Time Difference in Redshift - sql

how to get exact time Difference between two column
col1 date is 2014-09-21 02:00:00
col2 date is 2014-09-22 01:00:00
output like
result: 23:00:00
I am getting result like
Hours Minutes Seconds
3 3 20
1 2 30
using the following query
SELECT start_time,
DATE_PART(H,end_time) - DATE_PART(H,start_time) AS Hours,
DATE_PART(M,end_time) - DATE_PART(M,start_time) AS Minutes,
DATE_PART(S,end_time) - DATE_PART(S,start_time) AS Seconds
FROM user_session
but i need like

Use DATEDIFF to get the seconds between the two datetimes:
DATEDIFF(second,'2014-09-23 00:00:00.000','2014-09-23 01:23:45.000')
Then use DATEADD to add the seconds to '1900-01-01 00:00:00':
DATEADD(seconds,5025,'1900-01-01 00:00:00')
Then CAST the result to a TIME data type (note that this limits you to 24 hours max):
CAST('1900-01-01 01:23:45' as TIME)
Then LTRIM the date part of the value off the TIME data (as discovered by Benny). Redshift does not allow use of TIME on actual stored data:
LTRIM('1900-01-01 01:23:45','1900-01-01')
Now, do it in a single step:
SELECT LTRIM(DATEADD(seconds,DATEDIFF(second,'2014-09-23 00:00:00','2014-09-23 01:23:45.000'),'1900-01-01 00:00:00'),'1900-01-01');

SELECT LTRIM(DATEADD(seconds,DATEDIFF(second,'2014-09-23 00:00:00','2014-09-23 01:23:45.000'),'1900-01-01 00:00:00'),'1900-01-01');


SQL - Creating UTC Timestamp from separate date/time/timezone information

I'm working with BigQuery and have a table that looks like:
local time
America/Los Angeles
Where local time is given by hhmm. I'm wondering if I can format this information into a timestamp column in SQL that yields time in UTC.
I know I can use `TO_TIMESTAMP` but that would involve concatenating all these columns as strings first. Is there any better way to do this? If I were to concatenate, I'm not sure how I would use timezone and then back out UTC.
You might consider below.
WITH sample_table AS (
SELECT 2015 year, 6 month, 24 day, 'America/Los_Angeles' timezone, 1930 local_time UNION ALL
SELECT 2015 year, 6 month, 24 day, 'America/Los_Angeles' timezone, 2400 local_time
UNIX_SECONDS(TIMESTAMP(DATE(year, month, day), timezone))
+ DIV(local_time, 100) * 3600 + MOD(local_time, 100) * 60
) utc
FROM sample_table;
Since TIME(24, 0, 0) is not a valid time format, the query converts datetime into unix seconds and get back to UTC with the time calculation in seconds.
Input calculates to invalid time: 24:00:00
Query results

how to get Date difference in postgres with date part

How to get datetime difference in postgres
I am using below syntax
DATE_PART('hour', A_column::timestamp-B_column::timestamp )
I want output like this:
If A_column=2020-05-20 00:00:00 and B_column=2020-05-15 00:00:00 I want to get 72(in hours).
Is there any possibility to skip weekends(Saturday and Sunday) in first one, it means to get the result as 72 hours(exclude weekend hours)
If A_column=2020-08-15 12:00:00 and B_column=2020-08-15 00:00:00 I want to get 12(in hours).
You could write this as:
select extract(epoch from a_column::timestamp - b_column::timestamp) / 60 / 60
from mytable
Rationale: substracting the two timestamps gives you an interval; you can then turn it to a number of seconds, and do arithmetics to convert that to hours.

how can I subtract time from a date time field to adjust a date time field?

