vb.net counting an element of an array that has 4 possibilities - vb.net

I have an array of 18 questions. Each question has 4 possibilities of answer ranging from 1 to 4. I'd like to count how many people answered question1 and so on. My codes below. Do you have a better way to do it? I can't list all 18 questions like that.
Dim question(18) as string
Dim ans1Arr() As String = {0, 0, 0, 0}
Dim ans2Arr() As String = {0, 0, 0, 0}
If ques(0) = 1 Then
ans1Arr(0) = ans1Arr(0) + 1
ElseIf ques(0) = 2 Then
ans1Arr(1) = ans1Arr(1) + 1
ElseIf ques(0) = 3 Then
ans1Arr(2) = ans1Arr(2) + 1
ElseIf ques(0) = 4 Then
ans1Arr(3) = ans1Arr(3) + 1
End If
If ques(1) = 1 Then
ans2Arr(0) = ans2Arr(0) + 1
ElseIf ques(1) = 2 Then
ans2Arr(1) = ans2Arr(1) + 1
ElseIf ques(1) = 3 Then
ans2Arr(2) = ans2Arr(2) + 1
ElseIf ques(1) = 4 Then
ans2Arr(3) = ans1Arr(3) + 1
End If

You can use a Lookup(Of TKey, TElement) which is similar to a dictionary apart from the fact that it returns an empty sequence if the key is not available:
Dim lookup = question.ToLookup(Function(qNum) qNum)
Dim countAnswerOne As Int32 = lookup(1).Count()
Dim countAnswerTwo As Int32 = lookup(2).Count()
' ... '
Can be tested easily with:
Dim question(18) As Int32
Dim rnd As New Random()
For i As Int32 = 0 To 17
question(i) = rnd.Next(1, 5)
Dim lookup = question.ToLookup(Function(qNum) qNum)
Console.Write("One: {0} Two: {1} Three: {2} Four: {3}",
lookup(1).Count(), lookup(2).Count(), lookup(3).Count(), lookup(4).Count())
which outputs f.e: One: 5 Two: 6 Three: 5 Four: 2


vb.net chart: How to get AxisX.CustomLabels in sync with AxisX.MajorTickMark

As shown in the code, I get CustomLabels displayed, but they are not on the MajorTickMarks defined in the ChartArea. How do I get this in sync?
Dim from_X, to_X As Date
from_X = myClass.get_DateOfWeek(CInt(yearkNo), CInt(weekNo), DayOfWeek.Monday)
'Last week from mainTable
weekNo = mainTable.Columns(mainTable.Columns.Count - 1).ColumnName.Split(CChar("/"))(0).Substring(2, 2)
yearkNo = mainTable.Columns(mainTable.Columns.Count - 1).ColumnName.Split(CChar("/"))(1).Substring(0, 4)
to_X = myClass.get_DateOfWeek(CInt(yearkNo), CInt(weekNo), DayOfWeek.Saturday)
Dim ints as integer = CInt(DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, from_X, to_X, FirstDayOfWeek.Monday, FirstWeekOfYear.FirstFullWeek))
Dim xdate(ints) As Date 'is looped through and the date of the respective week is added.
newchart(chart1) 'create new chart
Dim chartArea1 As New ChartArea("Default")
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Weeks
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.Interval = 1
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.DecreaseFont
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.LabelAutoFitMinFontSize = 7
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = My.Settings.fontbold8
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.LabelStyle.Angle = 90
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = True
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.MinorTickMark.Enabled = False
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.Minimum = from_X.ToOADate()'44443
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.Maximum = to_X.ToOADate()'44828
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.IsMarginVisible = False
chart1.Series.Add("K").Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#297AB7") 'MattBlau colorx(0)
chart1.Series("K").Points.DataBindXY(xdate, yValues)
For intVal As Integer = 0 To ints - 1
Debug.Print(intVal & " - " & Format(xdate(intVal), "yyyy-MM-dd"))
Select Case intVal
Case 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ints - 2
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(xdate(intVal).ToOADate(), xdate(ints - 1).ToOADate(), myClass.get_WeekNumber(xdate(intVal)) & "/" & xdate(intVal).Year)
End Select
It looks now like here in the picture:
Found now a solution for me:
AxisX.IntervalType, AxisX.Minimum, AxisX.Maximum must match the series DataBindXY(xValues, yValues)
Dim ints as integer = CInt(DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, von_X, bis_X, _
FirstDayOfWeek.Monday, FirstWeekOfYear.FirstFullWeek))
Dim xdate(ints) As Date 'is looped through and the date of the respective week is added.
Dim xInt(ints) As Integer 'is looped through and the numbers of the interval-count added.
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.NotSet
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.Interval = 1
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.Minimum = 0
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.Maximum = ints - 1
For intVal As Integer = 0 To ints - 1
Dim kw_run As String = ""
kw_run = myClass.set_WeekFormat(myClass.get_WeekNumber(xdate(intVal)), xdate( _
intVal), True)
'result looks like: 2022/20
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(intVal, intVal + 1, kw_run, _
0, LabelMarkStyle.None)
chart1.Series("mySeries").Points.DataBindXY(xInt, yValues)

