Joining Two Temp Tables - sql

I would like to join two temp tables into one big temp table. I want all of the records from my first temp table and want the records from my second temp table ONLY if the ProductID doesn't exist in my first temp table.
First temp table:
--define temporary table
declare #tmp table (
ManagerID int null,
ManagerName varchar(250),
ProductID int null,
ProductName varchar(250),
RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID int null,
Value decimal(8,4) null,
Name varchar(250),
Sector varchar(250)
--populate temp table
insert into #tmp
m.ManagerID, m.ManagerName, p.ID as 'ProductID', p.ProductName, sa.RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID, sa.Value, sc.Name,
case when gm.GeographicMandateID = 2 and s1.SubType1ID = 10 and s2.SubType2ID = 39 then 'Core'
when gm.GeographicMandateID = 2 and s1.SubType1ID = 10 and s2.SubType2ID = 38 then 'Intermediate'
end as 'Sector'
from Products p
join Managers m on m.ManagerID = p.ManagerID
left join RFIFixedIncomeAttribution fia on fia.ParentID = p.ID and fia.ParentTypeID = 26
left join RFIFixedIncomeSectorAllocation sa on sa.RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID = fia.ID
and sa.RFIFixedIncomeDataTypeID = 1
join RFIFixedIncomeSectorCategories sc on sc.ID = sa.RFIFixedIncomeSectorCategoryID
join SubType1 s1 on s1.SubType1ID = p.SubType1ID
join SubType2 s2 on s2.SubType2ID = p.SubType2ID
join GeographicMandates gm on gm.GeographicMandateID = p.GeographicMandateID
where p.prodclasscategoryid = 4
and fia.year = 2014
and fia.quarter = 6/3
and p.Rank = 1
order by m.ManagerName, p.ProductName
--get filtered dataset
select * from #tmp
Sector in ('Core')
Second temp table:
--define temporary table
declare #tmp2 table (
ManagerID int null,
ManagerName varchar(250),
ProductID int null,
ProductName varchar(250),
RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID int null,
Value decimal(8,4) null,
Name varchar(250),
Sector varchar(250)
--populate temp table
insert into #tmp2
m.ManagerID, m.ManagerName, p.ID as 'ProductID', p.ProductName, sa.RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID, sa.Value, sc.Name,
case when gm.GeographicMandateID = 2 and s1.SubType1ID = 10 and s2.SubType2ID = 39 then 'Core'
when gm.GeographicMandateID = 2 and s1.SubType1ID = 10 and s2.SubType2ID = 38 then 'Intermediate'
end as 'Sector'
from Products p
join Managers m on m.ManagerID = p.ManagerID
join Vehicles v on v.ProductID = p.ID
join ManagerAccounts ma on ma.VehicleID = v.ID
join Accounts a on a.MgrAccountID = ma.MgrAccountID
left join RFIFixedIncomeAttribution fia on fia.ParentID = a.AccountID and fia.ParentTypeID = 6
left join RFIFixedIncomeSectorAllocation sa on sa.RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID = fia.ID
and sa.RFIFixedIncomeDataTypeID = 1
join RFIFixedIncomeSectorCategories sc on sc.ID = sa.RFIFixedIncomeSectorCategoryID
join SubType1 s1 on s1.SubType1ID = p.SubType1ID
join SubType2 s2 on s2.SubType2ID = p.SubType2ID
join GeographicMandates gm on gm.GeographicMandateID = p.GeographicMandateID
where p.prodclasscategoryid = 4
and fia.year = 2014
and fia.quarter = 6/3
and p.Rank = 1
order by m.ManagerName, p.ProductName
--get filtered dataset
select * from #tmp2
Sector in ('Core')

Few points that have already brought up
Union is the term you want, join is something quite different.
You are not working with temp tables, you are working with table variables. Not quite the same thing
mysql and mssql are not the same thing, tag your questions as one or the other, not both.
select * from #tmp
union all
select * from #tmp2 where productID not in (select productID from #tmp)
Not sure if I'd rely on this query in MySQL as it'll struggle with the not in can use the join syntax in Jasmine's answer for the second half of the union clause.

This is a case of "find all rows with NO MATCH in the other table" and we have a pattern for that. First, swap your tables - the table where you expect to be missing rows will be the second or RIGHT table, the other is the LEFT table.
select <columns>
from table1
LEFT OUTER JOIN table1.ID = table2.ID
where table2.ID IS NULL
OR... don't swap the tables and use RIGHT OUTER JOIN - but that's non-standard.
In your code, there's a problem...
and fia.quarter = 6/3
is equivalent to:
and fia.quarter = 2
I think you need some quotation marks there.


Where Clause Using Conditional Statement

i have query below
SELECT #RoleUser = MR.Code FROM MasterRole MR INNER JOIN MasterUsersRole MUR ON MR.Id = MUR.RoleId
INNER JOIN MasterUsers MU ON Mu.UserCode = MUR.UserCode
WHERE MU.UserCode = #UserLoginID
select 1 Num
, MyHistory.ID
, MyHistory.RequestNumber
, MyHistory.FlowID
, MyHistory.FlowProcessStatusID
select *
from Requests R
inner join
--DECLARE #UserLoginID nvarchar(200) = 'dum.testing.3'
select distinct
from dbo.RequestTrackingHistory RTH
where IIF(#UserLoginID = 'admin', #UserLoginID, RTH.CreatedBy) = #UserLoginID
OR ( CreatedBy IN
SELECT Mu.UserCode from MasterUsers MU
INNER JOIN MasterUsersRole MUR ON MU.UserCode = MUR.UserCode
INNER JOIN MasterRole MR ON MUR.RoleId = MR.Id
WHERE MR.Code = #RoleUser
) RT on R.ID = RT.RequestID
) as MyHistory
inner join MasterFlow F on MyHistory.FlowID = F.ID
inner join
select FP.ID
, FP.Name
, FP.AssignType
, FP.AssignTo
, FP.IsStart
, case FP.AssignType
when 'GROUP' then
end as 'AssignToName'
from MasterFlowProcess FP
left join dbo.MasterRole G on FP.AssignTo = G.ID and FP.AssignType = 'GROUP'
) FP on MyHistory.FlowProcessID = FP.ID
inner join MasterFlowProcessStatus FPS on MyHistory.FlowProcessStatusID = FPS.ID
left join MasterFlowProcessStatusNext FPSN on FPS.ID = FPSN.ProcessStatusFlowID
left join MasterFlowProcess FPN on FPSN.NextProcessFlowID = FPN.ID
left JOIN MasterRole MR ON MR.Id = FPN.AssignTo
left join MasterUsersRole MUR on MR.Id = MUR.RoleId
left join MasterUsers MURO on MUR.UserCode = MURO.UserCode
inner join MasterUsers UC on MyHistory.CreatedBy = UC.UserCode
left join MasterUsers UU on MyHistory.UpdatedBy = UU.UserCode
LEFT JOIN RequestMT RMT ON MyHistory.ID = RMT.RequestID
LEFT JOIN RequestGT RGT ON MyHistory.ID = RGT.RequestID
left join (SELECT sum(QtyCU) countQty , RequestId from dbo.RequestGTDetail where IsActive = 1 group by RequestId) RGTD on RGTD.RequestId = RGT.RequestId
left join (SELECT sum(QtyPCS) countQty , RequestId from dbo.RequestMTDetail where IsActive = 1 group by RequestId) RMTD on RMTD.RequestId = RMT.RequestId
left join (SELECT COUNT(IIF(returnable = 0, returnable, null)) countReturnable , RequestId from dbo.RequestMTDetail group by RequestId) RMTR on RMTR.RequestId = RMT.RequestId
left JOIN dbo.MasterDistributor md ON md.Code = RGT.CustId or md.Code = RMT.CustId
left JOIN dbo.MasterUsersDistributor MUD ON MUD.UserCode = MURO.UserCode AND md.Code = MUD.DistributorCode
LEFT JOIN dbo.MasterReason MRMT ON RMT.ReasonId = MRMT.Id
LEFT JOIN dbo.MasterReason MRGT ON RGT.ReasonId = MRGT.Id
LEFT JOIN dbo.MasterDistributorGroup MDG ON MDG.Id = MD.GroupId
OUTER APPLY dbo.FnGetHistoryApproveDate(MyHistory.Id) AS x
where REPLACE(FPS.Name, '#Requestor', uc.Name) <> 'DRAFT'
AND MUD.DistributorCode IN (SELECT DistributorCode FROM dbo.MasterUsersDistributor WHERE UserCode = #UserLoginID)
i want to add some logic in where clause
this line
==> AND MUD.DistributorCode IN (SELECT DistributorCode FROM dbo.MasterUsersDistributor WHERE UserCode = #UserLoginID)
it depend on the #RoleUser variable, if #RoleUser IN ('A','B') then where clause above is executed, but if #RoleUser Not IN ('A','B') where clause not executed
i,m trying this where clause
AND IIF(#RoleUser IN ('A','B'), MUD.DistributorCode, #RoleUser) IN (SELECT DistributorCode FROM dbo.MasterUsersDistributor WHERE UserCode = IIF(#RoleUser IN ('A','B'), #UserLoginID, NULL))
it didn't work, only executed if #RoleUser IS ('A','B') other than that it return 0 record
any help or advice is really appreciated
thank you
The cleanest way I'm implemented these kind of crazy rules is a
and a countVariable against the holder table.
I'll give a generic examples.
This is a "approach" and "philosophy", not a specific answer....with complex WHERE clauses.
DECLARE #customerCountryCount int
DECLARE #customerCountry TABLE ( CountryName varchar(15) )
if ( "the moon is blue on tuesday" ) /* << whatever rules you have */
INSERT INTO #customerCountry SELECT "Honduras" UNION ALL SELECT "Malaysia"
if ( "favorite color = green" ) /* << whatever rules you have */
INSERT INTO #customerCountry SELECT "Greenland" UNION ALL SELECT "Peru"
SELECT #customerCountryCount = COUNT(*) FROM #customerCountry
Select * from dbo.Customers c
(#customerCountryCount = 0)
( exists (select null from #customerCountry innerVariableTable where UPPER(innerVariableTable.CountryName) = UPPER(c.Country) ))
This way, instead of putting all the "twisted logic" in an overly complex WHERE statement..... you have "separation of concerns"...
Your inserts into #customerCountry are separated from your use of #customerCountry.
And you have the #customerCountryCount "trick" to distinguish when nothing was used.
You can add a #customerCountryNotExists table as well, and code it to where not exists.
As a side note, you may want to try using a #temp table (instead of a #variabletable (#customerCountry above)... and performance test these 2 options.
There is no "single answer". You have to "try it out".
And many many variables go into #temp table performance (from a sql-server SETUP, not "how you code a stored procedure". That is way outside the scope of this question.
Here is a SOF link to "safe" #temp table usage.
Temporary table in SQL server causing ' There is already an object named' error

Return two relationship in one resultset

Below are the oversimplified inspired from my production schema.
Thus, I want to return all these information in one result set.
My desired result set
I have tried this query but it return wrong result.
FROM User u
LEFT JOIN UserFarm uf ON uf.UserID = u.ID
LEFT JOIN Farm f ON f.ID = uf.FarmID
LEFT JOIN FarmVehicle fv ON f.ID = fv.FarmID
LEFT JOIN UserVehicle uv ON u.ID = uv.UserID
LEFT JOIN Vehicle v ON fv.VehicleID = v.ID
WHERE u.ID = 1
Edit: This is the result from above query.
Could anyone advise me on this, I really need to return in the desired result.
You could build a query to return the data you want in the first row, and null in the columns you don't want for that row. Then create another query for the second row and use union all to combine the data together:
declare #UserVehicle table (UserID int, VehicleID int, IsService bit)
declare #User table (ID int, Name varchar(10))
declare #UserFarm table (UserID int, FarmID int)
declare #Farm table (ID int, Name varchar(10))
declare #FarmVehicle table (FarmID int, VehicleID int)
declare #Vehicle table (ID int, [Type] varchar(10), Name varchar(10))
insert into #UserVehicle values (1, 2, 1)
insert into #User values (1, 'Sam')
insert into #UserFarm values (1, 1)
insert into #Farm values (1, 'Flora')
insert into #FarmVehicle values (1, 1)
insert into #Vehicle values (1, 'Larry', 'Scania'), (2, 'Unknown', 'Civic')
select [User.ID] = u.ID
,[User.Name] = u.Name
,[Farm.ID] = f.ID
,[Farm.Name] = f.Name
,[UserVehicle.UserID] = null
,[UserVehicle.VehicleID] = null
,[UserVehicle.IsService] = null
,[Vehicle.ID] = v.ID
,[Vehicle.Name] = v.Name
from #User u
left join #UserFarm uf on u.ID = uf.UserID
left join #Farm f on uf.FarmID = f.ID
left join #FarmVehicle fv on f.ID = fv.VehicleID
left join #Vehicle v on fv.VehicleID = v.ID
union all
select [User.ID] = u.ID
,[User.Name] = u.Name
,[Farm.ID] = null
,[Farm.Name] = null
,[UserVehicle.UserID] = uv.UserID
,[UserVehicle.VehicleID] = uv.VehicleID
,[UserVehicle.IsService] = case when uv.IsService = 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end
,[Vehicle.ID] = v.ID
,[Vehicle.Name] = v.Name
from #User u
left join #UserFarm uf on u.ID = uf.UserID
left join #UserVehicle uv on u.ID = uv.UserID
left join #Vehicle v on uv.VehicleID = v.ID
This query returns the following dataset:
User.ID User.Name Farm.ID Farm.Name UserVehicle.UserID UserVehicle.VehicleID UserVehicle.IsService Vehicle.ID Vehicle.Name
----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ------------------ --------------------- --------------------- ----------- ------------
1 Sam 1 Flora NULL NULL NULL 1 Scania
1 Sam NULL NULL 1 2 Yes 2 Civic
If you do not want to see users who are not assigned to vehicles or farms, then change all left join to inner join.
Try with following query
Let me know if any issue in query.
You want to show a user's farms and vehicles. However farms and vehicles can be related, and in that case you want to show them together in a row rather than in separated rows.
Example: User1 is related to Farm1, Farm2, and Farm3 and to Vehicle1, Vehicle2, and Vehicle3. Moreover, Farm1 is related to Vehicle1 and Vehicle2 and Farm2 is also related to Vehicle1.
Then you want:
user | farm | vehicle
User1 | Farm1 | Vehicle1
User1 | Farm1 | Vehicle2
User1 | Farm2 | Vehicle1
User1 | Farm3 | -
User1 | - | Vehicle3
So the second and third columns show the relations of farms with vehicles. You get these with a full outer join. The join's ON clause is a bit tricky. You want the userid to match and the combination of farmid and vehicleid to be found in the bridge table farmvehicle. Here is one way to do this:
with rel as
select coalesce(uf.userid, uv.userid) as userid, uf.farmid, uv.vehicleid
from userfarm uf
full outer join uservehicle uv
on uf.userid = uv.userid
and exists (select * from farmvehicle fv where fv.farmid = uf.farmid
and fv.vehicleid = uv.vehicleid)
select as user_name, as farm_name, as vehicle_name
from usr u
left join rel on = rel.userid
left join farm f on = rel.farmid
left join vehicle v on = rel.vehicleid
order by user_name, farm_name, vehicle_name;
Rextester demo:

MS-SQL 2008 issues with multiple tables query

I need help with writing a SQL query. My tables are:
contribution_id | amount | person_id | currency_type
Person_id | firstname | lastname
related related_id | person_id | related_personID
Currency Type CurrencyTypeID | CurrencyName
There are other tables and fields, but these are the ones I need.
Here is the problem I am having..
When a person contributes the first and last name is easy, but when a Brokerage firm contributes, I need to include the real person first name and last name (not the Brokerage Account).
The Brokerage is on the same table as the person.
So far, i have if the contribution.currencyType = '12492' then i need to get the information from related table to find the real person_id.
What I do get when I run the code below is all the data, except when the currencytype = 12492 then I get null for first and last name.
Here is my code so far:
declare #fund int = 165
declare #payment_luid int = 58
DECLARE #report_information TABLE(
ContributionID varchar(20),
ContributionDate date,
firstname varchar(50),
lastname varchar(50),
memberID varchar(20),
Pledge money,
cash money,
non_cash money,
fund_name VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO #report_information
SELECT c.contribution_id,
case when c.currency_type = '12492' then t3.first_name else t1.first_name end,
case when c.currency_type = '12492' then t3.last_name else t1.last_name end,
case when c.currency_type = '12492' THEN t3.person_id else c.person_id end as MemberID,
case when c.currency_type = '12492' then (select amount From ctrb_pledge where ctrb_pledge.person_id = t3.person_id and fund_id = #fund) else (select amount from ctrb_pledge where ctrb_pledge.person_id = c.person_id and fund_id =#fund) END,
CASE WHEN C.currency_type_luid NOT IN (SELECT lookup_id FROM core_lookup WHERE lookup_type_id=#payment_luid AND lookup_qualifier2 ='1') THEN CCF.amount ELSE 0 END,
CASE WHEN CCF.non_cash = 1 OR C.currency_type IN (SELECT lookup_id FROM core_lookup WHERE lookup_type_id=#payment_luid AND lookup_qualifier2 ='1') THEN CCF.amount ELSE 0 END,
FROM contribution as c
left join core_person as t1
on t1.person_id = c.person_id
left join relationship as t2
on t2.person_id = c.person_id
left join person as t3
on related_person_id = c.person_id
JOIN ctrb_contribution_fund CCF ON CCF.contribution_id=C.contribution_id
JOIN ctrb_fund F ON F.fund_id = CCF.fund_id
where f.fund_id = #fund
order by contribution_id
SELECT lastname
,coalesce(SUM(pledge),0) as Pledge
,SUM(cash) AS cash_gifts
,SUM(non_cash) AS non_cash_gifts
,SUM(cash + non_cash) as TotalGiving
,coalesce(SUM(pledge)-(SUM(cash)+SUM(non_cash)),0) as Balance
FROM #report_information
GROUP BY memberid, lastname, firstname, fund_name
ORDER BY lastname asc
I figured this problem out. By changing the join statements to FULL JOIN OUTER my missing records appeared.
join core_person as cp
on cp.person_id = c.person_id
full outer join core_relationship as rel
on rel.person_id = c.person_id
full outer join core_person as newCp
on rel.related_person_id = newcp.person_id
I did change my table to something I can remember. t1 = cp,t2 = rel,t3 = newcp.

SQL Filtering rows with no duplicate value

Hi so I'm new to SQL and I'm trying to find a way in which I can obtain only the rows that have values that are not duplicate to each other in a specific column of table.
For example the Table below is called T1 and contains:
ID|Branch ID
1 444
2 333
3 444
4 111
5 555
6 333
The result I want will be
ID|Branch ID
4 111
5 555
So only showing non duplicate rows
Edit: I want to apply this to a large relational code. Here is a snippet of where I want it to be added
FROM dbo.LogicalLine
INNER JOIN dbo.Page ON dbo.LogicalLine.page_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Branch ON dbo.LogicalLine.branch_id =
The table LogicalLine will have a column called branch_id containing duplicate id values. I wish to filter those out showing only the non-duplicate branch_id like above example then INNER JOIN the Branch table into the LogicalLine which I have done.
Added -Full Code here:
(SELECT name
FROM ParentDevice
WHERE (Dev1.type NOT LIKE '%cable%') AND (id = Dev1.parent_device_id))T1_DeviceID,
(SELECT name
FROM Symbol
WHERE (id = CP1.symbol_id) AND (type NOT LIKE '%cable%'))T1_DeviceName,
(SELECT name
FROM Location
WHERE (id = Page.location_id))T1_Location,
(SELECT name
FROM Installation
WHERE (id = Page.installation_id))T1_Installation,
(SELECT name
FROM ParentDevice
WHERE (Dev2.type NOT LIKE '%cable%') AND (id = Dev2.parent_device_id))T2_DeviceID,
(SELECT name
FROM Symbol
WHERE ( id = CP2.symbol_id) AND (type NOT LIKE '%cable%'))T2_DeviceName,
(SELECT name
FROM Location
WHERE (id = PD2.location_id))T2_Location,
(SELECT name
FROM Installation
WHERE (id = Page.installation_id))T2_Installation,
(SELECT devicefamily
FROM Device
WHERE (type LIKE '%cable%') AND (id = SymCable.device_id))CablePartNumber,
(SELECT name
FROM ParentDevice
WHERE (id = DevCable.parent_device_id) AND (DevCable.type LIKE '%cable%'))CableTag
FROM dbo.LogicalLine
INNER JOIN dbo.Page ON dbo.LogicalLine.page_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Branch ON dbo.LogicalLine.branch_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Symbol AS SymCable ON dbo.LogicalLine.cable_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Device AS DevCable ON SymCable.device_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ParentDevice AS ParentCable ON DevCable.parent_device_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.SymbolCP AS CP1 ON dbo.Branch.cp1_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.SymbolCP AS CP2 ON dbo.Branch.cp2_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Symbol AS S1 ON CP1.symbol_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Symbol AS S2 ON CP2.symbol_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Device AS Dev1 ON S1.device_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Device AS Dev2 ON S2.device_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.ParentDevice AS PD1 ON Dev1.parent_device_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.ParentDevice AS PD2 ON Dev2.parent_device_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Location AS L1 ON PD1.location_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Location AS L2 ON PD2.location_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Installation AS I1 ON L1.installation_id =
INNER JOIN dbo.Installation AS I2 ON L2.installation_id =
(PD1.project_id = #Projectid) AND (dbo.LogicalLine.drawingmode LIKE '%Single Line%');
Select Id, BranchId from table t
Where not exists
(Select * from table
where id != t.Id
and BranchId = t.BranchId)
Select Id, BranchId
From table
Group By BranchId
Having count(*) == 1
EDIT: to modify as requested, simply add to your complete SQL query a Where clause:
Select l.Id BranchId, [plus whatever else you have in your select clause]
FROM LogicalLine l
join Page p ON = l.page_Id
join Branch b ON b.Id = l.branch_id
Group By l.branch_id, [Plus whatever else you have in Select clause]
Having count(*) == 1
Select l.Id BranchId, [plus whatever else you have in your select clause]
FROM LogicalLine l
join Page p on = l.page_Id
join Branch b on b.Id = l.branch_id
Where not exists
(Select * from LogicalLine
where id != l.Id
and branch_id = l.branch_id)

Understanding nested select queries

Have a question in regards to what was a select into query that I am changing into an insert into query with a select and I just wanted somebody to help me understand the query and know why the only fields in the select it wants are only certain fields.
Ok so below is a create table statement I have written for the temp tables '#Infants' and '#MobileBookings'.
create table #MobileBookings
Reference nvarchar(50),
CreatedDate datetime,
FirstName nvarchar(50),
Surname nvarchar(50),
PersonTypeId int,
PackageId int,
PersonId int,
ProductId int,
StatusId smallint
create table #Infants
Reference nvarchar(50),
CreatedDate datetime,
FirstName nvarchar(50),
Surname nvarchar(50),
PersonTypeId int,
ProductPersonId int,
StatusId smallint,
FlightNumber nvarchar(50),
DepartureDateTime datetime,
SectorName nvarchar(50),
BoundID varchar(8)
Now what I have in the existing code (that I didn't write but trying to manipulate by including insert into instead of what previously was select into to remove certain warnings.
insert into #Infants (
Reference, CreatedDate, FirstName, Surname,
PersonTypeId, ProductPersonId, StatusId, FlightNumber,
DepartureDateTime, SectorName, BoundID
select * from
x.Reference, x.CreatedDate, x.FirstName, x.Surname,
x.PersonTypeId, pp.ProductPersonId, pp.StatusId as 'ProductPersonStatusID', null as 'DependantPPID',
fl.DepartureDateTime, fs.SectorName, iif(fr.BoundID=0,'OutBound','InBound') as 'FlightBound'
from #MobileBookings as x
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.ProductPerson as pp with (nolock) on pp.ProductID = x.ProductId and pp.PersonId = x.PersonId
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.FlightReservation as fr with (nolock) on fr.ProductId = x.ProductId
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.Flight as fl with (nolock) on fl.FlightId = fr.FlightId
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.FlightSector as fs with (nolock) on fs.FlightSectorId = fl.FlightSectorId
INNER join
select x.PackageId as 'PKID', frp.DependantProductPersonId as 'DepPPID', frp.ProductPersonID as 'CarerPPID',
pp.StatusId as 'CarerPPST'
from #MobileBookings as x
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.ProductPerson as pp with (nolock) on pp.ProductID = x.ProductId and pp.PersonId = x.PersonId
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.FlightReservationPassenger as frp with (nolock) on frp.ProductPersonID = pp.ProductPersonId
where x.PersonTypeId = 1
and pp.StatusId = 3
and frp.DependantProductPersonId is not null
as car on car.PKID = x.PackageId and car.DepPPID = pp.ProductPersonId
where x.StatusId < 7
and x.PersonTypeId = 3
and pp.StatusId = 2
and fl.FlightStatusId < 3
and fl.DepartureDateTime > GETUTCDATE()
) as inf;
set #ActualRowCount = ##rowcount;
Ok so in visual studio, if I hover over the * in the select statement, it displays a hover box that shows the only fields it requires to select:
Reference (nvarchar, null),
CreatedDate (datetime, null),
FirstName (nvarchar, null),
Surname (nvarchar, null),
PersonTypeId (int, null),
ProductPersonStatusID(, null),
DependantPPID(void, not null),
FlightBound (, null)
I'm assuming I need to change my create table and insert into to only include these relevant fields above but what I want to know is how come it only wants to select these fields and not include any other relevant fields?
Also in regards to the ProductPersonStatusID and DependantPPID which is based on the 'StatusID', are they actually displayed as two columns in the final output, meaning the create table will need to include both these columns and they both also need to be included in the insert into? StatusId is an int so if this is the case, I'm assuming 'ProductPersonStatusID' should be set as an int but DependantPPID should be set as a null in the CREATE statement?
Hopefully I'm in the right section but included the subquery for inf as stated in the comment:
update pp
set pp.StatusId = 3
output 'ProductPerson', 'ProductPersonId', inserted.ProductPersonId,
into #OutputList
from Reservations_Live.dbo.ProductPerson as pp
inner join #Infants as inf on inf.ProductPersonId = pp.ProductPersonId;
set #UpdateRowCount = ##Rowcount;
Just to make sure, I have changed the create table and the insert into statement to the follow, which I hope is correct:
create table #Infants
Reference nvarchar(50),
CreatedDate datetime,
FirstName nvarchar(50),
Surname nvarchar(50),
PersonTypeId int,
ProductPersonStatusID int,
DependantPPID int,
FlightBound varchar(8)
insert into #Infants (Reference, CreatedDate, FirstName, Surname, PersonTypeId, ProductPersonStatusID, DependantPPID, FlightBound)
select * from...
I suggest you remove the select * altogether. This is bad practice. There is rarely a good reason to use SELECT * As it was you had a couple of fields mismatched.
Note how the order of fields in the INSERT needs to match the order of fields in the SELECT. That's why I like to spread them across a few lines so I can match them up.
Also WITH (NOLOCK) is not magic go fast switch but that's for another post....
insert into #Infants (
Reference, CreatedDate,
FirstName, Surname,
PersonTypeId, ProductPersonId,
StatusId, FlightNumber,
DepartureDateTime, SectorName,
x.Reference, x.CreatedDate,
x.FirstName, x.Surname,
x.PersonTypeId, pp.ProductPersonId,
pp.StatusId as [ProductPersonStatusID], fl.FlightNumber,
fl.DepartureDateTime, fs.SectorName,
iif(fr.BoundID=0,'OutBound','InBound') as [FlightBound]
from #MobileBookings as x
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.ProductPerson as pp with (nolock) on pp.ProductID = x.ProductId and pp.PersonId = x.PersonId
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.FlightReservation as fr with (nolock) on fr.ProductId = x.ProductId
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.Flight as fl with (nolock) on fl.FlightId = fr.FlightId
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.FlightSector as fs with (nolock) on fs.FlightSectorId = fl.FlightSectorId
INNER join
select x.PackageId as 'PKID', frp.DependantProductPersonId as 'DepPPID', frp.ProductPersonID as 'CarerPPID',
pp.StatusId as 'CarerPPST'
from #MobileBookings as x
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.ProductPerson as pp with (nolock) on pp.ProductID = x.ProductId and pp.PersonId = x.PersonId
inner join Reservations_Live.dbo.FlightReservationPassenger as frp with (nolock) on frp.ProductPersonID = pp.ProductPersonId
where x.PersonTypeId = 1
and pp.StatusId = 3
and frp.DependantProductPersonId is not null
as car on car.PKID = x.PackageId and car.DepPPID = pp.ProductPersonId
where x.StatusId < 7
and x.PersonTypeId = 3
and pp.StatusId = 2
and fl.FlightStatusId < 3
and fl.DepartureDateTime > GETUTCDATE()