I'm trying to run the update settings taking them from the previous version of the program, the problem is that it does not work.
I have created a field "ser" which is set to true by default, so that every time an update is made the field "ser" becomes false, in particular:
If My.Settings.ser = "True" Then
My.Settings.Upgrade ()
My.Settings.ser = False
My.Settings.Save ()
end If
This should work well, it must be said that this code is executed within the form load and not in a function, it is placed first.
I read in the network that the cause of why not update, it could be that the settings are part of an other version and not a equal,
consequently this conflict is created that does not allow the update. I wonder how I could resolve this situation as they are really in trouble.
Im new to Lua and the gmod gamemode creation, and I'm having a bit of trouble. I want to deactivate a HUD when the game starts. I have 2 files, one the init.lua file, where a function is called that the game starts (there I want to change the value of HUD.lua) and a HUD.lua file, where the HUD is drawn and it contains the variable I want to change.
I tried multiple approaches, like referencing the script like:
hud.gameBegan = true
, but that didn't worked, so I tried also this putting into my init.lua:
SetNWBool("gameBegan", true)
and then I put this into the HUD.lua:
gameBegan = GetNWBool("gameBegan")
Lastly I tried this:
hud = AddCSLuaFile("hud.lua")
Unfortunatly, neither of these approaches worked for me, can somebody help me?
I would suggest keeping a table on the GM table for your gamemode to hold game states. This would then be synced between the server and the client using network messages.
Essentially how it will work is once the game starts, the server will send a network message to every player telling them that game started is true. When a new player joins, they will also need to know whether the game has started yet or not, and so we will also have to send a network message from the server to any new player that joins, telling them whether game started is true or false.
Once the game ends we need to also inform every player that the game has ended.
To start we need to store the states somewhere, and since whether a game has started or not relates to the gamemode it may be best to store it on the GAMEMODE table, and it also needs to be defined for the server and each player, so we should use the GAMEMODE table in gamemode/shared.lua:
GAMEMODE.States = GAMEMODE.States or {}
GAMEMODE.States.GameStarted = false
In your gamemode/init.lua file (which runs on the server) you may then add something like this:
function GM:SetGameStarted(hasStarted)
GAMEMODE.States.GameStarted = hasStarted
-- We have updated the state on the server, now update it
-- for each player on their client
function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn(ply, transition)
BaseClass.PlayerInitialSpawn(self, ply, transition)
-- Player has joined, so send them the current game state
If you already have a GM:PlayerInitialSpawn(ply) function then simply merge the contents of that one with yours.
(Note you will need DEFINE_BASECLASS("gamemode_base") at the top of your init.lua file to make BaseClass available if you don't already.)
In you gamemode/cl_init.lua file you need to now write the code on the player's client that can receive the network message:
net.Receive("MyGamemode.GameStartedSync", function()
local hasStarted = net.ReadBool()
GAMEMODE.States.GameStarted = hasStarted
You can then set the sate of whether the game has started using GAMEMODE:SetGameStarted(true) or GAMEMODE:SetGameStarted(false) in any serverside script. And its value can be used with GAMEMODE.States.GameStarted on both the client and the server.
if GAMEMODE.States.GameStarted then
I am not familiar with GMod but maybe this can work?
In your init.lua file, you can use the include function to include the HUD.lua file and then set the variable to deactivate the HUD.
Here is an example:
include("HUD.lua") -- include the HUD file
HUDEnabled = false -- set the variable to false
In your HUD.lua file, you can then check the value of the variable before drawing the HUD:
if HUDEnabled then
-- code to draw HUD
You can also move the variable in the HUD.lua file so you can use it in the HUD.lua file and init.lua file.
-- HUD.lua
local HUDEnabled = true
if HUDEnabled then
-- code to draw HUD
-- init.lua
HUDEnabled = false
I am trying to query and pull changelog details using python.
