possible), or a guidance on how to create an observable of a dynamic form property.
One Outlook functionality that could be interesting to have is to know its readability values as the mail is composed. I know they can be obtained by doing the spell checker, but I'd like to avoid the burden of doing the spellcheck to get the result - I'd like to see numbers going up and down as the mail is written.
I kind of created the function I'd need but I failed to find a method that could trigger it at every word written. I'd assume it'd be something like WordEditor_Change, HTMLBody_Change or something alike. It'd be similar to the Worksheet_Change we have in Excel, where values can be obtained as the Excel sheet is edited.
I tried to set an observable of WordEditor.words.count but also failed miserably.
What I have so far:
WithEvents myMail As Outlook.MailItem
Private Sub Application_ItemLoad(ByVal Item As Object)
Set myMail = Item
End Sub
Sub checkStatistics()
Dim objInsp As Outlook.Inspector
Set objInsp = myMail.GetInspector
'Enum Outlook:
If objInsp.EditorType = olEditorWord Then ' outlook 2013
'Doc obj:
Set objdoc = objInsp.WordEditor
Dim var As ClassHandlesEvent
Dim tst As classWithEvent
Set var = New ClassHandlesEvent
Set tst = New classWithEvent
var.EventVariable = tst
tst.value = objdoc.Words.Count
MsgBox objdoc.ReadabilityStatistics(9) & ": " & objdoc.ReadabilityStatistics(9).value & vbCrLf & "(Ideal values above 60)"
MsgBox objdoc.ReadabilityStatistics(8) & ": " & objdoc.ReadabilityStatistics(8).value & vbCrLf & "(Ideal values above 60)"
End If
Set objdoc = Nothing
Set objInsp = Nothing
End Sub
The below code that you execute
Set objdoc = objInsp.WordEditor
Gives you a WordDocument so now you have a WordVBA question instead of a OutlookVBA question. So you want an onchange event on changes to the document
I got lot of threads inside and outside of SO, which confirms that such a event doesn't exists
Is there a way to trigger "track changes" through VBA in Excel?
Detecting when data is added to a document, eg. a character or white space
So you will need to use what you have now, which is to check the content on email send

Lotus Notes VBA Email Automation - db.CreateDocument Command Fail

I'm trying to automate the sending of an email through Lotus Notes 9.0 using VBA. The code will load up notes, which asks for my password but before the password prompt shows up, I get an error. The error I run in to is "Run-time error '-2147417851 (80010105)': Automation Error The server threw an exception" When I hit debug, the line that it fails on is "Set obDoc = obDB.CreateDocument". A lot of what I've seen online example wise matches what I'm doing in my code, so I'm not sure where the problem is.
Here's the code:
Sub Send_Emails()
Dim stSubject As Variant
Dim emailList As Variant
Dim obSess As Object
Dim obDB As Object
Dim obDoc As Object
'----Create Email List - separate function, dynamically creates email list based off report processing done in other functions
'----Info for Subject
stSubject = "test subject"
'----Create Notes Session
Set obSess = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set obDB = obSess.GETDATABASE("", "")
If obDB.IsOpen = False Then
End If
'----Create the e-mail - **FAILURE OCCURS HERE**
Set obDoc = obDB.CreateDocument
'----Add values to the email
With obDoc
.form = "Memo"
.SendTo = ""
.blindcopyTo = emailList
.Subject = stSubject
.HTMLBody = "<HTML><BODY><p>test</p></BODY></HTML>"
.SaveMessageOnSend = True
.PostedDate = Now()
.Send 0, emailList
End With
'----Clean Up
Set obDoc = Nothing
Set obDB = Nothing
Set obSess = Nothing
MsgBox "The e-mail has been sent successfully", vbInformation
End Sub
You mention that you are using Notes 9, so I looked at the online help for Notes 9.01 and the help page for the OpenMail method says
Note: This method is supported in LotusScript® only. For COM, use OpenMailDatabase in NotesDbDirectory.
Now, you're actually using the OLE automation classes (rooted at Notes.NotesSession), not the COM classes (rooted at Lotus.NotesSession), so I don't know if you can use the NotesDbDirectory class or not, but the other way of opening the current user's mail database would be to call NotesSession.GetEnvironmentString("MailServer",true) and NotesSession.GetEnvironmentString("MailFile",true), and use those as the values for your call to GetDatabase.

