How to send invitation mail for join a meeting in gotomeeting? - api

I have an account of gotomeeting and using api to create/start/getMeeting etc but I have not found any api to send mail and invite people to attend a meeting. Is it possible to send invitation mail to people to join a meeting using api? If not then is there any other solution to send meeting invitation mail?
Is it possible to register a user before start of meeting? How can we find how many user has attended the meeting?
Thanks in advanced.

Yes its possible, the email invitation will be in two type
A normal email from server
An appoinment item.
If you want to send a normal email to participants. just fill the mail with join link with Created meetingid
You can create the join link for any particular meeting by concatenating the with meetingID which is look like (number is sample meeting id).
send the above details as a mail. Sending mails from program depends on "which language you are developing" like C#/JAVA?
If you want to send the appoinment item, either you need to use EWS (Exchange webservices API) or you need to generate an ".ics" file from application with your meeting details filled in.
For your questions:
Is it possible to register a user before start of the meeting?
Yes, you can. the gotomeeting application itself having the options for invite a participant and adding a co-orrganizer.
How can we find how many user has attended the meeting?
You can find it using the api function call. below is the C# code for getting the attendees of a past meeting.
Namespace : using Citrix.GoToMeeting.Api;
MeetingsApi meeting = new MeetingsApi();
List<AttendeeByMeeting> attendees = new System.Collections.Generic.List<AttendeeByMeeting>();
attendees = meeting.getAttendeesByMeetings(accesToken, 23843894);
NOTE : API is used within the context of gotomeeting application, physically you cannot attend a meeting in any application except GotoMeeting desktop application and GotoMeeting webapplication (which is offered in their website).

GTM isn't going to send the email for you it, as it doesn't have access to any email account. You should be looking to use one of the wide variety of different email APIs around. E.g. if you're in a Windows/Exchange environment then look at using the Exchange Web Services. If you want a more generic solution look for an SMTP library for your platform.
Attendees for GTMs don't register at any point, only hosts need to have a registered account. Even when you join a meeting as an attendee the details (name + email) you put in can be anything. What are you trying to achieve by "pre-registration"?
I can't answer your last question about finding out how many users attended the meeting, I would guess probably not but I'm not really familiar with the API.


How to manage in RASA an unique user_id for many channels in parallel?

I have to design an e-learning tutorbot that has multiple possible channels living in parallel:
A live chat (to support learner with FAQ when browsing the e-learning application website)
A IM chat as Telegram (for asyncronous notifications)
An email (for anything else)
Take a part the connectors gateway communication logics.
My problem/question is mainly about how to manage user identification.
I want that a user is identified with an unique identifier (call it conversation_id) regardless of channel.
In the mentioned scenario user has one different ID for each channel:
An account_id on the website (e.g. solyarisoftware)
A chat_id on Telegram (e.g. 1234567890)
An email_address (e.g.
So, how to let RASA chatbot accept requests coming from the same user (but from different channels)? In other words, how can I map multiple channel IDs into a RASA unique ID, say the conversation_id ?
At the end of the day I need to generate a lookup table that map a UUID with all channel ids. Right?
But is not clear to me what's a good (simple) user experience. At first glance seems to me that that I need a sort of login/registration flow: each time user submit a request on channel X, only for the first time, the user must identify himself somewhere (with his email/account_id?). So by example trough Telegram, when the Telegram connector server receive a /start command, the bot must ask the user email(or account_id), to be able to associate 1-to-1 the TG chat_id with that email. Not perfect in terms of security, I admit.
Any experience/idea/suggestion?
I don't have an hands-on experience on this but it is something I have been thinking myself for a while.
Indeed the 'merge' of the different accounts (across channels) is something that we need to maintain ourselves, making sure each channel user ID is eventually mapped to a universal user ID (lookup table makes sense to me).
Since you have a website, an email address and multiple channels I would say the assumption is that users first registered on the web site. Each user has a unique email address and obtains an account secured by username/password, as well as a unique secret token.
When chatting on browser (ie Rasa WebChat) you can initialise the plugin with custom parameters (ie userId=1 or token=X), in this case the chat session is assigned to the given user id.
When using Telegram (or other messenger application) I would (at the very first access) ask the user if he/she has already registered. If yes then I would ask the token: this can be used to perform the map and link this Telegram user to the universal user Id. Same approach for other channels.
Depending on your needs you might need to deal with anonymous access (users don't provide the token) or maybe you want to provide a different token for each channel (more secure, but requires more work and an easy way to explain this to users).
Finally something to look at (I haven't tried myself) is the possibility to provide in the web site the option to open Telegram (or others) passing an extra parameter, which would allow you to perform the mapping. I don't know if this is possible, but it would simplify this process for your end users. Or the other way around: the users in Telegram could be provided with a link which opens the website, where they can login and be recognised.