The below code returns the list of issues in the project.
issued = jira.search_issues('project= proj_a', maxResults=5)
for issue in issued:
I am trying to pass values obtained in the issue above
issues = jira.issue(issue,expand='changelog')
changelog = issues.changelog
projects = jira.project(project)
I get the below error on trying the above:
JIRAError: JiraError HTTP 404 url: https://abc.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/issue?expand=changelog
text: Issue does not exist or you do not have permission to see it.
Could anyone advise as to where am I going wrong or what permissions do I need.
Please note, if I pass a specific issue_id in the above code it works just fine but I am trying to pass a list of issue_id
You can already receive all the changelog data in the search_issues() method so you don't have to get the changelog by iterating over each issue and making another API call for each issue. Check out the code below for examples on how to work with the changelog.
issues = jira.search_issues('project= proj_a', maxResults=5, expand='changelog')
for issue in issues:
print(f"Changes from issue: {issue.key} {issue.fields.summary}")
print(f"Number of Changelog entries found: {issue.changelog.total}") # number of changelog entries (careful, each entry can have multiple field changes)
for history in issue.changelog.histories:
print(f"Author: {history.author}") # person who did the change
print(f"Timestamp: {history.created}") # when did the change happen?
print("\nListing all items that changed:")
for item in history.items:
print(f"Field name: {item.field}") # field to which the change happened
print(f"Changed to: {item.toString}") # new value, item.to might be better in some cases depending on your needs.
print(f"Changed from: {item.fromString}") # old value, item.from might be better in some cases depending on your needs.
Just to explain what you did wrong before when iterating over each issue: you have to use the issue.key, not the issue-resource itself. When you simply pass the issue, it won't be handled correctly as a parameter in jira.issue(). Instead, pass issue.key:
for issue in issues:
myIssue = jira.issue(issue.key, expand='changelog')
I am trying to create a cache of POD6 by precompiling them using the CompUnit set of classes.
I can create, store and retrieve pod as follows:
use v6.c;
use nqp;
my $precomp-store = CompUnit::PrecompilationStore::File.new(prefix=>'cache'.IO);
my $precomp = CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository::Default.new(store=> $precomp-store );
my $key = nqp::sha1('test.pod6');
=begin pod
=TITLE More and more
Some more text
=end pod
$precomp.precompile('test.pod6'.IO, $key, :force);
my $handle = $precomp.load($key, )[0];
my $resurrected = nqp::atkey($handle.unit,'$=pod')[0];
say $resurrected ~~ Pod::Block::Named;
So now I change the POD, how do I use the :since flag? I thought that if :since contains a time after the compilation, then the value of the handle would be Nil. That does not seem to be the case.
my $new-handle = $precomp.load($key, :since('test.pod6'.IO.modified));
say 'I got a new handle' with $new-handle;
Output is 'I got a new handle'.
What I am doing wrong?
Here is a pastebin link with code and output: https://pastebin.com/wtA9a0nP
Module loading code caches look ups and essentially start with:
$lock.protect: {
return %loaded{$id} if %loaded{$id}:exists;
So the question becomes "how do I load a module and then unload it (so i can load it again)?" to which the answer is: you cannot unload a module. You can however change the filename, distribution longname ( via changing the name, auth, api, or version ), or precomp id -- whatever a specific CompUnit::Repository uses to uniquely identify modules -- to bypass the cache.
What seems to be overlooked is that $key is intended to represent an immutable name, such that it will always point at the same content. What version of foo.pm should be loaded for Module Used::Inside::A if foo.pm is being loaded by Module A and B at the same time, Module A loads foo first, and then Module B modifies foo? The old version Module A loaded, or the ( possibly conflicting with previous version ) Module B loaded version? And how would this differentiation work for precomp file generation themselves ( which again can happen in parallel )?
Of course if we ignore the above we could add code to make expensive .IO.modified calls for every single module load for all CompUnit::Repository types ( slowing down startup speed ) to say "hey this immutable thing changed". But the granularity of file system modified timestamps on some OS's made the check pretty fragile ( especially for multi-threaded module loading with precomp files being generated ), meaning that even more expensive calls to get a checksum would be necessary every single time.
