Use variable in a Parse Push message - variables

I really like the Parse push service and integrated it with our CMS. I would like to make the notifications personal by adding the users name in the push message. How can i use a variable (Named 'voornaam' in the screenshot) which is stored in the Installation class in a push message?

If you are looking for something like a message template like
Hello ${username}, what's up
sadly its not there. One way you can make the kind of message you want to is by doing it in your server side code before you send the request for PUSH using the REST or other APIs


how to customize notification of control-m?

I want to send a http request to my own applications when job ended ok ?
Is this notification supported by control-m Or Is there any other ways to fulfill my requests?
enter image description here
This is best achieved via the "shout destination" table. Create a shout destination that is of the 'P' type (i.e. program). Point the destination to a simple script that sends a curl instruction to your desired http address.
If you want avoid shout destinations, try using the post-command field in the jobdef but it conditional on the main job working.

Push Notification - Acumatica/Amazon

Is it possible to send an information/update about availability Stock Item to e.g. Amazon using Push Notification. Have any of you tried something similar?
In theory, you should be able to do it with an IPushNotificationSender implementation. Using this you should be able to get any custom logic you need to directly engage whatever endpoint you need.

How to make scheduled query in BigQuery less verbose?

Using the console GUI, I managed to set up jobs to trigger and send an email notification in the event a condition in the data (SQL query) is met.
The email is being sent successfully and the process works as expected, however, when sending the message through Outlook, the email is very verbose and include gibberish that is not needed - is there a way in settings or through code to make the message less verbose ? - see below for reference;
All i need really to display in the email is below yellow highlighted line; thank you
Looks like in the documentation it states that The messages are **not** configurable
But as an alternatively, you could publish to a pubsub topic instead. This would allow you to access the full payload and extract the portions you want.
Steps to configure pubsub:
The payload looks like this:

SetHITTypeNotification does not take the Notification destination

I am using Mturk Sandbox environment. I have also created a queue (SQS) which will receive assignment submitted notification. I am trying to call SetHITTypeNotification API. But it always gives me following error
The value "" is not valid for the parameter Destination.
I am sure I am providing the destination correctly. Can anybody suggest what I am missing here ?
The issue was with &Notification.1.Transport=Email which needs to be passed along with the API URL.
I changed it to &Notification.1.Transport=SQS and it works like a charm.

Making Odata Saves without the response

Just wondering if there is anyway to save data across the line without the response coming back. i.e. Im using the objc odata sdk. If I create an employee entity on the ipad, than I save it, I dont need to receive the the saved entity back. So really its sending the data across the line than returning it for no reason. Only really need to send it across.
Any ideas on how I can set saves to be push to server and not have to wait for the return?
Thanks in advance
In the latest CTP ( you can use the Prefer header. The client can send the request with Prefer header set to return-no-content and the server will send an empty response back. The header is described here: