Cannot use contenteditable widget on server side paged tablesorter - contenteditable

I have a tablesorter project which has been working good with client side paging since some months. Now I have to turn it to server side paging but I can't get it to work with all the features I was using with client side version.
As on subject, my problem is to make the contenteditable feature to work.
What I've done to achieve that, is to write a custom function to bind to ajaxProcessing handler on the tablesorterPager config:
ajaxProcessing: function (data) {
if (data && data.hasOwnProperty('rows')) {
var str = "", d = data.rows,
// total number of rows (required)
total = data.total_rows,
// len should match pager set size (c.size)
len = d.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
str += '<tr>';
for (var column = 0; column < orderedFieldMapping.length; column++) {
if (orderedFieldMapping[column].toUpperCase() != 'ACTIVATIONDATE' || bReadOnly)
str += '<td class="' + orderedFieldMapping[column].toUpperCase() + '"' + ($('#' + orderedFieldMapping[column].toUpperCase()).prop('checked') ? '' : 'style="display:none;"') + '><div>' + (eval('d[i].' + orderedFieldMapping[column]) != null ? eval('d[i].' + orderedFieldMapping[column]) : '') + '</div></td>';
str += '<td class="' + orderedFieldMapping[column].toUpperCase() + '"' + ($('#' + orderedFieldMapping[column].toUpperCase()).prop('checked') ? '' : 'style="display:none;"') + '><div ' + (eval('d[i].' + orderedFieldMapping[column]) != null ? '' : 'class="emptyPlaceholder"') + 'onmouseup="javascript:SelectActivationDateText(this);" onblur="javascript:RestoreCellStyle(this);">' + (eval('d[i].' + orderedFieldMapping[column]) != null ? eval('d[i].' + orderedFieldMapping[column]) : emptyTextString) + '</div></td>';
str += '</tr>';
// in version 2.10, you can optionally return $(rows) a set of table rows within a jQuery object
return [total, $(str)];
Please note that I'm returning a set of table rows within a jQuery object, option allowed as stated on the docs example comment (also visible on this code sample). The reason why I do such thing is that I need to control table markup to add styles, handlers and classes. That's what I do in the inner for cycle, and it's not very important knowing exactly what I'm doing there.
What is important is that I get the expected result and markup for my table, and server side paging is working with no issue, BUT contenteditable widget is not working.
I get no warnings on js console and all is working just fine, but I can't edit columns I marked as editable. I can see that also looking at the markup because contenteditable attribute is not present at all. Of course the widget is inintialized and configured (in the same way that it was on previous version, with client side paging).
Another hint that points on some widget malfunction (maybe): I managed to manually add (inside the very same function I posted above) the contenteditable attribute on the markup just to see if it would give me some information. In this case I can edit the content as expected, but I get no handler for editComplete event, and data acceptance settings are not applying. I could still manually add handlers and custom code to get it to work as intended, but it would be bad and I don't want to use a hack to get an already implemented feature to work.
Any hint would be appreciated, thanks to everyone who will answer.

I think I see the issue. The contenteditable widget does not re-apply the contenteditable property on the elements within the table cells when the content is updated (via the pager, or whatever).
So this is definitely a bug, I just opened a ticket:
In the mean time, you can add the contenteditable property to the div in your markup:
str += '<td><div contenteditable>...</div></td>';


Is there a way to get back source code from antlr4ts parse tree after modifications ctx.removeLastChild/ctx.addChild? [duplicate]

I want to keep white space when I call text attribute of token, is there any way to do it?
Here is the situation:
We have the following code
IF L > 40 THEN;
IF A = 20 THEN
In this case, I want to transform it into:
if (!(L>40){
if (A=20)
put "hello";
The rule in Antlr is that:
stmt_if_block: IF expr
THEN x=stmt
(ELSE y=stmt)?
if ($x.text.equalsIgnoreCase(";"))
WriteLn("if(!(" + $expr.text +")){");
But the result looks like:
The reason is that the white space in $stmt was removed. I was wondering if there is anyway to keep these white space
Thank you so much
Update: If I add
SPACE: [ ] -> channel(HIDDEN);
The space will be preserved, and the result would look like below, many spaces between tokens:
IF SUBSTR(WNAME3,M-1,1) = ')' THEN M = L; ELSE M = L - 1;
This is the C# extension method I use for exactly this purpose:
public static string GetFullText(this ParserRuleContext context)
if (context.Start == null || context.Stop == null || context.Start.StartIndex < 0 || context.Stop.StopIndex < 0)
return context.GetText(); // Fallback
return context.Start.InputStream.GetText(Interval.Of(context.Start.StartIndex, context.Stop.StopIndex));
Since you're using java, you'll have to translate it, but it should be straightforward - the API is the same.
Explanation: Get the first token, get the last token, and get the text from the input stream between the first char of the first token and the last char of the last token.
#Lucas solution, but in java in case you have troubles in translating:
private String getFullText(ParserRuleContext context) {
if (context.start == null || context.stop == null || context.start.getStartIndex() < 0 || context.stop.getStopIndex() < 0)
return context.getText();
return context.start.getInputStream().getText(Interval.of(context.start.getStartIndex(), context.stop.getStopIndex()));
Looks like InputStream is not always updated after removeLastChild/addChild operations. This solution helped me for one grammar, but it doesn't work for another.
Works for this grammar.
Doesn't work for modern groovy grammar (for some reason inputStream.getText contains old text).
I am trying to implement function name replacement like this:
enterPostfixExpression(ctx: PostfixExpressionContext) {
// Get identifierContext from ctx
const token = CommonTokenFactory.DEFAULT.createSimple(GroovyParser.Identifier, 'someNewFnName');
const node = new TerminalNode(token);
UPD: I used visitor pattern for the first implementation

In VTD-XML how to add new attribute into tag with existing attributes?

I'm using VTD-XML to update XML files. In this I am trying to get a flexible way of maintaining attributes on an element. So if my original element is:
<MyElement name="myName" existattr="orig" />
I'd like to be able to update it to this:
<MyElement name="myName" existattr="new" newattr="newValue" />
I'm using a Map to manage the attribute/value pairs in my code and when I update the XML I'm doing something like the following:
private XMLModifier xm = new XMLModifier();
for (String key : attr.keySet()) {
int i = vn.getAttrVal(key);
if (i!=-1) {
xm.updateToken(i, attr.get(key));
} else {
vn = xm.outputAndReparse();
This works for updating existing attributes, however when the attribute doesn't already exist, it hits the insert (insertAttribute) and I get "ModifyException"
com.ximpleware.ModifyException: There can be only one insert per offset
at com.ximpleware.XMLModifier.insertBytesAt(
at com.ximpleware.XMLModifier.insertAttribute(
My guess is that as I'm not manipulating the offset directly this might be expected. However I can see no function to insert an an attribute at a position in the element (at end).
My suspicion is that I will need to do it at the "offset" level using something like xm.insertBytesAt(int offset, byte[] content) - as this is an area I have needed to get into yet is there a way to calculate the offset at which I can insert (just before the end of the tag)?
Of course I may be mis-using VTD in some way here - if there is a better way of achieving this then happy to be directed.
That's an interesting limitation of the API I hadn't encountered yet. It would be great if vtd-xml-author could elaborate on technical details and why this limitation exists.
As a solution to your problem, a simple approach would be to accumulate your key-value pairs to be inserted as a String, and then to insert them in a single call after your for loop has terminated.
I've tested that this works as per your code:
private XMLModifier xm_ = new XMLModifier();
String insertedAttributes = "";
for (String key : attr.keySet()) {
int i = vn.getAttrVal(key);
if (i!=-1) {
xm.updateToken(i, attr.get(key));
} else {
// Store the key-values to be inserted as attributes
insertedAttributes += " " + key + "='" + attr.get(key) + "'";
if (!insertedAttributes.equals("")) {
// Insert attributes only once
This will also work if you need to update the attributes of multiple elements, simply nest the above code in while(autoPilot.evalXPath() != -1) and be sure to set insertedAttributes = ""; at the end of each while loop.
Hope this helps.

