executing a common sql file using liquibase - sql

I have a situation to handle, i have my liquibase structured as per the best practices recommended. I have the change log xml structured as given below
Master XML
-->Release XML
-->Feature XML
-->changelog XML
In our application group, we run updateSQL to generate the consolidated sql file and get the changes executed through our DBA group.
However, the real problem I have is to execute a common set of sql statements during every iteration. Like
as the DBA executes the changes as SYSTEM but the target schema is APPLNSCHEMA.
How to include such common repeating statements in Liquibase changelog.

You would be able to write an extension (http://liquibase.org/extensions) that injects it in. If you need to do it per changeLog, it may work best to extend XMLChangeLogParser to automatically create and add a new changeSet that runs the needed SQL.

You could make a changeSet with the attribute 'runAlways' set to true and include the SQL.

As far as I know, there isn't a way to have Liquibase itself do this. I suggest that you wrap Liquibase with your favorite scripting language such that you run a command "generateSQLforThoseCrazyDBAs" that runs Liquibase and then prepends the SQL you need to the output created by Liquibase.


Liquibase - Generating Change Logs

I want Liquibase, to generate a changelog, from this DB 'testing'. Is it possible?
I have an existing database already, with its tables and data inside.
Now, I want Liquibase, to generate a changelog, from this DB 'testing'. Is it possible?
This is my command, but it doesn't work.
liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --classpath=C:\mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar
--changeLogFile=C:\db.changelog.xml --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testing"
--username=root generateChangeLog
I don't use any password.
The error is related to --changeLogFile=C:\db.changelog.xml
I thought, Liquibase will refer to my DB 'testing', and generate changelog, with name 'db.changelog.xml' in folder C.
Which part I'm wrong? Do I miss something?
Or maybe, Liquibase is not intended, to generate changelog, from existing DB?
Or maybe, Liquibase is intended, to generate DB, from changelog only? And not vice versa?
This is possible. You might be having trouble since you are writing to a file in the root of your c: drive. Try c:\temp\changelog instead.
My experience is that liquibase works in increments. So if you run that command on your database, it will produce a file as if everything in the database has to be created in the changelog file (as if starting with a completely empty database).
If you read the text on Liquibase's site regarding this command, it says:
When starting to use Liquibase on an existing database, it is often useful, particularly for testing, to have a way to generate the change log to create the current database schema.
This means that if you:
Execute this command once against your dev database
Run the result against a new database (let's say test)
Run it again on your dev database
Run that file against your test database
You will get a load of errors stating that functions already exist.
I gather that the idea behind this is that you create new entries in the changelog files and executing them against ALL your databases, instead of using other tools and using liquibase for the delta.
Sample entry
<changeSet author="liquibase-docs" id="addColumn-example">
<addColumn catalogName="cat" schemaName="public" tableName="YY">
<column name="xx" type="varchar(255)"/>
SQL equivalent

Generate changeLog for single sql files with liquibase

I have a huge database with many SQL files. Is there any way to generate a changelog for single SQL files and not for the whole database? I have stored some SQL files local on my hard drive and use liquibase via command line. If there is no way to do that with local SQL files, is there a way to generate a changelog for single tables of my database?
What you are looking for is not possible. A database does not remember the SQL that was executed to get the database into a certain state. Here is a real simple example. Say that you first run some SQL to create a table with two columns 'name' and 'id'. Then you run some more sql to add a third column 'active'. The database does not remember that two separate operations were run to get into that state. When Liquibase generates a changelog for that database, it basically has to ask the database 'what is the current state of things?' and so it would have a changeset that creates the table with all three columns.
It is possible to have liquibase generate smaller changelog files, but you should probably take a step back and ask yourself why you want to do that.

Liquibase - Handling Multiple Schemas on the SQL format

The XML format changesets allow the property of schemaName="mySchema" to indicate which schema the DDL should be executed within for a given changeset - this can then be set using properties so that the same install could be deployed on servers which use different schema names. e.g.
<createTable tableName="test" schemaName="${primarySchema}">
Using the SQL format files for Liquibase there does not seem to be any documented equivalent to the schemaName property - nor any obvious mechanism to parameterized it beyond separating out all of the DDL per schema and running the migrate command once per set of schema files.
Is there a documented / undocumented way in which to give liquibase directives in the SQL file format to handle schemas in a neater fashion such as this? (which does not work)
--changeset me:1 schemaName:mySchema

How to generate the change log in SQL format to create the current database schema?

When starting to use Liquibase on an existing database, it is often useful, particularly for testing, to have a way to generate the change log to create the current database schema. Liquibase allows you to do this with the “generateChangeLog” command_line command. However this command will generate database change log in XML format only.
So how to generate the change log in SQL format to create the current database schema ? Does it exist any way to convert the database change log in XML format to SQL format ? If not, is there any extension point in Liquibase API to add this feature ?
There is no support currently to generate SQL, but you would be able to write an extension to do it. The *Serializer classes like liquibase.serializer.core.xml.XMLChangeLogSerializer take a changelog object and output into whatever format you want.
With something like FormattedSqlChangeLogSerializer that overrides getValidFileExtensions() to return new String[]{"xml"} you can just run generateChangeLog with outputFile=some.file.sql and get the SQL you generated in your custom serializer class.
The extension system will allow you to create this class in a custom jar.

Using wix3 SqlScript to run generated temporary sql-script files

I am starting to write an installer which will use the SqlScript-element.
That takes a reference to the Binary-table what script to run.
I would like to dynamically generate the script during the installation.
I can see three possibilities:
Somehow to get SqlScript to read it data from a file rather then a Binary entry.
Inject my generated script into the Binary table
Using SqlString
Which will cause the need to place some rather long strings into Properties, but I guess that shouldn't really be a prolem.
Any advice?
(My reason, should anyone be interested is that the database should have a job set up, that calls on an installed exe-file. I prefer to create the job using sqlscript. And the path of that file is not known until InstallDir has been choosen.)
The way this is typically handled is to have the static stuff in SqlScript and use SqlString (which can contain formatted Properties) to execute the dynamic stuff. You can interleave the two with careful use of the Sequence attribute.