How to access a datsource via ssl in wildfly - ssl

Does anybody know how to declare a datsource that can only be accessed via an ssl encrypted connection in wildfly?
In an existing client application this is done by declaring the connection URL accordingly (e.g. jdbc:hsqldb:hsqls://servername:4444/DBName) and adding a keystore with the certificate to the classpath.
I am new to wildfly and I could not find a possibility to declare a datasource accordingly in wildfly or a documentation how this could be done.
I am using ubuntu 14.04, wildfly 8.1 and java 8.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Best regards,

You need just configure your database to support SSL and provide proper connection-url in datasource (and add certificate to keystore).
Here is mine example configuration to postgresl with SSL encrypted connection which I use:
<datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/dbname" pool-name="poolname">
<check-valid-connection-sql>SELECT 1</check-valid-connection-sql>
<driver name="postgresql-jdbc41" module="org.postgres">

thanks for your feedback. Because I am currently working with a self signed certificate I had to add my certificate to the java keystore. After that it worked just fine. Saved my day :-) cheers, Lutz


Tomcat 9.x.x Client Authentication using X.509 Certificates

I’m using Tomcat 9.0.19 and trying to enable X.509 cert.-based client authentication (AKA I&A) for a particular Web application.
In summary, the Tomcat works for an application that has basic I&A enabled over one-way TLS. When accessing the Web application that has certificate-based I&A, Tomcat does not seem to request a client certificate as part of the Server Hello message, prior to sending Server Hello Done and it later fails the authentication check:
02-Jan-2020 13:00:40.371 FINE [https-jsse-nio-443-exec-10] org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator.doAuthenticate Looking up certificates
02-Jan-2020 13:00:40.830 FINE [https-jsse-nio-443-exec-10] org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator.doAuthenticate No certificates included with this request
Traced the TLS flow in Wireshark and saw the TLS 1.2 handshake. Shortly after encrypted data is exchanged, the Tomcat sends an “Encrypted Alert” message and the socket is closed. Trying to contact the Tomcat from the browser, doing a GET. The browser does not prompt me to select a certificate, which also seems to point to Tomcat not requesting it from the browser.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
More Details:
We have a set of certificates for the Tomcat and the client, issued by an Intermediate CA, which is signed (issued) by a Root CA. The trust stores have been setup on both sides (client and server) as well as key stores with the right certs/keys in them. The Web application is setup to require certificate I&A (web.xml):
<web-resource-name>All by default</web-resource-name>
The OTService role is setup in the Tomcat-Users.xml, along with a single user account:
Now, the Connector in server.xml is configured as follows:
<Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
maxThreads="100" SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true">
<Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="/apache-tomcat-9.0.19/conf/km/keyStore.jks"
type="RSA" />
Any ideas why Tomcat would not request a client certificate?
The first issue that I discovered was that Tomcat ignored the Connector->SSLHostConfig settings for the trust store and used the JRE default trust store anyway. The way I discovered it was to have a browser save the negotiated TLS session key to a file (Google SSLKEYLOGFILE), then configured the Wireshark to use that file, captured the browser-Tomcat session and then was able to see every message in plaintext.
Next, I discovered that Tomcat was actually asking for a client cert., but the list of accepted Root CAs it was sending was from the default JRE cacerts file, not from the file specified by the truststoreFile attribute. Can have Tomcat use a different file across the board by adding a file to the Tomcat bin directory with Java properties to override default trust store location.
Now, I was in business, the browser was able to complete the TLS handshake, but then the authentication and authorization steps were failing. I finally determinate that the proper way to provide the cert. subject field in tomcat_users.xml file was not "CN=OU Client, OU=Control Systems, O=IoTOY, L=Scottsdale, S=AZ, C=US", but "CN=OU Client, OU=Control Systems, O=IoTOY, L=Scottsdale, ST=AZ, C=US". Finally, I had 2-way TLS working.
One thing to keep in mind is if anything running on the Tomcat attempts to connect over TLS to another system that uses commercial CA certs, it will fail because the truststore you're using now does not have commercial Root CAs' certs. One way to remediate it is to make a copy of the default JRE cacerts file and add your system-specific CA cert(s) to it and point to it from the file noted above.
When you have:
<Connector ...>
<Certificate A=1 B=2 C=3 />
D=4 E=5 F=6
then A,B,C are attributes of the Certificate object but D,E,F are NOT attributes of the SSLHostConfig object -- they are XML content which is different. Attributes need to be put IN THE TAG:
<Connector ... >
<SSLHostConfig certificateVerification="required" truststoreFile=... >
<Certificate ...keystore... />
and that does cert-request on the initial handshake as desired (for me, tested on tomcat 9.0.14).