We have just changed our domain after protracted name change (the name actually happened two years ago!) and our DokuWiki installation has stopped being able to see any groups and memberships.
The config has been updated to reflect the new server and DCs and login is working correctly, it is only the groups that aren't working.
$conf['auth']['ldap']['server'] = 'ldap://MYDC.mydomain.co.uk:389';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['binddn'] = '%{user}#mydomain.co.uk';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['usertree'] = 'dc=mydomain,dc=co,dc=uk';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['userfilter'] = '(userPrincipalName=%{user}#mydomain.co.uk)';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['mapping']['name'] = 'displayname';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['mapping']['grps'] = 'array(\'memberof\' => \'/CN=(.+?),/i\')';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['grouptree'] = 'dc=mydomain,dc=co,dc=uk';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['groupfilter'] = '(&(cn=*)(Member=%{dn})(objectClass=group))';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['referrals'] = '0';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['version'] = '3';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['debug'] = 1;
Obviously I have edited the doain name there, but for the life of me I can't see what's wrong here, It all worked fine yesterday on the old domain.
I should also state that this is an old version of DokuWiki that for various reasons I can't actually update.
The debug line gives me a "ldap search: success" line, but if I add "?do=check" onto any url within the system I get "You are part of the groups"...... and nothing, it can't see any groups.
It's a massive pain as we have a pretty intricate ACL setup for the site, so it's not like I can just throw it open to all.
If anyone has any suggestions, no matter how obvious, please pass them on.
Solved it by changing the dokuwiki authentication plugin that was used, the 'authad' is more simple to use and just works with what I'm doing.
As a side bonus it also means that I have finally been able to get the install upgraded to the current version.
I need to check if the user's device can input from a camera on my site. To do this I am attempting to use modernizr. I have followed the steps/example code provided on their site but when I test the capture attribute, I always get undefined, regardless of if I am on a device that supports capture.
Steps I followed:
I browsed for the input[capture] attribute and added it to the build
I copied the demo code to check this feature and added it to my project
I downloaded the build, added the js file to my project, and included the appropriate reference in my page
However after all of this, when inspecting Modernizr.capture in the chrome inspector, it always shows up as undefined.
My basic check function is as follows:
$scope.hasCamera = function() {
if (Modernizr.capture) {
// supported
return true;
} else {
// not-supported
return false;
This is my first time using Modernizr. Am I missing a step or doing something incorrectly? I also installed modernizr using npm install and tried adding the reference to a json config file from the command line.
Alternatively, how might I check if my device has a camera?
Thank you very much for your time. Please let me know if I am being unclear or if you need any additional information from me.
A few things
while photos are helpful, actual code hosted in a public website (either your own project, or on something like jsbin.com) is 10x as useful. As a result, I am not sure why it is coming back as undefined.
The actual capture detect is quite simple. It all comes down to this
var capture = 'capture' in document.createElement('input')`
Your code is a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Lets break it down. You trying to set $scope.hasCamera to equal the result of Modernizr.capture, and you are using a function to check the value of Modernizr.capture, and if it is true, return true. If it is false, return false. There is a fair bit of duplicated logic, so we can break it down from the inside out.
Firstly, your testing for a true/false value, and then returning the same value. That means you could simplify the code by just returning the value of Modernizr.capture
$scope.hasCamera = function() {
return Modernizr.capture
While Modernizr will always be giving you a boolean value (when it is functioning - without seeing your actual code I can't say why it is coming back as undefined), if you are unsure of the value you can add !! before it to coerce it into a boolean. In your case, it would make undefined into false
$scope.hasCamera = function() {
return !!Modernizr.capture
At this point, you can see that we are setting up a function just to return a static value. That means we can just set assign that static value directly to the variable rather than setting up a function to do that
$scope.hasCamera = !!Modernizr.capture
Now, the final thing you may be able to do something better is if you are only using Modernizr for this one feature. Since it is such a simple feature detection, it is overkill to be using all of Modernizr.
$scope.hasCamera = 'capture' in document.createElement('input')`