Outlook GAL fails to be top-most window when called from VBA UserForm

i have about ten responses from StackOverflow open but none of them quite answer my problem.
i have created several UserForms in Excel VBA for this particular project. (Note: i have no formal training on VBA programming and everything i have done is self-taught or gleaned from copying other people's codes.) While interfacing with more than one of these forms, i want the user to be able to access a command to select a user-name from the company's Global Address List. With a command button on the form and the following function i am able to do this:
Public Function GetUsernameFromOutlook(sCap As String) As String
'fancy code to call Outlook dialog box to select names.
'Badresult is the default, gives username of operator if they try to:
' select more than one recipient
' cancel out of the dialog box
Dim olApp As Object ' Outlook.Application
Dim olDialog As Object ' Outlook.SelectNamesDialog
Dim hwnd As Long
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olDialog = olApp.Session.GetSelectNamesDialog
With olDialog
.Caption = sCap
.ForceResolution = True
.AllowMultipleSelection = False
.NumberOfRecipientSelectors = olShowTo
.ToLabel = "Select User"
If .Display = False Then GoTo BadResult
SetForegroundWindow (Excel.Application.hwnd)
If .Recipients.Count <> 1 Then GoTo BadResult
'Debug.Print .Recipients(1).Name
'Debug.Print .Recipients(1).Address
'Debug.Print .Recipients(1).AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.Alias
GetUsernameFromOutlook = .Recipients.Item(1).AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.Alias
End With
' hwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, sCap & ": Global Address List")
Set olApp = Nothing
Set olDialog = Nothing
Exit Function
SetForegroundWindow (Excel.Application.hwnd)
GetUsernameFromOutlook = Environ("UserName")
End Function
As you can see i attempted to use the SetForegroundWindow and FindWindow API calls as suggested in other answers. But the code doesn't even reach these lines before causing the problem.
The line If .Display = False brings up the SelectNamesDialog box from Outlook, but because my UserForm is modal (i think), it stays as the visible window. i am forced to use Alt-Tab to switch to Outlook. Then, after either selecting a name or cancelling out of the Outlook dialog box, i need to Alt-Tab again to get back to Excel.
Also, because the code is waiting for a response from the Outlook box, there is no further code execution, so SetForegroundWindow doesn't even happen until i complete all of the Alt-Tab switching.
Other solutions posted have referred to using calls to MSWord, or looking up information from or saving to a spreadsheet. i'm trying to use this call to modify the caption or text of a form control, such as a command button or text box or text label. i only need to collect the Outlook alias, since i have another function which can collect other selected information from Outlook based on the alias, so the alias is saved in a tag (unseen) on the form and converted to full name, initials or e-mail address as needed using this other function.
So far everything works great and i'd really like to release this interface to my beta-testers, but i don't want to have to explain to everyone to use Alt-Tab after they click the "select name" button. They will believe their computer has locked up and do a hard re-start. (Or call IT who will start asking questions that they cannot answer.)
i'm sorry that this question is so long, but i wanted to include as much information as possible. i'm sure there will be things i need to clarify, so please send me your questions in a response and i will do my best to explain better. Thank you for your time.
I just spent an evening on this, so even if this thread is one year old it should help.
You should just try using:
It sums up to this fully working function:
enter Public Function GetUsernameFromOutlook(sCap As String) As String
'fancy code to call Outlook dialog box to select names.
'Badresult is the default, gives username of operator if they try to:
' select more than one recipient
' cancel out of the dialog box
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application ' Outlook.Application
Dim olDialog As Outlook.SelectNamesDialog
Dim hwnd As Long
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olDialog = olApp.Session.GetSelectNamesDialog
'Set olDialog = new Outlook.Application
With olDialog
.Caption = sCap
'.ForceResolution = True
.AllowMultipleSelection = False
.NumberOfRecipientSelectors = olShowTo
.ToLabel = "Select User"
If .Recipients.Count <> 1 Then GoTo BadResult
'Debug.Print .Recipients(1).Name
'Debug.Print .Recipients(1).Address
'Debug.Print .Recipients(1).AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.Alias
GetUsernameFromOutlook = .Recipients.Item(1).AddressEntry
End With
Set olApp = Nothing
Set olDialog = Nothing
Exit Function
GetUsernameFromOutlook = "A voir ultérieurement"
End Function here
Outlook Object Model does not let you specify the parent window of the address book dialog - it will always be Outlook.
On the Extended MAPI level (C++ or Delphi), you can specify the window handle when calling IAddbook::Address, but you cannot do that from VBA.
If using Redemption (I am its author) is an option, you can set the RDOSession.ParentWindow property before using the RDOSelectNames object.
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
Session.ParentWindow = Excel.Application.hwnd
set ABDialog = Session.GetSelectNamesDialog
ABDialog.Display true

Outlook 2013 Userform with block Error when not "Popped Out"