Get Nuget to pass a client certificate to a private ProGet server using SSL

I have a ProGet server that currently uses SSL and requires a client certificate in order to communicate with it. We would like to be able to use this server directly from the command line or within the Visual Studio package manager.
When accessed via a browser there are no issues with viewing the repository. When using nuget.exe on the command line the result is 403 Forbidden. I have used Fiddler to monitor the request and it highlights that the server is asking for a client certificate, Fiddler allows you to inject the required certificate and the nuget request is then successful.
Is it possible to provide a client certificate when using NuGet:
nuget install PackageName -Source https://myhost -Cert ???
Or with a setup like this we are going to have to fall back to using an API key to gain access?
Are we able to provide the certificate when using Visual Studio?
Starting from NuGet 5.7.2 you can use client-cert feature.
Configuration example:
<add key="" value="" protocolVersion="3" />
<add key="Contoso" value="" />
<add key="Example" value="" />
<storeCert packageSource="Contoso"
findValue="4894671ae5aa84840cc1079e89e82d426bc24ec6" />
<fileCert packageSource="Example"
password="..." />
<fileCert packageSource="Bar"
clearTextPassword="..." />
Also you can use nuget client-certs CLI command for configuration.
I have realised that some years later I never posted the answer to this issue. In order to get NuGet to use certificates the certificate had to be added to the Credential Manager in Windows as a certificate based credential. NuGet then automatically picked this up when communicating with a matching URL.

Is there any way to use Client Certificates with ASP.NET 5?

We are developing an ASP.NET 5 project and one of the requirements is that user authentication is done through client certificates via browser, but I can't make this work.
Using web.config and IIS the certificate is requested properly with this configuration:
<access sslFlags="Ssl, SslNegotiateCert" />
<iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication enabled="true" />
But the client certificate does not arrive to the web application, as I understand it should be in context.Connection.ClientCertificate property, where context is the current HttpContext.
I suspect that httpPlatformHandler that tunnels IIS to Kestrel is ignoring https and this may be implemented in the future.
I have made some tests with an OWIN site (not DNX) and a custom AuthenticationHandler that gets the X509 client certificate and works properly under IIS.
It looks like there has been some work done on this and a pull request and merge was done implementing this. So... hopefully we'll see it in a updated release of Kestrel.
See here:
As I can read in the Change to IIS hosting model announcement:
The HttpPlatformHandler currently does not forward client certs (this will be a future enhancement)
So, it seems that is not possible right now and httpPlaformHandler must be fixed.

