undefined symbol: GEOSisClosed - apache

I was trying to set up the CKAN with couple extensions. The main extension is spatial (> During the tests server returns code 500.
The log is:
AttributeError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: GEOSisClosed
I couldn't find similar issue / attribute. Does anyone faced similar error?

There appears to be an issue with the recent versions of Shapely, according to this:
It looks like this became a problem for installers during September, because the ckanext-spatial's pip-requirements.txt will get you the latest version "Shapely>=1.2.13". It sounds like the latest version is fixed though, so try that - 1.4.3 (released 1st Oct 2014) or failing that, an earlier one (e.g. 1.3.3).
(pyenv) $ pip install 'Shapely>=1.4.3'

Check if you installed the GEOS package
sudo apt-get install libgeos-c1
If still no luck try installing the development libraries:
sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev

I have shapely 1.5.9 installed on Ubuntu and I was receiving a similar error...
AttributeError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: GEOSCovers
I had to revert to a previous version of Shapely to get this to work. Try this command.
sudo pip install 'Shapely==1.4.3'


BigQuery error: AttributeError: 'ClientOptions' object has no attribute 'api_audience'

I keep receiving this error AttributeError: 'ClientOptions' object has no attribute 'api_audience' once I call the to_dataframe() on the query result from BigQuery. This worked fine before using the same virtual env and not sure what's happening now.
query.result() didn't raise errors but query.to_dataframe() raised the error.
These are the packages I have:
I was able to replicate your error and this is when I downgraded my google-api-core package to 2.7.3.
This can be resolved by upgrading your google-api-core to 2.8.0 and up. But the BEST PRACTICE is to always keep your packages to the latest version. You may upgrade your package to latest version by running below command.
pip install google-api-core --upgrade
the error may be related to version incompatibility between the google-cloud-core package and other Google Cloud packages.
there are two ways to solve that error
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-core
and the other one is a
pip install google-cloud-bigquery==2.29.0

Unable to create database in Odoo 13.0

I've been trying to create a database in Odoo 13.0 Community edition on a local Linux based server using the database manager in localhost:8069, but for some reason I always get the same error.
Image of the error in Odoo
Here's my Odoo log error:
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: no existe la relación «ir_model»
LÍNEA 1: SELECT * FROM ir_model WHERE state='manual'
^ - - -
Also I have fully uninstalled Postgres and all the config files the same way I did with Odoo.
I tried fixing the installation with the following (by reinstalling and erasing entirely Odoo) without any success:
sudo rm -R /opt/odoo
sudo rm -f /etc/odoo.conf
sudo update-rc.d -f odoo remove
apt-get --purge odoo
I have followed several ways of uninstalling and reinstalling Odoo to end up being in the same point. I have also tried installing newer versions of Odoo such as Odoo 14.0 and got the same results. What could I try next?
Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
Edit: The installation proccess I followed is this one
After a few days of countless retries I managed to find the source of the error, in case anyone has the same problem I updated and upgraded my server and installed pip3. The root of the problem was the version of LXML, I upgraded it by using
pip3 install --upgrade lxml
If someone sees this I hope it helps!

numpy installation into pypy3 virtual env : `undefined symbol: cblas_sgemm`

I am trying to install numpy into a pypy3 virtualenv, but I'm stuck with that error (at importing) :
venv_pypy/site-packages/numpy-1.16.0.dev0+1d38e41-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/numpy/core/ undefined symbol: cblas_sgemm
I am on an up to date archlinux, numpy works fine with CPython, but I have a project using pandas (which depends on numpy) that I need to test on pypy.
I first tried the recommended method (pip install numpy in the venv) but didn't work. (install is fine, but still the same error at execution).
I then, I tried what is suggested (linked from Numpy undefined symbol: cblas_sgemm ), since I didn't installed ATLAS (aur package on arch I don't want to install), to try building with OpenBias. But still not working (same error, and the method could be outdated since it's from 2013)
...And finally, I tried a build with no accelerations (at least, that is claimed) following :
...But still the same result...
What am i doing wrong ?
You can try uninstall it from pip and install from apt (if you are using ubuntu etc.)
This approach solved my problem
pip3 uninstall numpy
sudo apt-get install python3-numpy

Cannot start Chromium

I am trying to start Chromium 49.0.2623.108 on Ubuntu 15.10 installed on my ODROID-XU4. It used to work all the time but from one day to the next Chromium will not start. When I try to run it via terminal I get:
~$ chromium-browser
[3813:3840:0101/] CERT_PKIXVerifyCert for failed err=-8181
[3813:3840:0101/] CERT_PKIXVerifyCert for failed err=-8181
[3813:3839:0101/] CERT_PKIXVerifyCert for failed err=-8181
Segmentation fault
odroid#odroid:~$ libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: exynos
[3866:3866:0101/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process
Any idea what I can do?
I have already tried reinstalling Chromium. That did not solve the issue.
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so it looks like rolling Chromium back to version 45.0.2454.101 works as a temporary solution (although it'd still be great if someone got the newest version to work). To do this, I had to go through the following steps:
Run sudo apt-get remove chromium-browser to remove the broken version of the package
Get the list of available package versions via sudo apt-cache showpkg chromium-browser (at the time of writing, there were two: 50.0.2661.102 (newest) and 45.0.2454.101)
Install the older version, like so: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser=45.0.2454.101-0ubuntu1.1201
(Optional) If you got a dependency error during the previous step, execute these two first: sudo apt-get remove chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra and sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra=45.0.2454.101-0ubuntu1.1201
Chromium should start up fine now
This worked for two of my Odroid XU4's running Ubuntu 15.10 and Chromium 50.0.2661.102 (before the downgrade).
EDIT: looks like this problem affects all ARM-based single board computers, rather than the Odroid XU4 in particular (although the reference to might make it look like an Odroid XU4 issue). See here for more information + other ways to rollback to an older version.
EDIT #2: There also seems to be a way to get the newest version to work, but I have not tried this out so I don't know whether it will actually work or not.

Installing gdal-config on my linux

I search the entire net could not find a guide to get gdal-config.
I have yum but yum does not have gdal-config, i already installed gdal.
I just need to be able to do this on shell - gdal-config and not get a command not found error.
My distro is Fedora. I don't have apt-get.
You probaby have "yum" instead of "apt-get" on Fedora. Try..
yum install gdal gdal-devel
I'm running Ubuntu 16.04, so I use apt-get instead of Yum. But I had trouble with gdal and gdal-develop. This is command that worked for me:
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev
I found the package names from here:
I had a similar problem, that is "gdal-config" was missing. I could solve it by installing the development packages. So you could try installing gdal-dev.
As far as I know, the GDAL utilities, including gdal-config, are part of the download package that you can find here: They link to a Fedora version. If you installed apt-get, you could find it by looking for GDAL directly.