I have a set of macros that have worked in Outlook 2003, 2007, and 2010. In fact, it still works in 2013 except in a specific case.
The macro brings up a dialog box whenever you try to send an email - to tag the subject line with key words. The problem is, if I just started Outlook, and I bring up a new email or reply - the default in Outlook 2013 is to bring it into the former "Reading Pane" rather than in a new window. If I do not hit "Pop Out" and I try to send, my macro crashes with this error:
"Run-time error '91' Object variable or with block variable not set"
I tried to check for loading the form first - but it seem ANY call to my userform, even, generates this error.
Oddly, if I remember to "Pop Out" my first email, it runs fine everytime after until I close/reopen Outlook. Even if I don't "Pop Out" other emails. It's only on the very first one that this occurs.
Here's the beginning of my Initialize Event:
Dim Tags() As String
Dim T As Variant
Dim PC As Variant
Dim Rent As String
Dim Child As String
Dim nsourcefile As Integer
Dim email As MailItem
Dim PD As Variant
Dim Proj As String
Dim Desc As String
'Set email = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Set email = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
'Checks to see if a project number (that's not on the list) may be in the subject already
If Val(email.Subject) > 10000 Then
TagMsg.Height = tall
TagMsg.NewProjID = Format(Val(email.Subject), "00000")
'Set height of form (prior to pressing "More" button
TagMsg.Height = short
End If
Noticed I changed Set email = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem to Set email = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1). This seems to have fixed it, but the VBA help states "Do not make any assumptions about the Item method return type; your code should be able to handle multiple item types or a ConversationHeader object."
Note that the form is being invoked by the ItemSend event.
First off, putting that code into the Initialize event wasn't a good move. Needed to be moved into a click event where it was actually needed.
Then, I found the code I needed from two other posts, combined and shortened them.
Working with current open email
Final result
Dim oInspector As Inspector
Dim email As MailItem
Dim oexp As Explorer
Set oInspector = Application.ActiveInspector
Set oexp = Application.ActiveExplorer
If oInspector Is Nothing Then
'Set email = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Set email = oexp.ActiveInlineResponse
If email Is Nothing Then
'MsgBox "No active inspector or inline response"
Exit Sub
End If
Set email = oInspector.CurrentItem
End If 'oInspector is Nothing
If email.Sent Then
'MsgBox "This is not an editable email"
'Checks to see if a project number (that's not on the list) may be in the subject already
If Val(email.Subject) > 10000 Then
TagMsg.Height = tall
TagMsg.NewProjID = Format(Val(email.Subject), "00000")
'Set height of form (prior to pressing "More" button
TagMsg.Height = short
End If
End If 'email.sent
Note: This still relies on the fact that it is called by the ItemSend event and the active or current item will be the email I just pressed "send" on.
Thank you, retailcoder for your comments.

Force the `Recipients` object to update when the To: text box has been edited

I sort recipients when composing an email.
If I have 3 recipients (for example), run the sort macro, and then remove a recipient from the To: text box, running the macro a second time causes the removed recipient to re-appear. When I step through the macro on the second run, I can see that both .CurrentItem.To and the Recipients object still have all 3 recipients.
It is intermittent. Is there any way to force the Recipients object to update when the To: text box has been edited?
I can't find anything in the Outlook VBA documentation and trial and error has proved fruitless.
Code excerpt:
Public Sub SortRecipients()
With Application.ActiveInspector
If TypeOf .CurrentItem Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Debug.Print "Before: "
Debug.Print "To: " & .CurrentItem.To
Debug.Print "# of recipients: " & .CurrentItem.Recipients.Count
' Force an update if recipients have changed (DOESN'T HELP)
Set myRecipients = .CurrentItem.Recipients
' Create objects for To list
Dim myRecipient As recipient
Dim recipientToList As Object
Set recipientToList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
' Create new lists from To line
For Each myRecipient In myRecipients
recipientToList.Add myRecipient.Name
' Sort the recipient lists
' Remove all recipients so we can re-add in the correct order
While myRecipients.Count > 0
myRecipients.Remove 1
' Create new To line
Dim recipientName As Variant
For Each recipientName In recipientToList
myRecipients.Add (recipientName)
Next recipientName
End If
End With
End Sub
Steps to reproduce:
Add 4 recipients to the "To" line of a new email in Outlook 2007 (click "Check Names" to resolve the addresses.)
Run the SortRecipients macro. (Recipients are now sorted)
Delete one recipient, re-run the SortRecipients macro.
After doing this, I still have 4 recipients (the deleted one returns).
You can (and should) add an Option Explicit, Outlook would have told you that myRecipients was not declared at the begining of your code.
I added:
Dim myRecipients As Recipients
[EDIT] That wasn't enough to get the To field refreshed. I tried several things but eventually, i added a .CurrentItem.Save instead of your try of .CurrentItem.Recipients.ResolveAll
I think i made it work this way on my Outlook 2007.