SSL Connection / Connection Reset with IISExpress

I'm using the new Visual Studio 2013 with IISExpress for the first time (previously used Development server on VS2010). I'm running into issues trying to debug my project.
This is what I see in Chrome:
Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have.
I updated my Properies -> web file so that the Project Url uses a https URL now. However, after doing that, I now get a new error when launching:
The connection to localhost was interrupted.
I was getting ERR_CONNECTION_RESET because my Visual Studio 2013/IIS Express configured app port number was NOT in the range :44300-:44398. (I don't recall having to dismiss any warnings to get out of that range.) Changing the port number to something in this range is all I had to do to make it work.
I noticed this after reviewing the netsh http show sslcert > sslcert.txt output and something clicking with stuff I read recently about the port numbers.
Make sure to remove any previous 'localhost' certificates as those could conflict with the one generated by IIS Express. I had this same error (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR), and it took me many hours to finally figure it out after trying out many many "solutions". My mistake was that I had created my own 'localhost' certificate and there were two of them. I had to delete both and have IIS Express recreate it.
Here is how you can check for and remove 'localhost' certificate:
On Start, type → mmc.exe
File → Add/Remove Snap-in...
Select Certificates → Add> → Computer account → Local computer
Check under Certificates > Personal > Certificates
Make sure the localhost certificate that exist has a friendly name "IIS Express Development Certificate". If not, delete it. Or if multiple, delete all.
On Visual Studio, select project and under property tab, enable SSL=true. Save, Build and Run. IIS Express will generate a new 'localhost' certificate.
Note: If it doesn't work, try these: make sure to disable IIS Express on VS project and stopping all running app on it prior to removing 'localhost' certificate. Also, you can go to 'control panel > programs' and Repair IIS Express.
If you're using URLRewrite to force SSL connections in your web.config, it's probably rewriting your localhost address to force https. If debugging with SSL enabled isn't important to you and you're using URLRewrite, consider adding <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="localhost" negate="true" /> into your web.config file's rewrite section. It will stop the rewrite for any localhost addresses but leave it in place in a production environment.
If you're not using URLRewrite or need to debug using SSL, might help. It's for VS2010, but should suffice for VS2013 as well.
I am summarizing the steps that helped me in resolving this issue:
Make sure the SSL port range(used by IIS express) is between
During installation, IIS Express uses Http.sys to reserve ports 44300
through 44399 for SSL use. This enables standard users (without
elevated privileges) of IISExpress to configure and use SSL. For
more details on this refer here
Run the below command as administrator in Command prompt. This will output the SSL Certificate bindings in the computer. From this list, find out the certificate used by IIS express for the corresponding port :
netsh http show sslcert > sslcert.txt
Look for the below items in the sslcert.txt (in my case the IIS
express was running at port 44300)
IP:port :
Certificate Hash : eb380ba6bd10fb4f597cXXXXXXXXXX
Application ID : {214124cd-d05b-4309-XXX-XXXXXXX}
Also look in the IIS express management console (RUN (Ctrl+R) -> inetmgr.exe)
and find if the corresponding certificate exists in the Server Certificates
(Click on the ServerRoot -> under section IIS () -> Open the Server
If your localhost by default uses a different certificate other than the one listed in Step 3, continue with the below steps
netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=New_Certificate_Hash_without_space appid={214124cd-d05b-4309-XXX-XXXXXXX}
The New_Certificate_Hash will be your default certificate tied-up with your localhost (That we found in step 4) or the one which you want to add as a new certificate.
P.S. Thank you for your answer uosɐſ (which helped me in resolving this issue)
The problem that I was experiencing had to do with me, at some point in time, enabling HSTS for localhost and not realizing that this would break my http://localhost:someport in IIS Express.
HSTS tells the browser (Chrome in my case) to ALWAYS request a URL using HTTPS. So therefor even though I hadnt even enabled SSL for my MVC 5 app, the browser would still try to access my site using HTTPS in the URL instead of HTTP.
The fix?
Surf to chrome://net-internals/#hsts
In the delete section, enter "localhost" and delete the record from Chrome.
None of the above options worked for me. I had to do the following:
Uninstalled IIS Express 8.0
Deleted all the configurations in my Documents directory for IIS Express
Reinstalled IIS Express 8.0
Deleted the project on my local machine and downloaded a clean version for TFS
Ran the project - it then ran over SSL and I am able to debug
I got the steps from this thread.
Hope this helps.
The issue that I had was related to #Jason Kleban's answer, but I had one small problem with my settings in the Visual Studio Properties for IIS Express.
Make sure that after you've changed the port to be in the range: 44300 to 44399, the address also starts with HTTPS
In my case, I created a self-signed certificate and had it working, except I was getting an error in the browser because the certificate was untrusted. So, I moved the cert into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates folder in the Certificates snapin. It worked, and then I closed Visual Studio for the day.
The following day, I started my project and I received the error mentioned in the original question. The issue is that the certificate you configured IISExpress with must exist in the Personal > Certificates folder or HTTPS will stop working. Once IIS Express successfully starts, you can drag the cert back to the trusted location. It'll continue to work until you restart IIS Express.
Not wanting to fuss with dragging the cert back and forth every time, I just place a copy of the certificate in both places and now everything works fine.
I have a same problem in Visual Studio 2015. Because I use SSL binding in web.config
<rule name="HTTP to HTTPS Redirect" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" />
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" />
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" redirectType="Found" />
And I can fix the problem with the answer of Mr.djroedger. By replacing