array without any duplicate value

the code to generate no. of arrays from one is working..I'm try to make some change to it like below
Function myarray(ByVal arra1() As Integer, ByVal arran() As Integer, ByVal arrNumber As Integer) As Integer()
arran = arra1.Clone()
For i As Integer = 0 To arra1.Length - 1
If i = (arrNumber - 1) Then ' IF arrNumber is 1 then +1 to index 0, If it is 2 then +1 to index 1
arran(i) = arra1(i) + 1
'If there are two duplicate value make on of them zero at a time
For k = 0 To arran.Length - 1
For j = k + 1 To arran.Length - 1
If arran(k) = arran(j) Then
arran(k) = 0
End If
'make any value great than 11 zero
If arran(i) > 11 Then
arran(i) = 0
End If
arran(i) = arra1(i)
End If
'Print the array
For i = 0 To arran.Length - 1
Console.Write(arran(i) & " ")
Return arran
End Function
what I really need is to decompose for example {1,4,5,5} to be {1,4,0,5} and then {1,4,5,0} the above code generate only {1,4,0,5}
I haven't tested this, but I believe the following code will do what you want. Based on your comments, I've changed the function to return all resulting arrays as an array of arrays, rather than requiring the index to change as an input and returning one array. I also ignored matches of 0, as the conditions you describe don't seem designed to handle them. Because of it's recursion, I think this approach will successfully handle input such as {3, 3, 3, 3}.
Public Function jaggedArray(ByVal inputArray() As Integer) As Integer()()
If inputArray Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
Dim resultArrays()(), i, j As Integer
Dim arrayMax As Integer = inputArray.GetUpperBound(0)
If arrayMax = 0 Then 'prevents errors later if only one number passed
ReDim resultArrays(0)
If inputArray(0) > 11 Then
resultArrays(0) = {1}
ElseIf inputArray(0) = 11 Then
resultArrays(0) = {0}
resultArrays(0) = {inputArray(0) + 1}
End If
Return resultArrays
End If
For i = 0 To arrayMax
Dim tempArray() As Integer = inputArray.Clone
For j = 0 To arrayMax
If tempArray(j) > 11 Then
tempArray(j) = 0
End If
If tempArray(i) = 11 Then
tempArray(i) = 0
tempArray(i) += 1
End If
splitArray(resultArrays, tempArray)
Return resultArrays
End If
End Function
Private Sub splitArray(ByRef arrayList()() As Integer, ByVal sourceArray() As Integer)
Dim x, y As Integer 'positions of matching numbers
If isValid(sourceArray, x, y) Then
If arrayList Is Nothing Then
ReDim arrayList(0)
ReDim Preserve arrayList(arrayList.Length)
End If
arrayList(arrayList.GetUpperBound(0)) = sourceArray
Dim xArray(), yArray() As Integer
xArray = sourceArray.Clone
xArray(x) = 0
splitArray(arrayList, xArray)
yArray = sourceArray.Clone
yArray(y) = 0
splitArray(arrayList, yArray)
End If
End Sub
Private Function isValid(ByRef testArray() As Integer, ByRef match1 As Integer, ByRef match2 As Integer) As Boolean
For i As Integer = 0 To testArray.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
If testArray(i) > 11 Then
testArray(i) = 0
End If
For j As Integer = i + 1 To testArray.GetUpperBound(0)
If testArray(j) > 11 Then
testArray(j) = 0
End If
If testArray(i) = testArray(j) AndAlso testArray(i) > 0 Then 'added second test to prevent infinite recursion
match1 = i
match2 = j
Return False
End If
match1 = -1
match2 = -1
Return True
End Function

