Install Opera Extension (Opera Blink) from installer - opera

In Chrome and Chromium I can install the extension
by creating the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions\ in registry
with parameters "path" and "version"
In Opera Blink I not see this ability (or it doesn't work)?
Does such ability exists?

No, this functionality does not exist in Opera. (source: I'm PM for extensions at Opera Software).
Opera does have support for inline installation though:


How to update Chromedriver version in PyCharm for selenium-robotframework

I am using PyCharm to run my robot framework-selenium scripts.
I am facing an issue
SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 91 Current browser version is 93.0.4577.63 with binary path
Attached are my settings.
How to upgrade chromedriver for Chrome version 93 or any other suggestion. I have 75 automation scripts and it is not feasible to add driver = chrome path in all the scripts.
Browser drivers
The general approach to install a browser driver is downloading a right driver, such as chromedriver for Chrome, and placing it into a directory that is in PATH
Drivers for different browsers can be found via Selenium documentation or by using your favorite search engine with a search term like selenium chrome browser driver. New browser driver versions are released to support features in new browsers, fix bug, or otherwise, and you need to keep an eye on them to know when to update drivers you use.
Alternatively, you can use a tool called WebdriverManagerwhich can find the latest version or when required, any version of appropriate webdrivers for you and then download and link/copy it into right location. Tool can run on all major operating systems and supports downloading of Chrome, Firefox, Opera & Edge webdrivers.
Here's an example:
pip install webdrivermanager
webdrivermanager firefox chrome --linkpath /usr/local/bin
Please go through, here, everything is documented here.

how to install sqlite manager addon in firefox quantum (browser version 57)

i tried to install sqlite manager addon in firefox but it showing me an error (your Firefox Quantum Browser isn't compatible )
my Firefox Browser version is 57.0.4
This extension depended upon the interface to sqlite engine embedded
in Firefox. As the interface has been removed in Firefox 57, this
extension no longer functions. However, the extension can be used on
ESR release of Firefox, which can be downloaded at
Stated on the addon itself. I myself pushed my firefox version back but have also been using DB Browser ( As its not too bad i may upgrade back to the latest firefox!
Firefox Version Directory:
Hopefully this may help someone fishing around.
You should install older versions of Firefox. Here is link
An easy work around to browser version issues is to install thunderbird 38 (if you don't use thunderbird for email) and then install SQLite manager as an extension to thunderbird. I don't use thunderbird for anything else so I set it to no update: options>advanced>update>never check for update.

Where is the details of extension of Safari 8 is stored in Yosemite(Mac OS 10.10)

I want to install the safari extension in Safari v8 in Yosemite(Mac OS 10.10) by programmatically.
As in safari v5,v6,v7 for extension details, safari maintain Extensions.plist which is stored at ~/Library/Safari/Extensions/Extensions.plist. But in safari v8 there is no information in Extensions.plist for installed extensions like extension is enabled or not.
So is there anyone who knows how safari v8 stores its Extensions information and where?
Since safari 6.2, 7.1 and 8.0 it is stored as binary plist in ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain as a generic password with title "Safari Extensions List"
You can access it by the or /usr/bin/security or security framework

will Opera's DragonFly and Extentions still exist in Webkit world?

I just saw that Opera will stop using Presto, and switches to WebKit, so will DragonFly still exists, or this will be replaced by Chrome Inspector?
And what about Extensions too!
Yes, Opera Dragonfly will still exist. The current beta of Opera 15 includes Web Inspector, however, Opera are porting Opera Dragonfly to Blink. It will be included when ready.
Note: I was formally the Product Manager of Opera Dragonfly, before switching companies.
Opera Extensions use a different format for the Blink based Opera. It uses the subset of the Chrome extension model. There is a tool to convert the existing extensions, and documentation:
There will be no Dragonfly in Opera with WebKit (Blink):

Is the new IE9 a standalone browser

Anyone that has installed the new IE9 know if I can keep IE8 installed? I do a lot of web testing and don't want to update to IE9 if I loose IE8.
best way is to install a Virtual Machine
Per Microsoft:
If you are running Windows Vista or
Windows 7 on your computer, you can
install the Internet Explorer 9 Beta
to replace your existing version of
Internet Explorer. After you install
Internet Explorer 9, you can uninstall
it to restore the previously installed
version of Internet Explorer.
So no, it will overwrite IE8 (at least the Beta will. I suppose this is not guaranteed to be the same for the release version).
I use Virtual PC with images of the browsers I need to test, but also and more lately, IETester, It allows you to run multiple versions of IE side by side.
If you want to be able to play with the new features of IE9 without installing the entire browser (which will replace IE8) you can install the Platform Preview. The PP is stand-alone, includes the latest features and bug fixes and has been getting updated roughly every 8 weeks. You can get the latest Platform Preview at:
FYI: the production IE 9 does not accurately reproduce IE 8. I've got a CSS issue I'm chasing down now because IE 9's IE 8 mode isn't the same as real IE 8.
If you are concerned with testing how your site looks in IE8/7, you can use the Developer Tools (press F12) to switch the Browser modes and Document modes so that IE9 interacts with the web server as a different user agent, and renders the HTML document according to the version rules.
IE9 beta is released as a Windows update, so after installing it and playing around, you can remove it from Programs and Features -> Installed Updates, which will recover IE8.
hit f12 on ie9, it will pop up the debug console. In the menu there is a browser mode option where you can set the browser to display as ie8 and a bunch of other versions too.
Also, if you're mouse focus is on the console and you hit ctrl+r, it will clear your browser cache... This is a feature that all the other browser debuggers lack.. ability to quickly clear cache.... I'm rambling now.
The best way to see your site on old versions of IE is that:
If you have IE9+, open your current version of InternetExplorer, press F12, click on "Browser Mode" tab, then choose the version you want.
see screenshot here:
Works better than IE-tester, and easier than using virtual machine.