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="localhost" negate="true" />
into my web.config, so my code is
<rule name="HTTP to HTTPS Redirect" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="localhost" negate="true" />
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" redirectType="Found" />
Removing IISExpress and vs directories and using ssl port range of 44300 to 44399 (inclusive) from this article worked for me
In my case, I was getting this exact error running on port 443, and (for reasons I won't go into here) switching to a different port was not an option. In order to get IIS Express to work on port 443, I had to run this command...
C:\Program Files\IIS Express>IisExpressAdminCmd.exe setupsslUrl -url:https://localhost:443/ -UseSelfSigned
Much thanks to Robert Muehsig for originally posting this solution here.
I was having this problem, I had configured my site for global require https in FilterConfig.cs.
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute());
I had forgotten to change the project url to https: from this tutorial under ENABLE SSL part 4. This caused the errors you were getting.
Another problem that happened me twice:
In IIS Express's applicationhost.config the order of the bindings does matter. One binding could take precedence over your SSL binding, making it not working.
<site name="MySite007" id="1">
<application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Users\myuser\projects\mysolutionfolder\MyProject.Service" />
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation=":8081:localhost" />
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation=":8080:" /><!-- evil binding -->
<binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="*:44327:localhost" />
You may have added a binding similar to the second one to be able to access your WebService from outside localhost. Because this binding listens on any adress, it seems to override the SSL binding although a different port was used.
Remove the evil binding or move it down.
For me it worked using the solution provided in the blog here.
C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\IisExpressAdminCmd.exe setupsslUrl -url:https://localhost:44387/ -UseSelfSigned
use the port that your project uses for https.
This is anecdotal as overheard from a co-worker, but allegedly this is an issue with chrome forcing https. I usually launch in firefox so i hadn't seen this problem before. Using firefox or ie worked for my co-worker.
If you need to use a port outside of the 44300-44399 range, here's a workaround:
Create a new site in IIS (not Express)
Bind HTTPS to the port you need
For SSL Certificate, choose IIS Express Development Certificate
Once the site is created, stop it, since it doesn't actually need to be running
This registers the IIS Express Development certificate with that port and is the easiest way I've found to get around the 44300-44399 range requirement.
My problem was caused by Fiddler. When Fiddler crashes it occasionally messes with your proxy settings. Simply launching Fiddler seemed to fix everything (perhaps it repairs itself somehow).
To follow on to other answers about setting the SSL port between 44300 and 44399, I was unable to change the SSL Enabled property in Visual Studio, nor set a specific SSL URL. Other answers, like repairing IIS Express did not help. The solution was to go into the .vs folder parallel to the sln file, open the config subfolder, and then edit the applicationhost.config file. Then, I added the https line manually and restarted VS.
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:24941:localhost" />
<binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="*:44301:localhost" />
The 'Digicert certificate installation checker' is often helpful in situations like this.
I was able to verify the SSL cert being attempted was the one I was expecting by comparing the serial number.
For me #Jason Kleban answer was the actual problem, but this can be a very useful utility to check your basic assertions about what certificate is being loaded.
In my case after trying everything for three days, solved by just starting Visual Studio by "Run as Administrator."
KASPERSKY ISSUE!! I'd tried everything, localhost with SSL worked if I ran VS2019 as Administrator, but the connection was lost after a while of debugging, and I had to re-run the app. The only worked for me was uninstall Kaspersky, unbelievable, days ago I'd tried to pause Kaspersky protection and it didn't solve the problem, so I had discarded antivirus issues, after days of trying solutions, I resumed antivirus matter, uninstalled Kaspersky V 21.1 ..., tried and worked, installed V 21.2 ... and it works fine also without running VS as Administrator
I had the same issue running Rider/VS, both were using IIS Express to run it. I was having the issue with Postman, Chrome, Firefox and front end application calling it.
Turns out that because my laptop was appropriated for me when i started working for this company the previous developer had clicked No when asked if he wanted to use the Developer Cert the first time he ran IIS Express.
This was fixed on Windows 10 by going to Add Remove Programs (from the new UI there is a link on the right to launch the classic application for Adding and Removing Programs) then Repair IIS 10.0 or 8 or whatever version you are running.
Then try running the application again (I did this in VS but assume that Rider would do the same) and when asked whether you would like to use the Developer Certificate you click YES.
Hours wasted on this, but all sorted after that!
I'd just rebuilt my computer. This thread gave me the clues, where I realized in the project settings>Web, the project was configured to use HTTP and the HTTP port. By updating it to HTTPS and the correct HTTPS port, everything started to work again.
In my case I'd simply forgotten I had a binding set up for (in my case) https://localhost:44300 in full IIS. You can't have both!
In my case, the localhost url was redirected to https://localhost when I was debugging. This happened from one moment to other, without changing anything. I solved this by making a hard reload to the browser. Here the link
I had similar issue where my application's swagger(running on SSL port 44319) stopped working suddenly and I got ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error.
After doing a little research, I found that port 44319 was removed from the list of allow ports for SSL connection - found using this command netsh http show sslcert > sslcert.txt.
I then had to add back port 44319 to SSL allowed ports using netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=YOUR_CERT_HASH appid={YOUR_APP_ID}.
To find the certhash and appid, you can use output of first command. This worked for me!