AgileToolkit - Custom SQL request + Paginator

Hello I a little problem with my paginator, i would like to use some custom SQL Request but each time i click on a paginator link it loads my model without the custom request
I enter informations on a form that I send by GET method:
$view->grid->js()->reload(array("From" =>
$form->get("From"),"To" => $form->get("To"),"SSID" => $form->get("SSID")))
On my view I have :
if (isset($_GET["SSID"])) {
$this->ssid = $_GET["SSID"];
if (isset($_GET["From"])) {
$this->from = $_GET["From"];
if (isset($_GET["To"])) {
$this->to = $_GET["To"];
$this->grid->dq->where($this->requette->expr('Message like "%.% '
. $this->ssid . ' % src=%"'))
->where($this->requette->expr("ReceivedAt >= '".$this->from. "'
AND ReceivedAt <= '".$this->to."'"));
The problem is that the where condition disapear when i change the page with the paginator.
I did not found any solution to my problem so I have done something differently
I added two buttons to my grid wich allows me to change the limit of the sql request.
The previous button is hidden if the limit is 0.
Now i have to found how to count the number of lines (select count('ID') from 'SystemEvents' where....) and to stock it in a variable.
Finally the ultimate solution was to do :
if ((isset($_GET["SSID"])) || (isset($_GET["From"])) || (isset($_GET["To"]))) {
//GET Method from Recherche.php
$this->ssid = ($_GET["SSID"] == "null" ? null : $_GET["SSID"]);
$this->api->stickyGET("SSID"); // the solutiuon is here
$this->from = ($_GET["From"] == "null" ? null : $_GET["From"]);
$this->api->stickyGET("From"); // <===== the solutiuon is here
$this->to = ($_GET["To"] == "null" ? null : $_GET["To"]);
$this->api->stickyGET("To"); // <===== the solutiuon is here

List checked nodes in Dynatree

I have tree created with Dynatree, with checkboxes in it.
Can you help me how can I get a list (or array) of checked checkboxes in it, so I can manipulate with them (move them into another tree)?
Tnx in adv!
Ok, here it is:
var selNodes = node1.tree.getSelectedNodes();
// convert to title/key array
var selKeys = $.map(selNodes, function(node1){
alert("[" + + "]: '" + + "'");

How to restrict typing hyphen into extjs numberfield?

Currently extjs numberfield is allowing '-' hyphen otherthan numbers into the field. how to restrict that from typing? if i give custom vtype validation it is checking only after i submit that.
use autoStripChars and remove hyphen from allowed in initComponent. corrected code below.
autoStripChars: true,
initComponent: function() {
var me = this,
// Build regexes for masking and stripping based on the configured options
if (me.disableKeyFilter !== true) {
allowed = me.baseChars + '';
if (me.allowDecimals) {
allowed += me.decimalSeparator;
/* removed code
if (me.minValue < 0) {
allowed += '-';
allowed = Ext.String.escapeRegex(allowed);
me.maskRe = new RegExp('[' + allowed + ']');
if (me.autoStripChars) {
me.stripCharsRe = new RegExp('[^' + allowed + ']', 'gi');
You need to create custom VType. VType validation is called after any change in the textfield and you have ability to configure what characters are allowed to be entered:!/api/Ext.form.field.VTypes
Take a look at xxxMask property.
You could also use a regular Textfield with a maskRe config.
maskRe: /[0-9]/
Similar to #lagnat's reply which is a whitelist you can blacklist characters using stripCharsRe config.
stripCharsRe: /-/
If you are wanting to restrict negative values.
minValue: 0
minValue: 0,
autoStripChars: true,
allowExponential: false