I currently have a datetime field in the following format: "2019-07-07 15:00:00 UTC". However, this date is an hour and 25 minutes ahead of what it should be. How can I subtract 1 hour and 25 minutes from this time in a new time field?
E.g., "I need 2019-07-07 15:00:00 UTC" to become "2019-07-07 13:35:00 UTC"
Language: SQL
Database: Pulling using Bigquery, which pulls from Google Cloud
The attached image shows the part of my SELECT statement I am working with. The first line is the date but in the database string form, the second line converts it to a date, and the third is trying to transform the date to subtract an hour and 25 mins.
Thanks in advance for the help!
You can try the below for subtracting Hours
Change your interval accordingly. In your case you can convert it into minutes and then use the MINUTE INTERVAL as shown below

Calculate difference between start_time and end_time in seconds from unix_time yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

I'm still learning SQL and I found a couple of solutions on SQL Server or PostgreŅ‹, but it doesn't seen to work on HUE
DATEDIFF, only allows me to calculate difference between days
seconds, minutes are not available. Help is very welcome.
I was able to split the timestamp with substring_index, but then I can't find the right approach to compare and subtract start_time to end_time in order to obtain the accurate account of seconds. I can't find time functions so I'm assuming I should calculate it based on timestamp. obtained as
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(start_time, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
substring_index(start_time, 'T', -1)s_tm,
substring_index(end_time, 'T', -1)e_tm
start_date 2018-06-19 13:59:41
end_date 2018-06-19 14:01:17
desired output
Solution for Hive.
Difference in seconds:
select UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2018-06-19T14:01:17.000000',"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS")-
UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2018-06-19T13:59:41.000000',"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS") as seconds_diff
Now calculate difference in HH:mm:ss:
select concat_ws(':',lpad(floor(seconds_diff/3600),2,'0'), --HH
lpad(floor(seconds_diff%3600/60),2,'0'), --mm
lpad(floor(seconds_diff%3600%60),2,'0') --ss
select --calculate seconds difference
UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2018-06-19T13:59:41.000000',"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS") as seconds_diff
) s
Time taken: 1.071 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
See also this answer about format convertion: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23520257/2700344

Calculate time difference between two columns of string type in hive without changing the data type string

I am trying to calculate the time difference between two columns of a row which are of string data type. If the time difference between them is less than 2 hours then select the first column of that row else if the time difference is greater than 2 hours then select the second column of that row. It can be done by converting the columns to datetime format, but I want the result to be in string only. How can I do that? The data looks like this:
col1(string type)
2018-07-16 02:23:00
2018-07-26 12:26:00
2018-07-26 15:32:00
col2(string type)
2018-07-16 02:36:00
2018-07-26 14:29:00
2018-07-27 15:38:00
I think you don't need to convert the columns to datetime format, since the data in your case is already ordered (yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss). You just need to take all the digits and take it into one string (yyyyMMddhhmmss) then you can apply your selection which is bigger or smaller than 2 hours (here 20000 since the hour is followed by mmss). By looking at your example (assuming col2 > col1), this query would work:
SELECT case when regexp_replace(col2,'[^0-9]', '')-regexp_replace(col1,'[^0-9]', '') < 20000 then col1 else col2 end as col3 from your_table;
Use unix_timestamp() to convert string timestamp to seconds.
The difference in hours will be:
hive> select (unix_timestamp('2018-07-16 02:23:00')- unix_timestamp('2018-07-16 02:36:00'))/60/60;
Important update: this method will work correctly only if time zone is configured as UTC. Because for DST timezones for some marginal cases Hive converts time during timestamp operations. Consider this example for PDT time zone:
hive> select hour('2018-03-11 02:00:00');
Note the hour is 3, not 2. This is because 2018-03-11 02:00:00 cannot exist in PDT time zone because exactly at 2018-03-11 02:00:00 time is adjusted and becomes 2018-03-11 03:00:00.
The same happens when converting to unix_timestamp. For PDT time zone unix_timestamp('2018-03-11 03:00:00') and unix_timestamp('2018-03-11 02:00:00') will return the same timestamp:
hive> select unix_timestamp('2018-03-11 03:00:00');
hive> select unix_timestamp('2018-03-11 02:00:00');
And few links for your reference:
Also have a look at this jira please: Hive should carry out timestamp computations in UTC