Azure web role - Multiple ssl certs pointing to a single endpoint

Is there a way I can have multiple ssl certificates point to a single inputendpoint in a service definition? For example, lets say I have two url's.
I want both of these addresses to resolve to my windows azure service, but I'm not sure how to configure this in the service definition.
<Certificate name="" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" />
<Certificate name="" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" />
<InputEndpoint name="HttpsIn" protocol="https" port="443" certificate="" />
According to this MSDN article, each input endpoint must have a unique port. Is there any way to specify more than once certificate for this endpoint?
Unfortunately this is not possible. Azure is re-exposing an SSL limitation. The SSL limitation is interesting, and the reason you can't use v-hosts over SSL. Lets walk through an example:
You connect to
That resolves to some ip address - say
Your browser now connects to must preset a certificate before your browser will send any data
the browser verifies the ceritificate presented is for
You send the http request, which contains your domain name.
Since the server needs to present a certificate before you tell it the host name you want to talk to, the server can't know which certificate to use if multiple are present, thus you can only have a single cert.
"Oliver Bock"'s answer may work for you and "Igor Dvorkin"'s answer is not valid anymore since IIS 8 with Windows Server 2012 supports SNI, which enables you to add a "hostheader" to HTTPS bindings and having multiple SSL certificates to different domains listening to the same HTTPS port.
You need to automate the process of installing the certificates on the machine and add HTTPS bindings to IIS.
I'm a Microsoft Technical Evangelist and I have posted a detailed explanation and a sample "plug & play" source-code at:
This post indicates you will need a "multi domain certificate", which seems to be a certificate that can match multiple DNS names in step 5 of Igor's answer. I have not tried it, but presumably this certificate can be uploaded to Azure in the usual way.