Converting RGB value into integers

I'm making an app with a color dropper tool on it using g.CopyFromScreen(screenpoint, Point.Empty, Bmp2.Size) (the dropper tool works currently), once I have the dropper values I want to convert the RBG values into individual integers.
The values that i'm converting are in this format
Color [A=255, R=240, G=240, B=240]
which needs to be in four different integers
My code is giving me odd results and I'm lost now
My code:
Dim text1Conv As String
text1Conv = TextBox1.Text
Dim myChars() As Char = text1Conv.ToCharArray()
For Each ch As Char In myChars
If Char.IsDigit(ch) And Not ch = " " And Not ch = "," And Not count > 2 Then
color1Conv = color1Conv + ch
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + color1Conv 'test result
count = count + 1
ElseIf Char.IsDigit(ch) And Not ch = " " And Not ch = "," And count < 2 And Not count > 5 Then
color2Conv = color2Conv + ch
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + color2Conv 'test result
count = count + 1
ElseIf Char.IsDigit(ch) And Not ch = " " And Not ch = "," And count < 5 And Not count > 8 Then
color3Conv = color3Conv + ch
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + color3Conv 'test result
count = count + 1
ElseIf Char.IsDigit(ch) And Not ch = " " And Not ch = "," And count < 8 And Not count > 11 Then
color4Conv = color4Conv + ch
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + color4Conv 'test result
count = count + 1
End If
results: 225 255 118 112 122
results: 225 255 116 772 721
probably an easy one but I can't see it
Using regular expressions:
I used "[A=255, R=241, G=24, B=2]" as a test string and split it into four integers.
Dim a as Integer, r as Integer, g as Integer, b as Integer
Dim s as String = "[A=255, R=241, G=24, B=2]"
Dim mc as MatchCollection = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches( s, "(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+", RegexOptions.None )
Integer.TryParse( mc(0).Groups(1).Value, a )
Integer.TryParse( mc(0).Groups(2).Value, r )
Integer.TryParse( mc(0).Groups(3).Value, g )
Integer.TryParse( mc(0).Groups(4).Value, b )
NOTE: it will have no problems with numbers being 1, 2, or any number of digits long.
You can use regular expressions:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Dim input As String = "Color [A=255, R=240, G=240, B=240]"
Dim re As New Regex("Color \[A=(\d+), R=(\d+), G=(\d+), B=(\d+)\]")
Dim m As Match = re.Match(input)
Dim integer1 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups(1).Value) '255
Dim integer2 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups(2).Value) '240
Dim integer3 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups(3).Value) '240
Dim integer4 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups(4).Value) '240

how do i use 4 digit numbers in vb

I need to count from 0 - 9999 in VB. How can I make the format 0000 - 9999, so that the output is:
0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, .......
I used the following code
Dim p4num As Integer = 0
Dim p3num As Integer = 0
Dim p2num As Integer = 0
Dim p1num As Integer = 0
p4num += 1
If p4num = 10 Then
p4num = 0
p3num += 1
If p3num = 10 Then
p3num = 0
p2num += 1
If p2num = 10 Then
p2num = 0
p1num += 1
End If
End If
End If
but I would do it in another way. Any idea?
The ToString() may help. How about
For i as integer = 0 to 9999
Untested code, but should work...
Your guide
Dim numbers As IEnumerable(Of Integer) = Enumerable.Range(0, 9999).ToArray()
'object j = string.Join(", ", numbers);
For Each item As var In numbers

InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'

Dim group11_0_count = 0
Dim group11_1_count = 0
Dim group11_2_count = 0
Dim m As Integer = 0
Dim n As Integer = 0
Dim increment2 As Integer
For m = 0 To machings2.Items.Count - 1
For n = 0 To 3
If machings2.Items(m).ToString.Chars(n) = "1" Then
increment2 = increment2 + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 0) Then
group11_0_count = group11_0_count + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 1) Then
group11_1_count = group1_1_count + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 2) Then
group11_2_count = group1_2_count + 1
End If
increment2 = 0
If (group11_0_count > 0 AndAlso group11_1_count > 0) Then
Dim result = ""
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim gg As Integer = 0
Dim hh As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
For hh = 0 To group11_1_count - 1
For gg = 0 To group11_0_count - 1
result = ""
index = 0
For i = 0 To 3
If group11_1_0.Items(gg).ToString.Chars(i) <> group11_1_1.Items(hh).ToString.Chars(i) Then
result &= "-"
index = index + 1
result &= group11_1_0.Items(gg).ToString.Chars(i)
End If
If (index = 1) Then
End If
End If
I am comparing the items of two combobox items like that
combobox1 items
combobox items
the result will be like that in machings3 combobox
Here the differnce between two items indicated by - sign
But i am getting InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'.
I Can't make sense out of your source and where the IndexOutOfRangeException occurs. But you know that you need 3 Items in a Combobox to access Item with Index 2?! Every collection starts with 0.