sharepoint registration change notification

I have a class registration set up in SharePoint 2013. Users are emailed when they register for a class. I want to create email notifications when the Start Date, Start Time or Location [fields] of the Session changes. I only want to email the users that have registered for said Session (between 1 and 400 people).
I should be able to handle this with an Alert or an Event, but can't figure it out. My SharePoint team is telling me that this is too difficult because "the columns are in Sessions [list] and not in Registrations [list view].
I've found a lot of information on general SharePoint alerts, but I can't find anything on sending notifications to a select group of users, based on another field.
You could create event receiver for the list and send email by SPUtility.SendEmail with dynamic users.
You could check sample code from here.
Create event receiver in SharePoint 2013.

Office 365 REST API list resources (meeting rooms)

I have a question about Office365 REST API. Is there a way to obtain list of resources - meeting room calendars.
I can only get meetings that will take place in room if I know meeting room username.
Can I list all meeting rooms and obtain their calendars?
You can use the Azure AD Graph API to query the list of users. However, there is no field in the API that marks a user as being a conference room. Depending on how your organization creates and names rooms, maybe you can find a filter that will only return rooms.
After that, it's just a matter of implementing the client credential flow so you can access multiple mailboxes.

Customised email alerts through MailChimp API

I am building a site that runs an automated process every 30 minutes to match up new flights with their respective user. Once this process is completed I want to email the flight details out to the respective user. However the flight info will be different for every single user with their being 0-300+ potential emails.
Is this something that the MailChimp API will allow or do? I found this page which I am not sure if this effects me. Is the STS more suited to this?
You should use Mandrill (which replace the STS offer). The cool thing with mandrill is that you can link it with you mailchimp account (It's a different product but it's powered by mailchimp).
Add your templates in mailchimp as usual, and hit the button "send to mandrill". Then just use the mandrill api :
You could also use the feedblock option to display custom flight for each user. You just have to provide dynamic rss feed :

Email Synching into Custom App

How have people intergrated custom CRM type applications with email?
I have a Access 2003 front-end application with a SQL Server 2005 backend. One CRM
part of the application tracks the activity with the customer in a traffic
log table. Sometimes the salesstaff has communication with their customer
using email instead. What do people do to synch this up with an application?
I was thinking about creating a form to enter the initial message, so I
could save it into a table and then have the system generate a email, of
course, this doesn't handle the email communication after the initial email.
What you need to do is setup your domain name with a free google apps account. Your sales staff can still use the clients of their choice, but since they are essentially using custom gmail accounts, every single email that they send and receive will be recorded in a nice and neat transactional format in the gmail interface. Since your sales staff is always online, they will always have access to every message they ever sent. If you want to have access to the emails, you can set it up that every single message that gets sent are automatically blind forwarded to your account. Filters can be set up to automatically tag and archive them, so you will not be overwhelmed, but you will still be able to search them. Google Apps will also give you a central contact directory similar to outlook/exchange.
Here are a few options for you:
Use web forms for all communications. When a message is sent out, the only thing it includes is a link back to the site. Responses are sent the same way.
Setup an email alias that your sales staff Cc's when they want their correspondence to be tracked. Your app would periodically read a POP mailbox, and record the traffic. Customers would have to remember to Cc the same email box for the traffic to be remembered.
Establish a single common email box, such as All outgoing mail is marked as being from that account, so all replies will go through it. To send mail, sales staff uses a web form. Messages are tagged with a key that associates them with a particular customer. Putting the key in the subject header usually works OK (that's how many support ticket management systems work, for example). Replies from customers keep the tag. Your app then reads an associated POP mailbox, parses out the keys, and stores the email accordingly.